Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 208: The Sons of All Stars Can Be Big!


After the bottom lane is pushed, Xiaolong's field of vision is easily controlled by the enemy.

Looking at the strength of a team, in fact, one can know from the control of the field of vision. The ilhn team that Fanta and Fei Ge are in is strong, and basically there will be no major problems in individual laning.

It's a pity that their rhythm is still too bad, and they don't know how to use the advantages they have established to expand. This will give the enemy too much breathing time and development time, and even accidentally start a wrong team battle, and all the advantages will be ruined in an instant.

This time, the scramble for the red hhpp led to a murder.

The opponent's jungler tried to control Zhou Yan's red hhpp, but this guy broke in without sufficient vision. Of course, the seasoned Zhou Yan can easily see what the opponent wants to do at this time. Wu Sen, who had joined hands in the middle, squatted at the red hhpp.

The enemy's support speed is not slow. As soon as the battle starts in the wild, their bottom lane combination and mid lane will come to rescue

In this case, Lin Dong had to give up his development and go to the wild area.

After sending a signal to Xiaoya, Lin Dong hurried to the wild area.

Zhou Yan's old tree was very brave. He rushed to the front to create an output environment for Lin Dong and Wu Sen. At this time, the opponent's plane was quite generous, and it came directly from the other side of the wall to kill Lin Dong.

Damn, daddy will be afraid of you? Lin Dong stopped hiding, and confronted Wei Enyu head-on, and there was a child of the stars beside him, no matter how bad he was, he would add some blood.

The plane's equipment was really good, and a set of explosions wiped out half of Lin Dong's HP. Xiaoya gave Lin Dong a milk in time before he calmed down.

The gap in equipment is too big, Lin Dong must be the one who suffers in this kind of confrontation, but Lin Dong is not afraid, because he knows that Xiaoya still has a big move

The blood volume dropped rapidly, and Lin Dong suddenly felt that something was wrong

Xiaoya, big move!

Xiaoya was still there using silence and ping to attack the plane, looking at a loss.

Lin Dong saw that his blood volume had bottomed out, and his heart tightened...

Eldest sister, do you level af+, hurry up and make a big move

Finally, Xiaoya remembered that her ultimate move was already in place, and hurriedly pressed her p key.

However, the moment pr was pressed, the old Zhou Laoshu who stood alone in front had already died, Lin Dong was not surprised to be killed by a well-equipped plane, and the bomber Wu Sen who was hiding behind was full of blood

Suddenly, the entire hall of the clubhouse became silent, and the guests who were drinking and drinking cold drinks were all dumbfounded.

I've seen Qinnv Kongda, I've seen Annie Kongda, it's the first time Nima has seen the children of the stars can be empty

This assistant student, you are the rescuer sent by the opposite side, you are so cute that the whole club is bloody.

Zhou Yan and Lin Dong, who were already dead, looked at each other silently after the screen turned black and white...

Really, how naive, they saw that the green dot on the left portrait of the Son of the Stars was bright, so they subconsciously counted the blood added by the Son of the Stars ult into their own blood, and then used this blood to escape, Who would have thought that Xiaoya's sister Zhi would only amplify her move when he died twice?

Sister paper, have you read the skill introduction of Children of the Stars? It's a group blood boosting technique, not a group resurrection technique.

big wave

blowing waves

Wu Sen was very happy. He first took out the opponent's jungler's head, followed by destroying the plane, and then killed the opponent's support with a big move.

Wu Sen's bomber man is really wretched and disgusting. When Zhou Yan created good output conditions for him, he with blue hhpp threw tons of bombs, blowing up those in the ilhn team.

Damn it, what are you doing to cut the bomber? Feng Da said angrily.

When they set up a plane, they were replaced by 3, 4 hit 3 and 3 were killed. They lost a lot this time.

This jungler and mid laner are a bit strong. Fei Ge said.

It was Brother Fei who was fighting Wu Sen. His clockwork demon was almost driven crazy by Wu Sen's Bomberman. The economy was already severely suppressed. Fortunately, the Bomberman got a triple kill. You can hang up when you are online.

It's more than a little powerful... the jungler said with a bitter face.

Originally, the prince should be stronger than the old tree in the wild area, but for some reason, every time he meets in the wild area, he is beaten into a dog, and no matter where he goes to gank, the old tree can definitely arrive within 5 seconds. And every time I hit the backhand...

That's awesome, didn't you see that I almost pierced through the bot lane? Take it seriously, you don't want 10,000 yuan, right? Feng Da said.

Brother Da, the economy is actually not bad...

It's okay, I didn't see that I just killed him like killing a dog

Yu Luocheng was happily playing in the ranking of the Korean server. Due to the loss of points, the opponent they are currently ranked with is not very strong, so they can easily pass the level.

This time, Yu Luocheng and Qian Meng didn't completely play the bot lane, they gave their teammates random positions, and then the two of them fought whatever they got.

After finishing a round, Yu Luocheng glanced at Lin Dong next to him, and said casually, Why haven't you finished playing yet?

Damn it, you have the nerve to say, you can show me the lv3 of the next lane Lin Dong scolded very unhappy.

Yu Luocheng looked at Lin Dong's screen, glanced roughly, and calculated, in terms of economy, the opponent should be ahead by two or three thousand.

Most of the economic advantages are reflected in the bottom lane and Xiaolong, and the economic advantages of l are reflected in the top and mid laners.

