Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 149 LM wins 1 game! !

lnl...nl...¨You won, you really won, and you came up with such a tactic to fight the Apocalypse team, I can only say that you are too awesome. The commentator Miracle can no longer get black-bellied.

Facing a powerful ad who can withstand the pressure of Baifeng in one-vs-two, what else can he complain about.

Faced with such shocking tactics of quick push and forced demolition, what can be said about ad Juggernaut stealing towers and ap Zhao Xin topping towers forcible demolition?

Shenma pkp tactics, Shenma 41 tactics, Shenma global flow... This tactic is the most unique peak system that has played out the current class situation of the People's Republic of China.

Yes, this way no one can imagine

If they could vote again, they would definitely not hesitate to vote for Team Apocalypse

Give me Sora Aoi, and I can create a nation.

Give me 3000 chengguan, and I can recover the Diaoyu Islands

Give me these five heroes, I can subvert your worldview

The other Tianqi team is not afraid of losing, it is normal to lose a game or two, but being completely crushed by such tactics and IQ, that face does not know where to cut it.

Originally, when the Apocalypse five started the match, they were full of confidence, and even sent a pre-match interview.

But now, with a slap in the face so hard, can you believe that a new lplr team used these five bird heroes to beat them into dogs?

When the tower was pushed and the crystal was taken away, Team Apocalypse had no desire to resist.

At this point in time, it is difficult to deal with super soldiers. The highlands on both sides have been demolished, and they don’t have to go out at all. Instead of playing l, they will directly become Warcraft ppg to protect Athena, which is still difficult in hell

League of Legends is said to be a tower pushing game, but who doesn't know that killing people and fighting in groups is very important. How can you build an advantage to take towers without killing people or fighting in groups?

But such a game suddenly changed completely under lnr's disgusting tactics, especially the bitterness of the five players of the Tianqi team cannot be described in any words.

The jungler Haoyue can't use his wandering gank ability, so punishment is no longer used to fight hhp dragons and big dragons, but to fight super soldiers.

Baifeng's operation is baptized again, and his position is coquettish. Is it possible that you can still show off your flowers when you play super soldiers?

I can't use all my abilities.

Baifeng claims to be the most gentle and calm player, but he spends the whole round defending the tower and farming super soldiers, even his mood has become abnormally irritable

Oh, Bai Feng is angry, this is the rhythm of killing the policewoman. I can't blame him for not being calm. You are not crazy when you play League of Legends and become a tower defense game.

It is very subtle that this time the miracle is black-bellied by Bai Feng

Bai Feng made a move

Yu Luocheng's female policeman led the line alone in the bottom lane, and the two ADCs happened to be facing each other.

Bai Feng obviously wanted to break the stalemate of this tower defense, and directly flashed the dilapidated, which was exactly the rhythm with Yu Luosheng

The output of the male gun is very high in the later stage. After drawing the gun quickly, once the crit is clicked and then a set of skills, there is definitely hope that the crispy policewoman will be taken away directly.

Yu Luocheng's reaction was not slow, and he fought hard against Bai Feng


Three bullets flew out of the gun, Bai Feng, who pursued the limit, tried to make two bullets hit Yu Luocheng at the same time

Yu Luocheng's hand speed was astonishing, he pressed the button at the moment when the male gun's large lead bullets sprayed out, and took a very chic step back

The large buckshot hit Yu Luocheng's policewoman, but it didn't do enough damage. On the contrary, it was Yu Luocheng's second company, which dealt very high damage.

Bai Feng was very calm. Seeing Yu Luocheng's second company retreating, he directly threw a big move towards his retreating trajectory.

The explosive bomb rolled out in a straight line. Although the policewoman's second company retreated, there must be a slight pause. Throwing the big move in this direction is a 100% hit

call out

The explosive bomb exploded at the end, and Lie Yan's Messenger of Peace also flew out of Yu Luocheng's policewoman's spear. The moment Lie Yan's Messenger of Peace flew out, Yu Luocheng's body of the policewoman disappeared in place, and suddenly appeared in the the side of the male gun, and keep uu away

Beautiful, the female policeman used the flash to cancel the back-swing action of the skill, and at the same time avoided the big move of the male gun. Miracle exhaled in surprise

There is also a small pause after the female policeman's shot. If the operation is coherent, press the flash button at the moment the Q is released, which can be completely canceled.

uujuli, the female policeman can point to the male gun, but the male gun cannot touch the female policeman

Bai Feng suddenly realized that he was completely invincible after being dodged from all skills, and hurriedly opened his shield and retreated to escape.

