Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 249 The God of Kassadin

? The fleeting 0.5 seconds left everyone with a shock that could not be calmed down for a long time! !

Those who watched this game also included many professional mid laners, and even they didn't come back to their senses. .

In the Yanjing Noxus clubhouse, No. 1 was staring blankly at the screen. His body was next to the scene of the incident. Although it was a very, very short moment, he could clearly see Kassadin's fucking do!

The void is where Kassadin landed.

Before the figure appeared, the Embrace of the Dark Fire had already flown out of it, that is, at the moment when the Dark Fire flew onto Obama, an energy pulse and a void ball appeared!

Under normal circumstances, no matter how fast the skill is released, it should be seen that some of Obama's blood volume is first stepped on by Kassadin's ultimate move Void Step, followed by the deduction of 150 blood volume from the underworld fire. Then there is the damage of E energy pulse and Q's final void serve, a total of 4 skill damage...

However, what I saw on the 1st was that Obama was slowly emptying a tube of blood! !

This kind of speed can no longer be described by operation, it feels like setting all the skills on one key position, and then releasing them all with one key!

This guy must have set Darkfire's Embrace, Q skills, and E skills on one button, and some special peripheral mice allow this setting...

It must be like this, otherwise there is no one in this world who can do this kind of operation, absolutely impossible! !

However, another thought flooded Number One's mind.

One-click setting? If it is a one-click setting, then how did he manage to make the Embrace of Darkfire hit Obama first, followed by the other two skills? ?

You must know that if the fireball of the Embrace of Darkfire equipment does not hit Obama, it will not trigger the special effect of Embrace of Darkfire that increases magic damage by 200, and it is impossible to directly take away magic resistance Obama in capes!

It is impossible for someone to complete such an operation in such a short period of time, because it means pressing all the keys at the same time, and the speed of human fingers is not so fast. People's routines pay attention to the order of skill release. It must be Minghuo first, and then pick up the other two skills at the moment when Minghuo hits, the damage will just take Obama away!


After this guy kills someone,

He even used a flash to escape in an instant... This set of operations seems simple, but the problem is the appalling speed! !

When killing people in seconds, ignite + destroy T-ET-Q, it will take more than 1 second, and it requires a lot of operation to be able to do it. But compared to Kassadin's second speed just now, it's really weak! !

At this moment, No. 1, who was staring blankly at the screen, suddenly remembered the conversation he had with an old e-sports veteran a year ago.

Number one, e-sports is all about hand speed. I will give you a basic hand speed test, which is to press a button with one finger and see how many times you can press in one second.

It's simple, I can press 7 times in 1 second, and I can basically press this kind of button when playing arcade machines.

8 beats per second? Well, it's considered qualified.

Eight times in 1 second is considered qualified, is there any mistake!

Hmph, do you know what the highest keystroke log is?

How many?

Twice as many as you!

Second key speed, which is an overlooked indicator for gamers such as video games and e-sports, is similar to the APM of Warcraft.

No. 1 tried it himself, he can press 8 times in 1 second, this speed has blown away all the button items in the game hall, and No. 1 was proud of it at the time, so the e-sports seniors asked about it At that time, he proudly told him that he had reached 8 times in 1 second.

However, when the e-sports senior said that the keystroke speed is 16 times per second, No. 1 was dumbfounded!

Press 16 keys in 1 second, can anyone in this world really do it?

This is an alien! ! ! The speed of slight twitching of the fingers cannot reach 16 times per second. Even a keyboard with such a slow speed will default to double-clicking!

Then Kassadin's operation just now was in o. Press the skill button 5 times in 5 seconds, 10 times in 1 second.

10 times maybe some people with extreme speed can do it, but those are 5 different keys, l, R, E, Q, D!!

Just like when I was so proud of being able to press 8 times in 1 second and was hit by 16 times, No. 1's mood at this time is exactly the same as that at that time! !

It seems to be an extremely simple button, but only those who have really tried countless times know what it means to press more than 10 times in 1 second! !

In seconds, the Yanjing team couldn't hold on to the high ground.

The crystal plateau in the middle was broken, and all the confidence of No. 1 was completely shattered with the 0.5 second operation just now.

The Lm team took advantage of the victory and pursued, broke the third high ground, and the Yanjing team had no hope of coming back.

Until the Yanjing team's base was defeated, many people still remembered the moment when Kassadin was second to none. !!

Facing this victory, Yu Luocheng took off his earphones with a smile on his face.

