Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 253: Don't Want to Be an Enemy


After the match, Yu Luocheng left the arena with a trace of heaviness.

Yu Luocheng? Are you free? The phone rang, and Zhang Aijing's voice came from the opposite side.

En. Yu Luocheng nodded.

In the evening, Zhang Aijing chose a place not far from the competition venue, and brought Yu Luosheng there for a drink.

Zhang Aijing was carrying her notebook, she didn't say much, she opened the notebook and opened a data page for Yu Luocheng to see.

Yu Luocheng was a little puzzled, and looked at Zhang Aijing in confusion.

This is the statistics of Blood Eagle playing with our team. This is the head, this is the economy, this is the damage he caused, and this is the control of his wild area. Zhang Aijing said.

Yu Luocheng looked at it carefully, the team had the highest head count, the highest economy in the team, and the damage it caused was second only to the highest mid laner Barrel...

This kind of data is really very, very perfect. You must know that in the regular league, the jungler position is actually the second support. The further you go, the weaker it becomes. If a jungler like Zhao Tinghua hits the late stage, it is enough for the enemy to be careful The existence of it is really too terrifying.

Do you still remember my comprehensive score on Zhao Tinghua? Zhang Aijing said seriously.

Zhang Aijing's expression was very serious. Normally, when she saw Yu Luocheng, she would joke with Yu Luocheng, or say something that had nothing to do with her. She is completely different today, she just opened the notebook and talked about the last game.

Both Yu Luosheng and Zhang Aijing knew very well that there was only one reason why Team Qiyi would lose. Zhao Tinghua's jungle ability was really too strong

Compared with Zhao Tinghua, the jungler Xiaoxiong of the Qiyi team is completely two different levels of players

However, Team Qiyi's overall jungle score is close to 1 point. With so many years of experience in participating in competitions, there is no reason for him to collapse so badly

Teammates didn't intentionally let people kill, and they didn't deliberately let the economy. The performance of the other lanes of the Long Sky team was average. The only outstanding player was Xie Yi in the mid laner. But you should remember that in the LPLR last year, the Long Sky team was really more intimidating. The most powerful is Xie Yi, his mid laner strength is worthy of recognition... This year, Xie Yi's performance is completely following the rhythm of Zhao Tinghua, the online gank, the invasion of the jungle, the damage of the team battle...they did not It's not like Team Apocalypse, who intentionally delayed Baifeng's late game to give Baifeng's AD enough output space, but Zhao Tinghua relied on his leadership ability to make all the players unconsciously become his key players to harvest the situation. bedding.

Zhang Aijing said seriously.

Every tactic has a core. The reason why Team Apocalypse is not as strong as it was in the past is because their entire team relies on Baifeng, and almost everyone is deliberately creating various conditions for Baifeng. Once Baifeng is targeted If so, then the entire tactical system of the Apocalypse team will be difficult to implement.

To be honest, Sky Team did not have a tactical core in the LPL last year, which was an important reason for their loss. Even so, Team Sky would be able to win the top 4 position in China if they were not banned.

Now, the blood eagle has returned to the long sky team, and the long sky team has really been reborn.

Blood Eagle is not like Baifeng, AD who is not playing in the late stage does not need his teammates to create any conditions for him, nor does he need to give up any resources. On the contrary, the blood eagle can use its strong personal strength to CAPR Wu.

Online players can target, so how can junglers target them?

Grab HHPP in the early stage? This is a behavior that has the potential to put oneself in a position of doom

Then, I counted the data of the previous games, and compared some of the data of this year's Sky Team. Zhang Aijing opened another page.

Zhang Aijing came over and showed Yu Luocheng with her finger.

Yu Luocheng immediately smelled the seductive scent of perfume on this mature woman, and accidentally glanced at her fair neck...

Uh, doing serious things, doing serious things, how can you lose your mind, Yu Luocheng said silently in his heart.

Yu Luosheng took a look at the statistics. In the past matches, the statistics of the blood sculpture Zhao Tinghua basically remained in a very good state. Looking at it using Zhang Aijing's statistics:

GANK success rate: 45%

Anti-squat anti-kill success rate: 40%

Wild area control rate: UU%

Current data:

GANK success rate: 5

Anti-squat anti-kill success rate: 50%

Wild area control rate: RU%

Everything has to be compared to be able to see the mystery.

In the game in the afternoon, Yu Luosheng felt that Zhao Tinghua was really strong, not inferior to Taiwan's Xiaoya in strength, and deservedly the strongest jungler in the country.

And after seeing the statistics Zhang Aijing compiled, Yu Luocheng couldn't help but take a deep breath.

The success rate of GANK is close to 50%, which is basically the rhythm of where people go and where people die.

The most important thing is that Zhao Tinghua's gank success rate has jumped to 5 in today's situation where everyone has jewelry eyes when they go out.

