Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 298 Don't be afraid of failure, what you are afraid of is separation...

The lm team pushed down the high ground and took advantage of the trend to take down the dragon.

After a wave of rest, lm pushed down all the outer towers of the underworld team. At this moment, even if they were fighting against the underworld team on the high ground, lm still had an absolute advantage.

In the duel between masters, the victory of a wave of groups means the victory of the whole game. Just like the underworld team will not make mistakes in the dominant game, the lm team will not make mistakes. They strictly pushed down the high ground of the second road, Then take the third way.

Unknowingly, super soldiers spread all over the highlands of the underworld team.

Those super soldiers with strong defense and high blood volume poured in endlessly.

After the lm team forcibly took down the third tower, they forcibly demolished the crystal base of the underworld team.

Staring at the output of the defensive tower, the lm team demolished the tower very quickly, and King Yan Luo and King Qin Guang, who were still alive, kept attacking the output around the defensive tower.

Their skills are always easily blocked by super soldiers. Even so, King Qin Guang still used a big move to kill Lin Dong who almost demolished the crystal base.

On the other side, King Yama saw that Yu Luocheng's blind monk wanted to demolish it from the side.

A set of skills was thrown at Yu Luocheng, Yan Luowang even used his ultimate move, resolutely not letting Yu Luocheng's blind monk get any closer to the crystal base.

Seeing the shadow of the bomb falling from the sky, Yu Luocheng knew that he was bound to die, so he took another look at King Yan Luo's blood volume, and kicked Yan Luo Dynasty viciously into the pile of super soldiers.

The bomb exploded and killed Yu Luocheng's blind monk. At the same time, King Yama flew upside down into the pile of super soldiers. Yama, who was low in health, was surrounded by super soldiers, and the mace flew flying. Can't help these rough super soldiers, they can only watch their heroes being hammered to death.

After Yan Luowang died like this, the three-way super soldiers seemed to be even more presumptuous, rushing towards the crystal base crazily

The only ones who are still alive are King Qin Guang.

After Qin Guang killed Lin Dong's Delevingne, he raised his head and saw super soldiers all over the high ground

In this wave, the underworld team played their kingly aura, and wiped out the lm team under a completely disadvantaged situation.

It's just that the enemy's heroes are wiped out, how to save the situation of being defeated, one Ezreal, only one electric knife is a skill, how to expel these crazy little soldiers


King Yan Luo looked at the gray-white screen and lowered his head, but he didn't dare to look into King Qin Guang's eyes.

In the past, when faced with any defeat, the underworld team would face it calmly. For some reason, after losing this game, they seemed to have lost a lot more than before

Old Qin... King Chuguan sat beside King Qin Guang, staring at King Qin Guang.

King Qin Guang's eyes lost his focus for a moment, but soon, as if he was stimulated by something, his pupils became huge, and his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes.

it's not over, it's not over

Isn't the base broken yet?

King Qin Guang controlled his Ezreal, rushed into the spring water frantically, changed the noisy shoes into home guards, and changed a piece of equipment into Luanna's hurricane...

Hurricane Runa.

When you want to release this piece of equipment, it means that a vast sea of ​​soldiers has poured into your homeland, and you have to give up those sharp weapons and equipment used to kill local heroes and replace them with this equipment for spawning minions.

It's just that when you put on this equipment, it actually means that this round cannot be saved.

In the spring, Ezreal rushed out of the spring, stood in front of the crystal base, and attacked every soldier.

There is only a trace of blood left in the crystal base, which is so fragile that it cannot withstand the impact of a hammer.

King Qin Guang attacked every soldier, the purpose was to attract the hatred of these soldiers.

In this way, super soldiers will come to attack it, and they will not attack the crystal base. If they do not attack the crystal base, the round will not end

Qin Guangwang tapped the keyboard with his fingers quickly, he didn't notice that his teammates were staring at him bitterly.

The super soldiers were attracted by King Qin Guang, and five or six super soldiers attacked King Qin Guang's Izreal.

Don't ignore the damage of super soldiers. When more than three super soldiers attack you, even if you are a meat shield, your blood volume will drop crazily, let alone vulnerable.

Ezreal's lifesteal is fast, and the equipment of Runa's Hurricane seems to have a good effect on attacking three targets, but Ezreal's HP is dropping.

He prevented the super soldiers from attacking the crystal base, but he couldn't stop the super soldiers from destroying his body

The spring is only about 800 yards away. King Qin Guang, who has the guards of his home, can only walk to the middle of the spring, and he will soon be full.

It's just, can he really leave the crystal base now?

