Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 23 Ordered to skip class and play games

It was the 7th, and Yang Qianqian had to go back to her school.

She left only in the afternoon, and it was only an hour's drive from Shanghai to Hangzhou.

Yu Luocheng sent her to the train station, reluctant to part.

Alas, several times Yu Luocheng went to Hangzhou with the high-speed train. He was annoyed why he didn't get more points in the test. If he was admitted to Hangzhou University, he would be able to fish with Yang Qianqian every day.

Forget it, I will go to Hangzhou to find her next time on some holiday.

On the last day of the long vacation, the students gradually came back.

Yang Ying regained his apartment rights, and grabbed Yu Luocheng by the collar and asked, You didn't do anything to my sister?

I didn't have time... Yu Luocheng shrugged.

Damn. Let me tell you, our friends are friends, if you don't take responsibility for what happened to my sister... Yang Ying said.

I should be lucky that she got away with someone. Yu Luocheng said with a wry smile.

Yang Qianqian is good-looking and has a good figure. She has a little temper tantrum but is generally docile. Such a girl is hard to find, but she has found a goddess who has countless people. To be honest, Yu Luocheng is really worried Will she be seduced by those handsome scumbags when she goes back to school?

Don't worry about this, I only recognize you as my brother-in-law. Those who chased her in high school were all kicked away by me. Damn it, a group of dish Hs who have never played in the ranking also want to chase my sister Yang Ying said.

... Yu Luocheng was speechless, thinking that Yang Yingxuan's brother-in-law was based on the strength of the League of Legends.

Oh, by the way, the National Electronic Colleges and Universities League has already started, you know? Yang Ying said.

Has it started? Yu Luocheng didn't pay much attention to these news.

Of course it's started, you guys are in military training! It's time to start. Our Shanghai University is the 10th ranked e-sports university in the country, and we can directly jump into the semi-finals. I mean let someone serve as our first team's support, but Xiao Xiao Jia doesn't seem to agree very much, because he doesn't understand your strength. Yang Ying said.

Then do I want to show off? Yu Luocheng said.

The National E-sports College League is a third-tier competition.

The e-sports strength of college students must not be ignored. The strength of many university teams is absolutely comparable to that of many professional teams, and it is said that the first team members of Fudan University in Shanghai have the terrifying strength to enter the top ten teams in the country.

Many students have been exposed to e-sports games since middle and high school, and they have a certain strength foundation.

Later in the university, there are many college students squatting in the dormitory all day long, playing e-sports games day and night, and their daily contact with e-sports will definitely not be less than those professional players.

Originally professional competitions should not include the National College E-Sports League, but with the outstanding strength of these university e-sports players, the National College E-Sports League has also been included in the professional line without knowing it, especially in the last competition Fudan University won the championship.

The university seems to be completely aiming at training professional players. Their first team was born in the professional circle and ravaged many real professional teams. Except for the eight teams in the LPL competition, the Fudan first team is the one that people pay the most attention to. Team up

Shanghai University is ranked tenth. Judging from the nature of Shanghai University, this ranking is considered very high.

This time the national college e-sports competition, Yang Ying's goal is to be in the top eight.

The school has already paid a certain amount of attention to e-sports, and promised that if they can win the top eight, not only can they directly add credits, but also get encouragement bonuses issued by the school, and add hardware equipment for the e-sports club.

Under the management of Yang Ying, Xiao Jia, and Zheng Xia, the e-sports club has developed towards the trend of becoming the number one club in Shanghai University...

No way, so many people like Ni, it is said that there was an unsightly, huge and serious scandal in the school because of L. That is, some teachers privately ask their classmates to guide him to rank and get out of the deep pit, and this classmate will never score lower than UU when taking the teacher's subject.

no shame

Lin Dong has already started looking for a place to live, and after settling down, they can use their computers so that they can start training directly.

Yu Luosheng must be busy at school recently, so it's hard to get a chance to see them.

Those guys are very good at choosing the team's address, and they directly chose a bungalow complex not too far from Shanghai University, so that Yu Luosheng can walk around there in his spare time.

Yu Luosheng has always believed that there are not many courses in universities. In fact, there are very many courses in freshman year, which is not very different from high school.

There are four classes in the morning, three classes in the afternoon, and no homework in the evening.

They say that if there is no lesson in mind, then there is no lesson.

This sentence is correct. There are not so few courses in the university as imagined. If you want to reduce it, the simplest and clearest way is to skip it.

You have to have skills and grades, which classes you can leave, and which classes you must listen to carefully, so that you can get the most free time in college.

Of course, this is just a saying.

Since Yu Luosheng has decided to be a four-good youth, skipping classes will not be done lightly, unless there is something in the e-sports club that calls you over... Hehe.

