Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 277: The Ferocious Level 1 Regiment (Part 2)

The members of the lm team are also well-trained, Da Luo learned the fire skill very decisively

After being surrounded by flames, Da Luo charged forward and stood in the crowd of opponents

It is impossible for both sides of this first-level regiment to retreat. If you want to win, it depends on who can deal the most damage on both sides.

Da Luo saw that the underworld team was eager to kill Wu Sen, and he stood in the crowd without any scruples. He just burned it. It can cause magic damage to the surrounding people for 1 second. If it burns for 3 seconds, three people will be burned at the same time. , you can deal more than 100 more damage, which is very important in a first-level regiment

Wu Sen's ball girl was not slow to react, when he saw that his blood was about to be taken away by Ruiwen, he flashed away decisively.

Wu Sen had an ignition on his body, and his blood volume was even less than one.

Ignite it to burn down Wu Sen's blood volume, and the potion bottle barely returned a little blood. People saw the last trace of Wu Sen's blood trembling, and felt that he would die at any moment.

It's so dangerous. The dark head of state, Syndra, was almost burnt to death. Fortunately, Wu Sen, the crow of lm, took the blood medicine in the first place. Players, don't panic when your first level is set on fire, as long as you Drinking the medicine in time can definitely bring it back up. The damage of igniting the first level is 70 points in 5 seconds, and even if the healing effect of the blood medicine is halved due to igniting, it can return 75 points in 5 seconds. As long as you drink the medicine in time, Wu Sen The contestant actually almost died just now, because he took drugs and saved his life in time, Bao Jun explained very professionally.

Besides Raven who is very strong at the first level, who else is also very incomprehensible? ?

That's right, it's Olaf the Berserker

Berserker Olaf's ax is a hh level skill at level l

Damage, group deceleration effect, amazingly short CD after picking up the axe, no one can compare to the first-level pursuit

When the underworld team came out of the Dalong Canyon, they must have stood in a very concentrated position, still forming a line. Zhou Yan quickly added his ax and threw it towards the crowd of the underworld team

The three people in the back of the underworld team were immediately slowed down, and Qin Guangwang's gun, who was walking in the front, was smashed to the brim.

Zhou Yan's berserker throws the ax very skillfully, he throws it very close, hits three people at the same time, walks up to pick up the ax and the ax cd is basically recovered

Next, he can hit the team's most terrifying damage

Dragon Girl and Berserker, these two heroes with very high blood volume and armor in the early stage are in the front, and the three behind the underworld team are completely held back

The situation was chaotic for a while, and the first blood broke out in the flying skills and normal attacks.

Extremely, Emperor Song's spider flew into the sky, jumped on him, and then flashed a flat A and took away the dark leader Syndra who was almost burned to death

Song Diwang's operation was really eye-catching, and he was displaced by two and a half flashes. Wu Sen really had no choice but to watch himself being killed by a slow-moving Ping Ding.

Da Luo, Lao Zhou, follow me. Yu Luocheng glanced at Lin Dong's who had already been driven away, and said hastily.

Yu Luocheng, who turned into an egg, has been revived, and his blood volume is still about half. At this time, most of the members of the underworld team have arrived behind him. Zhou Yan threw Annie to death with an axe, and then quickly met with Da Luo's Dragon Girl And meet the revived Yu Luosheng.

The underworld team played very well in this wave of first-level teams. After all, the first three controls put the lm team into a very dangerous situation.

Don't try to run away Chujiang King controlled the proud hunter- Rengar used the bushes to jump directly onto Zhou Yan's berserker.

The rest of the Underworld team has good health, they don't plan to switch with the LM team and leave

King Chujiang's Rengar added the binding skill. After jumping on Zhou Yan, he immediately gave Zhou Yan's Berserker a slowdown.

When Zhou Yan killed Annie, he threw the ax in a flash, so he acted very slowly after being slowed down.

The rest of the underworld team chased after them all the way, and they were bound to keep Zhou Yan here too.

Yu Luosheng and Da Luo hurriedly took cover from the side, taking some damage for Lao Zhou's berserkers, it could be said that they fought and retreated.

Lin Dong, who left the team, also did not give up on his teammates. After seeing the three teammates being chased and killed by the four members of the underworld team, he followed closely, and kept harassing the last person in the underworld team with normal attacks and skills.

The three members of the lm team kept retreating towards the triangular grass on the upper left of the dragon. When Yu Luocheng saw that Zhou Yan's Olaf had only a little blood left, his heart sank...

