Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 2: 5 consecutive sittings in Internet cafes

??  …

Putting down his schoolbag, there were still more than ten minutes before his morning reading, Yu Luocheng leaned on the chair and closed his eyes to rest, looking a little sleepy.

There is no way, but also to study, but also to play ranking, how can I get enough sleep?

What a fool, I lost to the group of birdmen from class three last night! A rough and wanton voice came from behind Yu Luocheng.

This voice is very familiar, it is my tablemate Wang Qin, game ID: beast. Addicted to (League of Legends for short), he can't extricate himself, claiming to be the No. 1 mid laner in Shuilan High School, and those who play in the class follow his example.

Zhao Kesong, why are you so cowardly when you play the top laner? Cut them to the back row! If you are so cowardly, call Zhao Kecount! Wang Qin scolded.

Playing competitive games is actually the same as playing basketball. If there is one teammate who is like a pig among five people, you will basically lose.

Boss, you don't even look at the top laner. Everyone else is level 27. My company is only level 20. You asked me to fight him! Zhao Kesong explained aggrievedly.

Then why are you sending blood so quickly, don't you know that others are lying in ambush in the grass! Wang Qin scolded.

Zhao Kesong is timid and afraid of getting into trouble, so it's really inappropriate for him to play the top laner who needs to be tough in most cases.

Also, what kind of plane did you get off, and you died three times in 10 minutes! Wang Qin pointed the finger at the two boys next door.

Can you blame me, Sun Yang, every time I catch someone with a robot and start beating me, I die. The handsome boy named Zhong Xiaoyun explained.

I don't know what happened yesterday. I obviously caught the opposite person every time with my flying claws, but we were the two who died when we fought. The person named Sun Yang said a little angrily.

Sun Yang likes to use robots very much, and it is said that he can often carry the audience (carry the audience can be simply understood as sweeping the audience).

However, it failed yesterday.

Yu Luocheng was still lying on the table, listening to the group of people behind discussing yesterday's defeat.

Yu Luocheng also likes steaming Steam Robot Blitzcrank. He can be 100% sure that Sun Yang must have caught the support Jewel Knight, Tauren Chief, and Dawn Goddess yesterday. This kind of auxiliary with rough skin and thick flesh.

It is a good thing for a steam engine robot to use the skill-machine flying claws to catch people, but catching these heroes is tantamount to sending his teammates to the sky, just like the original wolf is far away from his teammates, but this robot takes this fierce wolf. The wolf came and killed his vulnerable teammate.

This is an attempt to pay attention to when playing auxiliary robots around level 30. The robot Blitz played by Sun Yang really hasn't reached home yet.

Of course, sometimes you can also catch these hard control heroes, this is the higher-end style of play later.

Yu Luocheng didn't tell Sun Yang the reason why he was defeated in the next road. Their primary school student level battles couldn't catch the eyes of this great god.

I made an appointment with the grandchildren of the third class to fight again next Saturday, and I spent all my living expenses this month, Wang Qin said.

Boss Wang, don't be so impulsive, we can't beat them. Zhao Kesong said.

Who said that!! Wang Qin raised his eyebrows, and Zhao Kesong immediately shut up.

Hearing Wang Qin's words, Yu Luocheng finally opened his eyes, looked at Wang Qin sleepily and said, You don't want to live this month, living expenses are all on top.

Press money, that is the real thing.

Seeing that his half-dead tablemate finally spoke, Wang Qin hurriedly leaned into his ear and whispered: Yang Qianqian is also playing, she is looking for someone to take her, I was fighting with Lin Xu from Class 3, I didn't expect to lose yesterday , Yang Qianqian was also watching, so I couldn't even raise my head yesterday. Do you think I can't save face? Alas, it's all because of these bastards.

Yang Qianqian, oh, that class 4 girl with very long legs? Yu Luocheng remembered this beauty, anyway, the animals around him were busy wiping their saliva every time they saw her drifting by.

By the way, that girl is really good-looking, especially her plump and slender legs. She twists and turns when she walks, and her small butt is called a bomb. Even a loose school uniform can't hide her sex appeal!

Yu Luocheng, don't you also play? It doesn't matter if your skills are not good, anyway, you are not allowed to play, so next Saturday you will help me support the scene! Wang Qin said.

Forget it, I still have something to do, you guys can play. Yu Luocheng shook his head.

Are you kidding me, I rank 1900 to watch you guys play 5v5, I might as well accompany my partner to score 2000, the weekend of the third year is very precious!

You don't understand what 1900 points ranking means?

It meant that if Yu Luosheng were Sun Wukong, Wang Qin and his group would be little monsters under the Bull Demon King's hands, and they would be worse than one or two ranks!


Do you love learning?

Do you dare to say that you love the weird words in classical Chinese, you dare to say that you like the sloppy emphasis in English, and you dare to say that you like the symbols in mathematics that drive you crazy?

You really dare to say that you love learning, what else can I not dare to say that you are hypocritical?

Yu Luocheng hates these things, but he knows that he has no choice. For his parents and his bleak future, he must listen to every class carefully and take his notes carefully. From Monday to Saturday... …

In this numbness, a week passed without knowing it. After the last class on Saturday, the head teacher did not forget to go to the podium, pointing to the blackboard and writing 120 days before the college entrance examination in eye-catching colors. Everyone rang the bell, making it as heavy as a memorial service.

However, the moment the get out of class bell rang, the bright eyes of all the students betrayed them.

Let's go, let's go to dinner, we will go to the Internet cafe to practice in the evening, we need to formulate a strategy! Wang Qin shouted to his team members at the top of his voice.

Wang Qin, are you really betting on money with those from class three? Yu Luocheng asked casually after packing up his things.

Is there still a fake? You can lose money, but you can't lose face. I told Yang Qianqian. Wang Qin said seriously.

Okay, I wish you good luck. Yu Luocheng knew that if he was serious, he would be a bull who saw red underwear, and he couldn't hold back no matter what.

You really don't want to help us? Wang Qin said.

I have something to do on Saturday night. I'll go over and have a look when I have time. Is Longsheng Internet Cafe? Yu Luocheng asked.

Hey, you'd better come and watch me torture them to death! Wang Qin said proudly.

As he said that, Wang Qin had already invited Zhao Kesong, Zhong Xiaoyun and others, Sun Yang and others to have dinner outside the school. After dinner, they would probably form the legendary invincible formation—five consecutive sittings in the Internet cafe, and they had never won!

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