Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 26 Underworld Team, Qin Guangwang

Hey, it seems that you don't know the difference between professional players and ordinary players. Forget it, even if they are used as sandbags to practice skills, I hope there is a certain master in our team who can blow the opponent away! Yiqin is still optimistic Said.

Yu Luocheng didn't take it seriously, the outcome of this ranking didn't matter to Yu Luosheng anymore, all he wanted now was the victory in the bottom lane!

In this set, Yiqin used Catelyn, a policewoman from Piltover, and Yu Luocheng chose Jira, the Xing of Thorns.

The Thorn Zyra support has been popular for a while in the S2 season, and this hero can be regarded as a relatively comprehensive support.

Her skills have a certain blood consumption ability, seeds can be used to open the field of vision, and at the same time have the group control effect of control skills and big moves.

Yu Luocheng still prefers to use this hero as an assistant. There is a lot of room for manipulation, and often the entangled root is released well, restricting two to three people, and then using the big move Strangling the Vine, this time limit is harmful to the opponent. It is quite deadly to the enemy.

Yiqin chose Caitlin, a policewoman, because there is a small limitation in cooperation between the policewoman and Zyra.

That is, when Zyra the Thorn binds the enemy with E Root of Entangling, the policewoman immediately puts a shelf behind the enemy. If these two restricted skills are hit, the opponent will be killed whether it is auxiliary or basically , after all, Zyra Thorn's outbreak is not weak.

According to the usual practice, they first helped their jungle teammates get 4F and red BUFF, and then went to the lane.

When the two reached the line, one of the melee minions fell, and neither of them gained experience.

In the master game, the experience of a pawn may also be the key to the outcome of a small fight.

The opponent's experience has declined, and if nothing else happens, they will reach level 2 faster than their own side.

Opposite is the combination of Ezreal and the soul-locking warden-Thresh.

Yu Luocheng considered Thresh's relatively high defensive power, so he chose the magic damage Thorn's Happiness as an assistant, so that Yu Luocheng could have a little advantage in terms of blood consumption.

Of course, one thing to be extremely careful about doing this is that you must not be hooked by the Thresh on the opposite side.

Whether Thresh hooks the policewoman or Zyra the Thorn, it means that his side either surrenders the flash or surrenders the head.

From the perspective of the lineup, the policewoman can suppress the short-handed Ezreal, but Thresh can deal a fatal blow to the policewoman and Zyra.

In terms of blood consumption, Yu Luocheng and Yiqin will have the advantage here. If it's a fight, Yu Luocheng can't make mistakes in his skills, so he can barely fight the opponent.

In the beginning, both sides were making money steadily.

Yu Luocheng paid close attention to Qin Guangwang's basic operations and positioning.

This guy moves without any rules, even when making the last cut, he will stand in a very vigilant position, and will never give the policewoman the chance to spot him and be entangled by Zyra the Thorn.

This should be the basic skill of a professional player.

In the first stage, both sides make up the knife smoothly.

At level 2, Qin Guangwang's Ezreal obviously had a tendency to push forward. At this time, Yu Luocheng noticed that Thresh standing opposite him in the grass also moved!

They want to fight a wave! !

At level 2, Ezreal will have a wave of small explosions, which is beyond the reach of the policewoman in the early stage. The most important thing is that both Yu Luosheng and Yiqin are only one soldier short of experience to reach level 2!

This wave must not be fought!

Yiyi, stand back, they are going to attack. Yu Luocheng immediately said to Yi Qin.

Yiqin also sensed the aggressive momentum on the opposite side, so she gave up a chance to replenish soldiers, and controlled the female policeman to retreat a little further behind the soldier line.

I want to call you sister, call me sister Yiyi! Yiqin said seriously.

Oh. Yu Luocheng replied, but his eyes were fixed on the computer screen without moving.

Right now, he doesn't have the heart to tease Yiqin at all, what he has to do is never let the other side seize any chance!


A private dormitory in Shanghai

A handsome young man is quickly manipulating the keyboard and mouse with his fingers!

As a professional player, even if the APm requirement of League of Legends is very low, you must keep your fingers flexible at all times, so as to ensure that you can make the fastest response at critical moments.

There was another person sitting next to this handsome man, who was also around 20 years old, with dyed hair, looking a bit frivolous and casual.

The two consciousnesses on the opposite side are not bad. said the young man with yellow hair.

En. King Qin Guang nodded casually.

In the duel between masters, in fact, from level 1 and level 2, you can make a slight judgment on the strength of the enemy.

The policewoman and Thorn on the opposite side retreated wisely, otherwise they would lose a lot of blood, and even their heads would be handed over.

Hey, did you two make a mistake? Why did you secretly go to hack? At this time, a refreshing voice came from behind the two of them.

Hehe, just play casually. Said the young man with yellow hair operating Thresh.

You really don't want to bully 2000 points like this. How many combinations in China can beat the two of you in the bottom lane? said the man in the sweatshirt.

King Qin Guang and the young man with yellow hair both smiled and didn't say much.

Indeed, it is very difficult to find a duo that can beat the two of them in China. Even in a round with 2000 points in the ranking, it is not uncommon for the two of them to blow up the opponent's bottom lane within ten minutes.

Quickly solve it, the coach treats guests to dinner, don't be late. The man said to the two.

Don't worry, it will be resolved in 20 minutes. The man with yellow hair said with a smile.

What if the other side doesn't surrender? the man smiled.

King Qin Guang stared at the screen and said calmly: In this kind of game, sometimes the two of us can make the opponent have no chance to surrender...

The man naturally understood, patted the two of them on the shoulders and went to take a bath with a towel wrapped around them.

What are Qin Guangwang and Judge Cui doing? Another man's voice came from another room.

These two people often enjoy bullying children. The man in the sweatshirt said with a grin.

Oh, then their opponents are going to cry

Occasionally you can meet masters in the rankings.

Hehe, you said it too, occasionally...

Occasionally, I was beaten! It's best to delete this ID at that time, otherwise some commentator happens to be recording a video and sends this video, then you don't want to touch League of Legends in your life, it's a shame.

(There will be two chapters today, the second chapter will be released at midnight today, it should be pretty good...)

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