Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 281 The routine is seen through!

This time the double play brought a very fatal blow to the lm team, and Xiaolong was taken out without accident. ()

After taking the little dragon, Yan Luo Wang and Song Diwang began to frequently invade the wild area.

The jungler spider cooperates with a violent mid laner Revan. This kind of grazing is the most unsolvable. Basically, it is controlled by the spider. A set of skills that Revan does not use a big move can take away his own heroes.

Blue hhpp was controlled, the opponent invaded, hhpp had to let go.

Old Zhou, don't you want the red hhpp too? Da Luo glanced at Zhou Yan's direction and said with a frown.

Can't take it, 3 Our side will definitely be wiped out. Zhou Yan shook his head, from the expression on his face, it can be seen that he is under a lot of pressure now.

For the mid laner, the blue hhp at 7 and a half points is very important, and it directly affects the formation of equipment in the future. Wu Sen himself relies on skills to replenish troops. pull away.

And the red hhpp can't be taken, the reason is very simple, the poodle has disappeared on the map.

In the jungle, it is very difficult for Dragon Girl, Olaf, and Ball Girl to beat Raven, Spider, and Poodle, three heroes with very high explosiveness.

We can't let it go. If we let it go like this, we are no different from losing. Lao Zhou will fight with them, Wu Sen said seriously.

A hhpp is related to a level, the blue hhp cannot be taken, and the red hhpp should be given, absolutely not

Wu Sen started to walk towards his own red hhpp wild area. The same Wu Sen and Zhou Yan had already ranked near there. They saw the opponent's spider and Raven, but the poodle still didn't see it.

Wu Sen was separated from the wall, using skills to consume the HP of Spider and Raven, but just after throwing out few skills, a black hunter suddenly jumped out from behind him, and the blade slashed fiercely at Wu Sen's body. go

Wu Sen's HP dropped by half in an instant, and when he turned around to flee, he was restrained by the poodle's skills.

The poodle with the ultimate move is really incomprehensible, you can't defend against him at all, it depends on when he is in a good mood to cut you.

Da Luo and Zhou Yan's reactions were not slow, especially Da Luo, his ult seemed to be at hand, when he saw that the opponent was about to kill Wu Sen in seconds, he immediately activated his ult and flew towards him, throwing the poodle away , and at the same time blocked the spider, preventing him from attacking Wu Sen.

Wu Sen left one and pushed the ball of darkness under his feet, just when the spider, the poodle, and Raven formed a straight line

The dark ball passed through the poodle and the spider, stunned the two of them, and when it was about to sweep to King Yama's Raven, King Yama reacted very quickly to use this very perfect stun.

Let's kill the dragon girl first, I've done enough damage. King Yan Luo immediately said to his teammates when he saw that the dark head of state had fled away.

The ultimate move was activated instantly, and the gorgeous Dance of Broken Wings flew over Da Luo's dragon girl at an extremely fast speed

King Yan Luo's equipment is really good, even the big Luo who is loaded with meat can't stand his terrifying set of skill explosions.

Da Luo didn't dare to hesitate a bit, and flashed a position to avoid the outbreak of Ruiwen's combo.

The scene suddenly became a little chaotic. On the underworld team's side, the poodle first took damage in the front, then let the spider rush in, and then let King Yama take the damage.

Yama's current equipment, even without skill damage, is very high.

The three on lm's side obviously couldn't beat them. After being kicked out of the jungle, the opponent chased deeply without greed at all, and walked towards the red hhpp.

Da Luo was still not reconciled, he used his own head to explore the way, and cooperated with Zhou Yan to harass and try to grab the red hhpp

Unfortunately, the location is not very good. It is really not easy to snatch things from the spiders. Seeing that they are about to escape, Da Luo is even more annoyed

It's been 10 seconds. Off the court, coach Huang Kang frowned slightly.

What 10 seconds? Judge Cui asked in confusion.

10 seconds?

Arriving on the battlefield in 10 seconds, coach Huang Kang is of course talking about the support that is so fast that it will even make you feel that the support is everywhere

Depend on

Suddenly, Judge Cui called out

Just when the three members of the underworld team chose to retreat, a blue phoenix suddenly appeared on the map

An ice wall spanned between the red hupp and the big dragon canyon, directly separating Raven and the spider forcibly.

ice hockey shine

A slow ice ball flew towards the spider, the spider's flying cd was not good at all, no matter where he moved this time, he would be controlled by the shining ice ball.

Pretty Wu Sen yelled, and pushed the ball directly at the extreme position, and then Yu Luocheng's puck control stunned the spider again

Zhou Yan's Olaf took advantage of the situation and struck down fiercely with an axe. Emperor Song's spider queen was slaughtered on the spot, and the red hhpp was returned to Zhou Yan.

Across the wall, Yan Luo Wang's Ruiwen originally wanted to rescue him, but unfortunately the ice wall didn't give him a chance. Watching the Spider Queen being killed, Yan Luo Wang could only jump to the bottom of the Dalong Canyon...

