Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 159: Scared Bird, Scared to Pee...

Congratulations to our Clockwork Demon, we have won a lottery again... the commentator Miracle said.

What is killing thousands of miles away? Coach ln's ability to seize opportunities is too strong. With blue hhpp minus cd, the frequency of Han Bing's big shots will be very high. For professional players, some shots coming in person You can use displacement and flash to dodge this big move, but it's really hard to dodge this kind of flying over without warning.

A big move to stun the enemy, cooperate with teammates, and take it away... The original calm situation opened up a breakthrough because of this arrow...

Two arrows, two lives, and they are all clockwork monsters as thin as bamboo poles.

Team Apocalypse has played countless games, but the number of times they encountered Han Bing was really not that many, including the fact that Han Bing rarely appeared in normal rankings.

When you are suppressed in the bottom lane and your development is tense, it is really hard to guard against such a cheap flying outside the sky.

The lower road tower is gone, and Xiaolong is probably going to lose it too. Bai Feng said with a frown.

Sure enough, the Darkborn Sword Demon appeared in the bottom lane, cooperating with the wine barrel to directly push down the bottom lane tower.

After pushing it away, the duo in the middle immediately went towards Xiaolong.

Wine Barrel and Sword Demon in the bottom lane, Thresh and Han Bing in the middle lane all appeared in Xiaolong Canyon.

Even the blind monks on the road are rushing towards Xiaolong Canyon.

Originally, the three members of the Apocalypse team planned to prevent the other party from taking the little dragon and delay until the Clockwork Demon was revived, but when they saw the blind monk appearing in the middle, and they were about to join up with their main force, they immediately gave up on this idea

The support speed of the ln team is quite astonishing.

Yeah, if we fight normally, if we kill a clockwork, we will kill it. At most, we will grind the defense tower. But the lnl style is completely different. Once the clockwork monster dies, the jungle sword demon will cooperate with the wine barrel to take down the tower. , and in the process of taking down the tower, the blind monk on the road came to support him. The blind monk himself is flexible. You can see that the blind monk kicked the dragon directly, and then caught the eye. He instantly met the short-legged Noxus Pulling away a long distance, it’s like running over the eaves and walls to Xiaolong Canyon.”

Five people take the little dragon, the three of you, plus a Noxus who just ran a little below the big dragon, how can I stop lnl...¨

Zack, and Zyra of Team Apocalypse didn't dare to get close to Xiaolong Canyon, they could only hear the miserable scream of Xiaolong being rounded by five people from Xiaolong Canyon...

After taking Xiaolong, the five members of the ln team broke up again and returned to their line to continue their development.

Unknowingly, the team economy has expanded by as much as 40uu

If I'm not mistaken, our Han Bing's big move is ready again. Suddenly, the commentator Miracle said weakly.

Twice in a row, the originally peaceful situation turned into a bloody storm because of a cold arrow flying by Han Bing, so it is obvious that this lineup uses Han Bing's ultimate move as a signal point, as long as the ultimate move As soon as it is in position, Han Bing points to hit where, and then pushes the tower along the way, forming an absolute attack with more and less

Most of Team Apocalypse are developmental heroes, plus the lineup is very flexible, it is not very likely that Team Apocalypse will take the initiative to fight a team.

That is to say, with Han Bing's two arrows, the initiative of this situation has been completely controlled by ln

The commentator Miracle saw this, and the Apocalypse team also saw the choice of l's lineup.

Use the ice as the tipping point, kill a person in seconds, then push the tower, control the vision, and establish a team economy

That is to say, as long as the cooldown of Han Bing's big move cools down, even if you are under the tower, your chrysanthemum should be tightened

The field of vision is firmly controlled by ln, and other Thresh and Sword Demon feel that it is not good when they use fake eyes, so they just use real eyes.

back squat l

Impossible, other people can clearly see your every move, besides that, Ice is also continuously used to detect every move on the map.

Now Team Apocalypse understands why the opponent wants to let Han Bing in the middle, this Han Bing is simply a brain hub in the middle, controlling the overall situation

Student Clockwork Demon, hover your finger over the flash button, other people's cold arrows are already aimed at you. Miracle began to get dark again.

To be honest, in the first ten minutes of the game, the Clockwork Demon had already died three times, and he was so beaten that he couldn't fight any more.

A clockwork monster can't brush up the equipment, so he's really useless

And the Clockwork Demon is facing a wine barrel that can kill people in seconds if you don't pay attention.

How should I put it, as long as the clockwork makes a mistake in positioning and is blown back by the wine barrel, if you don't hand in your flash, you will surely die.

Explaining miracles is a joke.

However, after being shot in the face twice, Aoba of Team Apocalypse really hovers his finger over the flash at any time.

As soon as the ice disappears on the map, he has to consider whether there is an arrow coming...

The passers-by disappeared, they are probably stealing our red support, Bai Feng said.

The field of vision of the wild area has been controlled by the enemy, and the members of the Apocalypse team are approaching the red hhpp wild area from the middle and bottom lanes, and the clockwork monster is the same.

