Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 46: Yu Luosheng's Anger

Hey, we have the video of the swimming goddess this morning on our official website. Jiang Jiu clicked on the official website with his mobile phone, and put the mobile phone horizontally.

Yu Luocheng glanced at it casually, but suddenly felt that the girl standing on the high platform looked very familiar.

A white sweatshirt, simple and fresh, with pure and beautiful cheeks, and a well-developed figure.

After watching the video, Yu Luocheng felt that he had missed something very important.

How is it, this girl is very nice? Jiang Jiu pushed Yu Luosheng's arm and said.

She's my sister. Yu Luocheng said.

Your sister, she is still my wife. Jiang Jiu glanced at Yu Luocheng with contempt.

Really, I have never seen such a shameless person, who sees a beautiful girl and calls her sister

She is really my sister. Yu Luocheng said seriously.

Go away, it's your sister

Sometimes you will find that communicating with roommates is even more difficult than communicating with a dog.

After calling many times, Yu Yu didn't answer at all.

This girl must be angry, and Yu Luocheng had no other choice but to go to the ln team to see their training situation according to the original plan.

Having said that, Yu Luosheng was also very surprised to see that Yu Yu entered Shanghai University as an outstanding special student.

Even from the comments of those people, it can be known that Yu Yu's grades should be enough for her to choose any university in the country at will.

To be honest, Yu Luocheng only knew how many times she had won championships and runners-ups, but she really didn't expect that these championships and runners-ups of hers had such a high gold content, especially when compared with her own living environment, All of a sudden, I feel that I am smaller, and this girl is even more goddess.

Well, the plot really developed as I expected, but I didn't expect it to come so soon.

Yu Luocheng, where are you? Yang Ying called and asked directly.

I'm going to go to hell, what's the matter? Yu Luocheng asked.

Come to Cowin Hotel, I'll introduce you to some people. Yang Ying said.

Who? Yu Luocheng asked.

It's a dinner for the student union. Knowing these people will benefit you in the future, so come and visit. Yang Ying said.


The Cowin Hotel is a relatively high-end restaurant outside the school, and it is a place specially provided for some local tyrants in the school to have dinner and drink tables.

In fact, Yu Luosheng is not a member of the student union. Simply put, the level of the club is lower than that of the student union, and he is generally not invited to the gatherings of the student union.

This time Yang Ying brought herself there, but she didn't know what her intention was.

Cowin Hotel, an exquisite large round table is placed in a spacious private room.

In the private room, there is a waitress wearing a red cheongsam, slowly bringing stacks of appetizers to the table.

There were quite a few men and women sitting around the round table, and the seat facing the door was Xiao Hualong, the chairman of the student union of this session of Shanghai University.

Xiao Hualong has appeared more than once on campus occasions, and he has a very high popularity and prestige in Shanghai University. This time the dinner was also organized by him. On the grounds of welcoming outstanding freshmen from each department, invite some people to come in to promote the friendship between classmates.

Of course, this kind of acquaintance and potential new students can be easily solved with a casual meal. The main purpose of making it so luxurious and grand this time is to make the speech that was brilliant at the flag-raising ceremony this morning Swimming goddess Yu Yu invited me over.

The people who were invited this time were all the members of the club department of the student union, the presidents and presidents of the major clubs, and the most potential freshmen in the clubs.

The basketball club, football club, swimming club, track and field club, and e-sports club are actually the major clubs that will compete for the school's moral education rankings.

By the way, will Yu Yu from the swimming club come? Wang Lang, the director of the club department, asked.

Come back, I talked to her just now. Xiao Hualong, the chairman of the student union, said with a slight smile.

The chairman's action is really fast. The head of the community department laughed.

Xiao Hualong coughed in embarrassment, and inadvertently glanced at the quiet and indifferent girl next to Wang Lang, head of the community department, and asked, Is she your outstanding newcomer?

Well, Bai Feifei, she is very serious in her work. She keeps the personnel statistics and data records of the major associations very detailed, without any mistakes. Wang Lang, head of the Association Department, introduced, glanced at Bai Feifei and said, Our chairman, you should seen?

Yeah. Bai Feifei nodded without saying anything.

Xiao Hualong still wanted to say a few words to her, but seeing her indifferent attitude, he dispelled the idea. Today's protagonist is not her.

By the way, why did you even invite the e-sports club this time? The president of the basketball club glanced at the vacant position and said indifferently.

