Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 55 XY Axis Field Suppression Tactics!

What Yu Luocheng is best at is not killing people through assistance, but using the characteristics of assistance to softly suppress the enemy.

The suppression of experience, the suppression of grades, the suppression of the heart, that kind of cheap harassment is enough to make people mad and irritated.

And once the mentality of the other party is changed, revealing a radical flaw, then he is not far from death

The clockwork demon hit Yu Luocheng's Annie with a set of skills irritably, Yu Luocheng took a step forward, a shattering flame flew out from between his fingers, and hit Ke Shaoying's clockwork demon Ling's face

The reaction of Zhong Jinbei's male gun was not slow. The moment Yu Luocheng shot, he quickly drew the gun, and received a large lead bullet with a normal attack, directly knocking out nearly half of the Clockwork Demon's HP


Flame spray, 75 seconds of stun time, under the terrible burst of damage from Annie and the male gun, two-thirds of the blood of the Clockwork Demon will be disabled soon

Ke Shaoying was so frightened that she paled in fright, flashed and fled in a hurry, and put a shield on herself.

Yu Luocheng calculated the damage, and set an ignition on the Clockwork Demon before he flashed. The Clockwork Demon's shield could not last for 5 seconds.

Ignition burned Ke Shaoying's clockwork demon directly to death at the last second.

With an ignited auxiliary Anne, that is to carry the violence to the end

Ke Shaoying's face turned black, and she handed in a flash for nothing, but was killed in the end.

Without Blink, his life will be even more difficult in the future

The jungler Wei came to fill up the line after the clockwork monster was killed. Annie and the male gun just ignored him and frantically clicked on the tower. The tower in the middle road was less than one-fifth left in about 7 minutes. Basically, the next wave of soldiers can be unplugged when they come in.

Back to the city, male gun and Annie's wallets are bulging, and male gun directly produced a storm sword, what is stable development, it is violent

Yu Luocheng's Annie added eye stones, and bought a pair of shoes and real eyes. This shows how rich Yu Luocheng's support is.

Continuing to the line, the clockwork demon finally cleared a wave of soldiers comfortably, and the level reached

After leveling up, Clockwork Demon's ability to clear troops will be better. As long as he hides under the tower, it will be difficult to completely suppress its economy.

Yu Luocheng inserted a real eye into the grass there, and removed Wei Fang's protective eye. After removing it, he returned to the line to suppress the Clockwork Demon.

Ke Shaoying is very obscene, he knows that both Annie and the male gun have flashed, Annie flashed a big move, and the male gun flashed a set of skills, basically they will be taken away again, so Ke Shaoying is determined not to go out of the tower, far away keep distance.

In the bottom lane, Jax has already reached level 8, and Ezreal and Qinnv have both reached level u.

When his q is used up, hit him directly, Jiang Qiming said to Qin Nu.

They fight against Jax in the bottom lane, and they only lead by about 5 in CS. Jax has developed very well, and he has already made a bigil machete and a red crystal. If such equipment is a little careless, it will be Will be raped by Jax.

Jiang Qiming deliberately sold a position, and sure enough, Jax jumped up to fight aggressively

Qin Nu puts Weakness on Jax without hesitation, abolishing Jax's output.

Just after the weak time ended, Qin Nu used her big move again, stunned Jax, and did not give Jax a chance to retreat.

Ezreal's very assured output in these few seconds is precisely the decision to kill Jax.

The stun time is over, and Jax has only one-third of his health left.

Wang Jun's Jax didn't intend to retreat, and directly opened the counterattack storm to paste the

You're looking for death, you dare to fight us? Jiang Qiming thought that Jax would drive away in a counterattack storm, but he didn't expect this guy to charge up like a bull.

His blood volume rushed up, even if there was a flash, he couldn't escape


Suddenly, a cunning and somewhat evil voice came from behind

Before Ezreal and Qinnv could react, they were enveloped by a huge heart-shaped shadow


A huge flaming demon bear fell from the sky and sat on the faces of Qin Nu and Ezreal

The two were dizzy from the shock, and before they could understand what was going on, their blood volume dropped a lot

Don't underestimate the damage of the naked Anne, hitting all three skills on one person can easily take away more than half of the blood

Wang Jun's Jax waved his long staff with a smile on his face, and rushed towards the two bloody guys.

After handing over the flash, Wang Jun's Jax directly took away the two heads

Another tragic death on the lower road, the Zhejiang University community is already mourning...

Damn, where did this Annie come from? Annie in the middle lane, why don't you say something? Jiang Qiming became angry

This Annie appeared too suddenly, the triangular grass has eyes, and the river also has eyes, so how did this guy get around behind them?

