Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 3 The game of masters!

?? Level 1 duel, once Wayne avoids one of Ezreal's skills, Ezreal must have no chance of winning.

And, in the next second, Qianmeng Weien's dodge and surprise attack is also ready.

An arrow flew out, Wei En immediately rolled over, and the attack reset

The attack speed of both sides is very low in the early stage, and one attack takes a little more than a second, and the attack reset skill of Vayne Q's dodge and surprise attack can play a vital role when the attack speed is almost the same in the early stage.

And there is still an additional bonus attack damage.

After the arrow was dodged, Yu Luocheng didn't panic, he was also calculating Wei En's skill CD, and before Wei En was still rolling, he launched a normal attack...

call out


Use flash to cancel the action of attack retraction, and get out of Vayne 55 attack range

Wei En wanted to take advantage of his passivity to pursue him, but it was obvious that Yu Luocheng was flashing towards his own pawn line. If he wanted to pursue him, it would be hard to say who would win.

For a moment, the two ADKs were left with residual blood, and they both stood behind their respective minions, and no one dared to take a step across the pool easily.

In fact, both of them still have shields that have not been handed in, but in this case, it is obvious that whoever hands in the shield first loses, and the shields in their precise calculations completely cancel each other out. .

At the first level of shopping, no one can do anything to anyone, and even the blood volume remains at the same level.

With the support of both sides in place, the two of them moved more carefully, because if they were accidentally hit by the opponent's support skills, they would either hand over the shield or give up their lives...

This kind of minute-to-second game is really shocking

It feels a little wise. The other party's support is Qin Nu. Wei En's blood volume will slowly recover after level two. At this time, Yang Qianqian said.

Lin Dong shook his head and said, That's not necessarily the case. Jiela's ability to consume blood is very strong here. A Jiela who can play can basically do as much blood as the piano girl can add, and how much blood she consumes. And in Jiela In the process of draining blood, the boss can use the Dolan sword to restore blood...

Brother Sheng's essence is interspersed with a blood-sucking essence, the blood recovery speed should be very fast, it depends on how well this Zyra plays.

Xiao Bei said.

Xiao Bei, who often plays AD, can tell at a glance what the elite rune Yu Luocheng is wearing. If you measure it this way, it won't be a loss if the two sides fight each other to the brim.

There was a tacit understanding between the two sides, and they both began to attack the soldiers to restore blood.

Usually when making up the knife, you always let the soldiers of the two sides fight each other, and wait until the last hit before you make a move to ensure the accuracy of the knife.

Blood recovery and knife recovery are different from normal knife recovery. It is a blood recovery technique that seems to be no different from random knife recovery.

Of course, this is naturally a more advanced knowledge. Because you need to attack the minions continuously, calculate your attack interval, attack power and the damage of your own minions, and then just take away the blood volume of the minions at the last stroke.

It is very easy to miss soldiers when returning blood to make up the knife. The initial heroes only have a normal attack in a little over a second, and they are constantly in the state of attacking and returning blood. It was taken away, even without a good grasp of the rhythm, the subconscious attack failed to take away the last blood volume of the soldier.

It is completely different from the anxious confrontation just now, this time the ADKs on both sides are using the effect of Dolan's sword to recover blood and make up the knife, and they hardly see the attack interval, as if they are fighting in a different way.

It's so skillful to make up the knife, it didn't even fall. Yang Qianqian saw the number of the two sides' last knife at the moment Yu Luocheng pressed the TAH button.

Two waves of soldiers, returning blood and replenishing swords, are all in the pocket

Speaking of Yu Luocheng's last knife, Xiaobei became inexplicably excited.

Back when he was playing TAR, Yu Luosheng's last hit was very steady. The difficulty of TAR divination is higher than that of L, and there is a saying of denial.

In the personal strength contest, Yu Luosheng used the make-up method and the counter-make method to completely suppress the so-called strongest player in the United States.

Xiaobei believes that Yu Luocheng will never lose to anyone in the competition for making up swords

However, after a minute and a half passed, Qian Meng's last knife was still biting very tightly.

And Qianmeng's mistake in making up the knife seems to have been taken away by Qin Nu by mistake.

That is to say, as long as the two sides are not mistakenly taken away by the auxiliary skills, both of them can take away all the little soldiers in the process of recovering blood and replenishing swords

Ordinary people may not be able to take down every minion at the end of the last attack, let alone the last attack in this continuous attack state.

The basic skills are very solid, Lin Dong said.

Well, there is a feeling of being inseparable. Yang Qianqian also nodded.

However, if this continues to develop like this, the boss will still be at a disadvantage. Wei En is stronger than Ezreal in the middle and late stages, whether it is a single or a team. Lin Dong said.

What Lin Dong said is an indisputable fact, Wei En is unstoppable in the late stage, as long as he is given enough output space, under her terrible output, no matter how fleshy the enemy is, it is just a matter of a few shots

But Ezreal will be weaker in the later stage, and the output is definitely not as high as Vayne's. If the two sides develop peacefully, it must be Ezreal who suffers.

Lin Dong knew this, and Yu Luosheng definitely knew it too.

