Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 141 GOD team, Apollo...

Then now we invite our lpl champion team to come on stage. They are the lads of our underworld team. We invite King Yan Luo, King Chu Jiang, King Song, King Chuguan, and King Qin Guang!!

The cheers rang out immediately, especially when Yan Luo Wang appeared on the stage in a blue and black suit, the whole audience was boiling!!

The number one e-sports player in China, Yan Luo Wang has countless fans, he does not have the elegant speech of Bai Feng, nor the awe-inspiring blood sculpture, nor the fanatical savagery of Xiao Wang, But he is undoubtedly the strongest in the entire field!!

Five members of the underworld team appeared on the stage, lined up, facing the audience of nearly 5,000 spectators!

King Yama!!!King Yama!!!!!King Yama!!!!

He is dark and tall, Yan Luo Wang has half-long hair, his eyes are black and bright, and he wears cold clothes with the style of Chinese underworld painting, giving people an insurmountable and inaccessible feeling!

It can be clearly seen that although Yan Luowang is not very popular in public, and rarely appears on the stage of some media commentary, Yan Luowang has conquered all fans with his absolute strength!

Standing in the arena, standing in front of the team, standing under the huge screen, standing surrounded by thousands of people, he is a well-deserved king, irreplaceable!!

Next, please invite the fans of the famous professional team in Europe!!!

The shouts also sounded. People looked at the stage and saw a brown-haired white man with a pointed nose come out first. This man has a pair of very beautiful dark blue eyes, a standard French handsome guy!

Captain fan, an Apollo who represents the choice of the sun!! The host introduced with a powerful voice. .

The domestic introduction time is later than other countries. Some people often watch foreign videos in order to pursue more advanced styles of play, and Apollo is the favorite foreign player of high-end players. The reason is very simple. This guy plays All heroes can only be described by the word scratch.

The Kassadin video he released has caused a sensation in various countries.

It is no exaggeration to say that the hero Kassadin was born for Apollo!

In all world competitions, anyone who meets a fan team will not ban Kassadin!

The fan team consisted of six people, including their fat, big-nosed coach, who also stepped onto the stage.

They shook hands with the underworld team friendly,

It means that this exhibition match friendship is the first

However, everyone could clearly see that when Apollo, the captain of the fan, shook hands with Qin Guangwang, the captain of the underworld team, it took a very long time to shake hands!

I have always heard that Apollo is a very belligerent character. King Yama's reputation is not only domestic, but also very prestigious abroad, and he is listed as the ten most dangerous people.

Both play mid laners, and both have a supreme understanding of the hero Kassadin. Two world-class APs shake hands face to face, and sparks will inevitably fly!!

It seems that this exhibition match is no longer a pure exhibition match!!

Backstage, when King Yan Luo was shaking hands with Apollo, Da Luo, Lin Dong, Zhou Yan, and Yu Luosheng of Team LM were all stunned!!


This guy……

Why did this guy step into the field!!

Boss, how could it be him! Lin Dong said.

Yu Luocheng had a strange expression on his face, he stood there staring at the stage but didn't speak

Apollo, how could Yu Luocheng forget this guy?

I'm afraid the entire wing team won't forget this name, because this guy was one of the members of the team that beat them at the British Invitational!!

This guy, the supreme god of the domain, has a consciousness and manipulation that make people shudder!!

Could it be that this fan team is the British team that defeated their wing team and brought a huge psychological shadow to everyone in the wing team?

Yu Luocheng stared closely at those five people.

No, all but Apollo are strangers!

Could it be that the original one also disbanded? Start marching into it!

This news hit the four of them like a thunderbolt!!

That defeat has appeared in their dreams countless times, and their long-term victory was completely defeated in that British competition. After three years, the four of lm have gradually forgotten that defeat in the ups and downs... …

But today, they actually saw a member of the team that brought them shadows!


This guy has teased the best wing team with his tricks in the UK!

Now that he appears in the field, does this mean that the former team has also stepped into the field!!

The names of the five members of the team are too familiar to everyone in the wing team!!

At present, Apollo, the captain of the fan team, is a member of the team, a professional e-sports player whose strength is outrageous!

A sense of coldness inexplicably spread throughout the bodies of the four of lm!

I like you China very much, because my great-grandmother stayed in China for a long time, and I can also speak Chinese, although the pronunciation is not very standard. Apollo maintained the kind smile of the French, and said to King Yama. Said.

Yan Luowang nodded slightly.

I've heard about you for a long time. In China, there is only one player that I admire more. I hope you don't let me down. Apollo said.

I'm not the only one. Yan Luo Wang said lightly.

If you insist on talking about the few people we defeated, I can't help it. Unfortunately, I heard that they have already disbanded. Apollo said.

They didn't disband. Yan Luowang said calmly.

From King Qin Guang, King Yan Luo already knew about lm. To be honest, King Yan Luo also wanted to have a hearty battle with their wing team again, but it's a pity that they are now

It also takes a long time to hone.

Hehe, three years ago, I have to feel sorry for the fact that you Chinese e-sports missed the world trophy. We shouldn't treat you with too high a stance when you finally made it to the world's strongest team. Abo Luo said

It is said that the French are very polite, but it seems that they are not all. Don't worry, if your fans meet our underworld team in this year's World Championships, I will also use your tone to say sorry to you. Yan Luo Wang counterattacked calmly.

If you wish, then today we will test and test each other. In terms of your martial arts, it is to beat you back and forth with Tai Chi. I am afraid that you can't help but exert your strength, so we will not show weakness. Apollo said with a smile, then His blue eyes shone with confidence.

You talk a lot.

Just kidding, just kidding, haha, I like your personality.

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