Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 212 War Goddess Sivir!


Unfortunately, the cheap-mouthed chestnut head and the poisonous-tongued Da Luo are both top orders.

It is said that the position of the League of Legends can tell the general trend of a person, so it seems that it is really the same thing.

Da Luo's curses belong to curses, and the selection of candidates is still not too casual.

To put it simply, he chooses Jax, and basically goes straight to the road to pass the level. Players of the chestnut head level can't stop Ronaldo's pace at all.

But Jax is not omnipotent. If you go on the road to clear the level, if the opponent gets up and calls the jungler to catch it, it is easy to overwhelm a well-equipped Jax.

When fighting in a team, Jax cannot be used to protect the back row, but can only be used to rush. If the opponent's defensive ability is strong, Jax's contribution to team battles will be very limited.

Considering the need to make more team contributions for a u team, Da Luo chose a dog head when he saw the opposite, but fortunately he chose a stone man.

Gotou is a very classic top lane development flow, which can stack damage non-stop, and in the middle and late stages, it is fleshy and output.

How would you describe this hero?

Recently, there was a joke like this circulating on the Internet: It was said that a high school student asked four friends to go to the Wuhei all night, and then the opposite party was supposed to be the Sihei, and the group dropped the line. So the five of them taunted the dog head of the desert god of death on the opposite side. But after a while, their network was cut off, and the five of them had to go back to the dormitory to sleep. The next night, they continued to go to Wuhei in the same way, but when they logged in, they found that the game needed to be reconnected. As soon as they connected, they saw the dog head on the opposite side happily saying: You are finally online, my q is already hungry and thirsty.

Lizitou is very aggressive, but compared to those top laners who are extremely strong in the early stage, Lizitou prefers the super cool type of Goutou, who is one-on-three in the later stage.

At first, Lizitou was worried that the ground would choose a strong hero in the early stage to suppress his q development, but in the end, he chose a stone man on the opposite side

This chestnut's head and mouth are crooked

The stone man is a typical weak hero in the top lane. His dog head can be used as a QJ pawn with peace of mind. When there are 200 pawns, who else in this world can stop him?

The game starts to load, and the hero Yu Luocheng chooses is the goddess of war Sivir, who used to be very unpopular and is now extremely popular, commonly known as the wheel mother

The assistant is Xiaoya's piano girl

Considering that sisters are naturally afraid of heroes with hooks, Yu Luocheng han the robot and Thresh at the beginning of the game, so as not to be taken away by the opponent inexplicably.

The guy on the opposite side who looks as thin as a monkey is a support, and the chosen hero is a female tank

It is very easy for the female tank hero to be selected in the game below gold, and it is very easy to directly blow up the bottom lane. The second level directly cooperates with male guns and aircrafts with high explosiveness, and the skills are almost enough to basically pass the level.

Gao Qingjin, who was full of evil spirits, chose the male gun, and it really was a very violent combination

The two sides quickly entered the line. Yu Luocheng added the boomerang first, relying on his hands to be a little longer than the male gun. At the first level, Yu Luocheng clicked the male gun a few more times to suppress his blood line .

Level 1 male gun and female tank have nothing to fear. Yu Luocheng uses the passive ability of the Goddess of War, Sivir, to maintain his movement speed. Yu Luocheng had already pulled back when he was in love, and when the male gun turned his head, Yu Luocheng would turn around and aj him again, and then connect a boomerang to ensure that both hits hit the male gun.

Damn, it's so annoying. Gao Qingjin was very upset, and looked at half of his blood volume that had been consumed.

I'm about to level up, get ready for Yu. Shouhouyu said.

Gao Qingjin nodded, glanced at the experience bar, and put his hand on the ctpl button, ready to upgrade his skills in seconds.

As a result, as soon as the little soldier was defeated, that damn Goddess of War, Sivir, started to be cowardly, hiding far away, not giving the opponent a chance to catch him at all.

Xu Ben on the side couldn't help laughing when he saw this, and wanted to take advantage of the first wave?

I think too much, my master knows better than you when you upgrade

It doesn't matter if you are pressured to make up the knife, when the pawn line pushes over, Yu Luocheng and Xiaoya who is hiding behind him are promoted to the next level smoothly.

When he reached level 1, Yu Luocheng became even more presumptuous, even if he went up to hit you, it doesn't matter if he hit you, anyway, there is a Qin girl behind him who is adding blood, but your male gun has no recovery ability at all.

And the female tank came up with the sacred sword p, which had no effect on Yu Luocheng at all. Using a magic shield, it can easily block the female tank's skills, and return uu points of mana

Master's shield is very good, and the female tank on the opposite side is also very smart. She pretended several times to try to deceive the master's skills, but as a result, the master bird didn't like him, and as soon as the female tank made a move, his shield was added. Xu Ben said.

The female tank's attack speed is quite fast, that skinny monkey is not a rookie at all, it's a pity that others don't accept this trick if he knows how to go up and cheat.

