Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 58 Shanghai University's Tactics!

?? Jiang Qiming had a sullen face, and made up his troops without saying a word.

He was the one who asked Lulu to be aggressive, but he didn't expect to be seized by that guy to take a head

I focus more on the bottom lane, said hr jungler.

Let's go together after the sixth level in the middle lane. The junglers on the opposite side obviously don't come to the top lane very much. They are probably also protecting the bottom lane. Zeng Feilong said.

Okay. Ke Shaoying nodded.

The corners of Zeng Feilong's mouth raised slightly, and he said to himself: It seems that what Lin Siyong said is true. The support from Shanghai University has some background. Which team does it come from?

The suppression tactics in the xy-axis jungle area should only be known to be used by the first-line strong teams, and it needs a very good command to control the whole situation, hhpp time, tower push time, ward time, dragon time...

These are tactics that can only be implemented after a series of data analysis and professional analysts' supervision and training. Zeng Feilong, who can use this kind of tactics in China, can count them with his fingers.

Although Shanghai University's tactic was not very mature, the immature effect suppressed them until they couldn't even breathe, which shows how powerful this tactic is.

Zeng Feilong wanted to know which team Shanghai University had undergone special training 丨 actually learned this top-notch tactic that is difficult for professional second-line teams to implement

Could it be the strongest dp team in the country

I remember there was news that Qin Guangwang had been to Shanghai University a month or two ago.

The reason why Zhejiang University is strong is because behind them is the Tianqi team, a well-known domestic club

Fudan was the only leader because behind them stood an extremely mysterious foreign team.

The rise of Shanghai University must not be accidental. Which powerful team is standing behind them?

Team 71, Sky Team, and the strongest Hell Team

To be honest, in the entire e-sports college competition, the only team that can compete with Zhejiang University is the first team of Fudan University.


It's rare that a master who makes people look forward to it and makes me feel a bit dangerous appears in Shanghai University. Doesn't this make the game more exciting?

Zeng Feilong just likes excitement. He originally thought that only Lin Siyong of Fudan University's first team could arouse his true fighting spirit. It seems that in this sixteenth and eighth stage, he has to show some real strength

Down the road, the head is ahead, and the advantages of the three-phase aircraft are gradually reflected.

Once they fight, the losers will always be the female police officer and Lulu. It's a pity that Zhong Jinbei's fight is not aggressive enough, otherwise he can take the kill many times instead of just pressing them away.

With the arrival of the sixth level, there will always be some coldness behind the wall on the lower road, and there will always be a pair of prying eyes in the grass

The middle lanes on both sides frequently disappear online, and nothing seems to happen, but everyone on both sides knows that a bloody storm is coming

The support on both sides began to control the field of vision. Losing the field of vision means losing the initiative of Xiaolong and losing the initiative of going first.

Under the protection of Xiao Jia's jungler, Yu Luocheng's scarecrow began to make real eyes at Xiaolong's position.

During this period of time, whoever has more real eyes will have an advantage. Yu Luocheng is very aware of this, so after returning from level 5, he deliberately bought enough real eyes.

The opponent's support and jungler are also very concerned about the control of vision

There is a scarecrow, you put enough eye positions, if he escapes suddenly, he will be dead, very deadly

The tactic of warding is useless against enemies whose strength has reached the level of a professional team. When warding, they will pretend to know where you are hiding and jump for big moves, and they will be extra careful.

There are many vision props around Xiaolong, and you may even find clips, real eyes, fake eyes, and the prince’s flag in a triangular bush.

See where you jump from, the opposite assistant gritted his teeth and said.

The field of vision is almost completely bright, and they know the position of the scarecrow very well. If they can't successfully jump out of a big move, the role of the scarecrow will be minimal.

They have a lot of vision, we probably won't be able to take it. Yang Ying said.

The real eye at Xiaolong's position was eliminated by the opponent's jungler's real eye. Now hh's field of vision is obviously missing, and the hope of taking Xiaolong is not great.

Force them to fight us out of sight, Yu Luocheng said.

How forced, they must be only wandering around Xiaolong's place. Xiao Jia asked.

Give them Xiaolong, look at my password, let's take it apart together. Yu Luocheng said.

The four of Shanghai University were stunned

Yes, why do they insist on getting entangled with Xiaolong? Just give them a push in the middle lane, and they will definitely take down Tower L with ease.

Xiaolong's wave is probably about to fight. The economic gap between the two sides should not be too big. Xiaolong's side is the key to pros and cons. It is impossible for both sides to give in. The host said.

