Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 220 Insulting professional e-sports?

?? The bonus has successfully accumulated to 30,000.

Demacia itself is a Tencent-themed Internet cafe. With the accumulation of bonuses, such a message popped up in the lower right corner of the qq support in Shanghai, which is exactly the description of the bonus of Demacia Club as high as 30,000.

After such a publicity, the majority of Weibo and WeChat players began to circulate non-stop, and all the professional teams who had been looking for extra money for a long time were already ready to move.

l's professional team is lpl, but it is impossible for the whole of China to have only eight teams. Other professional teams have also gathered a certain amount of fame in their regions, including some live broadcast platforms and video platforms. For the competition, if there are sponsors of related electronic brands, their life will be more nourishing, if not, they will be as poor as ln.

When the 30,000 prize money in the ring of the Demacia clubhouse is released, the eyes of these teams are naturally bright

As for the ln team, you have to know that if you win a game, you can directly get 30,000 yuan. Even if they are in other provinces, they will take the bullet train to the past. Only when you have money can you realize your dreams. If you don’t have money, don’t talk about anything

The first to take action was Team Sunshine in Xuhui District.

Team Sunshine has a lot of publicity on the video media. It is said that their members can always easily break through 20,000 if they broadcast live on qt

Basically, it belongs to the level that can receive high appearance fees.

In China, in addition to the LP stars who often appear in front of the computer screen, many professional masters, commentators, and anchors will choose to create their own world on other platforms. They will log in to qt and yy platforms to open the live broadcast effect, so that Some players who want to learn how to play can learn and interact through their first-person perspective.

Team Sunshine wasn't very famous at first, and it was through this method that they were gradually recognized by the majority of l players. Even many l players couldn't remember the names of the members of the bottom team in the lpl, but they knew every member of Team Sunshine.

I don't care, they are so popular. Jianfeng opened the live broadcast software, looked at the number of people, and was speechless in shock.

Yu Luocheng also leaned over, and found that the live video of their group rehearsal had reached tens of thousands of viewers online.

The popularity of the official lpl qualifiers is only watched online by 10,000 people, and not every day, how come the Sunshine team played a group live broadcast and there are 10,000 people who watched it online, this is too scary

If it can gather tens of thousands of people to watch online, then this channel is enough to be described as hot, and the creators of the channel don't know how huge benefits they can get from it

I've inquired, like this kind of live broadcast channel, they can earn millions of dollars a year, Li Meiqi said.

Li Meiqi is now also thinking of various ways to manage the ln team. Although the public platform has not been established yet, Li Meiqi has prepared all the preparations, and waits for ln to enter lplr Jietian again.

How many... How many millions?? Da Luo was dumbfounded.

Nima, these people are working so hard to play lpl, the highest prize is only ten thousand

This channel broadcasts live, and then invites some second-tier players to abuse the food, and it can actually earn millions of dollars a year. This is too exaggerated

Then...isn't Team Sunshine richer than LP stars? Lin Dong said.

It is said that their income is higher than that of the underworld team. Li Meiqi said.

The income of professional players is relatively low, this is an indisputable fact, you can know it by looking at ln's poverty.

But why are those semi-professional players and teams who haven't even made it to the LPL directly blown out of the strongest underworld team? ?

What's going on with Nima?

Actually, this is a business strategy, and their strategy is very good. Li Meiqi saw that they were aggrieved, and explained, Live broadcasts like this are usually first-person perspective, and they are all real-time. Players have a sense of substitution. You can see the real-time reaction, operation, and awareness of the person playing the live broadcast. On the other hand, the lplr seven games are mostly rigorous between teams, and most of them are tactics that many novice players can’t understand. , that's why some people say that LP stars actually have the same skills...

And their live broadcasts are all personal rankings, and then hang diamond-level magic horses, strongest king-level magic horses, which is more important for players who are hovering in silver, gold, and platinum. The attractiveness is also closer, and after watching these people a lot, you will numbly think that the strength of these people is far from professional players. After all, the strength of these live broadcasts is indeed very strong, and some gorgeous operations will make people's eyes shine... ...

In addition, you can interact with the viewers, and then you can say a few words, this mode is very well developed, and the attention is also very high.

Da Luo became a little upset, and stared at Jiu Ri, a member of the Sunshine team who was broadcasting live.

Li Meiqi, I don't like to hear your words. Every member of the Sunshine team is already very strong. They really have the strength of super star players. Bingbing stood up at this time and said dissatisfied.

