Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 123 Life Swap Again!

It's a pity that this Q kicked off. Coach LM almost killed the blood eagle! Zhang Aijing said regretfully.

Using the shadow of the angle of view, Zhao Tinghua cheated a move, which made Yu Luosheng's skills fail.

The effect of the blue BUFF was still on him, and soon his golden bell skill was good again, and he flew to the ward that he inserted before, and Zhao Tinghua took advantage of the opportunity to flee towards his wild area

Yu Luosheng soon lost track of Zhao Tinghua, he didn't pursue him deeply, so spare his life.

Turning around and going back, Yu Luocheng kicked the stone man's body, and immediately began to clear the field.

When Zhao Tinghua used the stone man to escape just now, he still had the golden bell effect on his body, otherwise the 50 points of blood would be killed by the stone man. If that was the case, Zhao Tinghua's reputation would almost be ruined.

After beating the stone man, you can reach the fourth level. Yu Luocheng flattened the stone man and led the stone man to the small intersection near the bottom road.

Doing this, on the one hand, prevents Zhao Tinghua from suddenly killing him, and on the other hand, it can reduce the number of Golem attacks, which is the most blood-saving way to kill Golems.

This technique is often used in the game, but the wild monsters in the game have eliminated these wild monster spawning bugs. Yu Luocheng can only use the card position to slightly reduce the damage of the wild monsters, but cannot completely block a stone man. s attack.

After taking away the stone man, Yu Luocheng's HP didn't drop much, and the blind monk's second W has a blood-sucking effect, so he can recover some.

After successfully advancing to level 4, Yu Luocheng suddenly hesitated.

Which skill to upgrade at level 4?

With the current blood volume, if it is upgraded to level 2 W, it is very possible to use the golden bell cover and blood-drinking palm to lose the red buff with this blood volume.

The blood eagle must have returned to the city this time, and his little blood will never be ostentatious. Now is the best time to get the red BUFF!

Give it a go!

Here, is Coach LM asking for a red buff? His blood volume is very likely to be killed by the red buff directly. According to the rules, being beaten to death by a wild monster is considered death. If you are accidentally killed by a wild monster It's already... Dagger Qiao looked at Yu Luocheng's blind monk nervously.

The blood volume of the blind monk is really not high, there is no punishment, this blood volume goes to the red father, what is the difference between this and courting death!

on the screen,

Yu Luocheng's blind monk still slapped him with one palm, disturbing the elder lizard of the red buff!

Elder Lizard fought back angrily, knocking out a lot of Yu Luocheng's blood with one claw.

Fortunately, Yu Luocheng was wearing cloth armor, otherwise Elder Lizard would have knocked out fifty or sixty of his blood volume with one attack, and his little blood couldn't withstand several attacks!


Admiralty 1

A queen with 80 HP appeared on Yu Luocheng's body. This queen can last up to 5 seconds, but this heart can only withstand two attacks from the elder lizard.

The second paragraph w, vampire!

% blood sucking, lasts for 5 seconds!

Yu Luocheng's blood volume had almost bottomed out, and he felt like he would die if he was hit two or three times by Elder Lizard.

But I don't know why, after Yu Luocheng's set of skills was used, his blood volume inexplicably returned to a lot, and he even withstood two or so attacks!

What's going on here, it feels like the blind monk's blood volume recovered a lot in that instant? Dagger Qiao asked puzzled.

His level 4 skill points are added with level 2 W, and the blood-sucking effect reaches %. This blood-sucking is life-sucking and spell-stealing. If he hits the highest damage during the 5-second blood-sucking effect time, his blood volume heart can follow the trend. There are enough backs, and the blind monk's non-injury jungler skills lie in the use of the second w. Zhang Aijing explained.

Yu Luocheng's minimum blood volume jungler can be said to have taught everyone a good lesson. Many players who like to use the blind monk did not realize that there is so much attention to the order of skill release.

The blood volume of the elder lizard was getting lower and lower, Yu Luocheng kicked it out, the remaining blood lost the life of the red BUFF, and a red burning BUFF suddenly appeared on his body!

Taking advantage of the situation and destroying the two small lizard wild monsters, Yu Luocheng directly rose to level 5 1

Level 5, plus red buff, the next time you meet Zhao Tinghua, you will be able to kill him 100%!

Yu Luocheng couldn't help but smile on his face.


Suddenly, outside the red BUFF, a thunder sound wave kicked from behind the wall strangely!

Yu Luocheng was returning to the city, and he never thought that he would be attacked by surprise at this time, so he was shocked!

This Zhao Tinghua did not return to the city! !

He guessed that he would get a red buff here!

This thunder wave made everyone in the audience think, the sneak attack of the blood eagle was too sudden! !

Yu Luocheng glanced at his blood volume, it was only 5, and he was almost dropped by the blood carving with a Q!

Behind the wall, Zhao Tinghua let out a low growl, like a mad eagle that has been swooping down from a high altitude, it flew towards Yu Luocheng!

Yu Luocheng really let down his vigilance, he couldn't do a quick backhand, he could only watch Zhao Tinghua fly towards him!

A smile appeared on Zhao Tinghua's face, this kick could directly take Yu Luosheng's life!


One kick, right in the middle!

