Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 94 Invincible stage fright!

Then who is the Great Blood Carving God, who can defeat us King Yama? Qiqiao asked.

Qiqiao couldn't understand why such a great e-sports player knew nothing about herself, she vaguely seemed to have heard of such a character, but why she didn't remember his name.

In the past, he was indeed an admirable person, but now he is a deserter, so let's not mention it. Zhao Tinghua sneered, his tone was full of disdain for this person, as well as the unconcealable anger accumulated in his heart


Deserters on the battlefield

I don't know how many times, Yu Luocheng would hear this extremely angry curse.

But this time, he heard the voice clearly again, and it felt like something was stabbing him, which was quite uncomfortable.

Okay, it seems that our Blood Eagle Master also has a difficult feud with the king... Well, well, after talking so much, before I know it, the second match is about to start, and the HAN selection on both sides has already come out. Qiqiao stared at the screen and said.

This time, the LM team gave the small cannon to HAN without hesitation.

Lin Siyong's use of the small cannon has indeed reached a terrifying situation, and the LM team will never let Lin Siyong get the small cannon again.

In the second round, the Fudan team seemed to have roughly figured out the strength of the LM team, and they began to come up with some special lineups.

Okay, Fudan University's mid laner chose Card Master. Card Master is a very playable hero. I wonder what kind of Card Master Huang Lin from Fudan University can bring us?

The appearance of the card master soon ushered in cheers from the scene.

Everyone came to watch the game, not only wanted to see intense and exciting high-end battles, but also hoped to see the appearance of some of their usual heroes on the field.

The number of card masters appearing in the LPL and international arenas is gradually decreasing, but this does not reduce the love of players for him.

At the beginning, when Yu Luosheng was in Lecheng, his card master once detonated the heroism of the players in that area. Almost everyone who watched that game tried to use cards, because there was no People will forget that handsome figure who harvests life gracefully and calmly

Okay, let's take a look at Fudan University's choice of jungle position...


Well, the jungler of the Fudan team is Nightmare, and this is also a relatively strong hero in the jungle. Qiqiao said.

In the early stage, the strongest heroes in the wild area should be blind monk and Pan Sen. In the wild area, the only ones who can compete with these two heroes are probably Nightmare. Level 3 Nightmare is almost not afraid of any jungler in the wild area, including blind Monk and Pan Sen included.

The online gank ability, Nightmare is also very powerful, especially its terrifying ability to start a group, that is, a sharp knife directly pierces the enemy's heart

After Nightmare decided to choose the jungle position, there was another round of cheers on the field

Soon, it will be the battle for top lane heroes.

Fudan University's top laner selection is very fast. People can see that Fudan University's top laner has no hesitation at all, and directly chooses Eye of Twilight Shen.

Card Master, Eye of Twilight Shen, Eternal Nightmare

When these three heroes got together, the atmosphere instantly blew up the audience

This...is this the legendary global flow tactic?? Qiqiao opened her mouth in amazement.

She didn't notice this when she was choosing before, but when the lineup was completely selected, she suddenly discovered that the top laner, jungler, and mid laner all have global support capabilities

As you can imagine, at level six, there was a small friction in the bottom lane

The card master activated his big move, and his blood red eyes hung above his head.

Immediately after the sky darkened, a terrible nightmare sound came out, like thunder and lightning rolling.

And as the nightmare pierced like a sharp knife, a mysterious shield flashed on the nightmare's body, and Shen fell to the ground

The original battlefield has turned into this in an instant, which makes people crazy

Fudan University surprised everyone with such a lineup.

Their lineup must have been practiced, otherwise they would not be so decisive in their selection.

In the official arena, it is very rare to see two global heroes. These three global supports really caught everyone's attention.

The lineup selection of the LM team is obviously a bit restrained.

Having already lost one game, they obviously didn't have the confidence in their lineup selection like Fudan University.

Faced with such a three-global support lineup, how does the Blood Eagle Master think the LM team should deal with it? Qiqiao asked.

This kind of lineup has both advantages and disadvantages. His strength lies in the U-level wave. No matter which line has friction, there is only one result. Fudan University always has more people. The disadvantage is that their laning Ability will become weaker, after all their big moves are support, not skills. Zhao Tinghua said.

While the two were explaining the lineup, all members of Fudan University and LM had already entered Summoner's Canyon.

