Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 109: The Reversal Over Two Thousand Yards...


no mistakes

There must be no mistakes

Xiaobei bit his lower lip fiercely, using this way to overcome all his tension

It's now

Xiaobei pressed the button heavily

rocket jump

The Maglin gunner blasted hot flames towards the ground, and leaped into the air with this impact.

The direction of this leap is in the enemy's formation

What is Xiaopao doing? Why did he jump into the crowd??

On the screen, everyone saw Xiaobei's Xiaopao making such a completely incomprehensible move

What is the difference between jumping into the crowd and committing suicide? ?

Xiaopao's rocket jump distance is 90. This jump made him jump directly into a death situation, which made everyone in the audience not understand this operation.

Porphyrin, porphyrin, porphyrin

After landing, Xiaobei's cannon frantically hit the blind monk

The bloody blind monk didn't expect that Xiaobei's little cannon would rush into the crowd to change his life, and hurriedly pressed the button to escape.

At the same time, entwined vines appeared at Xiaopao's feet

The vine was released the moment Xiaobei jumped into the crowd. It can be said that the next second Zyra's ultimate move, the vine would soar up and directly stun Xiaobei.

During this dizzy time, Xiaobei's small cannon must be instantly killed, then this game will be completely over

Xiaobei's teeth were completely sunk into his lips, bleeding from the bite.



Crit, go crit!

Let me kill the blind monk


A cannonball flew after the blind monk who put on the golden bell cover

The range of the small cannon in the later stage is very terrifying, even if the blind monk escapes, he still cannot escape the attack range of the small cannon



Under the effect of the red cross and endless effects, he finally hit a critical strike. This critical strike instantly shattered the blind monk's defensive shield and directly took away his last trace of blood.

the end

key key key

Xiao Bei frantically pressed the keys, the vines under his feet were about to fly, if he didn't hurry up, he would be stunned even if he took off

End blind monk, skill refresh

Rocket jump skill CD reset

The moment Xiaobei's small cannon killed the blind monk, it blasted hot flames towards the ground again. With this recoil, the petite body flew from the four of Jess, Ezreal, Clockwork, and Zyra. Leaping up from an enemy's attack

no no no no

The vines were flying, almost at the feet of the jumping cannon, and it felt like the Mai Lin gunner who had hit Xiaobei felt a little bit worse

Xiaobei's small cannon flew higher and higher, and finally, the height of the vines' bounce could not keep up with the leap of Mai Lin's gunner

On the big screen, an extremely thrilling scene appeared before everyone's eyes. Everyone's eyes widened, watching Xiaobei's little cannon jump away from Zyra's death move at the very moment, and then flew directly past Jess , Zyra, Ezreal, and Clockwork, the formation circle of the four enemies

The first jump, jumping into the crowd from a safe position.

The second jump, jumping from the crowd to the rear edge of the enemy formation, smashed heavily on Jess and the Clockwork Demon

not enough distance

The maximum jumping limit of the two arrows is only 18UU yards away, which is not enough

call out


The moment he landed, Xiaobei pressed the flash button

Over 2,000 yards, Xiaobei's small cannon jumped over 2,000 yards, jumping directly from the front of the enemy to the rear of the enemy


Xiao Bei controlled the Mai Lin gunner to turn around suddenly, aiming at the severely decelerated Clockwork Demon and Jess


destruction shot

The scalding flame cannon roared out from the gunner of the Merlin Gunner, and hit the enemy fiercely

Neither the Clockwork Demon nor the future guardian Jess reacted. They were hit hard by the hot cannon, and their bodies flew backwards.

A long trajectory of artillery brought up a piece of scorched earth...

The future guardian Jess and the clockwork monster were severely blasted back by 10UU yards

This move made the audience silent and incomprehensible.

Until the edge of the screen, there appeared a violent heart Jiannan driving the home guard and rushing towards the Fudan team crazily

At first, Da Luo couldn't understand Xiaobei's behavior of jumping into the crowd, but when he saw Xiaobei jumping behind the enemy and blasting the two most important heroes, Clockwork Demon and Jess, in front of him, Da Luo's grief-stricken and unyielding eyes suddenly burst into the hottest light

Yu Dehao Xiaobei

Da Luo let out a direct roar, and his whole body merged with Kenan who was full of furious thunder.


