Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 235: Back to School


It doesn’t snow very much in Shanghai, and when it gets cold, the wind is very strong. It’s really hard to hide in the house without heating.

People who like to play games don’t like winter very much, especially e-sports players, it’s a nightmare to encounter winter. At the same time, I also advise the majority of l players in the south without heating not to play ranked late at night. Stiff hands will make your operations miserable. , especially don't hit

lm will never forget the winter spent in the remote community of Shanghai University, especially when it rains, it is so cold in the bones of the hands without heating... There is no way to play a good ranking. Need a good attitude.

Moving to a new house is not the same, the room is warm and clean, and the lobby is provided with heating, eating ice cream in the room, playing ranking, is a joy.

Around December, Yu Luocheng went back to school.

Yu Luocheng didn't go back to take the exam, but the e-sports club invited him back many times. It would be bad if he didn't go back, since they are all his classmates after all...

Yu Luocheng arrived very early in the morning. Jiang Jiu said that there would be two classes at 9:30. Yu Luocheng thought about it for a long time since he hadn't greeted a professional, so fortunately he went directly to the classroom.

The teacher was in class, Yu Luocheng slipped in through the back door, and sat in the seat closest to the door.

The group of boys in the back row had already got together, ignoring the high math teacher who was explaining the points, and were talking about how to make the barrel of the top order.

Fart, the top order wine barrel has a hairy outfit, it's more exciting in the sun, absolutely invincible, please ice fast, there is damage, and you won't die if you stand in front of it, said the guy in the dormitory next door who was ironing the egg roll.

Damn, the wine barrel comes out of the meat armor, is it true or not? Yue Qing, the head of Yu Luocheng's dormitory, said.

In Yu Luocheng's dormitory 9, only Qiu Jingtai, Jiang Jiu and himself played League of Legends. To Yu Luosheng's surprise, Yue Qing, the head of the dormitory who had never played games before, also played League of Legends.

There are six people in a dormitory, and four of them are actually playing. Are you going to be so popular in League of Legends?

The teacher shouldn't be doing roll call today, why don't we sneak out and start hacking? I've almost saved up 25,000 gold coins, and I can buy rune pages... Eggroll said, and while talking, Eggroll subconsciously looked at the back of the classroom After a while...

My Grass

Eggroll turned around and saw Yu Luocheng abruptly, and was immediately taken aback. Eggroll clearly remembered that there was no one at the table behind him

This sloppy sentence directly echoed in the classroom, causing even a gentle high-speed teacher to frown and stare at the egg roll

Student, do you have any opinion on the teacher? Teacher Gao Gao said.

The whole class has already turned around, staring at the egg roll that lost its composure.

My Grass


At the same time, Qiu Jingtai and Jiang Jiu, who were sitting in the middle, also cursed, and when the others turned their heads, they also saw Yu Luocheng, causing a small commotion in the classroom

The video of Yu Luocheng playing lplr has long been uploaded in the professional group, and the interview that Yu Luocheng was on TV a while ago was also released...

In the eyes of everyone, Yu Luocheng was just a classmate who was good at playing games, but in a blink of an eye this guy left them and frequently appeared in some popular media, which made everyone gradually change their views on this classmate. The opinions of the students have gradually risen to another level and perspective.

It's really Yu Luocheng, why did he go back to school? The girl sitting next to Bai Feifei gently pushed her, and said with a little joy.

Bai Feifei glanced at Yu Luocheng who was sitting in the back like a different kind, her beautiful eyes fluctuated a little

Seeing the students react so strongly, Yu Luocheng himself was speechless.

As for everyone, why are you exaggerating when you see me appear after holding a memorial service for me?

The high mathematics teacher suppressed the order and took his class in an orderly manner. Basically, as soon as the teacher turned around, a male student quietly moved his position and moved closer to Yu Luocheng.

Finally, when the get out of class was over, almost all the professional players surrounded him.

Everyone knows that Yu Luocheng has gone to play professional e-sports. Young people are not as rigid-minded as the older generation. In their opinion, being able to enter the lpl and appear on the radio interview channel is very awesome

Seeing everyone's enthusiastic expressions, Yu Luocheng suddenly realized that with his choice of e-sports career path, he seemed to no longer belong to the same world as this group of classmates. Similar to the interactive conversation between fans and stars, I have to say, this feeling... is quite cool

Arriving at the e-sports club in the afternoon, Qin Ting, who had received the news in advance, made the members anxious and made it very grand...

This actually reminded Yu Luocheng of the kind of treatment he received when he received King Qin Guang back then.

Yu Luocheng was flattered. After all, e-sports really had no status in the context of the whole society, and they were often ridiculed. In college, Yu Luocheng felt that the younger generation had a strong interest in e-sports. Another point of view, it seems that there is not much difference between singers and movie stars, and even hang a picture of themselves on the wall of the e-sports club...

Hey, I have no problem with you hanging the big poster of me wearing the team uniform. What do you mean by adding a frame? Can the color not be so dark?

In the e-sports club all afternoon, Yu Luosheng, like Qin Guangwang back then, played a few exhibition games for everyone, interacting with the new members of the e-sports club, letting them know that our Shanghai University e-sports club is It's so awesome to have a super god like Yu Luosheng

After leaving the e-sports club, Qiu Jingtai and Jiang Jiu, the two bastards, followed Yu Luocheng all the time.

