Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 120 Fighting Eagle VS Blood Eagle (Part 1)

Entering the game screen, a burst of shouts sounded immediately.

According to the rules of the game, after purchasing the equipment, both sides must appear in the middle.

Soon, the two blind monks were already standing in the middle!

The moment the two appeared in the middle, they both clicked on each other to check the equipment the other was carrying!

Doran sword!

Doran sword! !

Very consistent, the two even have the same outfit idea!

Even, the summoner skills they bring are shield and ignition!

Without punishment, without flash, Dolan sword goes out.

This is clearly the rhythm of killing the opponent directly, what 40 wilds? No such concept!

From the beginning, the outfits and summoner skills of the two made everyone on the scene feel the sparks flying, and felt the electric light of the two fighting each other.

With 1 minute as the fire signal, the two blind monks were standing at the designated positions, and there were 10 seconds left.

Yu Luocheng put both hands on the mouse and keyboard, staring at the beating time.


The two blind monks walked towards the red buff position at the same time!

It is impossible to single out the buff without punishment. They go to the red buff not because they want to take down this wild monster, but because they rush to the battlefield tacitly!


Suddenly, Zhao Tinghua's blind monk made a move, and a thunder wave flew quickly past the grass, and kicked Yu Luocheng's blind monk very accurately!

Beautiful, this kick hit the target! As expected of the No. 1 Blood Eagle in the national server, a q in such an extreme position can also hit the kick... Hey, why didn't he kick it? Qiqiao said.

It stands to reason that if you kick the target, you should kick it directly. Many people at the scene didn't understand why the blood eagle didn't dare to kick the second q

Zhang Aijing thought for a while, and immediately came to her senses. He put the microphone to his ear and explained: It's right not to kick it.

Why? Qiqiao asked.

If you kick in the past, you can indeed hit the second damage, but if Coach lm's blind monk kicks back, then his next two normal attacks will have a 40% attack speed bonus. After these two normal attacks Then kick out the second stage, and the next two normal attacks will have a 40% attack speed bonus. This is the passive of the blind monk. Every time a skill is released, the next two normal attacks will be 40% attack speed. Not only that , the blind monk's second q is the higher the blood loss, the higher the damage. The second player can attack twice normally, and even kick the second q with the effect of ignition, which can deal more damage.

Zhang Aijing explained very professionally, and Qiqiao and the audience were also taken aback for a while.

In short, whoever kicks the ball first will lose. Zhang Aijing said.

I really haven't noticed these details. A master is a master, and he always thinks more than us. Qiqiao said.

Just like what Zhang Aijing said, two blind monks, both of level l, kicked the person in q and then basically explained that the damage done by the second player would far exceed that of the first player.

Many people only know the hero's skill effect and general damage level when playing a hero, but if a hero plays too much, it is very necessary to dig out the passive and hidden effects of his skills, including the role skills of the hero. It's very good.

Hmph, do you think I'll kick it over and sell off on purpose? Zhao Tinghua sneered.

Zhao Tinghua has already seen that this guy is deliberately selling his position, just to lure him to kick him first.

How could I be so stupid, and how could I not know about Yu Luocheng's chicken thief!

Zhao Tinghua controlled his blind monk and began to stay away from Yu Luocheng. Now is his skill vacuum period. If he was kicked by Yu Luocheng, he would definitely kick him over without hesitation!

The two blind monks ran from the middle all the way to the red buff. The two of them took basically the same route, one first followed by the other, followed by Yu Luosheng, who was about 800 yards away from Zhao Tinghua.

The Blind Monk's Q skill has a range of 1000 yards. If the distance is 800 yards, the chances of hitting it may be very low. Yu Luosheng has been chasing Zhao Tinghua, but he couldn't find a suitable angle.

Since there is no suitable angle, it is impossible for Yu Luosheng to easily kick out the skills.

The cd of the q skill in the early stage is ll seconds, once you miss the kick, you have to be extra careful when moving in the next ll seconds!


Suddenly, Lei Yinbo kicked out from the grass, and the trajectory was exactly where Yu Luocheng wanted to move!

In fact, Yu Luocheng's blood volume has almost recovered, but after being kicked by this kick, his blood volume dropped a little.

Yu Luosheng's nerves were in a completely tense state, almost the moment Zhao Tinghua kicked that kick, he also kicked Lei Yinbo towards Zhao Tinghua's position! !


Track and kick back! !

Yu Luosheng kicked Lei Yinbo back without Zhao Tinghua's vision at all, and hit Zhao Tinghua who was hiding in the grass very accurately!

They kicked each other and gained vision, but neither of them kicked out of the third stage. They knew very well that whoever kicked out the second stage first would suffer!

This...what a terrifying reaction consciousness!! Zhang Aijing suddenly made a sound.

