Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 24 The amount of information is a bit large

?? can you hear?

A pleasant female voice came, soft and gentle, without that provocative numbness, nor particularly sweet, but somewhat reserved and dignified.

When Yu Luocheng heard this voice, he felt his body trembling with excitement unconsciously!

Otaku's spring!

This voice is like the ice and snow in the heart of an otaku melted by the spring breeze. Yu Luocheng never thought that his online friend for many years is really a woman with such a beautiful voice.

Yu Luocheng was even able to imagine the beauty on the other side of the computer screen: she must have eyes with gold rims, beautiful eyes that are sensitive and sensitive, rosy lips that are petite and full, and she reveals that sexuality when she speaks, The hair is parted in the middle in big waves, and the delicate facial features look even more glamorous and moving under the playful trim of the hair...

A mature metropolitan beauty with a youthful charm, a dignified charm with a charming style, and a little wildness in her gentleness! !

Well, Yu Luocheng admitted that these were all his fantasies about this friend he had never met, but hearing this voice, he felt that the fantasies were a little closer to reality!

Yes, I can hear it! Yu Luocheng hurriedly nodded and answered.

Hehe, you can hear it when you hear it, why should you be so loud. A soft laugh came from the opposite side.

This laughter is simply perfect!

Yu Luocheng couldn't believe how such a happy thing suddenly happened to him in this dead house!

I'm not excited. I finally heard your voice. Yu Luocheng said.

If you like to listen, I can send you a set of my program. There was still a slight smile on the other side.

Smiling lightly and drifting away, this feeling is like walking in a small fresh forest, faintly hearing the melodious laughter of silver bells coming from the depths of the forest, people can't help but want to go and have a look, this is a what kind of woman.

Show? Yu Luocheng asked suspiciously.

To be honest, after knowing each other for so long, Yu Luocheng still doesn't know what kind of profession Xue Yiyi is engaged in.

What programs use sound,

And it's still a nice and sexy female voice?

She is a voice actor?

That's right, there are always two people in front of the camera, usually a man and a woman, and occasionally there will be a third person, I can send you a whole set, in which the heroine is me, or a special edition. Yiqin said in a very provocative tone. And he purposely made his professionalism vague.

What kind of movie is played by two people, a man and a woman, and occasionally there will be a third person... The amount of information is a bit large!

Yu Luocheng thought for a while, and suddenly understood something!

Hit Mega!

Is God blessing me or playing with me? ?

Do you want to watch it? Many nerds are chasing after my video. After you watch it, you might become a member of my fan base. Yiqin said.

At this time, Yiqin could clearly feel that she was smiling. She wanted to hide her uncontrollable smile, but the tone of her charming smile was still revealed in her words.

It was obviously a dignified and elegant voice, but why did the words so provocative make Yu Luocheng blush a little!

Could it be... Could it be that she really did that great job?

Yu Luocheng had fantasized about Xue Yiyi that every man fantasizes about.

But he didn't expect that he would get it so soon, and what he got was a whole set! !

What I didn't expect was that there are thousands of others who got it just like me!

Xue Yiyi's image in Yu Luosheng's heart should be noble and holy, and it should be her own exclusive product. How could Yu Luocheng tolerate thousands of homeboys getting this beauty.

I am pure, but the morals of the world don't want to be frivolous. Should I be persistent, or go against this world?

Okay, send it here! Yu Luocheng finally nodded. Compromised this unscrupulous world.

Sex wolf! I knew you were uneasy and kind! Yi Qin found out that Yu Luocheng had taken the bait, but immediately turned her face and denied him.

Why am I uneasy and kind? Yu Luocheng smiled wryly.

I still don't know what you nerds are thinking? Huh, go find those websites yourself, record my voice, and then match the heroine in it, maybe you can find one that matches me, then The person is me! Yiqin said.

Yiqin's tone was a little cold.

If Yu Luocheng hadn't figured out what was going on, he would have been killed by a headbutt.

Then what do you do? Yu Luocheng asked.

Guess for yourself. Yi Qin left Yu Luocheng with a suspense, I won't talk about this with you, I played by myself a few days ago, and I lost points, you quickly take me to 2000 points.

Wrapping it on me, having this voice will give me infinite positive energy, let alone 2000 points, 2200, 2300 points are not a problem!

Who would believe it? 2200 and 2300 are very professional players. Could it be that you are a professional player? Yiqin said.

I'm a student, hehe. Yu Luocheng smiled awkwardly.

You think I can't hear it? Little brother! Yiqin laughed again.

It's strange, why did Yu Luocheng not feel that he was being discriminated against by age when this nice voice said little brother with such a breath... oh, he answered!


Yu Luocheng and Yiqin have been working together for a while, and the tacit understanding between the two has long been formed. It doesn't matter if the voice is not spoken, Yu Luocheng is nothing more than trying to feel the feeling of being accompanied by a beautiful woman.

Considering that Thresh is not very proficient yet, and it may not be safe to score high, Yu Luosheng still chose the slightly offensive support that he usually used.

The supports that Yu Luocheng plays generally include:

The steam robot Britz can bring the rhythm of the audience.

Leona, the Goddess of Dawn, and Gem Knight are control-type supports who can hit the bottom lane in the early stage, and are hard tanks in the later stage.

Arista, the Tauren chieftain, is a support that will have miraculous effects and change possession in team battles.

Or alternative support Xingra of Thorns and Elise, the Spider Queen.

The supports that Yu Luocheng used have one thing in common, that is, these heroes are all offensive and restrictive, and can lead the rhythm of the bottom lane and even the overall situation.

As for the snowman knight Nunu, the fairy witch Lulu, the storm's fury Janna, and the harp fairy-Sona, Yu Luocheng will also use them, but relatively less.

In short, he is destined to play as a support, but he has a wild heart!

Yu Luosheng has the highest winning rate of the robot Blitzcrank, followed by the Goddess of Dawn, Leona, and Thorn Bliss.

Of course, when it comes to high score rankings, it is often not because you have a hero with a high winning rate, you can really win the game with this winning rate. If you choose a hero without considering your own lineup and the opponent's lineup, it is completely suicidal.

For example, there is a single crocodile on the opposite side, a Kenan in the middle, a bull head as a support, Mumu and Centaur as a jungler...

At this time you choose a robot Blitzc...

Well, the opponent will thank you from the bottom of their hearts, and your teammates will also thank your eight generations of ancestors.

(Please collect, please recommend~~ I will thank you eight generations of ancestors... Uh, what a mess, I will thank you from the bottom of my heart!)

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