Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 300 Zhao Tinghua at his peak

I've been waiting for this day for a long time, I know you will definitely return to the arena. Zhao Tinghua pointed at Yu Luosheng with his usual sarcasm.

You should know what kind of person you are working for. Yu Luosheng said.

Xu Pingyang is an out-and-out evil spirit, he squeezes everything he can just to live a luxurious life for himself, he is even vicious enough to use such despicable means to win

Xiaobei's matter will not end here, he should be punished as he should, and Yu Luosheng will spare no effort to bring down Xu Pingyang's club

I know what kind of person he is, but at least he provided me with an environment where I can play e-sports without any scruples. It's not like some people say what they want to do, but they end up shrinking their heads. Zhao Tinghua Said coldly.

Seeing that Yu Luosheng didn't answer, Zhao Tinghua snorted coldly and said, See you on the field. I already know how you won the e-sports throne. In two years, you have been wasted, but I trained him stronger , don’t tell me how strong you are with the ridiculous hundred heads, as long as you don’t surrender, a hundred heads is just a matter of time.”

Oh, by the way, if you think Xu Pingyang is that simple, then you are really ridiculous.

After saying the last sentence, Zhao Tinghua turned and left.

And Guan Langjie was like an unleashed dog being led away by its owner again, he quickly followed Zhao Tinghua and left the arena.

I thought this guy didn't watch our game, so he was hiding in the backstage. Lin Dong curled his lips.

This guy is really sickly stubborn, and his arrogant attitude is becoming more and more annoying, Da Luo said dissatisfied.

Da Luo and Zhao Tinghua didn't quarrel once or twice, the time when they pinched each other was far more than when they cooperated.

After packing up their luggage, the five of lm were ready to go back to the hotel after getting their fairly satisfactory results.

Going forward, as long as they beat Team Sky, this time the LPL championship will belong to them, and Yu Luosheng can also participate in the Asian Indoor Games as he wished.

Yu Luocheng... Zhou Yan patted Yu Luocheng on the shoulder who was packing up, Zhao Tinghua is a little strange.

I know, there are bloodshot eyes in his eyes. Yu Luocheng said.

Yu Luocheng saw Zhao Tinghua's brown eyes just now, his eyes were covered with some bloodshot eyes, this kind of bloodshot eyes are often caused by staying up late for a long time and excessive mental fatigue, just like a person who has stayed up all night for two days and two nights

However, he doesn't look so tired, but has endless energy

Bloodshot? Zhou Yan was taken aback.

Oh, didn't you realize that his situation is very similar to me at a certain time? Yu Luocheng raised his eyebrows.

Zhou Yan pondered for a while, and suddenly thought of something

You mean him... Zhou Yan hesitated to speak.

He has practiced abroad, so his strength should have improved. Judging from the games he played, he is very experienced. Their long-air team seems to have no tactical system at all, but it is because of Zhao Tinghua's aggressiveness and ferocity that they defeated the enemy. This is not because Zhao Tinghua ran around like a reckless man and messed up the situation, but because Zhao Tinghua had a clear understanding of the tactics they used and knew the simplest way to defeat them. Yu Luosheng said.

Zhou Yan nodded, Zhao Tinghua's ability to disrupt the enemy's rhythm is too strong.

Some special tactical systems of their lm team can be used in other teams, but in a team with Zhao Tinghua, Yu Luosheng would never dare to use those tactics lightly, because Zhao Tinghua was born to break the rules

Well, what does this have to do with the bloodshot? Zhou Yan asked puzzled.

A person's energy is limited. If we play e-sports with full concentration for 8 hours, then the nerves will fail after 8 hours. This kind of exhaustion is manifested in difficulty in concentration, slow brain response, The hand speed slowed down, and there was a serious error in judgment... Yu Luocheng said.

Zhou Yan seemed to understand something, with a bit of astonishment on his face.

Yu Luocheng put the mouse into his bag, and continued: In order to make themselves stronger, many people have trained for more than 1 hour, or even as long as 14 hours...¨They will force One's spirit is exhausted during rj and then concentrates on it. This kind of coercion is actually a kind of damage to the spirit. It is nothing to let the brain bear the damage of this kind of computer screen for a period of time, but what is the long-term result of this, you should knew.

Zhou Yan nodded with a serious face.

Zhao Tinghua's operation speed is too fast, and his reaction speed is not as fast as a normal professional player. At first I thought he really found some trick to make his reaction speed so fast, so that his strength improved by leaps and bounds. But look After I met him in person, I knew, and I knew that he was just walking on a path that I used to walk. Yu Luocheng said in a low voice.