First-level regiment, the two sides met in the wild

Shen directly mocked and flashed, and rushed towards Lin Dong's dark head

And almost when Shen taunted Lin Dong, Lin Dong also pressed the flash at that moment, and escaped the catastrophe in a very dangerous way

Wow, the reflexes and hand speed of this mid laner from Team LM are amazing. Everyone should know that the technique of taunting flash was only recently developed, which greatly increases the probability of Shen taunting heroes, and cast It's almost impossible to dodge. The AP player Lin Dong of the LM team can dodge with a dodge in this situation, which is very, very rare. Qiqiao said.

The first-level regiments on both sides are just a flash exchange between the mid laner and the top laner, which will not have much impact on the overall battle situation.

The two sides once again entered a stable matchup.

Wu Sen controlled the thorny Jira and walked towards the line. This time, he took a special look at Xiao Bei.

Xiaobei also controlled his Ezreal and walked to the line of soldiers. Although his hands were no longer trembling, Wu Sen could clearly feel that Xiaobei was still very, very nervous.

Backstage, where Yu Luocheng could just see Xiao Bei who was sitting on the edge.

The expression on Xiao Bei's face was very, very stiff, including his entire body.


His eyes were tense, anxious, and restless, and fine beads of sweat could be seen on his forehead.

stage fright...

As expected, Xiaobei still had stage fright.

The previous few games were mostly private, and there were not many people watching. Although Xiaobei played a little cautiously, he would not make mistakes like he is now.

As for this open competition, on the one hand, the LPLR qualifications brought Xiao Bei huge psychological pressure;

Xiaobei has never experienced such a big scene before.

Every professional player will experience stage fright after climbing to a certain height. Some people adapt quickly and can quickly return to their own state, but some people may be stiff throughout the game, immersed in tension, and unable to show their original strength Half of the time, or even a fatal error.

Originally, Yu Luocheng thought that Xiaobei could quickly adapt to such a big game, but what he didn't expect was that his very poor performance in the first game caused him a greater psychological burden.

He is still blaming himself, blaming himself for his performance in the first game, he is very afraid, afraid that the same will be the case in the second game

Wu Sen, Lin Dong, Zhou Yan, and Da Luo are all people who have experienced major competitions, and they can be described as dusty.

Xiaobei is somewhat famous in the L field, but most of him is in secret, he has never entered a real professional arena, let alone played a game under the watchful eyes of thousands of people...

This kind of stage fright, it is difficult to give help, really only rely on yourself.

You need to overcome yourself, overcome your cowardice, and overcome your fear.

All Yu Luocheng can do now is to watch him until the end of this second battle.

But, will Xiao Bei, who has such severe stage fright, be like the first scene?

If this is the case, implicating teammates in two consecutive games will cause even greater psychological burden to the novice Xiao Bei

The bottom lane of the LM team still feels a bit timid, and the last hit is already behind by a whole. However, it can also be seen from this that Lin Siyong of Fudan University is by no means in vain. Qiqiao Said.

It seems to be repeating the plot of the previous round, the LM team still has an advantage in other lanes, but the suppression of the bottom lane is very obvious.

With the emergence of a wave of terrible global support, both Wu Sen and Xiaobei were killed in the bottom lane, and it was the rhythm of losing towers and dragons.

A tower and a small dragon ruined all the advantages that the LM team had established in other lanes. In addition, Fudan University always gave up the kills to Lin Siyong, and there was a huge gap in equipment again.

Missed ups, slow responses, weird positioning, and skill deflections...

Xiaobei's Ezreal was obviously not at the same level as before, which made everyone in the LM team even more worried.

If this position cannot be raised, no matter how hard the rest of them try, it will be futile.

The AD team of the LM team is good. Their top lane, mid lane, and jungler feel very powerful, but the bottom lane is really horrible. The jungler went down to help a few times, but finally put himself in it, and the economy was a bit bad. .” There was a round of voices in the arena.

Indeed, I feel that a diamond-level AD like me is better than him. To say I am an LPL-level player is really too reluctant.

If this continues, Team LM will still lose. Team LM's support is very powerful, but it's a pity that they are stupid.

What the audience sees is always the appearance, and what they see will always be what they see now.

They didn't know that Xiaobei was sweating profusely from nervousness at this time, his hands were numb and hot

He really wants to play normally, but his hands don't work, and his mouse and keyboard don't stop

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