Profound Truth, Thunder Armor

Da Luo's berserk heart, Kenan, tore apart the deep sorrow, and turned into the most anxious and fierce offensive thunder, rushing towards the enemy who was bombarded by Xiaobei head-on

ah ah

Thunder and lightning fell from the sky, filling Da Luo's Kenan's whole body, turning into a huge ring of thunder, it felt as if all the passion in his heart had been burst out

R's ultimate mystery, Wan Lei Tian prison

Thunderbolt, destruction

Big Luo Kainan's violent thunder completely covered the enemy, and suddenly there was lightning and thunder, and he bombarded the enemy crazily. The terrifying thunder sound directly shook Jess, Clockwork, Zyra, and Ezreal's ears and brains.

Four enemies, all under control, all plunged into Wanjun Thunder

well handled

Lin Dong was shocked by the perfect cooperation between Xiao Bei and Da Luo, and blurted out swear words.

You can't imagine what it's like to see hope when everything is about to fall

Da Luo's control is really perfect, his Ice Phoenix's big move just covers all four of them

Lin Dong pressed the P key, and the ice phoenix flapped its wings heavily

Chuan Storm

Ice shards, hail and frost swirl in the storm, tearing apart the enemy's body and freezing their blood

All four of them were shrouded in the glacier storm. The superposition of thunder and ice storm caused the enemy's HP to drop crazily

Q ice shines

P frost biting

The two skills were released immediately afterwards, and the icy cold directly penetrated the body of the future guardian Jess

Jess's equipment is luxurious, but he is all output equipment, and he can't stand the superposition of this kind of big move. When Lin Dong's ice bird's icy cold hits, the blood of the future guardian Jess is flowing, and he falls on the ground. glacier storm

Jess, the future guardian who took an unknown number of heads, was finally terminated

Immediately afterwards, Q Ice Sparkle once again controlled the Clockwork Demon

The Clockwork Demon didn't even have a chance to move, it was controlled until death, and the last trace of blood was taken away by Kenan's Q Profound Meaning Chidori

The Thorn Zyra was also not spared, the crispy support could not withstand the bombardment of Big Luo Kainan's big move

When the big move is full, Zyra's blood volume is disabled, and Da Luo takes advantage of the situation to take away the life of the thorny Zyra

three lives

After Kenan's ult and Bingniao's ult are stacked together, it can be said that they instantly killed the three people from Fudan University. Even if there is a certain gap in equipment, the damage caused by Bingniao and Kenan is enough

One left, one more

Lin Dong suddenly yelled

give it to me

Xiaobei's blood volume is less than half, but he is not afraid at all when he meets Ezreal face to face

Lan's burst is very pitiful, unless he has a six-level magic outfit, it is impossible to beat the blood-drinking, endless, red cross and the full attack speed of the Mai Lin gunner

Facing Ezreal's skills, Xiaobei directly opened the shield to fight with Ezreal

With two critical strikes in a row, Ezreal's HP will be crippled

Lin Siyong pressed the flash in a panic, but with the range of the small cannon, even if he pressed the flash to escape, he might not be able to escape.


A shell flew out, facing Ezreal's panicked escape steps


another end

Group destroyed

Team destroys Fudan team team destroys



Zhou Yan, who has always been taciturn, slapped his hands on the keyboard fiercely, and roared like a beast.

After falling into the abyss, the dawn shines so brightly that one's blood is about to burn

Zhou Yan and Wu Sen never imagined that Xiao Bei, Da Luo, and Lin Dong could use such a perfect ult in this desperate situation of death.

Group destroys the enemy, this wave directly destroys the enemy

On the screen, the big ones are so eye-catching.

The entire arena was in shock, and even forgot to cater to this unbelievable

Jumping across the UU yard, reflexive big move, blasting the enemy to his teammates

This operation has already left everyone dumbfounded, and what made the more than 3,000 people present and the more than 100,000 people on the Internet unexpected is that the LN team played such a perfect big move when it was about to lose the game.

Who would have thought?

Who would have thought that Fudan University would be counter-killed by all, and all of them would die in battle

The screens of everyone in the Fudan team turned gray and white, and all of them stared blankly at the screen...

The picture of the Mai Lin gunner jumping over their heads is still in the mind, and the noise of thunder and storm is still in the ear...

The group is gone...

They were wiped out

Their eyes are full of doubt and disbelief

Oh my god, the LN team is so shocking, is there a more perfect and amazing combination than this??

The host Qiqiao's exclamation echoed throughout the arena.

And her voice made everyone wake up like a dream, a burst of amazing cries detonated from the crowd, and then swept the audience

(Be good, don’t be lazy. Quickly vote for Uncle Luan, recommendation ticket, monthly ticket, The Voice of China... oh, such an original ticket)

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