In previous years, only basketball, football, swimming, and track and field were invited. These are some of the more outstanding clubs in Shanghai University. Although the e-sports club has a large number of people, it is nothing more than a group of game fans. Li just couldn't get on the stage.

No way, who made them be listed as an official competition now. Xiao Hualong, the chairman of the student union, said.

Hmph, I get angry when I mention them. Our Club Department itself is responsible for the management of the major clubs. The few people present have a very good relationship with us. Everyone often goes out to eat and play together. And their e-sports club It's fine if you don't obey the arrangement, and you often make such and such things. I really think that if the dean names their names once, they will go to heaven. They are nothing more than a group of nerds playing games. If they don't even get the ranking this time , I'll see what they pretend to be in front of me, Wang Lang, head of social organizations, said bluntly.

Indeed, Xiao Jia from the e-sports club, I think he has been upset for a long time. Just one word, pretend.

I thought that with a little sponsorship and encouragement from the school, it would be the number one club in the school. Anyway, seeing the arrogant attitude of their president, I'm not happy. Chairman, I don't think it's really necessary to call them this time. Han Linfeng, the president of the basketball club, said.

Yeah, didn't you just win the 10th place in the e-sports competition last year? Can e-sports compare with our football competition? I really don't know what the school thinks. Is it possible that I really count on it in the university sports meeting? An e-sports game for our school? Moreover, most e-sports competitions are held at the Universiade, and in other more authoritative competitions, there is no such thing at all. In a word, it is impossible to get on the stage. The president of the football club Li Peng said.

My younger brother is from Hangzhou University and is also a member of the first team of the Hangzhou University e-sports club. My younger brother told me that it is very good for someone like Yang Ying to keep the top ten this time. The strength of other universities has all improved this year. Woke up. I really don’t understand, how could someone like Yang Ying have the guts to talk about entering the top four in the country? Do you really think that other universities are just for display?”

Okay, okay, we're all from the same school, so don't be like this. The swimming club should be here soon, don't let people see you like wretched women. The chairman of the student union coughed heavily and said.

Yes, yes.

In other words, this Yu Yu is really fierce. A national swimming champion, this is the rhythm of becoming a sports star. Maybe she will be there in the next Asian Games, and she may represent the country in the Olympic Games in the future.

Indeed, indeed.

The Asian Games and the Universiade are not at the same level at all. Others are still the seed players of the Asian Games. In comparison, they are just a group of playful students who have not even reached the level of professionalism.

Following the lead of the student union chairman, the topic gradually moved to Yu Yu's side.

And these people didn't know that there were already two people standing at the door.

These two people originally wanted to buy it, but they just heard the vicious tongue of the presidents of the major clubs...

Their faces are equally gloomy.

Yang Ying's face was gloomy, because these associations disdain and disdain his e-sports club.

They are jealous, and they can't see their e-sports club slowly taking away their club's status, they can't see the growing influence of the e-sports club, and they can't see the voice of the e-sports club gradually surpassing their club.

I am incompetent, and I can't get the highest ranking, so I start to complain about good results, which is really ridiculous.

And Yu Luocheng stood there blankly, hearing those people's harsh words, felt like his heart was being pulled hard.

Seeing the big from the small, in a school, e-sports is an unrefined game, how much discrimination and contempt has it received in the whole society?

Yu Luocheng himself has walked this road, and he clearly knows that those who walk this road will have to endure far more ridicule, indifference, and contempt than what he has heard now.

Parents know that you go out to play basketball, and they will only warn you not to be too playful. But when they know you're out playing video games, they're going to slap you in the face.

Is there a way out for professional e-sports?

Xiaobei, Lin Dong, Zhou Yan, Da Luo, Zhao Tinghua, Qin Guangwang and others who regard e-sports as their lives are going forward bravely, so can this era give them a way out?

This is the case in universities that are extremely avant-garde and open-minded, not to mention that there are more stubborn and rigid societies.

Sometimes it is so helpless.

Even if you know that the people in the room are full of hostility and sneers towards you, you still have to pack up your mood and pretend that you just arrived with a smile on your face.

When you see them holding a glass of wine and saluting you with a look of great importance and importance, you have to return the gift more politely and politely, and then silently curse this smiling dog in your heart: Fuck you

Yu Luocheng doesn't like to swear at people, and tn doesn't want to use such vulgar words to swear at people, but after entering this room, Yu Luocheng twisted the cup in his hand and greeted each one with the dirtiest and most poisonous words one by one in his heart. their whole family.

