Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 51 Fight for the school!

?? The next day, the vice president of Zhejiang University took them to visit their campus in the morning. I have to admit that the campus of Zhejiang University is much more beautiful than that of Shanghai University. No matter where they walk, they give people a very comfortable feeling. The wind is not as harsh as it is in the north.

After eating at noon, everyone found a small stage set up in front of the community gate of Zhejiang University, and ten light blue computers were placed on the stage.

The simple tent is hung with the logo of Tianyi, and there are many staff who are pulling the strings, and there are some long tables and some salesmen on both sides.

Obviously, the confrontation between Shanghai University and Zhejiang University was held on this small open-air stage this afternoon.

And the relationship at the gate of the community will easily attract the students of the whole school.

The construction of the stage was done by Tianyi employees. They worked together with the student union and club members, including some people from the sponsor. Taking advantage of the opportunity of this college duel, Tianyi also put out their advertisements by the way, reaching the goal of competing with Tencent Games. win-win effect.

In the past, e-sports were held in small rooms, and there was no communication between schools at all. With the development of the Internet and e-sports, this kind of system seems to be slowly taking shape, and it has gradually become popular among students in the school. s concern.

L This game is very popular nowadays, even if you haven't played it, you can often hear heated discussions among people around you.

Before the game started, hundreds of people had already gathered around the community stage.

There were thousands of students in the whole community, and the stage was at the entrance of the dormitory community, which easily attracted the attention of many people, even those who couldn't understand L joined in the fun.

Damn, there are so many people. Jianfeng glanced at the open-air field with three circles inside and three circles outside, and he was inevitably a little nervous.

Fortunately, this game was played by Yu Luocheng himself, otherwise Jianfeng really doubted that he would be stage fright under the gaze of so many people.

So it can be like this. If there are competitions in our university in the future, we will also move to the open-air community to play, so that we can gather a large number of L lovers. Yang Ying patted his thigh fiercely.

This trip to Hangzhou was really worth it, and Zhejiang University's open competition alone can form a good publicity.

E-sports has a limitation, that is, it cannot be played directly on the open-air field like basketball and football, but must be played indoors.

As a result, the audience's cohesion and atmosphere are always inferior to those of these competitions, but as Zhejiang University did, with the advertising placement of companies such as Tianyi, China Mobile, and China Unicom, they built an open-air stage and an open-air arena, which completely solved this problem.

Yang Ying couldn't help but start to admire the organizers of Zhejiang University.

By the way, they can build it, so can't we? Suddenly, Li Meiqi said.

Of course we can, and we will do the same in the future, Xiao Jia said.

The construction of this competition platform gathered hundreds of people at once, and there might be nearly a thousand people watching after the competition starts. What a spectacular scene it is!

Watching the game by yourself in front of the computer often does not show a little passion, but it is definitely a completely different feeling when thousands of people are excited and cheered by the game with you

No, I'm talking about now, Li Meiqi hurriedly corrected.

What do you mean? Yang Ying asked puzzled.

We called back. Isn't Qin Ting and others in the e-sports club? Let them find a way to pass on our situation here at Zhejiang University to the school. We are playing for the school, there is no reason to hide , to present our entire competition process openly, so that those who like L can see our latest news, even if the school does not pay attention to us, we still have a large group of supporters. Li Meiqi said a little excitedly.

In a male dormitory now, it's hard to find someone who doesn't play L. If we also build a rough stage in the community and broadcast our games live, you can watch our games even in Shanghai University. Hiding in It’s meaningless to watch the game in the dormitory or in the room. It’s just to gather people who like L games and follow our e-sports club together, so as to gain momentum and let those from the basketball club and football club take a look at our e-sports club. If we still win, maybe the whole community can hear them cheering for us, then our e-sports club will really be the number one club worthy of the name. Zheng Xia quickly understood what Li Meiqi meant , eyes flickered suddenly.

What Zheng Xia and Li Meiqi said made everyone's eyes light up.

Yes, they are fighting for the honor of the school, they are fighting for the school, there is no reason to hide in a small room, if this kind of confrontation between school level and school level is directly displayed in the community, it is easy It arouses the emotions of L lovers, and even the school honor alone can arouse countless sympathies

There are still two hours before the game starts, I will call back right away, there should be still time, Li Meiqi said.

Can't it be built in two hours? Zhong Jinbei said.

No, it's totally possible. I checked the weather, and it's cloudy today, so there's no need to consider the issue of lighting. What they need to do is hang a big screen at the entrance of the community, plus a commentary on the game. Qin Ting and the others They are a group of guys who are proficient in computers, and they are extremely proficient in playing with those devices, so they can definitely do it well, Zheng Xia said.

Just do what they say, Li Meiqi and Zheng Xia started calling to inform the members who stayed behind in the e-sports club of their idea.

And here, Yu Shi specially asked Yu Shi to turn on the laptop and connect the stage power supply and network cable built by Tianyi.

What I want to ask is, unless it is recorded, how can our school see our video? Zhong Jinbei asked.

Zhong Jinbei's question immediately silenced everyone.

Yes, how can I transmit the game screen here to Shanghai University in the first time?

Can't let a person carry a camera and shoot at the computer screen?

That's not a problem, Xiaofeng, you can ask for an OH position from Zhejiang University's first team. Zheng Xia said.

And then? the crowd asked.

Take Xiaofeng's OH as the perspective, and then turn on the YY game live broadcast function. The screen of Xiaofeng OH will directly appear on the YY live broadcast channel. What we need to do at Qin Ting at our school is to turn on a computer and log in online. Go to this YY live broadcast channel to watch, connect his computer to the big screen, then what we see on the school side is the game with a delay of about 3 minutes at most, Zheng Xia said.

