Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 5: Stream of Consciousness

?? The most hearty battle is when the opponent is awesome and the teammates are unexpectedly powerful

Riven the Exiled Blade on the top lane seemed to know that the battle would break out completely, and rushed to the bottom lane with an amazing sense of support.

The reason why Yu Luocheng didn't retreat directly when he was out of blue is precisely because he saw Ruiwen's profile picture on the mini-map running towards here with all his strength.

Shen, who successfully seduced the opponent, came to Xiaolong's position. Raven got stuck in a field of vision, and very decisively activated the big move Flash to enter the battlefield, and stepped on Shen, the eye of the twilight.

Level 6 Raven's burst after activating his ultimate move was terrifying, and Shen, who was half-healthy, was instantly killed without even releasing his skills.

The clockwork demon who was chasing Yu Luocheng together with Shen also suffered from the damage of the Ruiwen Rune Sword. Seeing that Shen was instantly killed, she was a little panicked, and hurriedly turned on the acceleration and fled.

This battle has many twists and turns, and it is impossible to determine who has the final advantage between the two sides until the end.

A bot lane battle that broke out for more than six minutes also lasted for nearly a minute, until Raven killed Eye of Twilight Shen in a flash, and it was finally over.

It's hard to imagine that what was supposed to be the bottom lane turned into a 5-team battle that could only break out in the later stage

One turn after another, whether it is teammates or opponents, the awareness of support is very high.

I have to admit that the people Yu Luocheng lined up this time are all very strong, which amazed Lin Dong, Xiao Bei, and Yang Qianqian who were watching the battle. The constant alternation of sorrow and surprise, the emotions are not only affected by the contest between Yu Luocheng and Qianmeng, but also by these passer-by players

This is really a supreme duel that started less than ten minutes ago but was so thrilling that people wanted to shout out several times.

Brother Cheng, are you still going back to the city? Xiaobei asked.

Yu Luocheng's Ezreal did not return to the city after the battle, but swam back to the line of troops.

Look at the character. Yu Luocheng smiled slightly, replaced a few minions, and successfully promoted to U-level.

U-level, second-up big move, Yu Luocheng stared at it, and quickly pressed the P button with his finger

Ah drink

The brilliance of magic surged on Ezreal's body, and Ezreal slowly held up his palms and gathered a golden magic energy in front of his chest

With a loud shout, the moon-arc-shaped Huaguang barrage flew straight out, passing the defense tower and the wilderness along the straight and long line of the lower road, making a chilling howling sound

The angle of view quickly followed the moonlight barrage...

The three people behind were a bit puzzled by Yu Luocheng's ult move, what was it for? ?

When the three of them were very puzzled, a figure suddenly appeared on the screen of Yu Luocheng following the barrage big move

It's Vayne the Night Hunter

She is returning to the city, and it is the last second to return to the city


The barrage of light energy gallops past, scraping past the unsuspecting night hunter Vayne

Xiao Bei and Lin Dong's eyes widened. They never thought that the night hunter Wei En hadn't returned to the city for so long...

And Yu Luocheng's point of view was obviously not on Wei En's side, why would he know that the night hunter Wei En is here to return to the city?

This big move was very accurate, and it directly hit the night hunter Vayne who was returning to the city.

Qianmeng's Vayne reacted quickly, and when the ultimate move was about to directly take away the weak vitality, the summoner's shield immediately lingered around her

This shield almost completely canceled out the damage of Yu Luocheng's big move of stream of consciousness, with a wobbly trace of blood.

Wayne survived

A gust of cold wind poured into Wei En's whole body.

This big move was really sudden, even a master like Qianmeng was caught off guard, if he didn't deliberately save his hand, his life would really be taken away by Ezreal.

How can I keep the shield until now with this guy? Lin Dong almost ran away

Such a godly stream-of-consciousness ult has not killed Wei En

What made him even more annoyed was that the battle just now was so fierce, and the night hunter Vayne was almost killed by the strays. As a result, Vayne still held a life-saving shield in her hand and didn't use it. This is too good to save skills

Yu Luocheng noticed that on the small map, Wei En seemed to be short of money, so he made up a few knives before returning to the city safely. After the battle, he completely relied on a half-guess and half-deduction to lock Wei En back to the city. position, and then use the mana returned during the upgrade to throw this big move...

Guessed, but not dead.

Seeing that Wei En was still calmly returning to the city, Yu Luocheng's Ezreal also pressed the return button almost at the same time as her...

During the 8 seconds of returning to the city, Yu Luocheng kept his eyes on Wei En, the night hunter, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

He had roughly guessed who this shallow dream was.

The previous two encounters and this head-to-head confrontation gave Yu Luosheng a certain understanding of Qianmeng's style. Of course, it was Qianmeng's last shield that made Yu Luocheng really dare to lock his identity...

So rigorous, so meticulous, no matter how fierce the battle is, there will still be a surprising life-saving skill at the end, such a guy looks like a person...

Going back to the city to buy equipment, Yu Luocheng controlled Ezreal and continued walking towards the line.

Presumably at this time, the night hunter Vayne was also walking towards the upcoming battlefield with the same steps.

The first round of the contest ended with Yu Luocheng breaking the shield of the night hunter Vayne. How will the second round be hearty and thrilling?

Even Yu Luocheng himself couldn't help but look forward to it

Playing L for so long, this is the only battle that makes Yu Luocheng tremble with joy

This guy plays a bit like a person... Yu Luocheng said slowly as he walked towards the line.

Do you know who it is? Lin Dong asked hastily.

People who can fight Yu Luocheng so well should be counted on their hands. And judging from her words, she is obviously a player who has won international e-sports glory, otherwise her second sentence would not directly indicate that she is qualified to challenge Fighting Eagle.

Lin Dong and Xiao Bei were racking their brains just now to guess who Qian Meng was.

Transforming from T to L, those players who are very famous at home and abroad should be those. It seems that there are not many IDs related to the word Qianmeng.

After all, famous players and top players generally don't change their ID casually.

70% sure, I'll observe and observe. Yu Luocheng didn't say who it was, because this person seemed really special...

(UU words in this chapter, the next chapter will be 40UU words, which is equivalent to the original two chapters, and it will be published at around 7 o'clock in the evening (creation time). The bookstore will not be updated synchronously until ** o'clock. , this chapter is updated a little late, sorry)

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