On this day, Yu Luocheng was taking a meditation class. This kind of class is a kind of torture. If I have to compare it, I was beaten by a three-way collapse in the early stage of Summoner's Canyon, and then I had to deal with the enemy's ravages. At the same time in your heart, you always have to look at the time and tell yourself irritably, I am stupid, how can it take 10 minutes to surrender.

Yu Luocheng lay down on the table with eyes full of boredom, listening to what the teacher said every sentence.

The group of boys behind seemed to have found a common topic, and they had already started whispering.

I joined the e-sports club yesterday. There are a lot of girls who know L in the e-sports club. It's cool. A wretched guy said.

Then what's the matter, I'm a queen master. After I showed my number, they said that I can become a member directly without paying the social fee. A triumphant voice came.

Damn, so bad? How many points do you have?

Hey. The man smiled without saying a word, with an air of unrevealed secret.

In other words, members seem to be able to join by paying a fee. The status is good. You can directly enjoy the free royal machine, and regularly send Q-coin skins. The most important thing is that you can directly contact the beautiful girls in the e-sports club.

By the way, do you remember the goddess who recruited members in the e-sports club that day?

Is that the big beauty with bright red hair in a short skirt? Qiu Jingtai immediately leaned over and asked.

Yes, yes, she is the vice president of the e-sports club. It is said that she is ranked 19 UU, so...

Goddess, Goddess, Don't Explain

Suddenly, the topic changed from the e-sports club to the big beauty with bright red hair. Yu Luocheng yawned and tried to think about it. Why hadn't he seen such a character?

Yu Luocheng's cell phone rang at this moment.

Yu Luocheng, come to the e-sports club. Yang Ying said very directly.

I'm in class. Yu Luocheng burrowed his head into the desk and replied in a low voice.

Take Mao class, tell the teacher, he will let you come here, the school leaders told us at the meeting that the e-sports club should train well, Yang Ying said bluntly.

Really? The school allows us to skip class and play e-sports? Yu Luocheng was also stunned.

XX, skipped class to play e-sports in high school, it was a felony to be dragged out of Ling Chi, to be scolded by teachers, despised by classmates, ears twisted by parents...

How did you get ordered to skip classes when you got to university?

Don't you know, e-sports has been applied for as the 99th official competition event in our country, and our e-sports may appear in some more authoritative competitions in the future. Let me tell you, every university except those who care more about In addition to academic attainments, he also attaches great importance to expansion projects, such as basketball, football, swimming, track and field... Do you know that if you can get a place in these competitive competitions in colleges and universities across the country, you know that? Why does the school want to come up with such a thing as special enrollment? Now our e-sports also has a certain weight, it is the 99th official competition in China, and all universities have begun to pay attention to it. If we have the ability to reach the top five and top three, even If you haven't taken an exam in four years, the school will give you an outstanding graduate. Yang Ying roared into the phone.

So dumb? Yu Luocheng was also taken aback.

If you don't pass an exam, you can still get an excellent graduate

Yu Luosheng remembered that outstanding graduates seemed to be in the top 10 of their majors.

Don't be inked, come here quickly, your teacher won't let you come here and I will talk to him. Yang Ying said angrily.

...Uh, okay, I'll come over. Yu Luocheng nodded.

Out of politeness, Yu Luocheng raised his hand, as if a good student wanted to raise a doubt that he had been thinking about for a long time.

Student, is there anything you don't understand about the teacher's explanation? Teacher Sixiu is a man in his thirties. He pushed his glasses and said gently.

Yu Luocheng stood up, and suddenly found that the whole class was looking at him.

This made Yu Luocheng a little embarrassed, and he didn't know how to speak for a while.

It's like this. The president of the e-sports club asked me to go there, saying that there was something important, teacher, can I go there? Yu Luocheng asked

Oh? Teacher Sixiu raised his eyebrows and said casually, You are Yu Shi from the e-sports club? I remember that Yu Shi's screening and interview should be at least until the 15th to have results?

I was in military training! I was dragged in by the president to make things happen. Yu Luosheng explained.

It's an internal recruit. That's okay, you go, the study committee will write down the notes and give it to this classmate. Teacher Sixiu said in a gentle and elegant manner.

Bai Feifei, who was sitting in the front row, looked back at Yu Luocheng...

Bai Feifei is the study committee member, she was very puzzled, this guy skipped class and still had to take notes for him? ?

Okay, okay, thank you teacher. Yu Luocheng couldn't bear everyone's gaze, and hurriedly ran outside the classroom.

As soon as Yu Luocheng left, the classroom erupted a little.

The excitement came from the group of boys who were discussing the e-sports club

They stared wide-eyed at Yu Luocheng's back as he left gracefully. If they were not in class, they would all be swearing.

Damn, this kid turned out to be an inside trick

These people have been interviewed and screened by hundreds of people, and they just barely passed the re-examination

our redhead goddess

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