Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 201: I Don’t Believe In My Future So Much...

Ln, who played a guest role in the Xingxing club team, easily won the weekly competition. After half a month, he will play the monthly competition. Basically, he can go to the provincial competition

Back in Shanghai, Yu Luosheng and others faced a big problem, finding a house.

The original place is really unlivable, the government said it will be demolished, and the landlord of the house will take it back.

This time, the few of them plan to find a decent house for permanent residence, which will be used as their future training base.

At any rate, it was a team that had played in lplr, without a decent training base, and those sponsors were worried, worried that they would be disbanded just like the old house.

Yu Luocheng and the others wouldn't even think about areas like Jing'an and Xuhui. In a word, they are so fucking expensive that they can't afford to live there.

In fact, most of the e-sports clubs are located in places that are relatively remote from the urban area. The accommodation conditions are good, but the location is really bad. It takes more than an hour to go to the urban area by subway, which is very inconvenient.

After two or three days of shopping, they found nothing.

Either the house is too small, or the conditions are too poor to live in.

In the past few days, Da Luo has never heard of scolding those real estate agents and rental agencies, they are simply stealing money.

Walking in a big city in hot weather, inexplicably, there will be irritability and anger.

Yu Luosheng, Da Luo, Zhou Yan, Wu Sen, and Lin Dong dragged their weary pace on the scalding hot street, sweating profusely.

Life is really helpless sometimes, looking eagerly at those high-rise buildings, eagerly at the untouchable rental housing prices, eagerly looking at a community that is so exquisite and luxurious that I dare not step into it...

It's not that everyone is greedy for money by nature, but every time at this time, they especially want to change the exhausted and sloppy status quo, which can only be solved by money.

Unknowingly, they have established lnl for almost a year.

A year ago, Da Luo cried and said that he must become rich, he must live in an elevator room, he must be well-decorated, he must have air-conditioning in summer and heating in winter... One year later, nothing seemed to have changed, and he started looking for a house again. I don't know if the house I'm looking for will be worse than the one before...

Yu Luocheng's kind of one thousand yuan per lesson is not always there, and there are not many local tyrants like Xu Ben who are obsessed with becoming the king and becoming stronger. Now they still have to face the fact that they have no money and no place to live.

Sometimes they also ask themselves, is it worth it to abandon their original prospects and walk around a big city like a homeless person that even their family members don’t approve of…

By the way, this place is very close to Jing'an District. Didn't Big K tell me that there is a house for me? Da Luo thought of something and said.

You are crazy, the houses here are so expensive, let alone Jing'an, Lin Dong said.

We've seen all the houses here, and there's really nothing good about them. Oh, I've come here. Let's go and have a look. I haven't seen many houses where rich people live. Da Luo said.

Yu Luocheng had rubbed off that business card anyway, to be honest, he really didn't expect to be able to live there.

Yu Luocheng knew that Big K was also kind and wanted to help their down-and-out Team L, but Big K didn't understand the current situation of them, even if you gave them a 30% discount, they really couldn't afford to live, and they really didn't dare to spend the whole four or five Thousands of dollars are spent on renting an apartment.

...Oh, oh, I know that place, we are near here... Ah, come and pick us up in a car, no, no, you are too polite, we will go there by ourselves. Da Luo's voice came from the side.

Yu Luocheng glanced at Da Luo, and found that Da Luo really made that phone call, and Big K seemed to have given him a business card.

Damn, are you really fighting? Lin Dong glared at the nervous Da Luo.

It's really close, just a few streets away. Oh, let's just turn on the air conditioner and take a rest. I'm really tired. Da Luo said.

Me too. Wu Sen said.

I was really dragged to Jing'an District by Da Luo. According to the address, I saw an exquisite community with cobblestones and small green parks on both sides.

The floor of the community is not very high, and there is a fence full of vines and flower branches around it.

The flower garden, small spring pool, small rockery, small forest path, and the community where they lived before, where the garbage was littered, there were many vendors, and the clothes were hung in disorder, are simply a paradise and an underground

I'm paralyzed, I don't want to go Da Luo gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

Such a residential area is a dream, and look at the layout of those houses, the exquisite and gorgeous urban light

Really, don't make me rich. Wu Sen couldn't help himself.

Lin Dong and Zhou Yan remained silent, but their eyes still betrayed themselves.

When we arrived at the unit that the assistant mentioned, the five of them couldn't describe it in words because of the gorgeous lobby. It would be really cool to be able to live here

I really regret going here. After seeing this place, I guess they need to make a lot of heart to accept the fact of those dilapidated houses, and it becomes more difficult to choose a house.

When I reached the sixth floor, I opened the door and entered the house. The house is extremely spacious, and the floor-to-ceiling windows allow the sunlight to fall into the hall without hindrance, but it still doesn't feel hot...

There are not very many furniture in the room, but the decoration of the ceiling and floor is very luxurious, smooth enough to print your own shadow.

Hehehe, you guys, you must be tired. A middle-aged man in his forties said to them with a smile.