Well, what is Shanghai University doing? Are they going to give up this little dragon? This is showing weakness to Zhejiang University

Oh, no, they want to take the tower

As soon as the sword turned, the four of Shanghai University seemed to be fighting for the dragon above the Xiaolong Canyon, but after they occupied the river leading to the middle road, the four of them retreated immediately and took a new wave of troops to the middle road When the tower was pressed down, the tower was pulled out directly

Four people dismantle towers at the same time, which is faster than beating dragons. After taking down a tower, they take advantage of the situation and push it again. This is to pull out the tower

Oops. Zeng Feilong's complexion changed, looking at those guys who were still holding dragons, he said angrily, What are you doing, if you don't go back to defend, are you going to send two mid lane towers in a row?

The two towers in the middle lane are much superior to Xiaolong in the strategic sense. Once the two towers are pulled out, Shanghai University can use the team advantage to directly carry out a copy of the previous game, and implement the xy axis field suppression tactics

Shanghai University used this tactic immaturely, but Zeng Feilong couldn't find any way to crack it for a while, so they must not let them take advantage of the tower

Oh, Shanghai University's tactical change is very surprising. They abandoned Xiaolong to take the tower, and even directly forced the opponent's middle tower. Zhejiang University is very embarrassing. They want Xiaolong to return to the middle tower to defend. If you go in a straight line, you will be directly blocked by the four members of Shanghai University, and if you go in a detour, the second tower may be pulled out together, the host said.

Shanghai University was passive in vision from Xiaolong, but after this change in tactics, they instantly seized the initiative

Either they fight with themselves in this place with insufficient vision, or they lose two towers in a row

Too careless... Zeng Feilong controlled his crocodile and began to dare to move towards the middle.

At this time, Zeng Feilong's face was a little ugly. Shanghai University's team tactics are amazingly used. You must know that this kind of small tactic of abandoning the dragon and turning the tower to force the team is generally only seen in the first- and second-tier professional teams. This Shanghai University was trained by those people. suddenly become so dangerous

The top domestic teams can use the advantage of a tower to infinitely expand this advantage into a victory.

The first- and second-tier professional teams are still immersed in how to win team battles and how to provide the fastest support to a certain extent.

Zeng Feilong felt uneasy because some tactics of Shanghai University obviously had the shadow of first-line professional teams, which brought Zeng Feilong a huge sense of oppression

Zeng Feima rushed towards the middle of the road, hoping to reach the battlefield in time...

Be careful, the scarecrow is jumping! Zeng Fei suddenly shouted at Jiang Qiming

Jiang Qiming was stunned for a moment, and when he was about to press the flash to escape, a large group of terrifying crows jumped out from behind the wall, and suddenly this ugly and disgusting thing rushed towards Jiang Qiming's policewoman

Jiang Qiming pressed the d button violently, but found that he couldn't press the flashing button at all, he was already terrified

The third level of fear, the time of fear is seconds, enough for the crows to take away most of the female police's HP, and the plane followed up with a few big moves, and Jiang Qiming's female police was instantly killed

Jiang Qiming was stunned, and other team members of Zhejiang University were also stunned.

They would never have thought that the scarecrow would jump big at this time, and the most important thing is to jump accurately.

Drop him in seconds, what are you still doing? Zeng Feilong said irritably.

h The other three people hastily released their skills, instantly killing the scarecrow who was alone.

Seeing his screen turned gray and white, Yu Luocheng frowned indifferently.

Changing ad with support is definitely worth it, and I have also absorbed a lot of vitality. The next 3 Xiao Jia, Zhong Jinbei, and Yang Ying can definitely win easily

Zhong Jinbei's plane is equipped with the best equipment. At this time, the strength of the plane is reflected. The three people on the opposite side can't parry the plane's terrifying output, and Zhong Jinbei directly takes a double kill

Ke Shaoying fled in despair.

l Changing to Shanghai University has established a huge advantage in an instant, and may even pull out the opponent's mid lane tower together


Suddenly, a huge crocodile jumped out from the side

The crocodile rushed towards Zhong Jinbei's plane, bit it off, and waved the death scythe in his hand, taking away the bloody plane in an instant

435 gold coins floated up, and Zeng Feilong who suddenly came out ended Zhong Jinbei's three consecutive kills, and then rushed towards Yang Ying and Xiao Jia

The crocodile with full blood, full state and high anger pounces out at this time, it is a super p, with a terrifying momentum of one against three

Zeng Feilong, the first team captain of Zhejiang University, appeared!

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