It's no wonder his eyes are so strange and weird, so will he be okay? Zhou Yan said.

I don't know. The doctors in England told me these things. In short, I came out... But one thing is certain, Zhao Tinghua's strength will become stronger and stronger, to an unimaginable level. Yu Luocheng pulled on Zippered and carried the bag on one shoulder.

Yu Luocheng walked that road by himself. The terrifying increase in strength brought about by sinking in it will stimulate the brain crazily, causing the brain to secrete a hormone similar to a stimulant, and then make people sleepless. It makes people's nerves tense like strings, and what comes to people's minds is always the competitive scene, turning a blind eye to everything in reality. If there are consecutive victories as catalysts, then all this will be out of control

Yu Luocheng didn't know how serious the consequences would be. He only knew that it was this almost selfless state that allowed him to step into the peak state in e-sports, leading the wing team from an unknown player in the world team to a world-shocking... China's dark horse, reached the final finals

Is his condition serious? Zhou Yan asked with some concern.

Nothing happened at the beginning. If there are some adjustments in the process, there will be no major problems except for the abnormal mental fatigue after the game. After about half a year or a year, computer hallucinations will appear, no matter whether you open your eyes or close them. Yu Luosheng said.

Almost every e-sports player has his own state. When the state is at its best, it gives people a feeling of invincibility. After such a long period of baptism, Zhao Tinghua finally broke through his strength level and became a player who can definitely compete with A competitive player against the world's masters, but like himself, he went the wrong way.

No wonder, the desire to become stronger is a kind of poison, the stronger it is, the more powerful the poison

Will he be as strong as you back then? Zhou Yan said.

At that time, Yu Luosheng was simply invincible. Many people thought that Yu Luosheng would stop abruptly after becoming the strongest e-sports player in the country. Who knew that he would kill the world, and even those world-class powerhouses would be defeated one by one. , Zhou Yan was watching how Yu Luosheng was able to overwhelm the heroes. If Zhao Tinghua also stepped into this state, would they face an opponent even more terrifying than King Yama?

Yes. Yu Luocheng nodded with certainty.

Judging from the games Zhao Tinghua played, his reaction speed is very close to his original self.

Fortunately, this game doesn't pay more attention to hand speed and operation than t, otherwise the gap in strength will be very obvious.

Can you win? Zhou Yan asked.

Yu Luocheng didn't answer.

Yu Luocheng doesn't know if he can win, he only knows that he must win this championship, no matter whether the one standing in front of him is his best teammate who used to be the best, or the strongest e-sports opponent who has stepped into the peak state

Seeing that Yu Luosheng didn't answer, Zhou Yan didn't continue to ask, but said: I think there is something in what Zhao Tinghua said about Xu Pingyang.

What did you hear? Yu Luocheng turned around and asked.

Based on what I know about Zhao Tinghua, he won't say some inexplicable things. He said that we took Xu Pingyang too simply. Did he know something? Zhou Yan said.

Now we can only take one step at a time. Yu Luocheng said.

There are two buses, the one in front is members of Team LM and Team Hell, as well as some professional league workers.

The next bus is the long sky team and other professional players watching the game.

Zhao Tinghua sat alone in the back seat, staring out the window.

The seat next to him sank slightly, and a thirty-year-old yellow and thin man with a half-bald head sat down.

What did you tell them? Xu Pingyang asked in a bad tone.

I didn't say anything. Zhao Tinghua said lightly.

You know what I have, you are a smart person, there is no need to be as stupid as them, and you have several younger brothers and sisters to support, don't you? Xu Pingyang said.

Boss Xu, you're talking useless things.

Xu Pingyang smiled. He can also see that Zhao Tinghua's hatred for Yu Luosheng is very deep, there is no need for him to add fuel and jealousy, they will fight to the death

What he was worried about was that Zhao Tinghua would reveal what he planned.

I have already deleted your name from that complaint. I advise you not to touch any old friendships, and think more about your promising younger brothers and sisters. They can't rely on beatings like you in the future. Make money from games, right? Xu Pingyang grinned.

Zhao Tinghua ignored him and continued to look out the window

Zhao Tinghua never concealed his dislike and disgust towards Xu Pingyang, but it was the same as Xu Pingyang did not hide his wariness towards him.

Zhao Tinghua wanted money and an environment that would not affect his enthusiasm for e-sports.

Xu Pingyang relies on Zhao Tinghua to make money, making money with peace of mind, the two get what they need

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