Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 21 LM team, established!

I know there is a shortcut that allows us to directly enter the field of view of the second line and participate in the preseason. game, I am confident that I can enter the lpl directly, Lin Dong said.

What shortcut? Everyone looked at Lin Dong.

Professional leagues must have certain regulations and echelons.

The team that Lin Dong is forming now is just an inconspicuous one among tens of thousands of teams.

How can we stand out?

That would definitely be to participate in various competitions.

All professional leagues have thresholds, including some third-tier events.

But if they start playing in non-professional events, it will take a long time to barely enter the field of vision of the professional third line.

LPL will start around March next year, and there are only 8 places for LPL nationwide.

There are about 30 to 40 second-tier teams, and there are hundreds of third-tier teams. Non-professional teams can directly use the number of thousands to calculate.

If their newly formed team wants to climb up step by step, it will take a lot of time, and they may not even be able to join the eight teams of lplr in March next year.

They are different from other professional teams that need to climb up step by step. They have richer competition experience than other players, and they have the strength and confidence that surpass other teams in the world competition. A shortcut to quickly ascend the steps.

Lin Dong believes that with their strength, even if they only train for two or three months, they are enough to compete with those third-tier professional teams that have been around for a long time. Once they reach a certain tacit understanding, they can even compete with second-tier teams. Down.

They can't waste time in non-professional competitions, and the training time is just that little, and they can't be wasted on some non-professional competitions or even third-tier competitions.

What I mean is, those of us have experience in competitions, and we don't need to go through those competitions to experience anything. We will train hard, accumulate strength, and then we will go directly to the second-tier competitions and stand out from them. To achieve A blockbuster effect. Lin Dong said.

Da Luo nodded. Several of them have won the highest honor in e-sports, and have played on the world stage. This kind of domestic competition is nothing, and there is no stage fright or abnormal performance at all.

That being the case, they will skip the small competitions, make good use of the time to train, and then go directly to the heavyweight competitions

Will this be too hasty? If we find out the strength of the l professional team through some games and measure our current strength level, will there be a feeling of being arrogant or sitting on the sky. Zhou Yan said.

Zhou Yan is more cautious and considers things more.

Old Zhou, to tell you the truth, the funds of the few of us add up to that. We have two choices here. One is that we start to enter some competitions with rich rewards, and earn some bonuses to stabilize the development of our team. If we do this, it is definitely hopeless to participate in the LPL. The other solution is that we rely on our current savings to directly participate in the preseason game around the month, and then stay for a while to enter the LPL. There will be sponsorship, and the problem of funding can be resolved accordingly, Lin Dong said.

I think it's not necessary to make a big splash, and we are not a three-legged cat team formed by some temporary personnel. Da Luo said.

Having played in world competitions, if you don't have this bit of confidence, how can you be qualified to compete with the powerful teams in the current professional circle full of masters?

You must know that the underworld team, which was as famous as their wing team in the country, is now flourishing in the l field, and is basically the strongest in terms of strength.

Moreover, their former teammate Zhao Tinghua is now the captain of Sky Team, and their strength is always ranked among the top three teams in the country. After such a measurement, it is really difficult for them to put their value too low.

I think it's possible to become a blockbuster, and there's no need to take it step by step. Yu Luosheng also believed in the strength of his teammates.

Now that Yu Luocheng spoke, the others directly reached an agreement.

The next time is to focus on training, and then enter the preseason game, and make a blockbuster in the preseason game and enter the national first-line field of vision

However, if we don't participate in any competitions, it seems that we don't even qualify for the preseason competition. Should we at least participate in the preseason audition? Zhou Yan asked.

The preseason audition won't take up much of our time. It's just a hot hand. It will be held in about 11 months. We will practice for a month first, and then we will stand out from the preseason audition. Lin Dong said .

Lin Dong, didn't you say there is a shortcut? Da Luo asked.

Oh, this shortcut is risky, I think it's better to forget it, we will directly participate in the pre-season audition in November, continue training after finishing the game, participate in the pre-season knockout round, enter the final, and win the final spot, we Also won the lplr qualification, it is a first-line team. Lin Dong said.

Well, it's not too late, let's start early. Is there any problem with Xiaobei? Zhou Yan asked.