Sure enough, with the recovery of blood volume and the improvement of skills, Yu Luocheng began to carry out obvious suppression

The combination of Ezreal and Zyra consumes a lot of power, and if the skills are used properly, the blood volume of Qin Nu may not be able to recover.

Moreover, the player who controls Zyra is also very experienced. His skills are only thrown at the piano girl, which consumes the piano girl's HP.

Qin Nu's treatment can restore the blood volume of two people. If the skills are thrown at Wei En and Qin Nu in disorder, Qin Nu will recover blood, and the blood volume of the two will come back together.

When all the skills are thrown on Qin Nu, every time Qin Nu releases K, she is just adding blood to her alone. If this goes up and down, Qin Nu's HP and mana will definitely be severely suppressed .

Once Qin Nu's blood volume is low, Zyra and Ezreal can try to fight hard. Under this kind of oppression, Vayne's last hit will definitely be damaged.

Oh Jing

Jayla Thorn suddenly turned around, and threw the thorny vine in her hand towards the ground.

It can be seen that vines like pythons spread rapidly along the land

Like this kind of non-directional skills, the best way to hit them in front of people is to release them unexpectedly.

The vine binding of the thorny Zyra was released very suddenly, just hitting the piano girl, binding her slender legs.

good chance

Yu Luocheng's eyes lit up. With his current damage, a set of skills and two normal attacks, he can definitely take away Qin Nu in an instant. Her healing has just been used.

In fact, when Yu Luocheng sensed that Jiela was going to be bound, he was ready to attack in advance.

A real master must have a prediction, instead of waiting until the skill hits and being overjoyed for a while before realizing that he wants to attack, he must be ready to attack when it is possible to hit

Arcane Leap

A magical arrow that came with it flew out at the moment when Ezreal's displacement changed and landed, and it precisely hit Qin Nu's body

Normal attack once, magic shot

One more normal attack...


Ezreal raised his hand, and just as he was about to make a final blow, a repelling arrow from Wayne hit him head-on.

Yu Luocheng's Ezreal slipped out and was directly nailed to the wall. The last normal attack failed after all...

It's...it's a pity. Lin Dong was annoyed for a while.

only a little bit

Just a little bit away from Qin Nu's head

The reaction of this shallow dream is really too fast

You must know that Yu Luocheng's Ezreal's passive attack speed has already stacked three or four layers, and the interval between two normal attacks is probably less than one second. With Yu Luocheng's hand speed, the arcane leap normal attack just now The second normal attack of the fQ secret technique shot can basically be completed in a little over a second.

But Wei En pushed Yu Luocheng's Ezreal away in less than a second, negating Yu Luocheng's decisive kill

It's okay, it's okay, Qin Nu thought she was going to die, so she handed over Flash. Xiaobei said quickly.

In fact, Qin Nu just flashed back just now. When the first-level team came into contact, the two sides exchanged support for Weakness, and the CD of Weakness was still a little bit worse. The last hit will definitely follow through, and it is Vayne's Demon Trial that really destroys the kill.

Of course, Qin Nu didn't show up, this is good news, next time I will let Jiela control it, if the position is not good, I must explain it

And this time is very suitable for calling the jungler to gank.

It is not necessarily necessary to kill the strong and sharp-minded Wei En of Qianmeng, but the weak Qinnv.

If the support is destroyed, Qianmeng's development will be seriously affected

Jungle, 36D and Vayne haven't flashed yet. Let's go down the road to catch a wave. I feel that Vayne is very powerful. We need to limit her development. Assistant Zyra typed out a line.

Zyra's observation ability is very keen. The previous level of confrontation and the subsequent game made her very sure that Wei En is extremely powerful and must be taken care of.

You have such a good HR person in the bottom lane, you shouldn't need my help? the jungler replied.

What do you mean? Assistant Zyra asked.

That's right, this guy is the male gun opposite me. In the early stage, we led 14 to 3 heads, and then we were turned over by this super god male gun to save the world. I am speechless. Said the wild prince.

It turned out that the jungler prince on our side was the opponent's jungler prince from the previous game, but Yu Luocheng really didn't realize it.

Well, I can see that Da is also a master, but it's best to come here, neither of them has flashed, so don't miss the opportunity. The assistant said.


Seeing that his jungler prince was coming to squat, Yu Luocheng didn't feel that his contest with Qian Meng was ruined.

It is a game that needs to take the whole team into consideration, and laning is only part of the strength. Knowing how to use the team to win is the real game powerhouse

(The amount of three thousand words is equivalent to one and a half chapters.)

(A chapter will be sent around 11:00 in the evening. I solemnly explain that this is based on the update time of the Chinese website of Genesis. I am not uploading it in the mobile phone bookstore. I have already updated it in Genesis, but it is estimated that it will be delayed there. Slow for an hour or two.)

(There will be more updates on the first day of the store today, and we will keep updating the words every day, which is the amount of three chapters. Considering the convenience of reading, I will divide the UUUU words into two chapters, and each chapter is 3,000 Words, it is more comfortable to read this way.)

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