Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 168 Victory, the best gift

Entering the arena, a crowd of voices suddenly surged. .

Team lm's popularity has grown day by day after winning streaks against Team Tianqi and Team Twilight. Even in matches with a top-notch team like Team Sky, you can still see some people shouting with lm signs on the scene.

Those who supported lm started from the e-sports club of Shanghai University, followed by the group of people from Fudan University who also cheered for them unconsciously.

Since it was a match of Sky Team, the scale must be much larger than before.

It can be clearly seen that in addition to the full-seat scene, there are many standing spectators crowded in the aisle. Some people have colored things painted on their faces, wearing Teemo hats, and they seem to love Demacian culture very much .

Student, where are you from? The interviewer on the spot saw a very pretty girl, so he hurriedly asked the photographer to follow, and went up to ask with the microphone.

He's from Hangzhou. The pretty girl replied shyly.

Hangzhou, sure enough, beautiful women have been born in Hangzhou since ancient times. So which team are you here to support? the interviewer asked.

Team lm...

Oh, it seems that the popularity of the lm team is really high now, and they already have so many beautiful fans.

Friends in the audience, what you are seeing now is our lpl arena. The match is about to start in half an hour. The two sides are the Sky team, which belongs to the No. Team, which team will win??

Now we turn the perspective to our commentary!!

Hi everyone, I'm Heihei. Today Xiling and I will explain this exciting game to you.

Hi everyone, I'm Xiling!

Hei Hei is a well-known official commentator. This guy's commentary style is somewhat similar to Miracle. The difference is that he has a dark belly and is more high-end, and he is a neutral creature. Like Miracle, the commentator obviously betrayed him .

And Xi Ling is a beautiful commentator familiar to most players.

When she just opened her mouth, the scene was full of wolves howling. It could be seen that there were many fans present who were fans of Xiling, and from time to time they could be heard calling Xiling respectfully as Teacher Xi.

I don't know why,

Teachers’ titles on the Internet have changed. For example, some female teachers whose surname is Cang hope that students call her sister...

Xiling's status in the masturbation world is no less than that of Teacher Cang in the masturbation world, and she should be undoubtedly the most brutal female player in China.

Coupled with the fact that she looks beautiful and generous, her videos easily have more than one million hits.

Professional explanations like jx can only lament the influence of sister paper! !

The two explanations are very good at mobilizing the atmosphere of the scene. Even if it is half an hour of waiting, it doesn't feel too long.

Our players are about to play, everyone cheer for the name of the team you support. Xi Ling said.

The shouts suddenly became louder and louder, and among the rumbling sky team, the shouts of the lm team could also be vaguely heard.

After all, the Sky Team is a veritable team that has entered the world competition. Their popularity is not comparable to the recognition won by LM in these few games. There should be more than 80% of the scene supporting the Sky Team, just by listening to the voice.

It's a pity that Zhao Tinghua, the blood eagle, is not here. If he had appeared, the scene would have been even more exciting! !

Heihei, I remember that during the preseason, the captain of Team Sky challenged Team LM. There seems to be some dispute between the two teams. Xi Ling said.

Well, I heard that there are three members of Team LM who used to play for Team Sky, so they should be old teammates. Randomly mentioned.


Players from both sides have already entered the arena, lm's side does not have a team leader, the previous team leader was Yu Luosheng, this time he didn't come, the five of them stepped onto the stage by themselves.

There is a team leader in the sky team, and the team leader is actually Xu Pingyang himself!

Xu Pingyang is also an e-sports player himself, and acts as a coach for other e-sports games from time to time, but he is rarely seen personally leading the team.

This time, what is his intention of appearing here?

Long time no see. Xu Pingyang is bald and thin. He looks very weird in a suit, like a thin dog wearing human skin!

Due to long-term smoking, the yellow teeth give people a more disgusting feeling when grinning.

In short, when Zhou Yan, Lin Dong, and Da Luo saw Xu Pingyang's face, they wanted to punch him in the head immediately, knocking all his yellow teeth to the ground.

I've never seen anyone cheaper than Xu Pingyang! !

The blue e-sports team uniform was inlaid with a large Sky Club logo. Under the leadership of Xu Pingyang, the five members of Sky Team walked past lm and stepped onto the stage.

These five people didn't say a word, but they didn't hide their arrogance at all.

In order to create a good e-sports atmosphere, when the players are on stage, the team leader Xixi will tell the teams that are far away from the backstage to shake hands with the teams that are close to the backstage, and then be friendly after the game. shake hands.