Hello, Uncle. The five of them seemed a bit cautious. After all, it was their first time to come to such an exquisite place, but their purpose was just to have a look and to blow on the air conditioner, and it turned out that they asked others to wait for them here specially. I'm sorry.

Come in, you are all Xiaokai's classmates. It's hard to find a job after graduation, and it's not easy to find a place to live. The environment and location here are not bad. Just take a look around. If you like this place, I will ask the landlord to come and talk to you. You sign the contract... said the middle-aged man.

Just take a look, this house can really only be described as wow, crap, blockhouse, and cool. There are four rooms in total, and it doesn’t look crowded at all. It has a well-equipped exquisite kitchen, a bathtub-level bathroom, and a large balcony that you can see The view of the city in the distance, if you put a table and a few chairs on the balcony, and a few people sit here drinking some wine while enjoying the wind, watching the city view, it will be...

Ahh, I want to live here, I want to live here

Da Luo is going crazy Da Luo is going crazy

Lin Dong, Zhou Yan, and Wu Sen's eyes are always shining, so perfect

Yu Luocheng now finally understands why this house costs 4000 to 5000 for a 30% discount, and the rent is definitely more than 10000.

For them, the rent of more than 10,000 yuan a month is simply a fantasy

Haha, it's good if you like this place, then I don't need to show you other episodes, and I'll save trouble, I'll tell Xiao Kai, so he won't say that I don't entertain my classmates well. The uncle said with a smile.

Uh... Uncle Guang, we're actually here to take a look. To be honest, we can't afford to rent a house here. Yu Luocheng felt really embarrassed.

From the conversation between Da Luo and this Uncle Guang, we can know that others drove here on purpose and then showed them. From the clothes, we can know that this middle-aged uncle is not in real estate, but gives people a more political Judging from the official feeling, his eyes seem gentle and kind, but when he looks at you, he seems to be able to see through you completely.

This kind of feeling is really bad, Yu Luocheng felt that it was better for him to tell the truth, it was wrong to lie to others.

This house is empty and empty. It's not easy for you young people to struggle. Only with a good living environment can you work harder. The rent will be discounted for you, about 5,000... Uncle Guang said with a smile.

Uh... we can't afford five thousand. Yu Luocheng said awkwardly.

Uncle Guang was stunned for a moment, and then took a special look at the clothes of several people, and soon understood what was going on.

In fact, Yu Luocheng really didn't plan to rent this place, it's really too expensive, and the debt is too big, if they stay for a long time, it's equivalent to freeing them nearly 10,000 yuan a month...

Seeing that Yu Luocheng was silent, the other four people were not in the mood to visit anymore.

After a few quick apologies to Uncle Guang, the five of them hurriedly left the room.

In a world that doesn't belong to him, and pretending to be cheeky, there is always an inexplicable sense of shame and anxiety in his heart, and Yu Luocheng doesn't like this feeling very much.

He would rather not face it, although in fact he is very, very moved by this house.

There is a feeling of fleeing.

They don't know how to get out of the community. Obviously no one despises them, but there is a feeling that they want to despise themselves.


Not long after he walked out of the community, the Uncle Guang chased him out in his car.

Uncle Guang poked his head out of the car and said with a smile, This is the key to the house...

Uncle Guang, thank you, we really don't have that much money to pay the room fee, and we may not be able to pay it in the future. Lin Dong said.

Uncle Guang shook his head, and said with that elegance: How do you know that you will not be able to afford it in the future? If you don't have the courage and determination to possess what you want, don't you worry that you will waste it? Spending more time on things you don’t like and don’t want? Take this bunch of keys, at least you will have a clearer goal. Work harder to afford the rent.”

A bunch of keys were placed in Uncle Guang's palm, as if he could get them just by reaching out, but the five of them didn't dare to take them.

They knew very well that they only met Big K a few times, and their friendship was far from the level of long-term rent free of 10,000 yuan, and the price would return to the original price in a short time.

By that time, will they be able to pay the rent of more than 10,000 yuan?

Why, you have been worn down by the reality of this society at a young age and have no ambition and courage? Just don't believe in your future? Uncle Guang said with a smile.

Do you just not believe in your future? ?

This sentence stunned Yu Luocheng, who was worried.

If you don't believe that your e-sports path can be brilliant, then why give up everything to embark on this path?

I left home for the second time, isn't it just to use these to prove to my family that I am right?

Yu Luocheng gritted his teeth, walked over and took the key from Uncle Guang

Paralyzed, why don't you dare, who doesn't want to live in a good house

Uncle Guang nodded with a smile and said: The discounted rent will last for half a year for you, and after half a year, you will have the original price. Then you can consider whether to continue living here... But I think, after living here for half a year, you will I can't accept the place I'll find later, so work hard in the past six months.

(After reading it on the 1st, everyone should remember to vote for the monthly ticket anyway. As long as those who subscribed last month have a monthly ticket, friends who voted for the monthly ticket will be properly ranked for ten consecutive victories, and they will win if they are matched. voted for...ahem... anyway, happy new year ha)

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