It's not a problem, as long as everyone is together, he will come right away. Lin Dong said.

Where's Wu Sen? Yu Luocheng asked.

On call, he is now unemployed. Zhou Yan said.

In fact, many professional teams will choose to participate in some other competitions. On the one hand, they will experience and improve, and on the other hand, they will increase their bonus income and popularity.

Those who didn't participate in any competitions like them, and went directly to the second-tier preseason games, in the eyes of industry insiders, it is a very ridiculous behavior

However, so what, as long as they can show enough strength, many people will immediately shut up

I don't know if we can still enter the world stage... Zhou Yan said in a calm voice.

The world stage? ?

Yes, I am afraid that none of the members of the wing team will forget the scene of standing on the world stage.

Representing the Chinese, representing the highest honor and competing with the top e-sports players from various countries, the joy and enthusiasm are something that this bottlenecked and cruel social circle can't experience at all.

Zhou Yan's words made everyone silent.

The stage of the world...

In the past two years, who of them has not returned to this scene full of metal symphony and world cheers countless times in their dreams.

However, they have been wasted for more than a year, and now they are even more competitors, with countless strong players. Can they really stand out from so many teams in the country and go to the world stage? ?

They all know it's really, really hard.

Most importantly, the two strongest members of the Wings are not in the team.

The blood eagle Zhao Tinghua is the most powerful weapon of the wing team. With his powerful strength, he has killed countless powerful enemies standing in front of them

Fighting Eagle Yu Luosheng is the soul of Team Wings, he used his most shocking style of play and technique to lead them to defeat those teams that could not be defeated at all.

Without them, can you really step into the world stage? ?

They looked at Yu Luosheng, in fact, they really wanted him to return to the team, let him lead this resurgent team to IPL and even to the world.

Because they knew that only Fighting Eagle Yu Luosheng had the ability to allow them to stand on the world stage.

However, if it is said that Zhao Tinghua has no possibility of returning to the team and vowed to oppose Yu Luosheng, then Yu Luosheng himself is the most difficult person to persuade to return to the team?

Is it the failure of the British competition that made him completely lose his confidence in conquering the world of e-sports, or is it because of the fetters of his family and the existence of his current studies that prevent him from taking this step at all?

Zhou Yan doesn't understand, Da Luo doesn't understand, Lin Dong doesn't understand either, Yu Luosheng is their captain, but most of the time they can't really understand the deepest things in Yu Luosheng's heart, and the person who can really understand is Zhao Tinghua. to confront him...

For some reason, this became an endless loop.

It's okay, Xiao Bei plays very well, he won't be worse than me, really. Yu Luocheng smiled and comforted them.

Yu Luocheng had seen Xiaobei fight before, and his ad was also a huge threat to Yu Luocheng.

There are not many people who can make themselves feel threatened. Xiaobei can do this, which shows that his current attainment is really high. It is no wonder that some first-line teams will send invitation letters to him

Yu Luosheng believes that Xiaobei will become the core of the team in the future

By the way, what's the name of your team? Is it still called Wing Team? Yang Qianqian asked.

These words made the four of them stunned...

To be honest, after discussing for so long, they didn't even choose a team name for their new team.

The wing team is in the past, so how can we use the wing team again?

The four fell into contemplation for a while, and Lin Dong even smiled bitterly, saying that he had indeed forgotten the most important thing.

Boss, you come and get it. Da Luo and Lin Dong said.

Zhou Yan also nodded, meaning to let Yu Luocheng decide the name of this team.

Yu Luocheng frowned and thought for a while.

lnu, it's called the ln team.

Does l have any meaning? Everyone asked.

No, I just thought of these two letters. Yu Luocheng said with a thick face.


l feels good too, then team ln

Yu Luosheng is the team leader, and they didn't necessarily need any meaning when they chose the name of the team. They just accepted Yu Luosheng's choice out of habit, because it was by following his choice that they stepped onto the world stage. This was a kind of intuition, they Intuition is in the future, the name of this team will definitely resound throughout the country

(Yu Luosheng's ln team is established, and at the same time, congratulations on the establishment of our real l丨 League e-sports yy club, the event is about to start, everyone hurry up)

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