Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 302 Where is the seventh contract!

?? What about your boss, why didn't your boss take this position over? Lin Dong said.

They have all met the club owner of the Hell Team, and he is a very good boss, otherwise the Hell Team would not have been able to persist for so many years.

Esports teams have a very short lifespan and are very unstable.

Many sponsors have been reluctant to invest money in certain teams, the main reason being the instability of the teams.

They invested money. If the team had some accident and disbanded, lacked personnel, and did something that violated the regulations, wouldn't their money be lost?

This is the reason why small teams can't survive, and big teams barely have investors

The question is, how can an industry be supported only by big teams? There is always a need for fresh blood to come in.

In the final analysis, there is no clear norm and benchmark for e-sports

Just a few people can get together to form a team. After a few weeks of training, it becomes the so-called professional team and professional players. Then once the game is lost, the team disbands due to quarrels, or cannot survive because there is no stable source of income. go down...

The norms of e-sports are determined by the league. To give the simplest example, if Xu Pingyang decides these things, this guy may lower the threshold very low, and keep including some players who have no determination and no goal for the sake of money. Players, and then made a mess of the e-sports circle, and finally made sponsors afraid to invest, so they had to continue to sponsor stable big teams and big clubs.

The Hell Club is also a veteran big club. With their reputation, it is entirely possible for their manager or boss to be the secretary general of the league!

Our boss also wants to win this position. The question is, once Xu Pingyang shows off the trophies and honors you have won, how will our Underworld Club compete with Xu Pingyang? Wang Chuguan said with a wry smile.

For a moment, everyone's eyes fell on Yu Luocheng.

Everyone is very clear that those trophies and honors that established the status of domestic e-sports were won by Yu Luosheng.

After Xu Pingyang took it as his own, he put the crown on the head of his own club.

The competition organizing committee and the alliance must judge a secretary-general based on his achievements. It is indeed difficult to compete with them with the achievements of Sky Team.

After soaking in the hot spring, Yu Luocheng returned to the hotel, took a bottle of Coke and squatted on the balcony, staring at the lights of the city in the distance.

Why, are you still thinking about the evening? Li Meiqi came over and asked.

Li Meiqi learned from Lin Dong what they talked about in the hot spring.

There are some things that I want to take back. Yu Luocheng said.

The e-sports throne trophy issued by the World E-sports Association is still in the sky club, and the honorary trophy for the world runner-up is also in the sky club.

Xu Pingyang bluffs and cheats with the glory that he and others have worked so hard for, this is really intolerable!

Also, the most unforgivable thing is that he obviously murdered an e-sports player, but he was not punished by law! !

Is it because the e-sports system is not perfect that he can get away with his crimes? ?

The closer the game of Sky Team,

Yu Luocheng felt more angry and unwilling!

What happened at that time, why did he deprive you of so many things? Li Meiqi asked.

When we joined the team, we signed a contract. This contract lasts for two years. Within two years, we must play games for their long-air team. Regardless of whether we win or lose, we will have a basic salary of 1,500 yuan per month and game bonuses. It's ours, the individual trophies are ours, the team trophies will be ours and the club's...”

After two years, we can choose to stay in the club, or we can choose to leave or join another club. Individual trophies can be taken away. If we want to take away team trophies, we have to pay the other half, and the club has to keep it. If we do, the same club will pay us the other half of the trophy's value

Yu Luosheng explained the general content of the contract to Li Meiqi.

After hearing this, Li Meiqi said, This contract is quite reasonable.

Well, it seems quite reasonable, but we didn't expect Xu Pingyang to see that we were young and ignorant, and there were some hidden conditions in the terms. At that time, how could we understand the long list of term explanations, legal knowledge, and terms in the contract? What we want is a guarantee of life, and then we can play games with peace of mind, so we all signed. Yu Luosheng said.

What hidden conditions? Li Meiqi asked.

The main premise of the contract: Party A, that is, the club, what they need to fulfill is: guarantee our life, board and lodging, and basic income. And what we, Party B, need to do is to help them play domestic professional games. Yu Luosheng Said as calmly as possible.

Domestic? Li Meiqi quickly discovered the keyword.

Yu Luosheng nodded and said: Well, domestic. This is the domestic. Xu Pingyang said when he was tearing up his face with us. Behind the terms, it is stated that everything except the individual bonus trophy and team bonus trophy belongs to the club. And this Individual trophies and team bonus trophies do not include those we have obtained abroad. In fact, we did not expect that we could play in foreign professional leagues at first, so when the word domestic appeared in his major premise, we really did not pay attention Besides, at that time, the basic salary of 1,500 yuan was like a pie in the sky for our group of sixteen and seventeen-year-old children, but even after we played in the World League, our fame increased and created huge benefits for the club. , our wages are still so low.”