You must know that the GANK success rate of junglers all over the country is generally declining. It is not surprising that the K reserve has dropped. Zhao Tinghua did not decline because of the version. Instead, it has reached 5l, which is almost impossible for most professional players... ¨

Where did this guy go this year? How could he make such an amazing breakthrough?

Jungle control rate RU, you should know that this wild zone does not refer to your side alone... Zhang Aijing said.

Yu Luocheng nodded.

The wild area control rate RU means that the wild monsters in Summoner’s Canyon, even if you take three wolves and four ghosts, sometimes you have to get his approval. As for HHP dragons and big dragons that affect the team’s economy, you want to don't even think about it

With such a jungler, it will really make the opponent sleepless

Not to mention, in terms of personal strength, my team's Xiaoxiong is about 8 points. The blood eagle directly defeated him, which means that the current personal strength of the blood eagle has already reached more than 8 points. In our entire LPL, there is almost no jungler whose individual strength exceeds 7 points, that is to say, except for the seven LP teams of the Changkong team, and except for the jungler Song Emperor of the Jifu team who does not collapse, the other junglers basically collapsed. Zhang Aijing said.

8 points for personal strength.

The standard for LP players with personal strength is U points, and those who reach 7 points are already at the top level of LPL. The four star players with 8 points are Yan Luo Wang, Bai Feng, Xiao Wang, and Xue Diao... The others who can barely reach 8 points are Tai Dust and the newly-emerged No. 1.

Zhao Tinghua's 8 points are really scary, because as Zhang Aijing said, among the LP teams, only the jungler Song Diwang of the Jifu team has more than 7 points, and all others are hovering between U points and 7 points

In this way, the wild areas of all teams will become Zhao Tinghua's world alone

This is absolute crushing

This is the data of the blood sculptures I have calculated now, you can take a look... Zhang Aijing said.

Blood Eagle: Captain of the Sky Squadron

Personal strength index: 8 points

Team strength index: 4 points

Tactical guidance index: 5 points

Strength volatility index: 0

The strength fluctuation index means his performance in each game, and 0 means that his performance is very stable.

In this way, Zhao Tinghua's current composite index has broken and is approaching 100 points.

In this version where the failure rate of jungler GANK is greatly improved, Zhao Tinghua did not lose points, but his strength broke through nearly two points, which is quite amazing

You also know that the further you go, the gap of 0.5 points in strength will become very obvious, especially when the other players of each team are basically finalized... His overall score has already surpassed Yama. This mid laner is not as good as in the previous version, if Yan Luo Wang does not have the strength to break through, then this year's LPL champion will fall into the hands of Zhao Tinghua without any accident, Zhang Aijing said.

What Zhang Aijing said to Yu Luocheng didn't feel alarmist at all.

The jungle is the most rhythmic, and all tactics need to be executed by a strong jungler.

Zhao Tinghua's personal strength is almost invincible, which means that all teams will be led by the nose by him, and all tactics will be useless in front of him, and then slowly enter his rhythm. Countermeasures, losing is only a matter of time.

However, if AD is strong, you can squat more in the bottom lane, in the middle lane, you can gank without thinking, and in the top lane, you can counter-squat non-stop. A jungler is so strong, how do you go against him?

All you can do, it seems, is to watch your wild area being invaded, watching the online crash, and watching the economy continue to expand.

Why are you sharing this with me all of a sudden? Yu Luocheng looked at Zhang Aijing and asked in confusion.

It stands to reason that these data are treasures for Zhang Aijing. After entering the LPL, the two will count different teams, and what should be kept should be kept.

Seeing Yu Luocheng's weird eyes, Zhang Aijing snorted and said, Don't get me wrong, I just think that since our Qiyi team lost, these statistics are of little value to me... Speaking of which, you and Since he is a teammate, you should know him better. How did this guy suddenly become so strong? He used to be so powerful, but now he is simply a demon king. Anyway, there is one thing I can be sure of. It is almost impossible for our team to win They, now look at your team and the underworld team.

Speaking of Zhao Tinghua, Yu Luosheng didn't know where to start.

Yu Luocheng couldn't be more aware of Zhao Tinghua's attainments in the field of e-sports, and there are some aspects that Yu Luocheng feels inferior to.

Moreover, this guy seems to be getting smarter and smarter, he is not as reckless and aggressive as before, and it is even more difficult to find his flaws...

I remember when you played TAR, you weren't in the same team, why are you both in the wing team? Zhang Aijing asked curiously.

Indeed, Zhang Aijing didn't understand why the two strongest people in the T field were not rivals but teammates instead.

Yu Luocheng shook his head, but did not answer.

Some people are destined not to be enemies with them, because you know very well that not every time you confront this person, the balance of the goddess of luck will tilt towards you.

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