It's not a big deal, you haven't seen our captain use Morgana. He Morgana can add shields to people in seconds, making the opponent's robot almost collapse, and he can give him a shield without vision. Put on the shield and block the prince who suddenly came over. Jianfeng said with some pride.

When I played against the second team of Fudan University, Yu Luosheng Morgana's amazing hand speed really scared the whole audience

Have no vision to block the prince's flying flying? So stupid Xu Ben and Big K were both stunned, how fast this nima's reaction speed and sharp hand speed are.

Morgana's shield opening is not like that of the Goddess of War, but it is aimed at people, which is several times more complicated than that of the Goddess of War.

In such a comparison, Yu Luocheng's goddess of war blocking the female tank on the opposite side is really nothing.

Yu Luocheng didn't want to kill, but just suppressed the male gun's blood line, and didn't give him and the female tank the chance to fight too hard.

Xiaoya's piano girl has been adding blood behind Yu Luocheng all the time, occasionally going to q and a, even though it didn't cause Yu Luocheng a game difficulty of 3, it is impossible for Yu Luocheng to play when he has nothing. Road one pick two.

Guaranteed development, guaranteed replenishment, Big K always thought that his ad divination knife was very solid and stable, but after seeing Yu Luocheng playing ad, he didn't want to talk anymore. Have you ever seen an ad who is 1v2 and hardly misses a knife?

As for Lin Dong, he was not in a good mood.

The last few times when Lin Dong went to Road 3, Yu Luocheng always said that he was sarcastic, but this time he wanted to see why Yu Luocheng 3 was not labeled as a dog, but today Xiaoya somehow behaved very well , Qin Nu knows how to be wretched, that is, adding blood in the back or something, even after seeing the female tank being blocked, she will use the chorus to hit the opponent. If Xiaoya had played like this a few times ago, Lin Dong would have Not to mention blasting the opponent, there is absolutely no problem with normal development

Yu Luocheng is a lucky guy

The bottom lane was relatively calm, Yu Luocheng and Xiaoya mainly defended with the control line. Although the opponent's lineup was strong, they didn't have any chance to get ahead.

The two big meats on the road belong to no one can do anything about it. The dog head wants to kill the stone man, it is impossible. If the dog's q is not armor-piercing, it may not be able to deal high damage. After all, it is physical damage, and Da Luo's stone man does not. Whatever hurts, you can rest assured that you can replenish troops, even when these two people are in line, they are very leisurely typing and scolding on the public screen...

From the beginning to the sixth level of each other, they scolded each other for about three pages, which caused a lot of obstacles to Zhou Yan who didn't talk much but had a chat window to manually record the refresh time of the little wild monsters.

Wu Sen in the middle lane played the most fiercely with the mid laner on the opposite side. The junglers of both sides basically appeared in the middle lane, and they fought hard. hhpp switched back and forth.

Old Zhou, is it almost done? I'm almost done. Yu Luocheng said.

Just eat this monster. Zhou Yan said.

The bottom road is very calm, and there are almost no headshots until the sixth level.

As the sixth level is approaching, Yu Luocheng has already controlled the pawn line under the tower, and is waiting for Lao Zhou's prince to come and gank.

The river course and the triangle grass have eyes, so you come directly from behind the line. Yu Luocheng said.

He was playing AD, but Yu Luocheng didn't expect Xiaoya to remember the enemy's eye positions, so he would naturally remember them.

Zhou Yan nodded, and after reaching the sixth level, he walked directly from the line.

The line of soldiers was coming here, Zhou Yan continued to move forward, and when he was about to enter the enemy's field of vision, suddenly Yu Luocheng's war goddess Sivir yelled loudly.

A blue cyclone rippled and quickly lingered on the bodies of Yu Luosheng, Zhou Yan, and Xiaoya

Zhou Yan's prince suddenly ran very fast, even more exaggerated than sprinting. He rushed up from the shadow behind him, and approached the opponent's bottom duo

Mother Wheel's big move is group acceleration of 60%. Gao Qingjin saw a prince suddenly come out, and hurriedly backed away in fright

Zhou Yanzuo was very coherent. After getting close, he went straight to two consecutive shots, trying to pick up the male spear.

Gao Qing's hand speed was also very fast, and it flashed at the moment of flying, he didn't just run away, but turned around to output to the prince.

Their junglers are also behind, Yu Luocheng said immediately.

The only reason why the male gun dared to turn back to output is that there was still a person squatting in the grass, which just explained why the opposite jungler Xin Zhao disappeared on the map for a while

As soon as the words fell, a chrysanthemum letter suddenly popped out of the grass in the second paragraph. The chrysanthemum letter ignored the prince and directly charged Yu Luocheng's war goddess Sivir.

Yu Luocheng was naturally aware of it, and after watching the female tank's ult, he took advantage of the effect of his ult to make a flanking move, and joined Zhou Yan, who was a little out of touch.

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