Your e-sports club, you are really fighting for our school. It's not like our basketball club. This time it's a complete mess. Han Linfeng, the president of the basketball club, picked up the wine glass and toasted Yang Ying directly.

You guys just made a mistake, it's all right. Yang Ying smiled and drank it down.

Come on, this is the new director of our basketball club. He has great potential. Let's pay a toast to the president of our e-sports club. Han Linfeng, the president of the basketball club, said.

The person who was very knowledgeable immediately filled Yang Ying's cup, and then made a toast to Yang Ying.

Yang Ying didn't talk nonsense, and directly poured the wine into her stomach.

Come on, come on, it's my turn. To be honest, I have been in the same school for so long, and I haven't had the opportunity to have a few drinks with you. This time, I must have a good drink. Three drinks, dare you? The president of the basketball club quickly accepted. superior.

Why don't you dare? Yang Ying filled himself up directly, pouring down all three cups in one go.

The feeling of burning throat made Yang Ying shout in his heart

This is a newcomer to our community department, a big beauty, why don't you show me more. Wang Lang, the head of the community department, said with a smile.

Yang Ying didn't even look at Bai Feifei, she just picked up the half bottle of red wine left and drank it down her throat.

I just want to get me drunk, I just want to embarrass me

Damn it, come on, if you guys overwhelm me, I, Yang Ying, will take your fucking surname

Glass after glass, full of red wine.

The food was never served because the most important people hadn't arrived.

Empty wine bottles were lined up in front of Yang Ying's table, Yang Ying would not refuse anyone who came, he dared to drink if you dare to respect.

Liquor, beer, red wine, take your pick.

how many cups do you want

Yu Luocheng came here after eating, while Yang Ying was obviously on an empty stomach. It can be seen from his gradually pale face and twitching face that his stomach is already rolling

Okay, okay, don't drink so much, the people we're waiting for haven't come yet, you drink so hard, when our important people come, you won't be scared by you. Xiao Hualong, the chairman of the student union, dissuaded him.

This is my last cup, let's finish my toast. The president of the basketball club stood up again and said, This time, I want to respect Yang Ying's entry into the national semi-finals. After drinking this cup, you will definitely be able to win the national semi-finals. Everyone agrees. wrong.

Yes, yes, the top four in the country

Yeah yeah

The presidents of other clubs nodded in agreement.

In fact, everyone could tell that Yang Ying could barely drink anymore.

But isn't that exactly what they want? ?

This cup, I'll replace our president. Yu Luocheng took the cup from Yang Ying's hand and said.

The president of the basketball club said with a serious face: You are not sensible now. I am the president, and I respect your president. If you drink for your president, you will pay many times, do you know? And, you can Representing the e-sports club to enter the semi-finals? Pay attention to what I am offering, some wine cannot be taken casually.

Four finals? Yu Luocheng looked at the face of the president of the basketball club, Han Linfeng, and sneered.

Yeah, if you don't have this ability, don't bring this glass of wine, you know? The president of the basketball club also sneered in his heart: A freshman, he still wants to fight with me.

Yu Luocheng glanced at the smirking faces present, picked up his glass and drank it down in one gulp: It's not difficult.

After finishing drinking, Yu Luocheng slammed Yang Ying's wine glass towards the wall next to him


The glass smashed against the white wall, and the ear-piercing sound immediately resounded throughout the private room

The girls hid in shock

The glass shards shattered and splashed, Yu Luocheng didn't even try to hide, his eyes were coldly watching Han Linfeng, the president of the basketball club

Xiao Longhua, the chairman of the student union, stood up abruptly from his seat.

Wang Lang, head of the community department, also stood up, staring at Yu Luosheng angrily.

The presidents of several other associations also stood up, staring at Yu Luocheng angrily.

Yu Luocheng, what are you doing?

Are you t dead

The private room full of glass shards instantly became tense, and everyone's faces were red.

Don't think we didn't hear what you said just now. If you are a waste, you can't see that others get more than you? Drink the wine you toast, because you are the president of the club...

Now that you've finished drinking, let's deal with the matter that I want to mess with your family.

(The second chapter will be released around 7:00 to 8:00)

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