Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 226 Public Enemy


Oh, I laughed so hard, it took only U minutes, and I hung up the phone directly under the tower. Taichen stared at the next road, and suddenly burst out laughing.

L's long bull head is really domineering, but the Sunshine team can be regarded as an iron plate. It's not good to find someone to trouble you. Go to the LN team. The Changkong team was killed by the fighting eagle... In other words, I thought the fighting eagle was a professional Playing, I didn't expect his support to be so awesome. We probably wouldn't be able to deal with his bot lane strength and sudden roaming. Taichenfeng said.

While the LPL teams breathed a sigh of relief, there was also a lot of discussion about the location of the Demacia club at this time.

It stands to reason that it should be the Sunshine team that beat the Guardian team to pieces. Why did the Sunshine team, which claimed to be good enough to match Heng, obviously collapsed not long after the start.

Hanging up under the road tower, not daring to replenish soldiers, this is not common in normal rankings, who knows that professional players can also appear in the arena, or the Sunshine team known as Hengheng

Take care of the network cable and the power supply. I heard that a certain team often kicks the network and step on the power supply when the situation is not good. Don't give them a chance! Jianfeng shouted at this time.

With this sentence, the faces of the members of the Sunshine team who shouted turned blue.

They did use this trick once when they were fighting against a very strong team. At the beginning, they collapsed like this and there was basically nothing to fight after that. They were just thinking about whether to use this trick and fight again. The result was pre-empted.

Hmph, the wires are all buried under the table and in the partition, so they can't be kicked. Boss Lei snorted coldly.

Think of the Demacia clubhouse as a small Internet cafe with scattered lines. How can such a high-end clubhouse give you the means of kicking the line?

In 10 minutes, Team Sunshine's three roads all collapsed.

Wu Sen single-handedly kills the fox in the middle lane, clears the level in the bottom lane, and Da Luo's top lane has already cut off the line of soldiers. There is no need to say more. The difference in strength is vividly reflected in just ten minutes

However, since he agreed to deal with the Sunshine team within minutes, Yu Luocheng would not break his promise.

After clearing the bottom lane, Yu Luocheng began to place his wards in the enemy's wild area.

Yu Luocheng himself is very good at ganking with Lao Niu. As he and Zhou Yan wandered together, both the middle lane and the top lane were repeatedly raped.

It’s useless to hide under the tower, Papa Niutou will push you out from under the tower, and pull out the tower directly after killing you

In 13 minutes, all the outer towers of the Sunshine team were destroyed, and the economic advantage directly exceeded 7,000.

With the refresh of the big dragon, the LN team took the big dragon and went to the high ground, and directly demolished the crystal base after a wave

Not much, 18 and a half minutes, the Sunshine team is still a minute and a half away from surrendering.

For a minute and a half, I don't know if they can find a suitable excuse to cover up the tenderness of being tortured in public this time

At the moment when the base crystal exploded, the regular guests of the Demacia clubhouse didn't recover for a long time

I remember that in the previous challenges, the guardian team had a hard time playing, and was even beaten by some semi-professional teams so that they dare not leave the house.

But today's guardian team seems to be a completely changed team. They are extremely strong in the lane, cooperate with each other tacitly, and have clear and effective tactics.

On the other hand, the Sunshine team, not only can’t play against the guardian team online, but the team cooperation is full of loopholes under the pressure of the guardian team. The female tanks have all kinds of funny out of touch flashes of big moves, and the foxes rush into the crowd in seconds. In seconds, Jax, the top laner, was full of soy sauce. Basically, he was knocked out by the bull's head as soon as he jumped on AD.

It feels like a group of brats are fighting with a group of adults, it’s more than a level behind

The five members of Team Sunshine were dumbfounded after the game.

They are considered the strength of the second-tier professional team anyway, how could they lose to a team from an online club?

You must know that this game was broadcast live, which means that the process of their being ravaged in this way has been completely exposed to the eyes of all their fans

How did the Sunshine team lose so badly? It didn't even last a minute.

Yeah, yeah, they say it's more than enough to play in the LPL. There shouldn't be many teams in China who can compete with them, and it's even more impossible to be GG for 18 minutes like the abusers, right?

Strange, the Sunshine team used to be very powerful, why today... A fan of the Sunshine team said.

Hey, you people, it's okay to seldom watch professional competitions, and you're still so ignorant. Jianfeng knew that the opportunity was right, and he stood up decisively and said, In professional competitions, players know each other's details, and even more so. I have a clear understanding of their respective hero characteristics and advantages. The game between them is not only a technical confrontation, but also a competition of heart and consciousness. In this case, it depends on who made a mistake...

