Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 103 For myself, one must win...

Friends in the audience, what you are seeing now is the final match of the last group of lpl qualifying finals in the preseason. The two sides are the Fudan team with huge popularity and strength, and the team that broke out from the dark horse in the preseason. , three wins out of five games, the score is 2 to 2, whether the last lpl ticket falls into the hands of the Fudan team or the LM team, we will wait and see!! Qiqiao's voice was full of passion.

The number of people supporting the lm team on the spot is gradually increasing. The strong are always the easiest to get people's admiration. Those who don't specifically support the Fudan team will not realize it when they see the strong strength of the players in each position of the team. I really like such a team with strong personal strength.

Although the voice of the lm team is very weak, lm can still be heard in the arena, and as long as there is a little supporter, it is very gratifying for the lm team.

I still remember that before the preseason, Starship Troopers laughed at their lm as a garbage team, the disdain and contempt were extremely harsh and piercing.

The most unbearable thing is that the things I am most proud of are underestimated and despised!

In one month, they surpassed Starship Troopers' results in just one month!

As long as they win this game, they will become the most favored lpl star team in the professional field, and more people will know about the lm team!

It's the last round. Yu Luocheng said to the five members of Team LM.

Go, play hard, many people already know that our wing team has stood up again, they must be watching our game with that ridiculous attitude, for our own sake, we must win! Yu Luo Sheng

The five of them nodded heavily and said, For ourselves!

For no one, those who set foot on the road of e-sports have always been because they have a heart that loves e-sports the most, no matter how ups and downs in society they will not be extinguished or smoothed out!

So, for their own sake!

They are a group of children who did not have the opportunity to receive a good education. They left their families early and lived alone in society. The hardship cannot be explained in a few words.

Without technology, without diplomas, and without enlightened minds, panic will occupy their whole bodies when they think that their whole life will be tumbling among this mediocre and crowded people.

It is no accident that they were able to form together, because they were young and had no education and background, and they had nowhere to go in society.

Da Luo who is despised by his girlfriend, Zhou Yan who is running around, suffers and is looked down upon, or Xiao Bei who works outside and has never even read a book...

It can be said with certainty that no matter how many years they have been in the society, no matter how long they have been silent in the stream, as long as they still have a blockbuster heart and a heart that is unwilling to be mediocre, their final result will be-a dead end!

This feeling is like falling into a dark, deep cave, cold, biting, and dirty. They crawl in it, crawl hard, and crawl along with other aimless people...,

Some people climbed out and stood in sunny places, but those who didn't know anything would eventually slam into the stone wall or continue to fall.

Everyone yearns to stand out and stand out, and indeed some people have achieved it, but Xiao Bei, Lin Dong, Da Luo, Zhou Yan, and Wu Sen do not belong to this group of people, and their endings are the same in the end.

Once they hit their heads badly and burst into tears facing the dead end of the cliff, all they can see when they look back is the sunlight that is one meter away and very close.

This shimmering ray of light is nothing else, just because of what they love in their hearts and what they can't give up...

It's esports!

As long as they still have fighting spirit, as long as they still have the heart that is unwilling to be mediocre, they will finally wipe away their blood and tears...

Either give in to the society, lower your head and continue to climb under the rock wall, and become a scum in the sea of ​​people.

Either run counter to the eyes of the society and completely break away from that group of secular people. Climb to the place where you think there is sunshine, even if others will laugh at you for climbing in the wrong place, or laugh at your stupidity...

Believe me, when you're basking in the sun, everyone will shut up!

Now, Lin Dong, Xiao Bei, Zhou Yan, Wu Sen, and Da Luo are all not far from their bright place, and only the last sharp rock lies in front of them.

As long as they climb over, they will get some slightly warm light, and they can use this heat to continue climbing towards higher and more dazzling places! ! !

They have never been reconciled to living in dark, cold caves, let alone rotting inside.

This is a chance to escape the cave!

For their own sake, they must win! !

Stepping onto the brightly lit arena, compared with the brightly-dressed Fudan university students, the five members of the LM team looked much, much poorer.

Fudan team and they are just for a more dazzling halo, but lm team is for survival!

The players are in place and entering the final stage of debugging. A new lpl star team is about to be born. It's really exciting!

In the arena, thousands of people are watching.

