Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 173 Shameless bribe!

?? Xu Pingyang was sitting in the lounge, his face was slowly stiff and annoyed from the smile of the villa and the mistress's dream before!

A game where the mid laner had an advantage and the bottom lane situation was completely changed by Jax!

In the mid-term, the LM team directly adopted the classic four-one-point push!

Da Luo's Jax pushed the tower with no brains on the top road, and the four of LM took absolute defense under the tower.

The double lineup allows the LM team to better find an output position under the tower, and with a rough-skinned bear in front of them, even if they lose some kills, they can completely make up for the economy by relying on Luo's tower demolition.

The further back you go, the better Luo's Jax is equipped...

Following an unwise three-person siege and kill Jax, LM steals Xiaolong, and the economy immediately has a clear contrast!

Jax, who is in a four-character costume, wants to kill the Dark Head, and no one can stop him. After killing the Dark Head in a second, the situation immediately turned one-sided. After killing Wei En on the high ground of the team, push directly to the crystal base of the Sky team! !

Two were there, the tower demolition speed was extremely fast, plus a Jax with an explosively high attack speed, the base was pulled out by the LM team even though the resurrection time was very fast!

As the victory subtitles appeared on the LM team's screen, the five members of the LM team let out a long breath, and their faces were full of smiles.

The victory in any game is far less enjoyable than this victory against the Sky Team, especially seeing Da Luo's Jax chasing the Sky Team members like a dog! !

In the first game, the LM team won! !

This result also surprised all the viewers and fans who supported Sky Team!

Is this LM team going to counterattack all the god-like teams in people's minds? ?

Team Longkong and their supporters fell into a panic for no reason, because the strength shown by the LM team really made everyone feel unbelievable! !

It wasn't until the beginning of the second round that the long-air team used tacit cooperation in small-scale team battles to continuously gain advantages, and everyone felt a little more at ease.

In the second game, after the long-air team banned Big Rojax without hesitation,

They finally played the momentum of their own super team!

The support is fast, the consciousness is advanced, and the cooperation is tacit. Although the newly inserted jungler Birch has not been fully integrated into their team, the cooperation of the other four members of the Changkong team, Changkongxiu, Changkongyi, Changkongjie, and Changkongli, is amazing. , causing the scene to exclaim again and again.

A super strong team is, after all, a super strong team. After being disrupted by Jax in the first round, this second round has completely turned into an army with no flaws at all. In this round, the LM team is going to Hanging, so far they haven't been able to destroy a single tower of the enemy, this should be very fatal to the LM team's tactical execution, after all, they chose a fast-paced lineup, they didn't play an advantage in the early stage, and this round is hopeless.

In the second round, everyone in LM didn't give up resistance until the last minute. For them, even if they lost, they could kill the dog's life of the Changkong team one more time, which was a very happy thing.

Ding ding ding~~~~~

The voice of the text message came, and Yu Luocheng, who was sitting on the hospital bench in a daze, slowly picked up the phone.

It seemed that there were several text messages before, but Yu Luocheng didn't read any of them.

Opening the text box without any hassle, several messages popped up in it, each message was about an hour apart.

Brother Cheng, our brother Big Luo is going crazy, killing the sky and crawling all over the ground, hahaha, it's really cool, we won the first game!!

Brother Cheng, we lost the second round. Team Sky is really good. Their cooperation is much better than ours. Brother Dong has tried his best...

I'm sorry, we lost again in the third round. It was my fault. I didn't open up the situation in the bottom lane. There were a few times when I was able to kill, but I wasn't decisive enough... It's really annoying. They either ban Vayne or kill me. Vayne was snatched from her.

Looking at these text messages, Yu Luocheng felt like a child chattering about himself.

I don't know why, but seeing these words, Yu Luocheng also felt a little numb.

In the past few days, he has been struggling, and this struggle has given him a splitting headache and made him very irritable.

He admits that it is really hard for him to let go of e-sports, and he even admits that this family accident was caused by his stubbornness... But there is really a life-and-death conflict between the two?

It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous.

Looking at the time, it should be the start of the fourth game...

Brother, Dad is awake. Yu Yu whispered beside him.


Don't talk to him

There's nothing to say. Yu Luocheng said.

Why are you like this? I don't understand, is it really that difficult if you don't play games? Yu Yu said very dissatisfied.

I told you not to swim, can you do it? Yu Luocheng said.

Swimming and games are two different things!

Oh, that's nothing to say.

Why are you so annoying!

the same as you.

Yu Yu froze for a moment, feeling that Yu Luocheng's words pierced her heart like a small sharp knife.

Seeing Yu Luocheng's extremely dull eyes, she felt a sudden panic in her heart... She had seen Yu Luocheng like this before, he was indifferent to everyone and had no feelings for anyone... …

Ding Ding Ding~~~~

The text message sounded, and the mailbox was open, with a line of words on it.

