Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 21 Good cabbage can't always make pigs arch

In the room, some laughter can always be heard, and sometimes you can hear the woman shouting anxiously: Take off me, take off me! Such words.

The woman rushed into the room for the first time, and found that Yang Qianqian was only playing computer games, and finally felt relieved, but from time to time there was such a dreamlike voice, the woman really felt that this was a big problem for young people, so she became more determined to Get that guy over here for a meal or something.

Testing character is a must, as an aunt, you still have to check for your niece!


Started killing three games in the morning, won 2 games and lost 1 game.

In the afternoon, when Yu Luosheng used Thresh more proficiently and cooperated more closely with Yang Qianqian, his winning rate was quite high, just because he lost the game once when he was offline.

Yang Qianqian had a great time playing it, and it could be seen that she really liked the game League of Legends very much.

Every girl has a little devil in her heart, which is similar to a man's aggressive heart.

In the game, the girl's little devil will be vividly displayed. Several times, the opponent's bottom lane was killed for nothing. Yu Luocheng couldn't bear to let them go, but Yang Qianqian always held up her That gun killed the enemy!

Other people's 6300 heroes are killed by you for the same price as a cannon, this damn is too inhumane! !


After a day of practice, Yu Luosheng is now roughly familiar with the basic usage of Thresh. If he practiced a few more times this week when he secretly played, he might be able to cooperate with his old partner to play ranked next week.

In terms of strength, Yu Luosheng's old partner is much stronger than Yang Qianqian, whether it is replenishment, awareness, manipulation, or cooperation, there is a big gap.

Although playing with Yang Qianqian was quite fun, Yu Luocheng still had a heart to challenge the strong. Bringing beautiful women can only be used as entertainment in ordinary times, and he still needs to rank well and improve his strength.

I'm so hungry. After playing all afternoon, Yang Qianqian was also tired, with a whining voice, like a kitten.

Then let's go eat, Yu Luocheng said. He is also a little hungry.

There's no one at home... Yang Qianqian said.

No one in the family? ? ? ?

Is this implying something to yourself?

Could it be just one day,

This goddess with beautiful legs is conquered by her own personality?

Could it be that when she said hungry just now, she actually...

Yu Luocheng understood in seconds!

I'll go to your house, hehehe, Yu Luocheng said hastily.

Beauty, let me feed your hungry soul with my young and strong body!

What are you thinking, I'm so annoying, I mean no one at home cooks for me! Yang Qianqian said coquettishly.

Uh... Yu Luocheng was stunned for a moment, and quickly responded, I mean, I'm going to your house to cook for you.

After speaking, Yu Luocheng let out a sigh of relief: he almost exposed the fact that he is a pervert.

I'll do it myself. Thank you for playing with me today. It's been a long time since I had such fun. Yang Qianqian said politely.

Hehe. Yu Luocheng didn't know what to say, so he just let out a smirk. But I also felt that just hehe was scolding, so I added, It's my honor to be able to play with beautiful women.

I have to do my homework tonight, so I can't play anymore. See you tomorrow.

See you tomorrow.

I'm off.

Yu Luocheng still wanted to chat with Meimei Yang, but the voice on the other side had been turned off.


Miss Yang wanted to do homework, so why didn't Yu Luocheng do it?

In the whole week of the third year of high school, I can only have fun on Saturday night and Sunday daytime, and the rest of the time is as heavy as going to the grave.

The endless homework exhausted Yu Luocheng's entire six hours from dinner to twelve o'clock in the evening, which can be described as exhausting.

Lying on the bed, when Yu Luocheng's mind was slowly relaxing, he suddenly yearned for university life.

It is said that the university can take classes freely, pick up girls freely, and play games freely.

If it is true, I take a few classes every day, go back to the dormitory to play qualifying games comfortably, and when I am tired, I will take Yang Qianqian to play matching games in my spare time, or develop to the point where I can go out with her to eat, watch movies, etc. When the trilogy was completed in one go... Yu Luocheng was very satisfied with this life.

The more he thinks like this, the more Yu Luocheng wants to quickly pass through the last hundred days of the third year of high school, and then experience the kind of college life where the sky is high and the birds are flying, and the sea is wide and the sea is leaping like a fish!


In fact, no matter how good the weather is and how high your state is, when you know the fact that today is Monday, everything becomes so messed up.

In class, Yu Luocheng walked into the classroom with sleepy eyes as usual.

Taking a casual glance, he suddenly found that many people were staring at him with scorching eyes.

Yu Luocheng froze for a moment, feeling something was wrong.

As soon as he put down his schoolbag, the people behind him surrounded him.

I heard that the group of people in the third class were abused by you! Sun Yang was the first to run up and asked.

Yes. Yu Luocheng nodded

Damn it, I didn't go to see it the night before yesterday. I heard that the grandchildren in the third class were tortured so badly that they rushed to the high ground. Why don't they be so violent! A black old man said with a swearing voice.

Hey, Brother Yu, teach me how to play a robot, just today, I'll make dinner! said another Zheng wife who just played League of Legends not long ago.

A group of people chattered, all talking about the battle with the third class that day.

Hey, let's go, let's go! Wang Qin waved his hand and drove away all the people who surrounded him.

Yu Luocheng was really not used to being surrounded like this, so he glanced at Wang Qin gratefully.

At this time, Wang Qin suddenly smiled wildly and said, Did you send Yang Qianqian home that night?

Yes. Yu Luocheng nodded.

And then? Wang Qin said.

What then?

Stop pretending to me, tell me her home address! Wang Qin slapped the table.

Yu Luocheng had a chill, this guy is going to squat in front of someone else's house?

There are no bushes in other people's homes, if you squat with your body, you will definitely be discovered!

Yu Luocheng didn't remember the address either, so he probably mentioned the location and sent Wang Qin away.

Yu Luocheng still has Yang Qianqian's phone number in his hand. In order to prevent Wang Qin, a brainless person, from harassing Yang Qianqian, Yu Luocheng will naturally not disclose this information.

As for Yang Qianqian's home address?

Yang Qianqian also said yesterday that it was her aunt's house...Wang Qin can go to squat if he likes.

Otherwise, do you think Yu Luosheng would tell Wang Qin such important information?

Good cabbage can't always let the pigs give it to them!

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