Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 214 The Supreme Realm of Cheap!


Big K is also not good at screaming, the development of the kobold is very good, he teleports down and sprints in front of him, forming 4 dozen, and Xiaoya's piano girl is not very good at moving and zooming in. This is basically It's the case of 3, this has to be wiped out by the group

A scarlet whirlwind quickly appeared in the eyes of an enemy, and in one second, an enemy kobold that no one can beat will fall from the sky, and the next thing is the rhythm of being hunted down on L's side

Yu Luocheng didn't panic, and continued to move and output.

Wu Sen and Yu Luocheng's AD formed two wings, Zhao Xin and Zhou Yan who were facing the kite were still taking damage in front, Xiaoya's piano girl didn't know why, she just stood behind Yu Luocheng and kept rolling the keyboard, Occasionally A hit Xin Zhao, but I still don’t know whether to use the big move or not

It's over, the dog's head is down. Xu Ben didn't dare to look at it anymore...

However, suddenly the red whirlwind disappeared strangely

Originally, the kobold's teleportation happened to cut off the retreat of Yu Luocheng and others, but for some reason, the kobold who was supposed to be teleported did not teleport

Seeing that the kobold didn't come down, Yu Luocheng smiled slightly, and said to Xiaoya, Go up and make a big move and hide behind me.

Xiaoya's Qin Nu got accelerated, rushed over according to what Yu Luocheng said, and directly made a big move towards the opposite male gun and mid laner

The mid laner on the opposite side was in a hurry to hide but was hit by the edge, the male gun did not flash, and was directly shot in the face

Zhou Yan turned his head and fought back, Yu Luocheng stood up and output, and immediately flew towards the back row of the opposite side with all his skills, three times, five times and two knocked out the opponent

What's wrong, the dog's head didn't send down??

Both Xu Ben and Big K were stunned. They were obviously double-teamed and died tragically. Why did they suddenly fight back? Where is that dog head?

Look Da finally found something and glanced at Da Luo's screen.

Xu Ben also looked, only to find that Da Luo's stone man was escaping from the enemy's tower, followed by a crazy dog ​​head

The two of them were not stupid, they understood it all at once, and their faces were filled with surprise

It's a stone man, the stone man interrupted the transmission of the dog's head with a big move

And judging from Da Luo's summoner skills, Da Luo flashed past directly, then rushed to the enemy's tower and interrupted the transmission of the dog's head with a big move

This interrupt is really critical, as soon as the dog head goes to Da Luo's teammates, it will be wiped out

Damn it, flashing into the tower, the big move interrupts the teleportation... If our top laner has this consciousness... Big K and Xu Ben are both heartbroken

What is cooperation and what is tacit understanding? In normal passers-by games, when someone else is teleporting, the top laner who is facing him is still standing there stupidly, not knowing what to do. If he is a little smarter, he will send a signal to make his teammates retreat. , the problem is that team battles are starting, you think you can retreat if you want to retreat

And like Da Luo, when he saw the opponent's dog's head return to the tower inexplicably, he actually crossed the long line of soldiers, and then flashed over and hit the person with a big move, keeping the dog's head who wanted to teleport

This is consciousness, this is teamwork, under normal circumstances, who would think that the dog's head retreats to be transmitted

The most important thing is that when the LN team faced the Goutou teleportation, the formation was not messed up at all. It felt as if they were very sure that the Goutou would not be able to teleport down. What kind of tacit understanding and trust is needed to play so calmly?

4 Except for the sacrifice of Lao Zhou who was at the front, everyone else was alive and well.

Yu Luocheng took away the male gun's head, Xiaoya accidentally shot and killed Xin Zhao, who had nowhere to go, and snatched the head, Wu Sen took away the female tank, leaving only the opposite AP running away .

Winning a group, pushing down the tower, and taking the dragon, is another huge establishment of the team's economic advantage

Xiaoya was overjoyed, it's rare that she didn't die in a team fight, and she also beat Xin Zhao a lot of blood, if she didn't accidentally snatch Yu Luocheng's head, it would be even more perfect

In the big move just now, she overwhelmed the AD on the opposite side and made a great contribution

Hearing Yu Luocheng, Lin Dong and the others praised her for using that big move well, Xiaoya's confidence grew even higher.

I have a lot of money, did I buy this? Xiaoya said to Yu Luocheng when she got home.

Well, I just bought this. Yu Luocheng nodded.

I'll buy one or two eyes, it's not good to always ask you to make eyes. Xiaoya said shyly.

Xiaoya bought a few eyes with the remaining money.

It is Yu Luocheng and Zhou Yan who are doing the warding. No matter how good the opponent is in a match, it is impossible to do without warding. Zhou Yan is responsible for most of the control of the warding, and Yu Luocheng is doing it for himself. With his ward position, coupled with his own speed-up ult and protection, basically he will not be caught to death, and if he is caught, Xiaoya will be sold out.

Xiaoya went on to the next road, and when she saw Yu Luocheng retracting the thread, she also obediently went to the triangular grass to look out.

