Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Sassy Morgana

You... who do you think you are, you think you are very good after playing a few tennis tournaments? Yang Ying, who are you recruiting? Xiao Jia was angry.

Originally losing this game, he was in a bad mood. He didn't expect that he would be contradicted by a freshman, Xin Yushi like this. Xiao Jia wished he could kick him out of the e-sports club right now.

Okay, okay, don't be arrogant, don't you know that you can't play the game of internal strife? Teacher Fang discouraged.

Well, let's talk about winning the battle first, and we'll settle the rest when we go back. Yang Ying said.

Yu Luocheng, you said you could win. Vice President Li Meiqi said with her big beautiful eyes blinking.

This beautiful senior seems to be much calmer than the others, and it seems that she is not just good at being cute and flirtatious.

Teammates, don't make mistakes too much, basically you won't lose. Yu Luocheng said arrogantly.

Yay bah, I still want to keep a low profile, you guys have to force me to be high profile

What do you mean by TNf+? Xiao Jia became angry, isn't this clearly talking about him?

If he doesn't want to see himself, Yu Luocheng doesn't need to be polite to him. He has seen before that Xiao Jia has deep dissatisfaction and contempt for him as a new student. Before Yu Luocheng, there were a lot of adults who didn't care about him. This time it is can't take it anymore

Okay, okay, Xiao Jia, all masters are arrogant. Since our elementary school boy said he can win, let him come. Jianfeng and Qin Ting are about the same strength, and the result of letting Qin Ting fight is still the same. Same. Li Meiqi said with a smile.

Being gently persuaded by a beautiful woman, it's really hard for you to lose your temper, Xiao Jia put it back, and said: Okay, let him hit, I want to see what kind of arrogant capital this kid has .Beforehand, I have never cooperated with him in the bottom lane, and if he supports, I will not play.”

It's okay, you're playing the jungle. You were originally asked to play the jungle and bring the rhythm up. Yang Ying said.

Xiao Jia is proficient in many positions, jungler, support, AD mid laner, he can play very well in any position given to him, so even if the position of the player is changed, it will not have any impact on the entire team.

Yu Luocheng, what kind of support do you usually play? Zhong Jinbei, the vice president who didn't talk much, asked.

Zhong Jinbei was in charge of the AD assistant jungler. In the last game, his jungler rhythm was still too slow, and he was completely suppressed by the opposing blind monk.

This shows that Zhong Jinbei should be a calm player, such a person is more suitable for playing AD

It's usually an offensive support. Yu Luosheng said.

Yu Luocheng doesn't know how to use Qin Nu, Soraka, Lu Lu, Feng Nu, any of them. The rhythm of the bottom lane has always been in his hands, whether it's playing AD or supporting.

The opponent's AD is very capable of counterattacking, so don't be too aggressive. Zhong Jinbei said.

En. Yu Luocheng nodded.

After the two sides discussed the tactics, they returned to the game for the second match.

Little freshman, come on, I've won and senior sister invites you to eat alone, watch a movie and that. The senior sister Li Meiqi yelled delicately, and for a while her heart-rending voice echoed in the entire e-sports room. sound.

Yang Ying, Zhong Jinbei, Xiao Jia, including Teacher Fang, all looked bitter...

Can you not put it so bluntly and directly? I didn't see that Fudan University is full of boys. And why did Yu Luocheng only make such a condition?

Yu Luocheng turned around with a wry smile and glanced at the senior with fluttering hair, didn't he bring hatred to others like this?

Needless to say, after being called out by Li Meiqi, the bachelors of Fudan University's second team must have no brains to take care of him.

Don't be too aggressive, wait for my support. After taking the seat, Xiao Jia glanced at Yu Luocheng deliberately, and said calmly.

It depends. Yu Luocheng has his own style of play, it is impossible to follow the pace of the jungler.

Did you do it on purpose? Xiao Jia said.

It's nothing, in fact, it's not like we haven't cooperated in the bot lane before. Yu Luocheng said lightly.

Xiao Jia froze for a moment, not quite understanding what this guy meant.

Xiao Jia didn't know that when Yu Luocheng played the last 4 consecutive victories, he ran into him in one of the games.

Yu Luocheng recognized him. After all, how could the e-sports club not know Xiao Jia's ID, and Yu Luocheng himself used another number, Xiao Jia didn't know that this person was Yu Luosheng.

Entering the selection, Xiao Jia directly robbed the blind monk.

This time Xiao Jia will use his blind monk to fully bring the rhythm of the whole round

The opponent robbed the prince. The prince is a hero whose appearance rate is too high. He has damage, displacement, control, and group control. He is the best choice for the national team as a jungler.

After the wild positions of the two sides are confirmed, it is the choice of the top laner. The crocodile has been HAN, and Shanghai University chose Shi after the opponent chose Zac.

The bio-devil 扌丨 is very popular in the near future, and the top laner and jungler are the best candidates. It's a pity that it is said that the US server has already weakened Zac, and it will not be long before it will gradually withdraw from everyone's sight.

On the middle road, Shanghai University is on the bright moon, and on the opposite side is the little murloc.