I...I'm taking the blue hhp...¨Didn't you make eye positions? Ke Shaoying said.

Ke Shaoying really didn't notice when Annie left the lane, what was even more weird was that there were eyes in the triangular grass, how could he go around to the bottom lane without them noticing...

If he bypassed the triangular grass from the red hhpp and passed the stone man, then there must be not enough time. Ke Shaoying remembered that Annie was still online ten seconds ago.

Yu Luocheng's roaming was very sudden this time, and he was still roaming with a level 6 ultimate move. Combined with Jax's terrifying output, he once again established a two-head advantage for his teammates.

In this way, the bottom lane of Ezreal and Qinnv can basically declare a collapse, because neither of them can beat Jax in the future.

Three minutes later, at the Shanghai University community, the oh perspective happened to be on Yu Luosheng's assistant, Annie.

Everyone clearly remembered that 30 seconds ago, he used his real eye to unplug one of HP's bot lane protection wards.

30 seconds later, when Clockwork Demon was going to get the blue hhpp, he revisited his old place and invaded the opponent's wild area. When he passed the Xiaolong Canyon and was about to step into the triangular grass, this guy actually flashed directly, from the red hhpp The side grass flashed to the right of Stone Man Valley, and then jumped towards the two unsuspecting guys on the bottom road...

At that moment, Qin Nu and Ezreal were attacking Jax, and Yu Luocheng's Annie just walked up behind them with a big move and blocked two of them.

After seeing this scene, everyone has an illusion...

This product is not an auxiliary, this product is not an auxiliary

Nima, isn't this the roaming style of mid laner Annie?

The members of Team H subconsciously thought that Annie was a support, and they were more concerned about the position of the spider.

Once the spiders are on the map, they can suppress and push lanes with peace of mind.

How could he have thought of a support, who actually played around the wild area, dodged evasion positions and gAnk bot lane?

Almost everyone ignores Annie's level 6 burst, ignores the possibility that Annie will wander, and ignores that the support of Shanghai University never plays cards according to common sense

Damn it, it turns out that the news from those people is true, this freshman assistant is simply amazing.

Yeah, he knows everything about the bot lane. If it were me, I wouldn't use flash to hide from the laning position so easily...

Flash is the most valuable summoner skill, and many people often use it at the end.

But sometimes it is used unexpectedly, bypassing the most critical sight and appearing from behind the enemy. This is much better than letting others see you and then flashing to catch the big move, because it will give the enemy time to react before you use the flash. That moment also flashed.

Yu Luocheng did not follow common sense and successfully established a two-head advantage for his teammates. It can be said that he completely defeated the opponent's bottom lane.

For the money of two assists, Yu Luocheng directly bought the real ward, and directly placed the ward in the opponent's wild area.

Qin Nu hasn't even made the eye stone yet. If the vision is controlled like this, they will not be safe even under the tower. After all, who can guarantee that the opponent's spider, male gun, and Annie disappear online at the same time? Will it be four people? What about the siege? ?

With the removal of the middle tower, H University's field of vision was completely controlled.

Wei's position is well known, he doesn't dare to withdraw troops at ease in the bottom lane, and the clockwork in the middle lane is under the tower, the range of their activities is very pitiful.

As for the middle road l tower, the red hhpp wild area, and the bottom road stone man, once the wild area is controlled, Xiaolong is basically raised by Shanghai University. Refresh a few and get a few.

In the mid-term, although Shen uses big moves to support him, Yang Ying's Ryze is teleported.

Chang Zeng Feilong's life was actually not easy, because Xiao Jia's spiders often came to squat, and his own jungler Wei was so useless...

Damn it, is there a different group of people to fight? Is this group of people from Shanghai University so powerful? Ke Shaoying scolded.

In the first game, Zhejiang University abused them so badly that they had no room to resist.

In the second game, they h were crushed like dogs. Either they were squatted wildly by the wild area, or they were forcibly killed by demolishing towers. It took only 18 minutes for them to collapse in all three lines. The degree of collapse was even worse than that of Shanghai University in the previous game awful

Can you imagine a clockwork genie who sold Doran's ring in 18 minutes and just made the Great Holy Grail?

Up to now, there is no Ezreal with three phases, and you can't afford eye stones, so you can only buy Qin Nu with broken eyes and real eyes indefinitely?

Although Jungle Wei's economy is slowly rising, the middle and bottom lanes are too broken. A set of male gun skills can knock out half of his blood. You must know that he is still a meat outfit...

If it weren't for this being their home court, Shanghai University wouldn't be able to fake it. Everyone in Zhejiang University really suspected that another group of people were playing the second round.

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