Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 87: A 30% Chance Match

?? Your opponent is Fudan University. Shall I start a little trick for you and show you their personal information and team information that I have analyzed? Zhang Aijing said with a smile.

Lin Dong's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said: That's the best, give it to us... Wait, wait, why is our opponent Fudan University?

Everyone in the LM team was also stunned, they remembered that their opponent should be the Feiyang team.

The Feiyang team is a veteran second-tier team, and they missed entering the LPL several times.

Fudan University originally lost, but Feiyang team members didn't abide by the rules. The team asked for a rematch. The rematch was not made public. The result of the rematch was that Fudan University won. Don't you know about this? Zhang Aijing blinked blinked.

Damn it, I didn't receive the notification, Lin Dong cursed.

This...we have been studying the Feiyang team for the past two days. Wu Sen said in a very painful way.

The others were also speechless.

They did a lot of homework for the Feiyang team, who knew that the Feiyang team was knocked out, and it turned out that the first team from Fudan University entered the LPL finals

The first team of Fudan University is really not ordinary. It is unbelievable to enter the top level of the professional field in the name of a university.

How much information do you know about Fudan University? Wu Sen asked.

Everyone shook their heads, they knew nothing about the situation of Fudan University.

Uh... I fought them once. Yu Luocheng said with a wry smile.

If I had known that the last P of the LM team was Fudan University, Yu Luosheng would have played more games with Fudan University.

I have a lot of information here. Zhang Aijing looked at the bewildered LM team members with a smile.

Then give it to us. Lin Dong said.

It is still useful to hold fire temporarily, such as university exams.

In exchange, how about you giving me the video recorded for each engagement? Zhang Aijing said.

... Lin Dong was speechless.

If Zhang Aijing was given all the training videos, Zhang Aijing, a woman, would watch their LM team from inside to outside, personal strengths, personal flaws, heroes, good use of combinations, teamwork, group tactics...

These things are known by Zhang Aijing, and when they meet the 71 team in the future, there is no need to fight at all, just vote directly.

Seeing how stingy you are, forget it, forget it, as a gift from friendship, here I have the personal information of five members of Fudan University, which is the data I have analyzed through their many competitions, although it may not be accurate , but the deviation will not be too large. Zhang Aijing said.

Lin Dong hurriedly put down his backpack and turned on his somewhat outdated laptop.

Zhang Aijing passed the small information text to Lin Dong.

Lin Dong clicked on the text, and found that the directories of other teams were also on this text, which made Lin Dong's eyes brighten

Zhang Aijing's text is invaluable in the L e-sports circle. Many clubs have spent a lot of money to buy it, but Zhang Aijing has never revealed it.

This text can only see the information of Fudan University's first team, but if Zhang Aijing's H drive is used to hack into her computer...

Lin Dong's mind was already imitating his own stealing plan, but at this time Zhang Aijing casually said: Don't think I don't know you're an expert hacker, if you mess with my H drive, heh heh!

Lin Dong gave up the idea of ​​stealing materials with a smug smile.

Lin Siyong, captain of the first team of Fudan University:

Personal strength index: 3 points

Team strength index: 9 points

Tactical guidance index: 5 points

Strength volatility index: 09

Good at heroes: small cannon

The core of the team, all tactics are based on this, a typical 4 guarantees I...¨

Xiao Bei leaned over and looked at the data with a bit of curiosity and bewilderment.

What do those points mean? Xiaobei asked.

Damn, that's just a little bit, not all the data... Oh, this is a strength data. It is a data analysis based on the performance of many games. The more game materials collected, the more accurate the data will be. It is very intuitive to judge the strength of a professional player. This method was created by analysts in South Korea, and now it is basically a method used internationally to measure the strength of a player. Lin Dong explained

Professional players cannot use PANKR to measure their skills. Many professional players have very low PANK, but the role he plays in his own team is immeasurable.

PANK is just a one-sided estimate, but this strength index is more professional and accurate

Then the strength index of Lin Siyong, captain of Fudan University, is high or low? Xiaobei continued to ask

It's pretty high. Wu Sen said with a wry smile.

how to say?

Do you know what my score is? Wu Sen said.

Wu Sen is a first-line professional player, his strength is still the strongest in the LM team, and his performance is far more stable than the other four players.

The last thing Yu Luocheng needed to worry about was Wu Sen. His assistant handled many details more professionally than himself.

Yu Luocheng was also very curious about Wu Sen's strength index in Zhang Aijing's analysis data.

I read it myself. Wu Sen said.

Wu Sen, former Taichen team support, first-line player.