Don't think that when the opponent's top laner is out of blood, I dare not go up here because I was too timid to play. It was because I didn't go up because the opponent's jungler was squatting behind. Everyone thinks that they are very good. Professional players are very good. Cai, to put it simply, you don’t even have the chance to meet a professional player at a high tier in qualifying and LP, so don’t be naive and think that you are 50-50 with others.”

Team Sunshine is a group of second-rate professional players who go to abuse and order food. Compared with the real LP, they have no chance of surrendering in minutes. They have never played before. You can say that they are very good. They are more than enough to play in LPL. What else can they say? They participated in world competitions, and now you have seen it, 18 minutes of abuse

Those stupid fans who Jianfeng said in a sentence were stunned.

With the facts in front of them, what else do they have to say.

We...we just perform abnormally, and LPL players also perform abnormally sometimes, so it's nothing to win a game. It's very difficult for L to snowball his advantage in the early stage. Bingbing said with a dark face, and he was extremely stubborn.

That's right, even any team can perform abnormally sometimes.

That's right, I'm allowing you guys to not allow others to play abnormally, they're just not used to the keyboard and mouse here. In the clubhouse, there are still people surrounding the Sunshine team.

There is no way, Team Sunshine has played live for too long, poisoning too many players who cannot distinguish the real strong

Jianfeng couldn't bear it now, this group of people are pretending to be shit, no matter how bad your performance is, you won't be blown up in less than a minute

When Yu Luocheng saw these clowns, he couldn't help but find it funny.

Yu Luocheng stood up from his computer, walked in front of Team Sunshine, and said, In professional competitions, you lose if you lose, and you win if you win. If you don't have a good game mentality and can't stabilize your performance, how can you do it? Participating in the LPLR finals, how can you represent our country in the finals, who will take pity on your abnormal performance?

A professional game is a battlefield, the moment of victory or defeat, it is destined to be honor or humiliation, it is not about brats on the street

Yu Luocheng really feels more and more disgusted with this Sunshine team, a team like this is not even worthy of a professional, what about the LPL and world competitions, they will only become more and more dirty professional e-sports

This kind of cancer should be completely wiped out from professional e-sports

Okay, since you said you're playing abnormally, I'll give you a chance to play normally. Yu Luocheng said calmly but angrily, Our team has always been here, let your Sunshine team challenge us, and we will accompany you for as many rounds as you want. As long as you can survive a game for more than a minute, we will lose.

In addition, from today onwards, our LN team will accept the challenge of any team in the country. You are not saying that you are higher than professional players, higher than LP. Now I will give you the opportunity to fight our LPLK professional team. If you have the ability, come and beat us. Shut up your self-righteous and gossip about professional e-sports if you don’t have the skills”

Yu Luocheng said these words very clearly, and the camera even gave Yu Luocheng a special display from the side, recording all what he said

As soon as these words came out, it was like a storm, and a violent commotion broke out in the entire network club and the players watching the live broadcast

LN team

Team Sunshine actually challenged Team LN

How come people who have watched LPLR don't remember this team, it is a terrifying team that tortured the Changkong team to the head of lUU

They disappeared for more than half a year, and they thought the suspension was dissolved.

Who would have thought that they would accept the challenges of various teams in an online club, and what is even more amazing is that the world's top player Dou Ying, who shocked the audience in the LPL, would face the camera and show the entire Chinese L The team launched a challenge

Starting today, the LN team accepts the challenge of any team in the country

In this case, which team rushes to say, including the LPL team, they also consider their public image and will not casually appear in the inexplicable clubhouse challenge competition.

However, other star teams in the LPL dare not, but their LN team dares, barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes

If you don't sing, you are already a blockbuster. The moment Yu Luocheng revealed the identity of the LN team, the entire network club fell silent.

It's really the LN team... Feng Da and his partners went crazy

Store Manager Xiao Duoduo's eyes popped out.

The funny assistant who has been cheating in his store for more than two months is actually the captain of the LN team, the world-class player who abused the Sky team to shame.

Oh Mai Ga Xiao Duoduo feels like I'm going to faint

Boss Lei, Boss Lei, can you explain to us what's going on, why your guardian team is the LN team that once caused a huge sensation in the LPL? The host reporter said excitedly.

The host reporter originally thought that the boss just spent money to invite them to come over for an interview. Who knew there would be such a big news. E-sports is now extremely popular on the Internet, and the number of visits to dig out important information about e-sports will soar

Boss Lei suddenly came back to his senses, and hurriedly straightened his expression.

In fact, Boss Lei was also shocked by Yu Luocheng's words.

Didn't you say that you only want to disclose the identity of the LNR?

Forget it if you make it public, how can you challenge all the L teams in the country, this will make the Demacia clubhouse a public enemy, what about you, captain... how can you be so handsome, I just want this kind of hype

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