On the Internet, there are nearly 100,000 people who are following this game, lm or Fudan?

lm or Fudan?

An hour later, a new team name was engraved on the hall of lpl, and lm was still Fudan!

For some unknown reason, the hands of the five members of Team LM trembled slightly this time.

No matter how much competition experience you have, no matter how strong your heart is, you will be unconsciously nervous and uneasy when you make a comeback!

Of course, for them, it is more of a determination to break the boat! !

Xiao Bei, Xiao Bei. Wu Sen pushed Xiao Bei's arm.

Xiao Bei came back to his senses, only to realize that it was his turn to choose a hero.

Is it still against Vayne in this round? Wu Sen asked.

Xiaobei's winning rate using Wayne is very high. As long as he is selected in the high-end rankings, he basically wins half of the battle.

As for the final key, Wu Sen still hopes that Xiaobei can come up with his most confident hero.

Xiaobei glanced at the lineup opposite, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

Jess, blind monk, clockwork monster...

I feel that Vayne may not have a good output position.

Xiaobei shook his head and said, It's not very easy to output in the late stage with Wayne.

Wu Sen nodded.


The avatar of Tristana, the gunner of Merlin, jumped out! !

Small cannon!!!

Xiaobei from Team lm actually chose Xiaopao, this is the hero Lin Siyong, the captain of Fudanzai team, is best at. Doesn't he know that if a person is good at a hero, then he must know what the hero's weakness is! Qiqiao looked at Xiaobei's choice with a face full of surprise.

Similarly, countless people who supported the Fudan team stared wide-eyed.

Damn, is this going to teach Lin Siyong how to shoot a cannon?? A man from the Northeast said with a mouthful of Northeast taste.

Small cannon! The girlfriend next to the man gave him a blank look!

Choose Xiaopao in front of the No. 1 Xiaopao in the national server? ?

Xiaobei's weird and astonishing choice caused a stir, how much confidence must he have, to actually choose the opponent's best hero in the final decisive game.

This choice is either educating others or being educated.

Are you sure you choose this? Lin Dong asked.

Well, it will be more stable. Xiao Bei nodded.

The character of Wei En is there. If you are suppressed, you may be overwhelmed. In the final decisive game, Xiaobei feels that you should be more cautious, especially because the opponent's lineup really limits Wei En's output.

Lin Dong nodded and said nothing more.

In fact, everyone in the lrm team knew that Xiaobei was good at everything, including the unpopular ones, he could play well.

The lm team did not ban Lin Siyong's Xiaopao before. On the one hand, they did not pay attention to Lin Siyong's use of Xiaopao as a hero. Ban heroes with a high winning rate.

Since Xiao Bei could confidently choose Xiao Pao in front of the No. 1 Xiao Pao in the national service, they should believe that Xiao Bei was definitely better than Lin Siyong in using it!

What they have to do is to cater to the hero Xiaopao a little bit in terms of selection

There are a lot of bright spots in this game. First of all, the most surprising thing is the Xiaobei player of Team LM's choice of Xiaobao. He knows who the person sitting opposite is, but still chooses like this. It takes more than self-confidence. I look forward to Xiaobei's small cannon giving us a completely different feeling.

Fudan University's top laner chose Jess, the future guardian. I have a copy of this information in my hand. Fudan University's top laner Zheng Xihe national server id'beer. Friends who often play in the high-end rankings of NetOne must be very happy. Familiar with this id. That’s right, he is one of the five-star players with the highest tier in Net 1. The top laner hero he is best at using is the future guardian Jess. According to statistics, his Jess win rate is as high as 80%, which belongs to professional players. It must be banned. Beer has never used Jess in the Electronic High School Competition and the preseason, but this does not mean that he has no new breakthroughs for this hero. He does not use it just because this killer is not critical. Time will never show its edge easily!

The top five players in Net One, this is indeed ridiculously strong in the field.

If Qiqiao hadn't figured it out, they wouldn't have known that besides Lin Siyong, a strong player who could rival the first-line professional players, there was such a master hidden in the Fudan team.

But then again.

If the Fudan team's top laner Beer is such a tough player, wouldn't the lm team's top laner Lone Gull who has suppressed Beer in the lane for four consecutive rounds be even more perverted? ?

For a while, many people began to wonder who the top laner Guou of the lm team was!

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