Originally, he thought that the boys and girls from the Demacia Club would rush over, but who knew that everyone looked at him like a monster, which made Yu Luocheng touch his nose involuntarily, why is there booger under his nose? ?

When Yu Luocheng was concerned about his handsome image, Feng Da, Brother Mao, Xu Ben, and Big K in the hall had a question in their hearts: Are you really a f*cking earthling? ! Why do you, an alien, play the same game as us earthlings! !

Seriously, after playing League of Legends for so long, watching too much, watching too much God Consciousness, and the fucking show of the bunker, who would have thought that someone could o. 5 seconds to interpret everything! !

The game lasted forty minutes in total.

In the first twenty minutes, this Kassadin was crushed into a dog, all kinds of deaths, and all kinds of equipment fell behind.

In the next 20 minutes, he was not very brilliant, but his teammates performed exceptionally well...

But just this o. In less than 5 seconds, no matter how bright and gorgeous Zed is in this normal game, how capable the top laner is, how good the jungle awareness is, it doesn't matter anymore, everyone will only remember that o. 5 seconds!

What is left to everyone is not only the cry of victory, but a god has been born in their hearts!

Congratulations...Congratulations to the Lm team of the Demacia Club for winning this competition. I have to admit that this competition was stalemate for most of the time, but I don't think I need to say more about his brilliance. Let's use The warmest comments and flowers to support our god-like Kassadin!!! Miracle was so excited that he couldn't help himself!

The results of the competition have come out, but the flowers are still skyrocketing, and the entire comment exploded just now! !

Can you imagine the scene where thousands of exploding comments instantly occupied the comment area where the post was refreshed at a steady speed a moment ago! ! !

In short, as soon as you pull down, the exclamation point will fill the entire screen! !

In the Noxus clubhouse, the entire clubhouse was silent and speechless.

Confidently challenged slowly, after more than 20 minutes of advantage, he still lost in the end.

They didn't lose unwillingly, and they didn't lose inexplicably. They just couldn't describe the feeling of losing, especially after seeing a Kassadin who could kill Kassadin within 0.5 seconds, there was no victory in their minds This concept is gone, but has been stuck in that moment.

Taichen is famous for its seconds, and No. 1 is known as an upgraded version of Taichen, which is faster, kills more accurately, and has more stable hands.

As a result, their countless times of killing people in seconds, and their countless times of gorgeous retreats, seem so empty today...

Because they know very well that even if they know that Kassadin can play like this, they will never be able to complete the operation at that speed!

It's okay, No. 1. This is just a warm-up match. There will be opportunities to meet them in the LPL. At that time, it's just a matter of fighting! Someone comforted.

In any case, No. 1 is a god-like mid laner in the hearts of the people in the Noxus clubhouse. Everyone supports him, supports him, and likes his sharp maneuvers and chic retreats!

Number one forced a smile and nodded.

In the LPL, they will have a real professional competition. More than an hour ago, No. 1 had the confidence to beat all the teams, but now his confidence is gone.

Just like how unconvinced I was at the beginning, no matter how hard I trained, I could only press the limit of 1 second ll in the end, the moment when Fighting Eagle Kassadin established the victory. 5 seconds is something he will never be able to surpass!

After walking out of the Noxus clubhouse, No. 1 took a deep breath, and gradually calmed down in his heart.

He slowly took out his cell phone and made a call.

Hi, it's me, number one.

Well, what's the matter? A deep man's voice came from over there.

I have experienced it. The strongest person in the domestic e-sports field... is really scary. No. 1 said from the bottom of his heart

There is a kind of opponent that makes people tremble all over. The only purpose of No. 1 entering the field of e-sports is to become stronger and be able to defeat all opponents, just like when he knew that 16 buttons could not be surpassed, he still It took a long time to practice...

But sometimes you are so helpless, when you think that your hand speed is already very fast, a thunderbolt will come down from the blue sky, making you understand in shock that there are people beyond people and others beyond the sky!

Talent is innate, and hard work is essential. His hand speed was actually not that fast before, relying on the acquired finger muscles... I watched the game just now. The last team battle There are at most five operas that can be done in this world. The man said.

Five? No. 1 smiled bitterly, That is to say, there are 5 people in this world who can achieve the human limit hand speed of 1 second and 16 strokes like Dou Ying?

Oh, you misunderstood. The maximum hand speed of a fighting eagle should be about 14 strokes. The person with 16 strokes is not in China. The man said.

These words made No. 1, who had calmed down a little, once again had a stormy sea in his heart!

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