If you want to go down the road, the opponent chooses the robot and the most classic combination of deep-fried dough sticks and soy milk in the early days.

Zhong Jinbei chose the female police officer, and the last position was finalized for the auxiliary hero.

Thresh, Thresh is not afraid of the robot's hook. Zhong Jinbei said.

Yu Luocheng glanced at the opponent's lineup, and felt that the use of Thresh was not very meaningful.

After thinking about it, the main goal is to defeat them and get off the road.

Yu Luocheng kept switching between the heroes Zyra, Thresh, Niutou, and Leona, and finally changed his pen and suddenly chose a hero that made everyone's eyes widen——Fallen Angel Morgana

My grass Xiao Jia was the first to swear

Let you choose Leona, choose Thresh, you TNh choose Morgana

Change it for me. Before Xiao Jia yelled out, Yu Luocheng directly pressed OK.

Pfft... Xiao Jia was about to vomit blood. This kid is deliberately angry with himself, absolutely

Ah, ah, Morgana is fine too, she can't beat robots. Yang Ying hurriedly persuaded.

He was also muttering in his heart, what kind of trouble is this guy Yu Luocheng, can he stop being so weird?

But after thinking about it, Yu Luocheng used Lux ​​to hit him back then, and turned into a more terrifying existence than AP. Will he go berserk when he uses Morgana this time? ?

Thinking of this, Yang Ying hurriedly comforted her restless teammates.

Hehe, you're an interesting contestant. Huang Lin laughed and said to Yang Ying.

Everyone has been selected, no matter how dissatisfied Shanghai University is, it can only continue with a face of resentment.

Zhong Jinbei, who cooperated with Yu Luocheng, didn't say anything. Morgana's restraint on the robot really reached the extreme. As long as his shield was released in time, Zhong Jinbei basically didn't have to worry about the robot's sudden claws.

The first-level team failed to make it, Yu Luocheng, the support, deliberately ran to the opponent's top lane to insert a lint.

You... why are you running so far? Xiao Jia shouted dissatisfied.

Xiao Jia, control your emotions. Zhong Jinbei said.

He's checking if the opponent has changed lanes, said Zhang Wenbin, who was on the road.

After Xiao Jia heard the explanation, she didn't speak any more.

Indeed, if the opponent's bottom lane changes to the top lane, then the choice of Morgana will be meaningless.

Yu Luocheng's investigative eye made others trust his Morgana's professional support. After all, none of them considered that the other party would change lines, but he considered this possibility in advance and prepared well. A detective eye.

Sure enough, the opponent changed lanes, and it was really good to find out that the opponent's AD support was on the top lane.

Let's go. Yu Luocheng said to Zhong Jinbei.

They change, we change

When they got to the line, the robot and Ezreal were secretly sneering that they would be dumbfounded by changing the line, but they were dumbfounded when Morgana and the female police appeared on the top lane.

It's stupid, how did H know they changed the line

Being crushed by IQ from the very beginning, everyone in Shanghai University couldn't help laughing.

Your assistants are very clever. Huang Lin said to Yang Ying beside him with a smile.

Yang Ying also laughed.


Yu Luocheng's assistant is a pervert, and Yang Ying still hasn't forgotten the scene where this guy almost turned the tide of the battle by stacking up murderous books

If you underestimate him, you will be abused.

To be honest, Yang Ying is a little bit looking forward to Yu Luocheng's murder book in this round, the fallen angel Morgana

If you win like this, it will be too TN long face


A current flowed on the robot Blitzcrank, and a powerful arm suddenly flew out from the grass. The target was not the female policeman hiding in the pawn line, but Morgana who was standing in front of the robot swaggeringly.

open shield

The moment the robot clawed out, almost everyone yelled at Yu Luocheng in their hearts.

However, Yu Luocheng didn't open the shield at all, twisted his body lightly, dodged the robot's hook with great confidence, and then took advantage of the opportunity to throw a Q prison and threw it out.

The same Q Yu Luocheng dodged without even opening the shield, and the robot immediately backed up after the hook made a mistake, and bumped into a magic prison bullet that followed.

I A, I A again, I return Aj

Chase and continue Aj

Yu Luocheng's Morgana was so frantic that she went all the way around the line of soldiers to chase down some robots.

The robot didn't have flying claws, so it could only hide its face and escape, and its blood volume was inexplicably consumed by one-third.

And Ezreal couldn't stand it anymore...

You are a support, or AP support, it is not suitable to go around the pawn line and send some people

At that moment, Ezreal threw a set of skills on Yu Luosheng.

Yu Luocheng activated the shield at this time, and after resisting the damage from Ezreal's magic arrow, he immediately retreated to the back of the soldier line

The female policeman took advantage of the situation and tapped Ezreal a few times. After such a blood exchange, Yu Luocheng only lost a third, and the blood volume of the opposite robot and Ezreal dropped a lot.

Damn it, this Morgana played badly

Well, try to call the jungler here, he is looking for death if he is so aggressive. The student who beat the robot said.

(There will be another chapter later)

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