Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 275 Level 1 Regiment, Fight as You Want

Xu Ben has been with Yu Luocheng, the master, for a while, and has seen Yu Luocheng use various kinds of support.

There is a support that Xu Ben most wants to learn, and it is the Bingniao support that he played in Wangyu Internet Cafe in Hangzhou!

At first, Xu Ben always thought that this support was just for Yu Luocheng to play when he was bored, but he didn't expect that Yu Luocheng, who is so skilled and bold, actually used it when facing the underworld team! !

ice bird! !

That's right, Yu Luocheng chose this hero! !

The hero Ice Bird was not used at all in the earliest days. It was not until a British player developed it that everyone finally saw the horror of this hero!

Bingniao is a typical developmental AP, and it is a very difficult hero among APs. There is a saying that playing Bingniao is either a master or a god. It can be seen that this hero is extremely difficult to learn!

In terms of AP, there are really not many people who use Icebird, and even fewer people can play this hero well. With the arrival of the new version, this hero is becoming less and less suitable for the current rhythm of the game, and gradually withdraws from people. vision.

Who knew, in this LPL professional league arena, he could actually see this hero appearing in the support position!

Are you sure, student Douying, are you really sure!! Bao Jun's voice was obviously sharp!

I can't believe that I can still see Bingniao playing support on this lpl. Can this hero really play support? ?

As if hearing the provocation from the commentator, Yu Luocheng pressed OK when the commentator's voice fell to Baojun, and directly locked on the hero!

Ice crystal phoenix!

On lm's side, top laner Dragon Girl, wild warrior, mid laner Dark Head, Ezreal, support awesome Ice Crystal Phoenix!

Underworld team, top laner poodle, jungler spider, mid laner Raven, support Annie, and male gun!

Today's first echelon is definitely Obama and Wheel Mom, and the second echelon is the policewoman, Ezreal, vn, etc., but neither of the two teams has chosen the strongest version. This is unbelievable for the audience, especially Qin The choice of Guangwang Nanqiang made the audience very confused.

But this doubt can never be compared with Yu Luocheng's sensational support Bingniao. To be honest, even a hero like Bingniao is selected as a support. You, King Qin Guang, come to Timo to beat everyone. strangeness!

At first glance, the lineups of the two sides really do not seem to have obvious teamwork at all.

Maybe they didn't deliberately make the lineup seamless when playing this game!

No matter how stunned or surprised, assisting the ice bird has become a fact.

Wait for a while, the lm team and the underworld team appeared on the big screen!

All five heroes quickly purchased equipment and walked towards the river in scattered positions.

The quality of a team can be known by looking at the trend and formation of their first-level team.

The five members of the lm team took different paths, which was the most classic scattered movement. Presumably they blocked the entrances for the purpose of defense.

The Hell team was completely different, five people lined up in an extremely neat long queue, the distance between each hero would not differ by one step, and they were walking towards the buff area of ​​the lm team.

This is to play a first-level group! !

After the release of the new version, the first-level regiments were almost eliminated. The underworld team changed their usual style of spreading out their positions, and at the first level, they aggressively pressed towards the opponent's jungle area! !

Oh, the underworld team is too refined, I don't know if the lm team has felt the chill coming from the position of the dragon!! Bao Jun praised

The underworld team was born in the blue side, they didn't walk towards the red buff position of the lm team, but after reaching the river, they all hid in the Dalong Canyon.

The shape of the Dalong Canyon is a c-hole. If you hide on the edge of the c-hole, you will never be able to see it even if others pass by. All five members of the Underworld team are hiding in this big dragon position. If the lm team adopts scattered positions, it may be dangerous!

Scattered players seldom stand still at the entrance. Instead, they move deliberately, hiding in the shadows so that the field of vision is wider, so that they can spy on the opponent's outfits and positions.

The positions of the top and mid laners are actually very close to Dalong, and the underworld team has heroes like spiders and female tanks who can go first. If you accidentally approach here, someone will die!

Team lm didn't see anyone from Team Hell, and they seemed to be getting a little uneasy. Under such circumstances, they would never dare to walk into any bushes without vision! Who knows if there are five behind the bushes with belts on their hands? enemy!

The strange disappearance of the first level of the underworld team did have obvious results, and the lm team began to feel uneasy.

Be careful, don't stick to those walls that block the perspective, and don't just go to see the field of vision! Yu Luocheng said to the team members.

If it was another team, Yu Luocheng would calmly ask the players to guard at the entrance of the wild area, regardless of where the enemy was and just hide and seek.

But the opponent is the underworld team. Do you believe that a well-trained top team will wait until 1:30 in the spring before going out in the first-level team? ?

The underworld team must have a plan, they must be hiding in a wonderful position with a card perspective, spying on their lm team's position, and then suddenly come out when the time is right!

But, where did the underworld team hide? !

Boss, it seems that they want to play a first-level regiment just like us! Lin Dong said.

Yu Luocheng nodded.

Team lm's scattered positions are actually an illusion. First, they deliberately let the opponent see their positions, and then lowered their eyes at 1 minute and 30 seconds, and then went straight to the enemy's blue buff position, just to grab Song Emperor's blue buff-

It's just that the strange disappearance of the underworld team left Yu Luocheng with a shadow in his heart.

Weak teams give people the feeling that they are extremely loose, and they caught the handle of their obvious positioning at the first level.

As for the strong team, the feeling is that there are five of them hiding in every inch of invisible grass, and it may be their ambush, making you unable to move at all!

Yu Luocheng admits that this is a psychological effect, but he also has a mentality that he would rather believe what he has or not. If he takes a step across the pond, will he really kill the five opponents?

The loss of the head is small, the level and buff of the jungler are lost, and there is a serious problem with the normal game rhythm!

After playing so many games, this game really put Yu Luocheng under the greatest pressure, otherwise he wouldn't have brought out his hard-trained Ice Crystal Phoenix. You must know that this hero was reserved by Yu Luocheng to deal with Team Sky!

Assemble, follow me! Finally, the more Yu Luocheng thought about it, the more something went wrong!

The disappearance of the other party collectively means that they must be hiding somewhere in a group. Since they are in a group, lm is also in a group, and the first-level group will fight if they want to fight! !

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