Personal strength index: points

Team battle strength index: l points

Tactical guidance index: U points

Strength volatility index: l

After reading, Xiao Bei was stunned.

Yang Ying, Xiao Jia, Zhong Jinbei and other members of the e-sports club are also here. After listening to the statistics Wu Sen read, they also widened their eyes and said: Damn, Boss Wu Sen, it's not like you are so godlike! Is the auxiliary score so low??

The average score of U points is the level of the first-line professional. Wu Sen said.

Damn, aren't we lower?

You guys, at most 3 points. Wu Sen said.

Everyone in the e-sports club was speechless.

They can be considered high-end playing L, and they usually win in ranking. Who knew that Wu Sen's words would blow their minds...

Only 3 points

and at most


They finally know why they have no chance of winning in the match between Shanghai University and Fudan University, and the total score of the captain's data with others is higher than the combined data of the two of them

What does the difference of one point mean? Xiaobei continued to ask.

If there is a difference of 1 point in the personal strength index, it is basically an absolute suppression, and the difference in points is a direct blow. The difference in the team battle index is 1 point, which basically refers to the cooperation, the small team battle and the big team battle. If the chance of winning is 10%, the score is 20%. Wu Sen said. He himself has been in the professional circle all the time, so he naturally understands these things better.

Damn, so to speak, if a team battle is 50-50, as long as one of them has a team index that is two points higher, the odds of winning will become 30-70? Yang Ying said.

Well, this data won't deviate too much. A professional player with a high teamfight index can really save the world and make his team invincible. Wu Sen nodded and said.

Yang Ying and the others didn't expect that there was such an astonishing gap between professional players, and they had always thought that they were not too far away from professional players, but after listening to their analysis, they discovered that they were actually still at the bottom .

Think about it, when they faced the first team of Fudan University, they tried their best to beat them, and Lin Siyong alone felt like they could beat their whole team

Then what is the strength index of the masters? Xiao Jia asked hastily.

In Xiao Jia's view, the strength of these members of the LM team has become unstoppable. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the strongest in the country, at least he has not seen anyone stronger than them.

You want to hear the truth? Wu Sen said.


The average personal strength is probably only between U and 7 points, and the team battle strength is less than 5 points and U points. The tactical guidance refers to... scum. Wu Sen said.

Hey, we're not that bad, Da Luo said angrily.

Yeah, it's not so low. Xiaobei also felt that this statistic was too unacceptable.

Wu Sen's analysis is not wrong, and the scores I gave you are roughly the same. Zhang Aijing laughed

Zhang Aijing got all the videos of the last few games of the LM team. During this period of time, she went to watch it specially. She has already analyzed the strength information of each member of the LM team. Points, the tactical guidance index... is really scumbag.

The LM team and everyone in the e-sports club are speechless. They are in the preseason. They have a domineering arrogance, and many people speculate that the LM team can compete with the teams in the LPL. Who? Only after listening to Zhang Aijing's data analysis, did they realize how scumbag they are.

The good news is that I don't think you have many games, and the statistics must be corrected. Moreover, you have just been formed, and there is a lot of room for improvement in these scores. Zhang Aijing said.

What I want to know is, according to your analysis, what are the chances of our team winning against the first team of Fudan University? Yu Luocheng asked.

Your team's strength index is lower than theirs. To put it bluntly, your individual strength is stronger than theirs, but your team battle index and tactical index are both lower than theirs. At first I thought it should be 50/50. Later, considering that there is a team behind Fudan University Supporting foreign teams who know tactics well, I doubt they will use very unexpected tactics in this crucial game. If you can't parry, the odds of winning will be as low as 30%. Of course, I'm all data analysis, Sometimes data analysis shows that the odds of winning are only 10%, but in the end we still win, and it always depends on improvisation. Zhang Aijing said.

30% winning rate...

This is not ordinary low

To be honest, Fudan University's first team is really strong. Yu Luocheng said seriously.

Yu Luocheng had fought them himself, and he knew very well that even if he tried his best, he could not change the fact that Shanghai University was defeated.

Whether the LM team can defeat this long-established, extremely popular university team with the support of a mysterious foreign team behind it is hard to say.

Strive to gain an advantage online. Yu Luosheng said to them.

Everyone in the LM team nodded, knowing that the opponent is strong, so they can fight more seriously.

Zhang Aijing's analysis is just a data analysis, which is accurate to a certain extent, but it does not necessarily explain everything. After all, K in the LM team has rich experience in competitions. When they face important games, they are already mentally prepared. Extraordinary performance.

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