Yu Luocheng, do you want to call and invite Bai Feifei to dinner tonight? Jiang Chen asked.

I haven't had much contact with her for a while, and I don't know if she will come out or not. Yu Luocheng said awkwardly.

When they were in school, Yu Luocheng and Bai Feifei had a pretty good relationship, they would send some text messages occasionally, since the end of the LP, Yu Luocheng hardly had any contact with her...

Bai Feifei herself doesn't really agree with professional e-sports, and with the same views as most normal people, going to play professional e-sports by herself and this girl who is going to graduate school for a Ph.

It's a gross phone call, everyone agrees, you can read the text message she replied. Qiu Jingtai took out his mobile phone and put it in front of Yu Luocheng.

Yu Luocheng stared at Qiu Jingtai's cell phone with wide eyes.

Qiu Jingtai smiled and said: I said this: I am Yu Luosheng, my phone is out of battery, I use my roommate's post, I want to ask you, are you free tonight, have a meal together, I haven't talked to you for a long time You chatted, come back this time

Jiang Jiu on the side immediately gave a thumbs up and kept calling Gao

Sister Gao, Yu Luocheng really wants to kick Qiu Jingtai to death.

This guy Qiu Jingtai has never had the guts to chase after a woman, but he tries his best to use someone else's identity to strike up a conversation

Others are willing to let you choose a place. It's not good to miss the appointment? Jiang Chen laughed.

Qiu Jingtai said cheaply: Please call me Lei Feng.

Yu Luocheng chose a small restaurant opened outside the school, and waited for Bai Feifei there speechlessly.

Bai Feifei really came, unlike the usual male classmates who invited her to dinner, she didn't bring her inseparable best friend. I don't know if her best friend didn't want to come, or Bai Feifei did it on purpose.

The atmosphere was quite strange. Before, Yu Luocheng was able to find all kinds of funny jokes to tease Bai Feifei, who didn't like to laugh, but now I don't know if she can accept those dirty jokes. I haven't seen them for more than half a year, so I give them It's not appropriate to say this kind of joke...is it?

Have you thought about going back to school? Bai Feifei asked.

Not yet. Yu Luocheng shook his head.

I heard you had a falling out with your family? Bai Feifei asked cautiously.

Bai Feifei got these news from Yu Yu, and Bai Feifei and Yu Yu still keep in touch, and their relationship is pretty good.

Yu Luocheng smiled bitterly and said, It's not the first time anyway.

It doesn't feel like you are the kind of naive boy who would have conflicts with his family. Bai Feifei said.

It's because I'm not so naive anymore that I have this kind of conflict with them again. Since you've grown up, you've never quarreled with your family members, right? Yu Luocheng said.

Rarely, I listen to them more. Bai Feifei said.

I can tell. Do you really like to study these things so much? Yu Luocheng pointed to the books that Bai Feifei still had in her bag for self-study.

I want to be a writer.

Oh, then your choice of science and our electronics major are quite right. Yu Luosheng said.

Obviously I want to play jungle, but my family forced me to learn to play mid laner. My family said that mid laner can capry the whole team, the winning rate will be very high, and the score will be fast. The jungler has no future, and is the second support...

A person always has a position that he is good at and likes. Isn't the support position that is the least favored also turned around in the new season? Doesn't this prove that Yu Luocheng was right when he chose to play a support with no future?

Sometimes I also envy you, dare to do what you want to do.

The price is high.

Well, at least I didn't dare to say a word when my dad was helping me fill out the application form, Bai Feifei said.

Bai Feifei's ideas have changed. She no longer rejects things other than academics as she did back then. Her previous ideas were forcibly instilled by her parents and society. When a person has rich experience, he will have his own judgment on things. This kind of own thoughts and judgments are often regarded as rebellious by parents... After rebellion, these thoughts will be suppressed by parents or yourself, and gradually accept the reality, so it is called maturity...

The vast majority of people don’t have the courage to put everything aside to do what they really want to do, and among those who have the courage, only a small number of people succeed... The problem is that they don’t even have the courage to try and fight hard, and they continue to persevere even in the face of failure None, how could it be possible to succeed? Do you think that those who ranked Platinum and Diamond had few pitfalls behind them? The winning rate in thousands of games is almost lower than No. 50?

What are you going to do next? Bai Feifei asked.

Win the championship and runner-up in lpl. Yu Luocheng said.

Then what?

Enter the world competition and win the world championship. Yu Luosheng said.

The goal has always been very clear. It seems that there are only two steps, but this process requires too much effort and hardships...

If lpl is in Shanghai, I will go and cheer for you, although I can't understand... Bai Feifei rarely smiled.

Okay. Yu Luocheng also smiled.

Bai Feifei didn't accept e-sports before, but gradually she also understood that e-sports is not a game, but a kind of glory that needs to be fought for.

Since obedient and old-fashioned girls like Bai Feifei will change, and others will gradually change their minds, what I have to do is to raise the banner of e-sports even higher

After dinner, Yu Luocheng left, raising the flag didn't just need to be said.

After watching Yu Luocheng leave, Bai Feifei went back to the dormitory herself.

Her little girlfriend came over at the right time and asked a lot of questions.

Feifei, do you like him or not?


Then why let him go again?

I don't know. Bai Feifei shook her head, Maybe it's because I didn't dare to speak when my father was filling out the application for me.

What, neurotic.

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