It's useless to run away

As long as the opponent's poodle catches up with the grass, it can directly take away Zhou Yan's berserker by using the passive grass jump attack

Glancing at his skill cd, Yu Luocheng said decisively: Go into the grass and fight back, kill the poodle

Run away, Zhou Yan must die, Da Luo still has a ignited poodle in his hand, there is definitely hope to take away the half-blooded poodle

The underworld team chased them all the way, and the three of lm were very unified. When they entered the grass and saw the poodle was about to enter, the three of them turned around and fought back at the same time

Yu Luoshengping caught a ball and flashed, an ice puck slowly flew past the poodle, slowed down to the poodle, and then flew to the other members of the underworld team who were chasing it

The ice puck exploded, very cleverly stunned the poodle and the male gun and Raven who were chasing at the front

Stop him! Yu Luocheng shouted

King Chujiang really didn't notice that Phoenix's skills had already improved, the dizzy trio was very deadly to the underworld team

Damn it, let's fight! King Chu Jiang saw that he was hung and set ablaze, and he didn't even hand in the flash. He forced himself into the grass and jumped on the berserker Olaf

It must be changed, if he escapes in a flash, he will be burned to death, and the only blood medicine on his body has been knocked off before

Berserker and poodle died almost at the same time,

Both sides have handled the details very well. There is nothing wrong with it. It is wise for the LM team to fight back, because where there are bushes, Rengar is the king of hunting, and you have nowhere to escape.

The underworld team still wants to fight here... This is too cruel, but having said that, this wonderful ambush by the underworld team will have no effect. They still have enough blood, so we must take advantage of the victory to pursue

The lm team stopped for a while to kill the poodle, which made the distance between them and the enemy a little closer. At this time, King Yama had already caught up

Ruiwen can use three qs to move, Yu Luocheng and Da Luo have already managed to escape to the defense tower after killing the poodle, but unfortunately the position and terrain do not allow them to go up

Old Qin, kill the eagle! King Yan Luo shouted

Qin Guangwang nodded, the skills are ready at hand

The third section of Yan Luowang fell from the sky, and chopped towards Yu Luocheng's phoenix head.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Yu Luocheng flashed decisively

King Qin Guang was determined to kill, so he directly followed a flash, followed by a shotgun

The brittleness of the Phoenix was fully manifested at this time. Yu Luocheng clearly still had about one-third of his blood, but was taken away by King Qin Guang

Old Qin, beautiful! King Chujiang roared

Qin Guangwang's calculation of the male gun's damage is really very accurate, and he can even know how much damage a few bullets can do. If it were someone else, he might not have dared to keep up with the line just now, because even one missing bullet would not be able to take away the ice bird

There is also a dragon girl

The underworld team is killing red eyes, don't give lm a chance to survive

It's hard to imagine that the two teams who greeted each other with smiles and greetings like old friends before the game fought so mercilessly on the field

Da Luo, kill Ruiwen Lin Dong shouted at Da Luo.

In order to protect Yu Luosheng just now, Da Luo has also fallen into the enemy's attack range. Fortunately, his blood volume has always been good, and the flame ring is continuously burning the opponent's hero

Damn, you're so far away, how can you kill him? Da Luo glanced at Lin Dong's position, but found that this guy was still in the Dalong Canyon

Stop talking nonsense, I'll tell you Yu Yu Lin Dong became angry

Lin Dong's has been harassing behind the underworld team.

In order to meet up with his teammates, Lin Dong even stood in the Dalong Canyon and threw his skills towards the triangle grass on the upper left

call out


Lin Dong's flashed directly from the Dalong Canyon to the vicinity of the triangular grass, a followed by a q, and quickly knocked out King Yama's Raven's HP

Da Luo's dragon girl suddenly realized, and hastily made a flat A to take away the last trace of the blood of King Yan Luo's Ruiwen

Wow, it's 3 for 3 to kill with all kinds of combat skills. The commentator Bao Jun shouted

The shouts of the audience had already reverberated into one piece, and they fought to the death at the beginning of the game. The two teams really didn't give in to anyone.

More fights, oh my god, more fights

The battle is not over yet, Song Emperor's spider K is ready again, a spider web directly tied Da Luo's dragon girl

King Qin Guang and the spider chased all the way to kill

Da Luo fled towards his wild area, and fled to the stone man wild area, and was finally shot to death by the spider.

The underworld team just won't give up, they must occupy the advantage of this first-level regiment

During the process of King Guang of Qin and Emperor Song chasing and killing the Dragon Girl of Da Luo, Lin Dong was not afraid at all. When they were killing the Dragon Girl of Da Luo, Lin Dong would output unlimited output.

The damage seemed to be a little worse, Lin Dong took a look at his...¨

The next one will be fine soon, hit the spider, the spider will die

Q Izreal can hit the next q, can he hit it? The commentator Bao Jun changed his usual gentle tone

You can't blame him, this level of team fights so hard


The angle Lin Dong releases is very tricky, Song Emperor's spider has nowhere to hide

This q must hit

I'm going to take away his last blood

Suddenly, Song Emperor's spider queen changed form, a flying sky...

This flying sky is too extreme

There was an uproar in the audience, and the mysterious shot that I saw passed under the spider's body

it's not dead

Emperor Song's skill of changing shape and flying into the sky in an instant is so gorgeous

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