Did Sister Jing make any surprising discoveries? Qiqiao asked with some doubts.

Looking for traces, coach lm just staged a very high-end move! Zhang Aijing said.

Qiqiao and another host, Su Mei, were at a loss. Was there any high-end work just now? Didn't they just kick each other?

Trace-tracking backhand should be a high-end skill in the game. When losing the opponent's vision, if the enemy casts this kind of line skill similar to the blind monk, then at the moment the enemy casts it, throw it towards the trajectory The skill will basically hit the enemy.

I don't know if you have noticed. The blind monk of the blood eagle kicked Lei Yinbo just now. When Q Lei Yinbo was still in the air, coach lm kicked in that direction with a quick reaction, and hid in the sight The blood sculpture in the shadow. One thing is for sure, none of them dare to easily kick each other at this time. The q skill is purely used as a consumption skill. It can be said that if coach lm reacts a little slower, the blood sculpture will definitely leave from where it was Dodge the skill and complete the second consumption! After consuming it twice, fight against it again, and you will definitely have the advantage.

Details, what Zhang Aijing analyzes are details that ordinary people don't think about seriously, who would pay attention to such things in normal times, and even many blind monks can't q out the second paragraph with their hands as long as they are in the middle of the q, typical OCD!

Tracking and backhanding, to put it bluntly, just now Yu Luocheng found Zhao Tinghua's position and then used the backhand skill in a few tenths of a second when Zhao Tinghua's Q flew over.

This seems simple, but it is too difficult to do it. What is really needed is a kind of extreme reaction and hand speed!


Suddenly, Yu Luocheng's blind monk shouted, his body flew up, and kicked straight towards Zhao Tinghua, who was a thousand yards away!

What... what's going on here, is Coach lm going to strike first? But whoever strikes first will suffer. Qiqiao said in surprise.

On the screen, Yu Luocheng's blind monk kicked towards Zhao Tinghua's blind monk resolutely, with momentum like a rainbow, and the grass gliding past swayed non-stop, as if a gust of wind swept across it!

Yu Luocheng made the first move!

Zhang Aijing's explanation just now made everyone understand that whoever goes first will definitely suffer.

But why did Yu Luosheng dare to kick Zhao Tinghua at this moment...

It's very beautiful. Coach LM is stuck with a classic CD time. Zhang Aijing suddenly came to her senses, even she herself was overwhelmed! !

Lee Sin's second q interval is 3 seconds.

That is to say, if the second stage is not kicked in 3 seconds, then the skill will automatically enter a new cd cycle.

The reason why Yu Luosheng dared to kick it was because he had calculated that Zhao Tinghua's 3 second second kick time had passed!

What stuck was that he was a few tenths of a second slower than Zhao Tinghua!

Zhao Tinghua's q skill has entered the next cd cycle, but Yu Luosheng can kick out this second q!!

Zhang Aijing immediately made an explanation, and everyone at the scene couldn't sit still.

This is all right? ?

Can still make such a time difference!

This coach lm is too thoughtful! !

Just like enemies who are extremely jealous when they meet each other, when Yu Luocheng kicked over in the second stance, the two of them set fire to each other almost at the same time!

Punch, move, kick, move!

The operation is extremely smooth, and there is no pause in sight!

All attacks are optimized and time-shortened. The two blind monks with ignited fists and feet collided fiercely for a while, and the blood volume of both of them is dropping rapidly!

Both of them exchanged the ignition for the first time. There is only one reason for this. They both clicked on that special talent. After the exchange of the ignition, the attack power increases by 5 points!

The same level L, the blood volume is not much different, the attack power of these 5 points is very important, the two players have reached the extreme in the handling of details! However, it is obvious that coach lm will have more blood volume, after all He has an extra second q damage, does it mean that the winner will be decided so soon?

Obviously, Yu Luocheng's blood volume will be a little bit more. Both of them deal with normal attacks very well, and they don't give the other party the opportunity to use the grass card's vision at all. The number of normal attacks on both sides is the same. The final winner must be the one with more blood.

L-level has already fought so fiercely, and the audience became excited after watching it!

In the jungle duel, the winner will be decided in the next two seconds!

Seeing that Zhao Tinghua only had about 80 HP left, Zhao Tinghua's blind monk suddenly moved strangely, throwing away Yu Luocheng's blind monk!

The attack distance is not enough!

Yu Luosheng probably had more HP, and with his own HP recovery, he should barely be able to withstand two normal attacks. As long as he can touch Zhao Tinghua, Zhao Tinghua will definitely die!

It's a pity that Zhao Tinghua is very cunning, and when he was dying, he threw away Yu Luosheng

(Power outage, egg pain~ I had to crawl outside to write, and then update~`)

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