Damn it!! Li Meiqi scolded immediately, How can there be such a cheap person!!!

Yu Luocheng was no stranger to swearing at Li Meiqi for a long time, and said flatly: It's nothing.

Is there anything more fucking? Li Meiqi said angrily.

I remember that when we signed the contract, it was two years, but I don't know why it became five years later. Yu Luosheng said.

Nowadays, some college students spend more than this in a month's living expenses, not to mention that you are working for him!! Li Meiqi hugged her chest angrily, her bulging sexy twin peaks heaving violently!

I don't know, it was two years, but suddenly it turned into five years... After five years, I guess I won't even know who I am. Yu Luocheng said.

Sue him, motherfucker, you must sue this bastard. My dad has many lawyer friends, so you must sue him! Li Meiqi scolded.

Yu Luo smiled wryly, sixteen or seventeen year olds really can't play with a cunning dog who has been honed in society. They want to sue, but the problem is that they don't even know how to sue, maybe the court will treat them as underage children as crazy.

This matter can't end like this, Yu Luocheng, you have to sue him. Is the original contract still there? If it is, you can definitely sue him and get back what belongs to you! Those trophies of yours are now worth It's more than one hundred thousand, you must take it back, and you can't let Xu Pingyang take your things to do his best and make waves! Li Meiqi said.

Yu Luocheng didn't speak anymore.

Li Meiqi looked at Yu Luosheng's expression, and asked, The contract is gone?

Well, when we went to the World Championships, we put all the contract and other things in the dormitory. We don't know when Xu Pingyang stole the contract. Then Xu Pingyang probably has a copy of the contract now, and the time is five Years... Yu Luocheng said with a wry smile.

There's no one left? Weren't there five of you at the time? Li Meiqi asked.

Lin Dong at the side came over and glanced at Yu Luocheng.

Obviously he heard the conversation between the two just now.

Lin Dong, aren't you a computer expert? Go and see if there is a backup in Xu Pingyang's computer... Li Meiqi said.

I've seen it before, that guy is very traditional and doesn't put anything on the computer. Lin Dong shook his head.

Without a contract, there would be no proof. Basically, what Xu Pingyang said was what the three of them fell into silence for a while.

Suddenly, Li Meiqi thought of something, and those eyes suddenly sparkled!

There is another copy, I know who has another copy!! Li Meiqi exclaimed in surprise.

Everyone heard Li Meiqi's excited cry, and poked their heads over for a moment.

Yu Luocheng looked at Li Meiqi with a confused face. Don't you know if there is a contract? Why must Li Meiqi still have one? ?

Don't tell me, I almost forgot. Remember the last time the secretary-general of the alliance came to me? Li Meiqi said.

Yu Luosheng nodded. Before playing LPL, the Secretary-General Liang came to them. At that time, Li Meiqi was in charge of talking with him. The Secretary-General roughly meant to let them join the league. The alliance has a shadow in its heart and has not agreed for the time being.

I had a long chat with the secretary-general. When he told me about the responsibilities of the league, he said that the league actually existed a long time ago, before your wing team was established. At that time, there were not many clubs under management, but It collected the materials and contracts of those old e-sports club members at that time. Li Meiqi was dancing with joy, it felt like she had solved a suspicious case, and the two lumps of flesh on her chest were jumping so lively, feeling I can't hold my clothes anymore!

Is there such a thing? Yu Luocheng raised his eyebrows.

Think about it carefully, how many copies were there when the contract was printed! Li Meiqi said.

Wait, let me think about it!! Lin Dong suddenly realized something, thinking hard.

Everyone dare not disturb Lin Dong, Lin Dong must have the best memory.

Seven copies!! Lin Dong suddenly yelled, his appearance was the same as that of Li Meiqi just now, I remembered, the seven copies were printed at that time, and it was in Xiaobei's grocery store. I remember Xiaobei was still stupid Someone asked me if there are six people in our team.

There were only five members of the wing team at the time. If the contract was printed, each of the five of them would have one copy, and Xu Pingyang had one copy, so there were six copies in total, so why were seven copies printed? ?

Where is the other copy? ?

Could it be that, as Li Meiqi said, it was collected by the alliance as a reserve? ?

So, who owns that contract!

(Second post, please ask for a monthly pass!!! Yasuo is a hero, why is it so difficult to play? There are all kinds of dicks in the video! The 6,300 I just earned is gone, please ask for a monthly pass to comfort me!! ) (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to read it on Chuangshi Chinese website () and vote for the work. Your support is the greatest motivation for me to continue to create!) [This text is written by Qi Provided by the aviation update team and parallel importers]

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