The clockwork demon is very cautious, every time it walks forward, it will use the magic ball to check the field of vision...

Just as he entered the foggy area, suddenly an arrow of dawn flew out from the darkness

Aoba was stunned for a moment, feeling the crisis, he immediately pressed the flash

With this divine reaction, even Aoba herself admired herself a little, and wanted to shoot Lao Tzu again? Innocent


The Arrow of Daybreak shattered in the wild area, turning into countless ice crystals and scattered like crystal powder, illuminating a stage shrouded in darkness...

On the big screen, the clockwork demon flashed extremely sharply, dodging the icy crystal cube... Oh no, it should be the arrow of light

This scene was completely captured by the director...

The air froze at this moment, and there was only a terrified Dobby Clockwork Demon standing in the shining field of vision with a dark face

Ahahaha what did I see? The commentator Miracle suddenly laughed.

Uh... The commentator Qiqiao didn't know what to say.

A beautiful flash, avoiding the detection of the ice, our Clockwork Demon successfully hid itself in the mist...

The audience was silent at first, and then roared with laughter.

This clockwork, I'm scared to pee

Brother, that's Hanbing's big move, isn't it?

Bibi, is this a professional player? Such a funny thing, ouch, I'm dying of laughter.

Aoba's face, which controls the clockwork demon, was already so dark that it couldn't be darker.

Grass mud horse, Han Bing, do you dare to be more cheap?

At this moment, Qingye wanted to die

Since playing in the professional league for so long, he has never done anything more amusing than this. Compared with the magic horse's wrong skill, empty big move, flash hitting the wall, and this flashing ability to hide from the ice without damage, it is a bronze A mighty king

In her heart, Qingye scolded Yu Luocheng, that damned iceman countless times.

But Yu Luocheng and ln and the others all stared wide-eyed, and the tense atmosphere almost burst into laughter because of the clockwork-like operation.

This tnh is also OK, a windfall

Yu Luocheng really just looked down at the field of vision, because he felt that the spring was there, how could he know that you greeted him with a flash so grandly.

Well, clockwork, you won, you think highly of me so much, how can I have the nerve not to shoot you with my ult?

Tianqi didn't dare to form a small group with ln in the wild area when the vision was controlled. The most important thing is that the damn blind monk came to support again. Fortunately, Noxus pushed the tower directly on the road. Anyway, the support in the past is not enough Probably faster than Lee Sin.

l After quickly taking away the opponent's red hhpp, they deliberately entangled with Team Apocalypse in the jungle for a while

After 15 minutes or so, it happened that the dragon was spawned. Obviously, lnh's entry into the jungle area was premeditated, and the purpose was to take the second dragon

Put in an eye, prepare to fight, this can't be done anymore, Bai Feng gritted his teeth and said.

Haoyue nodded heavily, this is a typical xy-axis jungle suppression tactic, use ice to open a breakthrough, kill one person and then push the tower, build a team advantage, and then buy real eyes to control the jungle.

After controlling the wild area, continue to catch the singles. Through the mobility of the blind monk on the top lane, he suddenly formed a group many times, forming more and less.

Once the two sides form a five-five confrontation, they will disperse directly, and you will not be able to keep people.

If this continues, within a minute, the team's economy will differ by 10,000. At that time, when the ice is equipped, the pkp of the wine barrel will become stronger. Even if they play a group lnh, they will be able to gg.

Haoyue found the location, he knew very well that since the opponent took Xiaolong, they would definitely concentrate outside the Xiaolong Canyon, even if they had no vision to jump there, it wouldn't be wrong.

Clockwork catches up with the shield in time, Zach moves away his ult, and Clockwork also uses his ult. As long as the opponent can keep around two people, the hope of winning this wave is very high


Haoyue's Zack hid in a blind spot, and flew out very decisively

The clockwork demon's shield caught up immediately, and with Zac's body, the Apocalypse team's field of vision also opened up, seeing the opponent's sword demon punishing the little dragon at a glance

Can hit two, Sword Demon and Thresh

Haoyue was overjoyed, this position was the right bet

Zac landed in a parabola, and when he was about to knock LNR Sword Demon and Thresh into the air, Wu Sen's Thresh suddenly reacted like a pendulum of doom

Zach, who was still in the air, was directly pushed away by Wu Sen's pendulum of doom, and his body fell to the ground inexplicably.

Beautiful, beautiful operation, the lnr assistant gave us a classic teaching of using Thresh, the commentator Miracle said with a face full of surprise.

Thresh's pendulum of doom can interrupt most of the skills that have moved over. As long as you have a good sense, the stone man's ultimate move can be interrupted

The corner of Wu Sen's mouth twitched slightly, with a divine assistant like Yu Luocheng guiding him, how could it be possible that Wu Sen didn't make progress?

You must know that Yu Luosheng's request for his Thresh is that the bright moon's sprint must be interrupted, and Zach's slow flight must be interrupted, there is no difficulty at all

If you dare to fly over, I dare to interrupt you. You tn think that I chose Thresh because it is when you are in a group, and you have no brains to break your Zach's skills

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