LM's stage is on the other side, away from the backstage, and will enter the arena later than Sky Team.

Team Long Sky appeared on the stage first, standing in a row facing the audience.

And lm walked in front of them, still ringing in his ears the reminder from team leader Sisi, remember to shake hands!

But Lin Dong, who was walking in the front, had no intention of shaking hands with Team Sky at all!

A bunch of scum, it's disgusting to hold their hands! !

Lin Dong was the first to walk directly in front of the Changkong team. Similarly, Da Luo and Zhou Yan had no intention of obeying the rules of the friendly game, and ignored the group of sbs of the Changkong team!

shake hands?

Don't be kidding, if Zhou Yan is asked to shake hands with Team Changkong, his big rough hand will crush the bones of those guys in Team Changkong, especially that bastard Xu Pingyang!


Before the game started, the audience saw such an unfriendly scene, and there was a burst of boos.

Damn, lm is so aggressive, I really thought it would be great to win a game or two!!

LM doesn't even shake hands with his opponent, this is too lacking in e-sports quality.

Put on a furry outfit, damn it, the sky team tortured them to death, and then didn't shake hands after defeating them, shit, what the hell!! There was a burst of curses at the scene.

When the sky team became famous, they didn't even know they were playing in the mud there. It's not a thing.

The long sky team has a lot of stupid fans. After all, the long sky team has some special people who are responsible for maintaining their popularity.

Once there is something that damages the long sky team, the fans will instantly turn into trolls and drown them with saliva.


After taking the seat, the team leader Xixi had already walked over from the backstage.

He complained to the five members of LM and said: What's the matter, didn't you remind you to shake hands with your opponent before entering the field? You see, you made a scene, and you are all scolding you.

Xixi, not shaking hands with them is already the limit of our tolerance. Once I shake hands, I'm afraid I can't help but beat them up. Da Luo said.

Scolding, it doesn't matter!

No matter how many fans the sky team has, so what? Could it be that their team lm has been smeared by their sky club on the Internet!

If he wins this game, he will shut up all those scolding things! !

Xixi knew about the grievances between lm and Changkong, seeing lm's full of resentment, she finally shook her head helplessly.

I hope this game can go on harmoniously, their e-sports competition can no longer have the chaos of insulting or even fighting on the spot like it did back then!

Regardless of your past grievances, in short, you can compete harmoniously, can this be done? team leader Xixi said.

Try your best. Zhou Yan said coldly.

At first, lm thought that they could finish the game calmly, but seeing Xu Pingyang's complacent look, they were about to burst into anger! !

Leaving aside the grievances between themselves and Xu Pingyang, their boss is still in the hospital with his father who needs a liver transplant...

If it wasn't for Xu Pingyang's deprivation, Yu Luosheng could have returned home with hundreds of thousands of RMB and the trophy issued by the World E-Sports Association.

What will the family think of returning home with nothing, and what will the family think of bringing hundreds of thousands and a trophy recognized by the country?

Perhaps these things may not be what Yu Luocheng's family desires so much, but it is enough to prove to his family that he has not been wasted or obsessed over the past two years, and that he is really working hard to do something amazing thing!

But all of Yu Luosheng's things that proved his professional e-sports were taken away by Xu Pingyang!

Moreover, Yu Luocheng's father is seriously ill in the hospital, so he must need this money very, very much.

It is impossible to get back the money belonging to Yu Luosheng from Xu Pingyang.

Well, the only thing they lm can do now is to win the game and take at least the top four places, so that they will have a total of 150,000 yuan in bonuses.

Last night, Lin Dong, Zhou Yan, Da Luo, Wu Sen, and Xiao Bei had all reached an agreement.

For their lpl bonus this time, they will only take the official team subsidy, and they will give all the rest to their boss...

A liver replacement of hundreds of thousands is definitely required, and everyone knows that Yu Luosheng's family may not be able to afford this amount of money.


If they use the prize money from the competition to help Yu Luosheng's father regain his health, maybe the relationship between Yu Luosheng and his father can be eased to a certain extent, and even his father will gradually change his stubbornness because of their efforts and deep feelings. The concept... let Yu Luosheng return to the game.

For the past six months, Yu Luocheng has been doing everything for them, and the five of them have noticed it.

They have never been to the hospital to see Yu Luosheng and his father, not because they do not regard Yu Luosheng as a brother, but because they have to train harder, and continue to win and win more than 100,000 yuan in the next competition match bonuses! !

From their point of view, this bonus is the best gift to visit the father of the captain they respect the most!

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