Hahahaha, Brother Cheng, I finally got my Vayne!!! I, like Brother Big Luo, saved the world directly. Did you know that the audience was boiling, and many people stood up to watch My Wei En's fuck. Brother Sheng, there will be a video of this game. You have to watch it anyway. I feel that my Wei En has improved to another level. We won, and we won the fourth game , now it is 2 to 2, and there is a final tiebreaker...

This message just popped up on Yu Luocheng's cell phone, but Yu Luocheng didn't read it. He stared blankly at the wall. Countless things were flying around in his mind. The glory of competing for the throne, sometimes the dejection of losing the British competition, and sometimes the laughter after the victory of the five LM... Then, suddenly, a pale middle-aged man's face shattered all these images of himself.

I don't know why, from guilt at the beginning, to disgust, he knew it was heartless, but he couldn't help it...

After receiving the last message, Yu Luocheng didn't pay attention either, his phone ran out of battery.

He stayed in the ward, a little dazed.

Yu Yu and Li Yun seem to be always busy with something, but he doesn't have to do anything, so he doesn't fit in with this family.

The field, the fifth inning is about to begin.

After Xiaobei sent Yu Luocheng a text message with great excitement, his heart suddenly surged.

There is another round, after winning this round, their bonus will be more than 100,000 yuan.

Xiaobei couldn't help but think about the expression on Yu Luocheng's face when he saw that they came to the hospital to see him with this winning bonus.

It must be very moving!

After sending the text message, Xiaobei collected his mood and waited for the next game to start.

At this time, his cell phone buzzed suddenly, and Xiaobei was overjoyed, could it be that Yu Luocheng called back!

He must also be very, very eager to know the current game situation, more anxious than anyone else, he finally called back! !

Hey, Xiaobei! A vague and unpleasant voice came in.

Oh, Uncle, what are you doing? Xiaobei's mood suddenly sank.

Hey, so you went to play professional e-sports competitions, and you are very famous. Lian Guan said with a smile.

I won't tell you, I'm going to play a game. Xiao Bei immediately wanted to hang up.

The rest time is about ten minutes, Xiaobei doesn't want to waste it talking about boring things with Lianguan.

Don't rush to hang up, I have a deal with you. Lian Guan said.

I'm not free, so I won't tell you. Xiao Bei wanted to hang up.

Xiao Bei, wait, wait... I'm Sun Liang. Suddenly, another voice cut in.

Why, do you want to beg for mercy? Xiaobei sneered when he heard Sun Liang's voice.

Sun Liang is the running dog of the Sky team, calling him secretly like this will never be a gesture of favor.

I'll do the math for you. If your points are cleared, even if you beat our long-air team, you will only be able to get about 100,000 in bonuses. The 100,000 will be tax-deducted and divided among the five of you. , it would be great to have 20,000 in your own hands.

Brother won't play tricks with you. In the next round, if something unexpected happens, I'll send money directly to your account!

Sun Liang's voice was a little shrill, Xiaobei was stunned when he heard these words.

What is Sun Liang doing...

Give yourself 100,000 RMB? ?

accident? ?

Is this guy going to act by himself! !

He is buying himself! ! !

Buy yourself with 100,000 yuan, let yourself lose the last game on purpose! ! !

At this moment, Xiaobei's heart surged with anger like a huge tide! !

How much effort did their LM team spend to get to where they are today, and they will soon see the real sunshine. This thing bought him with a hundred thousand, if he agreed, he would be no better than a beast! !

Anger swept through Xiaobei's heart. He never thought that the Sky team would be so shameless, using bribery to make them live victoriously!

Xiaobei, this one hundred thousand yuan is enough for you for a long time, and no one else knows about it. Anyway, even if you make a small mistake, others won't be able to see it. There are always many accidents in it. You used to be It’s not a difficult task for you to help others rank, Hanbok, national server, as soon as the game is over, the money will be credited to your account immediately, and your uncle and I are in the bank, he can fully testify.” Sun Liang said with a smile.

Get lost!! I won't call you Xiaobei if I don't turn you into dogs in the sky!!! Xiaobei roared angrily!

Don't hang up, don't hang up, if it doesn't work, 150,000!!

Beep beep beep~~~~~'

It's so irritating, it's really irritating. Xiaobei almost wanted to drop his phone.

The long sky team has a reputation for being shameless, who would have thought that they would use such extremely dirty means to win, and there was some admiration for the strength of the long sky team, but now it is really gone.

Is this how they made it to the World Championships? ?

Such a team is also worthy of entering the world to represent China? ?

At this moment, Xiaobei really felt worthless for Yu Luocheng, such a favorite in e-sports would actually play for such a dirty club.

If you don't defeat Changkong, you won't be called Xiaobei! !

After knowing this kind of ugly thing, not only will Xiaobei not give up a little bit, but he will also use all his strength to beat the long sky team fiercely! !

Only their LM team is the team that can represent China to compete in the world. Each of them is the most steadfast e-sports fighter! !

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