Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 73 Eagle Fighting, Strength Index

Zhang Aijing pushed open the door of the training room, and saw Captain Hai Jingzheng flicking the mouse angrily.

His screen turned gray, he should have just been killed.

Zhang Aijing walked in slowly, and was surprised to find that the bot lane highland of the second team of Team 71 had been broken. Judging from the position of the captain Hai Jing's body, it should be that the opponent had adopted a four-one-point push tactic.

The opponent's top laner directly led a line and took away their bottom lane tower. The other 4 players of the lm team defended the tower. AP can't do anything.

What are you doing? You should have taken the lead just now. Don't hesitate so much. And you, just stick to the opponent. Even if you can't kill him, you have to drive him out of the battlefield. It's not decisive at all. Captain Hai Crystal said very dissatisfied.

Huang Jiulong's previous frivolity and casualness were no longer present on his face, and he could see deep resentment and unwillingness in his eyes.

You lost. Zhang Aijing glanced at the situation and said.

It's just that the highlands are broken all the way, so we may not lose! Captain Hai Jing said stubbornly.

Zhang Aijing didn't explain too much. She felt that since Team LM could push the second team of Team 71 to such an extent, their next tactic would basically be four-one-point push.

Using a four-one split push after breaking through a high ground is almost an unbreakable tactic.

Sure enough, in less than five minutes, Team LM's 41-point push put Team 71's second team in trouble.

With a strong start from the top laner, Zhang Aijing sighed and shook her head...

The opponent's top laner has teleportation. If you simply think that the opponent is 4 people, it would be naive.

The ending didn't differ from Zhang Aijing's idea at all, as long as one member of the lm team survived, the second team lost.

Damn, why does it feel like a different team is playing?

Yeah, we obviously went well in the first game.

The second team of 71 took off their earphones, and fell into depression collectively.

Lost, they actually lost.

They played inexplicably in the second game,

Weirdly fell into a disadvantage online, constantly being snowballed.

After passively playing a group, the lm team has always used the 4-1-point push tactic of 4 people holding a group and 1 person pushing the tower, and a picture that often appears is that when the five of them beat the lm team to pieces, the dog head One is sent down, and the head is harvested directly.

In the later stage, the dog head is almost invincible!

Zhang Aijing didn't say anything either, she was very clear about the strength of the second team. In her opinion, even if the team formed by that person, there is no reason for the second team to lose.

But the fact is right in front of our eyes, their second team lost!

Send me the video, and I'll study it. Zhang Aijing said.

This team deserves attention.

Sister Jing...I...I didn't open the recording software. One of the team members said with his head down.

Zhang Aijing's eyes fell on this team member, with a hint of annoyance flashing in her eyes, and said: Didn't I tell you many times, all the special training sessions you have to play must be recorded, no matter which team you are with !!

I... I forgot... the young player stammered.

In fact, he felt that there was no need to record such a game, it was a waste of his computer space, who knew that the lm team suddenly became so fierce in the second game, and they were caught off guard.

Sister Jing, we just underestimated the enemy. Huang Jiulong said.

Every appointment should be played as an official match. You can keep your own tactics and heroes, but you must play for the purpose of winning. Why have you not realized this for so long? You are the second It may not be possible to persist for a week, let alone the final competition! Zhang Aijing said very sternly.

The members of the second team did not dare to speak.

If we meet them in an official match, we will never lose. Hai Jing said.

Hmph, I hope. Zhang Aijing said.

Zhang Aijing left the training room and returned to her room secretary.

Turn on the computer, there is a folder on the desktop of the computer, the name is: team strength information table.

When the folder was opened, ten teams jumped out of it immediately.

Ranked first is the most famous and powerful underworld team. Click on the underworld team, and there are several pages full of information popping up below.

The second place is the long sky team. There are several pages of long information under the same long sky team.

This text Zhang Aijing has been operating, and the official used her content of this text as a standard team ranking. Coaches, analysts from South Korea, the United States, and Europe all wanted to play with the full text of this text. Ben, because her analysis can really go deep into the bone marrow of a team. With it, knowing the enemy and the enemy will increase the winning rate.

Zhang Aijing's texts are also divided into the first echelon, the second echelon, the third echelon, the fourth echelon, and the fifth echelon.

There are a lot of team names and general information on each echelon. Basically, she who has won rankings in professional competitions is included in this text.

It can be said to be the complete information and strength ranking of domestic teams.

Which echelon should this lm be placed in? Zhang Aijing entered the name of the lm team, but for a while the director didn't know where to put the lm.

After dragging lm to the fourth echelon, Zhang Aijing closed the text and opened another folder.

The name of this folder is: Player Strength Ranking

Click on the folder, and a list of names suddenly pops up.

And the first few names, especially those with standard red color and font, are the members of the current domestic LPL teams.

At the top, just like its name, it is the one that even foreign players are extremely afraid of - Yan Luowang!

The captain of the underworld team, Yan Luowang, the champion of China's personal strength competition!

Click on his name, and there is also a large list of his personal information below, personal strength index, team battle strength index, tactical guidance index, and strength burst fluctuation index.

The evaluation and analysis of a professional player is based on these four points. Every time Zhang Aijing comes into contact with a player, she will use this data to analyze and position her.


Personal strength index: 8 points

Team battle strength index: 8 points

Tactical guidance index.9 points

Strength outbreak volatility index: 1.1

Specializes in Heroes: ...

Fighting style: ...

Under King Yan Luo, the second place is the captain of the long sky team: Blood Eagle.

The blood sculpture goes down, it belongs to the Apocalypse team: Baifeng

Ranked 4th is the strongest player of their 71 team, top laner: Xiao Wang

This form included the names and personal information of all first-tier players in the country, and many second-tier players were also included.

Pull down the form, and on the second-tier list, Zhang Aijing clicked on the name of one of the players.

This name was created three months ago. In fact, she only watched this person play one game. She even knew that he was not a professional player, so she unconsciously included this name.

Fighting Eagle:

Personal strength index: 7 points (with fluctuations)

Team battle strength index: 5 points? 7 points?

Tactical Guidance Index: ? point

Strength Explosion Volatility Index: ?

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