This guy's support is really fast. Song Diwang said very unhappy when he saw that the red hhpp he got flew away like that, and even cost a life.

10 seconds... Yan Luowang said.

As their coach said before, Dou Ying's support time is 10 seconds, and will not exceed 15 seconds. They just pestered Hong hhpp for a while, and this guy arrived.

My, I'm half a beat behind. Annie, who was the prince of the king, had already walked to the middle route, and he said with some shame.

Just now, Chuguan Wang was counting the experience to see how long it would take for the opponent to reach the sixth level. Who knew that when he was so distracted, Yu Luocheng, who had 5-speed shoes, was already heading towards the battle zone to support.

Chuguan Wang, like Yu Luosheng, also added the five-speed shoes after getting the upgraded jumping money outfit, but he was still several seconds behind.

Because of this slightly slow support, the spider's life was lost, and the red hhpp was also taken back. After all, it was their loss.

It's okay, fight hard. Yan Luowang said peacefully.

King Chuguan nodded.

This time he understood Dou Ying Yu Luosheng's support idea, just as coach Huang Kang said, he was moving up before the battle broke out, and he wanted to help him leave for a while, as long as he wasn't too far ahead , basically nothing will happen.

The support ideas of all the teams in LPL are still on the way of protecting the development of AD, and often only the battles in the lower jungle and dragons will appear. Things like this are already in another hemisphere, and they do not belong to the category of support.

But Dou Ying Yu Luosheng didn't think so. After getting out of the second level jump money outfit, he directly bare 5-speed shoes. This is completely the rhythm of supporting the whole map.

The battle of L is basically a team battle that can be won by one more person. As for the students who don't think so, please go to play more ranks first and let's continue the discussion.

There is no doubt that Raven's equipment is basically crushed, and no matter how they fight, the underworld team will win.

But if there is an extra support, the situation will be completely different. The support basically carries powerful control skills, and even if a set of skills is controlled, you will have to pr. No matter how good your equipment is, you will die if you are focused.

Team Apocalypse will lose, Team Beijing will lose, and they all lose on one point, that is, Yu Luosheng's support issue. Unless a team battle breaks out in the bottom lane, in small-scale team battles, Team LM will basically have one more for no reason. People.

Remember, even if your support is slow, don't give up your support unless your lineman line is very good. Because once the eagle walks to support, he will not return to the line after the effect, but will push the tower along the way.

In the mind of King Chuguan, Huang Kang's special instructions to him are still in his mind.

If you play more and play less, often the lm team will reduce the number of opponents. This is not only a successful auxiliary roaming gank, but also involves a tower pushing rhythm with a difference in the number of players.

Just like now, the ice bird supports and kills the spider, the poodle has low HP, and Raven is in a normal state. They only have one person in the middle, but the opponent has 4

In this case, they will definitely push the middle lane. Raven himself is a melee hero. If he clears the line, he will be killed directly, and he can't stand it at all.

It was this instruction that made Chuguan Wang give up the right pressure and rush to the middle to save the tower.

What Coach Huang Kang said was not wrong at all. After killing people, the four members of the LM team, Dragon Girl, Dark Head, Berserker, and Ice Bird, took drugs and recovered their blood, and immediately pushed into the middle lane, pressing the line of troops directly under the tower

What is rhythm? This is the rhythm. Team LM is advancing very suddenly. If it were other teams that reacted slower, they would lose not only a head, but also a defense tower. The senior commentator Bao Jun also saw it at a glance. the secret

Professional players in lplk also make this mistake, after killing someone, they see that their condition is not good, so they go home to replenish their equipment.

lm doesn't have this habit at all, after killing people, why not use towers?

The League of Legends game must be clear about one of the most important ideas. This is a tower pushing game. Killing people is to get better defensive towers. Many teams in the early LPL paid too much attention to online development and equipment formation. Play in a group, and only when you win the group can you advance.

In fact, if the gank is successful in the early stage, it is necessary to attack the defense tower before others have reacted. The economy of 150 yuan per person is much greater than a head with 30 assists. This does not take into account the strategic significance of the defense tower's terrain. next...

The timely appearance of Chuguan Wang successfully prevented lm from advancing, and the four members of lm team saw that there was no hope of pushing the tower, so they decisively returned to the city or went to develop.

They saw through our routine. Wu Sen said helplessly.

After pushing down the opponent's mid-lane tower, Raven would not dare to push in so presumptuously, and Wu Sen himself can grow with peace of mind.

It's a pity that the underworld team is more sophisticated than they imagined.

Well, they didn't fight in the red hhpp just now, they obviously knew that I came to support them, otherwise King Yan Luo could also stay. Yu Luocheng said.

This round is very difficult to play. A spider's head can't explain anything at all. They can't take down dragons and defense towers, and the economy will always be suppressed by the opponent.

(There are three chapters today, and there will be two more chapters in a while. It will be updated before twelve o'clock on Friday. I wish you all a happy masturbation, as usual, don't rank)

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