Behind him is a fragile crystal castle...

Old Qin... Forget it.

Old Qin, we lost.

I don't know why, but seeing King Qin Guang frantically pressing the mouse while standing in the pile of super soldiers, the four members of the underworld team took a sharp breath of air, the air was full of sour


In fact, does Qin Guangwang really care about winning or losing this competition?

No, he was never afraid of losing. For six years of e-sports, the most memorable six years, he lost too many games, and he shed too many tears for the trophy that he missed.

He is not afraid of losing, what he is afraid of is that there will be no chance of losing in the future

The super soldiers kept pouring in. Just when King Qin Guang's blood volume was almost zero, a wave of small soldiers came out of the crystal base. King Qin Guang hurriedly poked behind the small soldiers and began to clean up these super soldiers frantically.

At this time, he seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

This struggle seems meaningless. Bao Jun's voice came out slowly.

This struggle was meaningless, their minions were very fragile, and they couldn't withstand several attacks from super soldiers.

Soon, super soldiers infiltrated the crystal base again.

Qin Guangwang was exhausted on the three roads of the crystal base, and finally had to guard the middle of the crystal base, and then used his body to block the damage of super soldiers.

King Chuguan kept staring at King Qin Guang, but King Qin Guang turned a blind eye to him and kept attacking those super soldiers.

Old Qin, it's useless, we've already lost. Chuguan Wang felt that King Qin Guang was abnormal, and held him down with his hands.

King Yan Luo had already stood up from his position, he grabbed King Chuguan's hand, and shook his head at King Chuguan.

He's just buying a little more time for his career... Yan Luowang whispered.

These words came to Chuguan Wang's ears, but they rippled in Chuguan Wang's heart like bitter water.

He is not willing to leave, he is not willing to leave at all, even if it is boring and meaningless to farm those endless super soldiers, he does not want to end his career like this.

Give me a little more time... Chuguan Wang understood, and understood Qin Guangwang's eyes full of madness and unwillingness.

In this round, Qin Guangwang's performance was still very flat.

He didn't burst out with his so-called potential because it was the last game of his career, and he didn't have any brilliant operations. He just did his ad replenishment, development, and team fight...

He had a chance to fight the eagle, but this was too short. Instead, he was superior in fighting the eagle, and used him as a springboard to kill King Yama.

This is the end? ?

Six years, it feels very long, very long, I have won countless victories and suffered countless defeats, I have experienced countless laughter, and I have endured so many tears, but why is it so short at this time, so short that it seems to be It took a few seconds for a wave of super soldiers to walk from the gate of the high ground to the front of the base


A line of letters jumped out in front of the screen.

You were killed by a super soldier

King Qin Guang did not die at the hands of his opponent, but in the end he died under the hammer of a super soldier.

The super soldier stepped on Ezreal's body, swung the hammer in his hand, and hammered hard towards the crystal base

This hammer is no different from the hammer in Qin Guangwang's heart. I have imagined whether a miracle will happen. The crystal base will be revived at this time, so that he can miss it for a few more minutes, and then fight with the lm team. A team fight.

But the miracle did not happen, the crystal base was shattered cleanly under a swirling airflow

The hands that typed the keyboard and mouse were so stiff that they felt frozen.

it's over.

This time it was really over, and what came to me was a big failure.

These two words are like a summary of his six-year career. King Qin Guang suddenly felt a sharp pain in his stomach, causing his fingers to tremble and his eyes to heat up.

Bloodshots spread out, making his eyes red, and then everything in the past six years dripped down, landing on the gaming keyboard he bought with the first money he earned playing e-sports.

The keyboard can't touch the water, it will short-circuit and fail when it touches the water, but what if it's tears?

It doesn't matter, anyway, this keyboard may not be used in the future, let him destroy it with himself

Old Qin, don't be like this...

Chuguan Wang looked at Qin Guangwang's desperation on the field with tears streaming down his face, and he felt extremely uncomfortable in his heart, feeling that there was something surging in his eye sockets.

The camera shot of the director passed by quietly, passing the face of King Qin Guang.

The cheers of victory came to an inexplicable abrupt end at this moment.

The commentator Bao Jun was still congratulating the LM team on his victory, but he paused because of this scene.

At this time, beside the commentary stand, the deputy secretary-general of the alliance slowly handed over a report with some words written on it.

I hope you read some, he has done a lot for e-sports, and now he is retiring, I hope he is not so unknown. The deputy secretary-general whispered.

Bao Jun froze for a moment, then suddenly came to his senses.

A player bursting into tears on the field is often not a victory or a failure, but that he is leaving. ()

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