Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 98: The Highest ADC in the National Server RA...

?? No problem. The debugger said.

The keys conflict, and other keys cannot be used when the key is pressed. Yu Luosheng said to the debugger

Really? I'll take another look. The debugger followed what Yu Luocheng said, and started to press the key and then press the other letter keys.

Sure enough, when the two keys can hardly be pressed at the same time, the letter pressed a little later will not be displayed.

The debugger found the problem, and continued to open the program to see if it was a program problem.

The third game should have started, but it was delayed because of the start of debugging.

The screen that everyone saw at this time was also the computer Yu Luocheng was using, Qiqiao also had some doubts in her heart, and asked, What are they debugging?

It should be a problem of button conflict. Zhao Tinghua said.

Key conflict?? Qiqiao looked at Zhao Tinghua in confusion.

It's like this. On a normal keyboard, when two keys are pressed at the same time, both keys will be activated, but some keyboards have key conflicts, that is, when you press two keys, only one key will appear. Live. Judging from what they typed just now, there should be a conflict between the key and the PR key.

But, when we play L, there's no need to press two keys at the same time? Qiqiao asked.

Zhao Tinghua shook his head and said: Some professional players are used to using keys to launch attack commands. In order to keep their fingers warm, even if they don't release their skills during the operation, they will often press the Af key to make their heroes anytime. When you are in a state where you can attack the target, but you press the key too fast and then press the key, some people with too fast hand speed will let the keyboard default that the keys are pressed together, and the result is that Qf cannot be released, or Af〕 stay home.

It was the first time for Qiqiao to hear such a professional key analysis, and she was a little dazed.

She took a special look at the debugger who replaced the keyboard, and suddenly realized something: So, the player Xiaobei has the habit of pressing keys continuously, which led to the occurrence of key conflicts.

Zhao Tinghua nodded and said, Judging from his obvious slashing mistakes and skill mistakes in the last two games, this should be the problem.

So it's like this... No wonder professional players bring their own keyboards and mice. Speaking of which, this Xiaobei player uses a keyboard with conflicting keys to play, so it's completely understandable for him to play abnormally.

In fact, the key conflict is very annoying. He can play like that, which shows that he is very strong. Zhao Tinghua said.

Zhao Tinghua will not underestimate anyone because of his grievances with Yu Luosheng.

Before Yu Luocheng asked to change the keyboard, he really didn't consider this aspect. If it is said that Xiaobei has been using this kind of keyboard before, then his performance in the first two games can really be described as amazing

Zhao Tinghua's words caused everyone in the arena to show consternation.

Could it be that it's not because of the LM team's food, but because of the obvious problem with the keyboard?

Recalling the first two rounds, it seems that some of the operations and positioning of the LM team were very bright, but some major mistakes covered up these? ?

It's a bit fierce to be able to play like this with Lin Siyong with a broken keyboard.

Yeah, after changing the keyboard, Lin Siyong's bot lane should not be so easy.

By the way, the coach of the LM team who pressed the button just now is so angry, and it is so easy to see that there is a problem with the player's keyboard.

There were voices of discussion one after another, and everyone's opinion of Xiaobei also changed for a while.

Not long after, the debugger came over with a new keyboard.

I'm sorry, our inspection is not very good, and we people don't know some habits of your professional players. The debugger said.

Xiao Bei, try it. Yu Luocheng stood up from his seat and told Xiao Bei to sit down.

Xiaobei was stunned, pointed at himself, and said, Shall I try?

No matter who you try, it's you who hit me. Yu Luocheng said.

Yes, let's see if there is any problem with this new keyboard. If there is no problem, let's go to war. Wu Sen patted Xiaobei on the shoulder.

Xiaobei looked at the crowd and saw that they all let him continue the third game, and his eyes were red again for a while.

Just now, he really thought that Yu Luosheng was going to replace him, but what he didn't expect was that they let him continue for the third match

Well, I'll apply to the referee for a rematch to see if it works. After all, the hardware problem caused you to lose the game and we are responsible for it. The debugger said.

Yu Luocheng shook his head and said, No need.

Yu Luocheng knew very well that the referee basically wouldn't rematch because of this kind of thing.

No need? The debugger looked at Yu Luocheng puzzled.

He can. Yu Luocheng patted Xiao Bei's shoulder and said, Practice as I did just now, and after that, start the third round.

After speaking, Yu Luocheng turned around and left the competition area.

Xiaobei looked at Yu Luocheng's back, his heart was churning non-stop, and it became more and more intense.

He nodded heavily, opened the same text, and was quickly debugging and practicing there with tears in his eyes.

After there is no key conflict, Xiaobei's hand speed is also amazingly fast...

From the first few lines where he made mistakes, from the fourth line onwards, he was able to input all the key positions extremely smoothly and quickly, just like Yu Luosheng.

And when he inserted the keys quickly, even if he didn't reach Yu Luocheng's level, he was still precise and proficient

The numb and trembling hands are no longer so disobedient, all the keys and keys seem to be integrated with your fingers, and there will be no more mistakes

Team LM, can we start?

the referee asked.

Da Luo, Lin Dong, Zhou Yan, and Wu Sen all looked at Xiao Bei.

Xiaobei turned off the exercise text, wiped the weak wet tears on his face with his hands, and said, It's...it's okay.

Have you ever experienced that feeling, when you are useless, when you become a burden, when you drag down the entire team, the feeling when your teammates still trust you?

It's really hard to describe in words...

At least Xiaobei, who works alone in a big city, has never been so trusted and moved as he is now.


He is very aware of his own strength, and he knows that Lin Siyong on the opposite side is not as strong as himself at all.

He is not useless, not a burden, and will not drag down the team, he will prove all this with his own strength


The person with the highest PANKR in the national server is not Baifeng, but him—Xiaobei (to be continued)

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