As a result, as soon as I walked to the grass, I bumped into the male gun who seemed to have just collected the wild monster stone man

Xiaoya was terrified and ran away in a hurry.

Gao Qingjin was overjoyed, a woman is a woman, so stupid and hopeless, isn't this a gift for himself, come here to get an eye

Monkey, hold Sivir down for me, I'll kill Qin girl, Gao Qingjin said loudly.

The opportunity to stand up has finally come, this Qin girl has more than 400 yuan, Gao Qingjin's last knife is actually not bad, what is lacking is the head, give him a few more heads, and wait for the later stage to fight to catch the opposite girl paper will not be able to fight If you make a mistake, you will definitely be able to make it back, such as the current situation

Monkey Yu knew that this was a good opportunity for Gao Qingjin to kill someone, and he happened to be online, so he rushed up to hold the Goddess of War who was going to support him.

Putting on a weak one, and then taking control, the thin monkey just didn't let Yu Luocheng pass by. Anyway, he was worthless, and it didn't matter if he was killed by the Goddess of War.

Xiaoya, don't panic, give him weakness and hit him, Yu Luocheng said.

Xiaoya used her skills while running, and after he found out that the male gun hit her was not very painful, she gradually calmed down, and hurriedly put a weak holster on the male gun.

The weak time of 5 seconds, the male gun is almost a half-useless person at this time, but Xiaoya's piano girl has amazing attack speed and attack power, click on the male gun, the male gun actually goes half a grid

My grass Gao Qingjin was scared to pee when he saw his blood volume drop

This Qin girl, what attack speed, what attack power

During the weak period, Qin Nu played a very high output, and Gao Qingjin's male gun was disabled unconsciously

Xiaoya click on him, slow down and spin, he doesn't have a big move, don't be afraid of him, chase him, Yu Luocheng said.

Xiaoya knows how to play and spin, and quickly pressed the deceleration and back spin, she was pleasantly surprised to find that the male gun was knocked out by his A for several blocks of blood, and after a while of chasing, the male gun was about to escape

On the screen, an extremely shocking scene suddenly appeared: Qin Nu killed the male gun

Everyone in the Zhejiang team is not weak, and they will definitely switch their perspectives when a battle occurs.

Just when they all thought that the male gun could basically kill the Qin girl alone, in the end Gao Qingjin's male gun died

This... this... this crazy situation

The dead Gao Qingjin stared blankly at the screen, completely dumbfounded

After pressing the TAH button, he found that besides a few bottles of medicine and a few bottles of eyes, there was also a black cutter lying in the equipment column of the piano girl.

After the five members of the Zhejiang team saw Heiqiqin girl, hundreds of millions of grass and mud horses trampled and ran wildly in their hearts

Click on the attributes of the piano girl again...

This Qin girl, besides the passive 4-point magic damage of her skills, has no other magic power, and her attack power is so high that she almost dares to use the endless male gun that hasn't been synthesized yet.

Under normal circumstances, the male gun should also be able to hit the piano girl who only has a black cut. It is fatal to be weak, and the armor reduction of the black cut in 5 seconds is already terrible. It hurts to level A

After Gao Qingjin knew the truth, his whole face twitched and almost twisted together.

If your AD is single-killed by an assistant Qin girl controlled by a girl with a black cut, will you still have the face to live? ?

Anyway, all the people who watched this battle were dumbfounded, and the air was completely frozen.

Big K and Xu Ben remembered that Qin Nu released a red crystal before. They thought that Xiaoya had a sight stone, and they hadn't noticed Xiaoya's outfit. As a result, Xiaoya suddenly suppressed a black cut. Hacked the male gun to death...

ouch i go

After Big K and Xu Ben stood there for a long time, they couldn't straighten up from laughing.

Gao Qingjin claimed to be the strongest AD in Hangzhou, but was single-handedly killed by Xiaoya, and he still assisted Qinnv...

Gao Qingjin, hahahahahahahaha, I think you should jump out of the window, ouch, I can't do it anymore, I'm laughing to death Big K laughed wantonly

Xu Ben at the side immediately admired his master Yu Luocheng.

Raising an auxiliary girl to make a black cut can use weakness to solo kill the opponent's AD...¨

What is head-grabbing? From the beginning to the end, Yu Luocheng gave the head to Xiaoya while ensuring his absolute development, and then used the team economy to establish an absolute advantage...

So when Xiaoya and Gao Qingjin met, Yu Luocheng calmly directed Xiaoya's Qin girl to chase after Gao Qingjin

Disgusting opponents, at most let opponents eat flies, very uncomfortable, very uncomfortable, but like this kind of support from sister papers, let sister papers assist in the behavior of hacking and hacking people, it is the highest state of being cheap to the bones of others ah

Really, for a man like this who was assisted in a solo kill by his sister, especially Gao Qingjin who was going to trouble Xiaoya to save face, what kind of face and dignity would be severely punished with that horrible solo kill stepped on again

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