Yeah, yeah, like Nine Day's top order operation, it's just a word, you didn't see how many funny operations when the All-Stars went up and forgot to line up with the American puuu, if Nine Day is on the top, it must be Beat puuu, the strongest top laner on the US server. Xiao Wang played too stiffly, and he didn't play at the level of our domestic top laner at all, Feng Da nodded.

They watched the All-Star Game, Xiao Wang's swing was really not satisfactory, and he was too conservative when facing the American top laner.

Yu Luocheng was also beside him. He leaned in front of Bingbing's computer and watched Jiu Ri, who was playing the live broadcast.

It can be seen that some words floated on the live broadcast. These are obviously discussions among the viewers. Three out of ten sentences are comparing Nine Days with Xiaowang. The strange thing is that most people think Nine Days can make people laugh forget.

Let me tell you, isn't there voting in the All-Star Game? If the official put Nine Days on the list of candidates for the top laner, it might not be because there are too many votes for laughing and forgetting. The number of fans in Nine Days is overwhelming. Not to mention all In the All-Star Game, let’s just say that in the competition, Team 71’s performance was quite poor, and Xiao Wang didn’t lead 71 to achieve any good results. The few stiff operations made people really uncomfortable to watch.” A person was also watching the live broadcast on Nine Days said the youth.

All fart Da Luo couldn't stand it anymore

How strong is Xiao Wang's strength, Da Luo is very clear, this nine-day Da Luo has been watching for ten minutes, the strength is considered to be passable, compared with Xiao Wang's difference of a hundred and eight thousand miles

Dare to compare Xiao Wang with a top laner who didn't even make it to the lpl, these people have eaten shit out of their minds

Damn, you don't believe it? Bingbing said unhappily.

Believe me, this shit Nine Days is nothing compared to Xiao Wang, Da Luo said.

Da Luo, don't believe it, the video of him winning and laughing was released on the 9th. It has been circulated there for a long time, and the number of clicks is very high.

A lot of LP stars have been abused to the point of being tortured to pieces, okay? It's just that the government set some barriers to prevent really powerful people from playing. If Team Sunshine were allowed to play, I dare say that they will definitely be able to qualify in the group stage of the world competition. It's not like those in our country. The team is so unlucky.

Da Luo was upset, and directly quarreled with Bingbing and his group.

Yu Luocheng was standing next to him, and he also watched the live broadcast on Nine Days, and seeing the rows of comments belittling LP stars, he didn't know what to say for a while.

The simplest thing is, if Team Sunshine really has that strength, why didn't they go to the LPL to fight the Hell team? Since Jiu Ri is so strong, why don't they go to the LPL arena to face Xiao Wangtang dignifiedly?

It's really ridiculous to post a video of defeating Xiao Wang in ranking, and then start to publicize it, misleading people's judgment on the strength of lplk professional players.

To put it simply, when Yu Luosheng was playing in the Dianyi Ranking, he didn't play seriously at all. Counting the number of people who have been abused by his ID Fu Bi Nan Bo Wan, is it possible that this kind of player who didn't play at all? The persuasive ranking match video is released, saying that you are better than Lao Tzu? ?

It can be said with certainty that out of the ten games, Xiao Wang absolutely defeated Jiu Ri in five games, completely suppressed in four games, and snowballed Jiu Ri in one due to his own jungler... …

Xiao Wang didn't regard Jiu Ri as an opponent at all, he didn't bother to record such a video, but Jiu Ri recorded all ten rounds, and then released the video of the only winning round, and put a ranking Defeat the name of Xiao Wang, and use the title to attract most fans who support him.

Xiao Wang himself doesn't show up on public platforms very much, and because of the relationship between training and competitions, he can't have so many opportunities to interact with fans. He can't clarify this kind of thing even if he wants to clarify it, because others have videos to prove it, and he recorded it himself. None recorded...

This kind of ridiculous network trend makes Yu Luocheng really not know what to say. Just like Qianmeng said, this e-sports circle doesn't even form a clear difference between professional players and non-professional players, which leads to those The three teachings and nine streams who became popular with the help of the platform dare to clamor for real LP stars.

You know, the training of lpl players is day and night. Like soldiers, they need to stand in a basic military posture every day, train their body strength every day, and practice marksmanship very boringly. These are not something ordinary people can bear...

Too many Yu Luocheng didn't want to say that a live broadcast player like Jiuri who has been immersed in a ranking lower than his own strength all day long has no qualifications to be compared with LP stars in terms of environment.

It’s a good thing that you broadcast live, let most players how to operate this hero, how to develop a sense of mastery, gather a group of l lovers to discuss and form a good l atmosphere, but use some ridiculous videos to sensationalize and insult the real lplk industry Contestants, reverse right and wrong, that's intolerable

This nine days is just looking for a day

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