There is no point in running away in front of the policewoman with residual blood, Yu Luocheng pressed the p button

Thousands of miles blocked


A shot hit the back of Bai Feng's male gun, taking away all the remaining blood

Bai Feng was killed alone

There was a sigh

Bai Feng killed the policewoman angrily, trying to break the deadlock, but in the end he was shown to death by the policewoman's gorgeous operation

It's unwise for him to look dilapidated and fight against the female policeman. The female policeman's equipment is obviously superior to his. If all his skills are hit, there is still hope. It's a pity that other people's lnr coaches are not fuel-efficient. , It's not that easy to kill him by force. Qiqiao said.

Witnessing Yu Luocheng and the blood eagle singled out with her own eyes, Qiqiao couldn't help but talk to Yu Luocheng.

The fact is also the same. If it were any other professional player, Bai Feng would come up with such aggression, and if he couldn't defend himself, he might be directly taken away by a broken player with a set of skills.

Even if you don't die, you will be disabled for sure.

But Yu Luocheng is not in vain at all, the two displacement skills are very appropriate to avoid the key skills of the male gun, and then use the advantage of the length of the hand and the advantage of the equipment to directly counter-kill

Once the adc is dead, the third high ground of the Apocalypse team will be lost.

The three-way high ground was completely broken, facing the vast super soldiers rushing under the crystal base, the Apocalypse team could only watch helplessly as their homeland was demolished by the demolition office.

Congratulations to the ln Luanmian team for winning the first round. This result must have been beyond everyone's expectations. Qiqiao said with a smile on her face.

I always thought that Team Apocalypse would end the abuse of lnr Miracle, and now there are a lot less words. Originally, he had prepared a lot of jokes about the new team. He just waited for Team Apocalypse to defeat ln, and he could say it to make the audience laugh. not at all what he thought

Thinking about it, the ghost knows that the Tianqi team will be beaten by a new team without even the slightest temper

I think the Apocalypse team needs to sort out how to deal with the LNR urban management tactics. Miracle said.

By the way, lnf has broken that curse. Qiqiao added.

Indeed, indeed. Miracle smiled awkwardly, feeling a pain in his heart. If he had known that he wouldn't have complained so much about ln in the first place, these slaps really hurt

Well, well, the majority of primary school students, the ln team also took advantage of the opportunity to tell you a truth: this is a tower pushing game

At the end of the first round, the audience was full of discussions.

Before there is no result, who would have thought that l would win?

You must know that when the voting is exciting, many people don't want to vote for the winner, but want to vote for whether they will be directly blown off the road.

Even, they are guessing how many minutes ln can last.

It can't be said that Team Apocalypse played very disappointingly this time, it's just that this tactic is really, really disgusting.

Miracle, now which team do you think will win this match? Qiqiao asked with great interest.

A strange trick to win, but this is a three-win out of five rounds. I think they can only use this tactic once at most. In the second round, the Apocalypse team will definitely have a good defense. As long as the important tower is kept, it will continue to delay. , Team Apocalypse will still win with their superior teamwork, so I think Team Apocalypse will win in the end. Miracle said.

The miracle is not blindly worshiping the Tianqi team, but the strength is clearly there. If you don't consider this kind of tactical system that suddenly collapses the enemy, the overall strength of the Tianqi team is much higher than that of ln. With the five rounds and three wins, how will ln get the next two key victories?

Be careful to get slapped in the face again. Qiqiao smirked.

Impossible, I still believe in Bai Feng. He was single-killed just now. There is really no way. If he doesn't fight hard to break the deadlock, he will still lose in the end. He is betting. If he wins the bet, he will hope to come back. That's it.

Okay then, let's see what kind of excitement l will bring us. To be honest, I am getting more and more optimistic about them. Qiqiao said.

l The shocking style of play this time has made everyone look at it with admiration. It is also amazing to be able to beat the Tianqi team in one round.

Okay, take the next game

The five members of the ln team touched each other's fists and smiled

They have used this tactic before with Fudan University, and the effect is very significant, but there is still a big gap between Fudan University and the semi-final team Apocalypse.

When facing Fudan University, they directly gged them in 19 minutes, while Team Apocalypse took 30 minutes.

No matter what, the fact that this urban management tactic was able to defeat a team as strong as Tianqi really surprised them, and they felt a sense of elation.

You guys are amazing, haha, you didn't see the expressions of those people backstage, their eyes almost popped out. Li Meiqi laughed boldly.

Reserved, reserved Yu Luocheng coughed.

What are you being reserved about, I'm happy, you don't know. Before the game, they bet on you holding on for a few minutes, saying that there is no chance of surrendering. The result... is that cheap photographer, who lost 10uu, laughing I can hardly breathe. Li Meiqi pointed at the person in the backstage corner.

Everyone looked around and was surprised to find that the photographer Liang Gui who splashed dirty water was also in the background.

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