It’s not bad, there’s a big guy in the front, and there’s a mid laner like Bomberman with both sustained and explosive output. Even if Lin Dong’s equipment really can’t keep up, it’s not impossible to fight. As long as Wu Sen and Lin Dong pay attention to their positions If you are not controlled, you can still fight in a team.

The opponent is almost in a group. Their lineup is not exhausted. It is still very easy to play defensively. If Xiaolong's vision is controlled, Xiaolong will give it as he should, so as not to be caught and make a mistake and just finish the game. Yu Luosheng said .

l There is no control on this side. Except for the plane on the other side, the control of other people is a bit scary. As long as the back row is caught, the regiment will lose directly. It is really particular about positioning.

However, with the prince here, they will basically form a group... Yu Luocheng said slowly

As soon as the words fell, the prince who had been evacuated on the opposite side suddenly turned his head and flashed, and Erlian directly provoked the children of the stars and Wu Sen's old tree.

Damn, so violent, Lin Dong cursed.

Flashing up to the second company, you have moved at least a thousand yards. It is good to force the team, but can your teammates keep up?

Qin Nu, Clockwork, and the crocodile have already rushed up, and it can be seen that Clockwork put the defensive ball on the prince's head, waiting for the prince to make a big move, and then use the big move to strangle the prince

After clockwork strangles a big move, Qin Nu will definitely follow up with a big move, which can control at least three

Sure enough, the prince made a huge jump, heading towards Wu Sen's bomber and Lin Dong's.

Lin Dong's reaction was very fast. When the prince's big move fell, he opened it directly. The clockwork demon on the opposite side couldn't think too much at this time. It would be nice to be able to bomb the man in seconds.

Zhou Yan's old tree and Da Luo's dragon girl are not decorations. The prince will force the group like this, and the enemies will naturally swarm up.

Da Luo saw the timing right and rushed forward with a big move, hitting the opponent's three people in one breath, only the second-stage pr crocodile rushed inside and Wu Sen was seconds away.

And Zhou Yan's skills are also released very quintessentially. Under normal circumstances, the old tree would directly imprison the opponent's ad to hinder the output of the enemy's ad, but Zhou Yan did not do that. The person he imprisoned was Qin Nu

The prince forced to start a group, clockwork took the big move, and Qin Nu took the big move again. This round of control is almost fatal. Once Wu Sen and Lin Dong are controlled, the round will be lost, so the key point is not the opponent's Ad but can't let the piano girl throw the big move smoothly

An imprisoned, tightly hugged Qin Nu, Qin Nu wanted to flash to keep up with her teammates, but she was hugged just as soon as she flashed, coupled with Long Nu's pounce, she failed to keep up with the control skills, but suffered A lot of damage to the opponent (op refers to the damage caused by the range of skills)

Dragon Girl's ultimate move is Burning Damage, her ultimate move is Scrape, Old Tree's ultimate move and a set of skills, Bomberman's ultimate move from the sky.

In a panic, Qin Nu threw a big move at the old tree, and then hid behind, because his blood was already disabled.

The most pitiful support is this. I rushed into the crowd and thought that I would be done with a big move, but because the resistance and blood volume were very low and I didn't pay attention to the enemy's skills, so I did nothing. The big trick is to make soy sauce thoroughly in the rest of the time.

The question is, would an old tree care about being controlled by a big move? Rough skin and thick flesh are up to you

On the other side, Wu Sen, who was surrounded, did not panic. After the clockwork set of skills is over, he puts a trap bomb on the spot, and blows himself backwards very coolly, bringing the less than one-third of the blood volume to the rear

This amount of blood was still sucked by the Son of the Stars, Wu Sen knew that the damage of the clockwork was not very high, and it was rare for Xiaoya to suckle himself, fortunately, Flash didn't pay, and after the explosion, he went to Throwing a set of skills of the prince out of touch with his teammates

How high can a jungler's magic resistance be? For a bomber with 150 reinforcements, the prince can't stand it at all

In a few seconds, the prince was killed. Wu Sen glanced at Lin Dong, who was chased half to death by the crocodile, and hurriedly threw a deceleration bomb on the ground to relieve Lin Dong's pressure.

Lin Dong's equipment is really bad, even the crocodile, which is not very developed, doesn't move much, but Wu Sen hits it with a set of skills, the crocodile is half blooded, and the horrible damage makes the crocodile want to cry. The dragon girl who started to cut off the line of troops after u level is already very abnormal, this bomber is even more against the sky

Not long after, the crocodile finally couldn't withstand the terrible injury and was slaughtered by the bomber.

After the crocodile was dealt with, the two super-meat front rows of Dragon Girl and Old Tree immediately pulled back a little to join their own back row.

At this time, there were only two people left in the ilhn team, and Zhou Yan's old tree purposely left one behind.

The output of Lin Dong and Bomberman followed closely, took away Xiaoya's son of the stars before the clockwork, and died just like that

The Qin girl and the plane are left, and they dare not export anymore. Even if the blood of the old tree is gone, they can only run away...

Ever since, a wave of the prince's first team ended with a 3-for-3 change. One support died on the ln team, and three generals died on the ilhn team...

Needless to say, after ln finishes killing people, he will take advantage of the opportunity to take a big dragon

It's very inexplicable... The ilhn team hasn't recovered for a long time, and the guests in the hall are also puzzled...

There is such a big difference in the lineup, and it is obvious that the economy is leading. How did this group lose?

If it weren't for the actor Son of the Stars who deliberately gave away a head at the end, it would even be a 0-for-3 rhythm.

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