So YY still has such a function, Zhong Jinbei said in surprise.

Zhejiang University has set up a stage by itself, and there will be hundreds of audiences and supporters in the whole community

In other people's territory, it is inevitable that those voices cheering for the enemy will affect their emotions, but through this live broadcast method, there will also be a group of people cheering for them at Shanghai University, even if they cannot see or hear them, As long as you know that they are cheering for the e-sports club they are playing in, you will be full of confidence

The most important thing is that their e-sports club is not favored in the first place, so they should show the whole Shanghai University the event they fought for Shanghai University, and use their voices to tell the whole school that the e-sports club has the highest popularity community

An hour passed quickly, and Li Meiqi hardly put down her phone.

There is only two hours of preparation time, which is really too hasty, the biggest problem is how they can temporarily find the big screen that can be hung up in the community for everyone to see.

A little anxious, a little nervous, and a little restless, everyone from the Shanghai University e-sports club sat in the rest position, watching more and more people around the competition stage in the Zhejiang University campus...

The entrance to the campus is very spacious, but it is already crowded with people, even in the cold autumn and winter, it feels like a heat wave.

Inside and outside, nothing could get through. Rows of neat heads were exposed on the upper floor of the dormitory with the best view on both sides. They had the best viewing position.

Zhejiang University's support for e-sports is far beyond the imagination of everyone in Shanghai University. The competition has not yet started, not counting the heads poking out of the dormitory floor. There should be close to a thousand people. Just imagine which university and which kind of competition can cause such Many people are following the scene?

On the one hand, this is the effect of building the community gate, on the other hand, it also shows the popularity of the game L

There is only half an hour left, and members of the first team from Shanghai University are about to enter the arena.

Li Meiqi still didn't receive the ready call from Qin Ting, so she inevitably became nervous.

They will be able to catch up, you fight well Zheng Xia encouraged Yang Ying and the others.

Yang Ying, Xiao Jia, Zhong Jinbei, Yu Luosheng, and Wang Jun began to board the stage under the call of the host.

When the five of them took the stage, there were only voices of discussion from the audience.

After all, you are in someone else's school, and it is impossible for others to support you. You can even see a lot of faces showing a bit of complacency, as if saying, you are waiting to be abused

It is an indisputable fact that Zhejiang University is strong. Even if Shanghai University has a top ten title in e-sports, there is still a big gap between Zhejiang University and Zhejiang University.

After H took the stage, members of Zhejiang University's first team followed closely behind.

The five climbed up the wooden steps in an orderly manner, and the one walking in the front was Yao Feilong, the chairman of their e-sports club

Yao Feilong himself is a very well-known student professional player in Dianyili. It is said that his live broadcasts on some video sites are watched by tens of thousands of people online at the same time.

And offline, at Zhejiang University, the chairman of the e-sports club is even more of a school figure, and is sought after by the majority of e-sports fans

His reputation was established, it was in the last e-sports college competition that Zhejiang University won the extremely high honor of being second in the country, and was directly commended by the school

Zhejiang University attaches more importance to e-sports, which can be seen from the large crowd gathered in the community

With the appearance of the first team from Zhejiang University, there was a burst of cheers from the whole community, and the momentum was as loud as thunder

The enthusiasm rushed from the crowd, and the members of the first team of Zhejiang University walked onto the stage with smiles...

How would it feel to be supported by thousands of people at school? ?

The five people from Shanghai University watched the five people from Zhejiang University's first team approach, and their fighting spirit was inexplicably overwhelmed, and they were more envious and ashamed of Zhejiang University's first team.

They are so favored in their school, and the members of their Shanghai University e-sports club need to bear the eyes of other clubs, teachers need to use their positions to defend them, and they need to pay for themselves to face this knowingly meeting. lost game...

Zhejiang University must win Zhejiang University must win Zhejiang University must win

Zhejiang University must win Zhejiang University must win Zhejiang University must win

The shouts were louder and louder, echoing throughout the university campus.

The rumbling sound was like the majestic and majestic army drum of the enemy, hitting the hearts of more than a dozen people in Shanghai University fiercely.

At this moment, you will understand how insignificant a dozen people are in the shouts and cheers of thousands of people

Take a seat, turn on, and enter the game.

Yu Luocheng glanced at the corner of the crowd.

Li Meiqi is still on the phone, obviously Shanghai University has not yet prepared for the big screen.

Yang Ying, Xiao Jia, Zhong Jinbei, and Wang Jun were also looking at that corner at this time.

Now their field of vision is filled with students from Zhejiang University. The names they shouted excitedly were the names of the first team members of Zhejiang University, and they were also paying attention to the group of people on the other side of the stage. I don't know where my gaze should be placed, no matter where I put it, it makes people feel helpless and bitter.

Okay, the point is that our competition is about to start. This 16-to-8 national e-sports college competition should attract the attention of netizens. After all, both teams were among the top ten teams in the last e-sports college competition. Believe it This will be a very exciting competition. While everyone is cheering for Zhejiang University, don't forget to cheer for those who came all the way to Shanghai University. The host probably wanted to take care of the feelings of Shanghai University, saying He said something that sounded good.

However, judging from the reactions of those students at Zhejiang University, there are not many who really want to cheer for Shanghai University.

It is human nature, there is no need to boost the morale of the opponent, there is not so much mercy on the field

Now, the competition has officially started. After the two OHs have adjusted the machine, we will soon see the HAN selection interface... Cheer for our players, the host said.

(Well, well, the confrontation between our groups starts at 8:00 today, and every Saturday night at 8:00 YY09 there will be a regular game, you can watch it, Uncle Luan occasionally makes a guest commentary.)

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