Yu Luocheng's blind monk was kicked to the ground, and the red buff on his body instantly transferred to Zhao Tinghua's body! kill! ! ! On the screen, you can see that Zhao Tinghua successfully killed Yu Luosheng's blind monk! This sneak attack was so sudden that no one expected it! Originally, Yu Luosheng got the red buff, the next time he meets Zhao Tinghua, Zhao Tinghua will definitely confess his life, the advantage of level, the real damage of the red buff, and the slowing down of the red buff...

Who knew that Zhao Tinghua, who had only cut his skin just now, didn't return to the city, but turned back halfway.

You must know that his blood volume was less than 50 just now, and I don't know where he got the courage to put this blood volume back and squat!

What's even more unbelievable is that he succeeded in counter-squatting and sneak attacking!

That kick accurately hit Yu Luocheng's vitals. When everyone was still immersed in the fact that Yu Luocheng had the upper hand with the red BUFF, Zhao Tinghua suddenly appeared and killed Yu Luocheng.

This result was really too sudden and unexpected.

Everyone stared at the screen and didn't come back to their senses for a while.

Zhao Tinghua's blind monk stood where Yu Luocheng's blind monk lay down, with that arrogance.

At this time, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and his eyes glanced at Yu Luocheng's position.

Even if he doesn't have the heart to speak, he can know that this guy is swearing his victory to Yu Luocheng!

Yu Luocheng's eyes were still fixed on the screen, he switched his perspective back to the spring water store, hesitating about the equipment he would buy next...

It's amazing~...Zhao Tinghua's bold counterattack finally won this - oh, no! Zhao Tinghua still has a ignite on his body!!

When Qiqiao was about to announce the results of the competition, she suddenly discovered something.

Ignition, Zhao Tinghua's body was hung with ignition at some point! !

The smile on Zhao Tinghua's face suddenly froze, and he looked at his blind monk in surprise...

Lian Lian was taking away his blood bit by bit, there was nothing he could do!

How can it be! !

Zhao Tinghua stared blankly at the screen, his face full of disbelief!


With a scream, Zhao Tinghua's blind monk fell to the ground after 3 seconds, and the victory screen suddenly turned gray and white of death!

This...it's amazing. Coach LM actually ignited the blood eagle's blind monk the moment he kicked it over. This reaction speed is simply appalling!

No one could react to Zhao Tinghua's sudden kick, followed by the second Q kick, killing Yu Luosheng when everyone was unprepared.

But who knew, in those few tenths of a second, Yu Luosheng put on Zhao Tinghua's ignition!

Yu Luosheng was dead, but Zhao Tinghua couldn't survive! !

Another life swap! !

Unexpectedly...it's not over yet, the fight was so thrilling and full of twists and turns, the two blind monks showed off their demeanor and maneuvers at the limit, but the final result was an exchange!

A splendor can no longer describe the visual feast of the fight between these two junglers!

There was a burst of cheers immediately. For them, it was a pity that such a fierce collision between two masters ended prematurely!

Annoyance flashed across Zhao Tinghua's eyes, he glanced at Yu Luosheng again, and found that guy was calmly staring at the screen, apparently buying equipment.

This guy... Zhao Tinghua cursed inwardly.

In that case, you can hand over the ignite, and the reaction ability can be so fast without playing professional, it's really annoying!

The rest of the LM team were all sweating for Yu Luocheng, but when they saw that Zhao Tinghua had been burned to death, a smile appeared on their faces again.

The boss is the boss, you have to admire his innate reaction speed and adaptability.

It's a pity that this guy doesn't play professionally!

Why is this guy so violent? It feels like even the blood eagles can't do anything about him. Huang Lin from Fudan University said.

Lin Siyong kept his eyes on the screen. He had already seen Yu Luocheng's strength clearly during this confrontation. Recalling the few times he met him before, he understood why he had that inexplicable fear in his heart... …

This Yu Luocheng is a master of the sky-defying level, and he can be invincible in the first fight with the national server, maybe this is his real strength! !

Big Coach...

Big coach, your heart is coming!

Suddenly, the voices of the team members awakened Lin Siyong who was in deep thought.

Lin Siyong turned his head and saw a tall and straight man in his mid-twenties approaching.

The man was wearing a beautiful hat and a coat, and he still had a bit of an exotic temperament.

His face is that of an oriental man, but his attire is somewhat different from that of the Chinese.

Big coach! Lin Siyong immediately showed joy on his face, and called out with a respect.

The American-style man nodded and said with a smile on his face, You lost the game?

Well, we... Huang Lin said with some shame.

Lin Siyong lowered his head heartily.

The reason why their Fudan University can stand out is inseparable from the guidance of the great coach in front of them. They thought they could enter the LPL under the guidance of the No. 1 coach in the United States, but they still lost in the end.

I don't blame you, the American-style man said lightly, looking through the work shed, watching Yu Luosheng and Zhao Tinghua who were facing each other, and said, There are three world-class professional players in the LM team. You can compete with them. The score was 2 to 3, which has already surprised me.  …

Three world-class professional players?? Coach Li, does the LM team really have a lot of background? Lin Siyong was full of doubts.

Well, they were accidentally run over by the fast-rolling historical wheel of the e-sports era, and no one cares about them now, but in the United States, South Korea, and Europe, there are still many people who miss them.

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