Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 165 The strongest, the battle of old enemies! !

The prince's eq second company, this flying is very deadly, and the blind monk can definitely wipe out the last third of Yu Luosheng's blood!


With this flash, Yu Luocheng flashed into the corner of the wall.

Wherever there are obstacles, vision is lost without eyes.

The blind monk and the prince lost Yu Luocheng's vision at the same time, but Yu Luocheng's male gun took this opportunity to hit the blind monk twice!

Drink! The blind monk immediately kicked Lei Yinbo after he got his vision!

The white Lei Yinbo flew out straight, carrying the mighty internal strength of the blind monk!

The corner of Yu Luocheng's mouth curled up slightly, and he knew you were going to kick him!

Press the e key with your finger to draw the gun quickly!

The man's gun cloak was raised, and Lei Yinbo brushed past him with a cool side-sliding step.

No hits!

The blind monk on the opposite side seemed very confident that he could hit the kick, and was already planning to press the second kick, but he was inexplicably stunned on the spot.

When he was in a daze, a critical blow from the male gun came, followed by a large bullet, using the marginal damage to take away the last trace of the blind monk's blood.


It's close to God!

When the prince saw the blind monk being killed, his face turned black.

The output is basically on the blind monk, the prince's attack power is estimated to be able to absorb blood from the male gun!

Sure enough, the prince who felt something was wrong ran away decisively.

Yu Luocheng's ruin is useless, it's a last move in case he gets kicked by a blind man!

Run-down took the initiative to release it, took a sip of the prince, and the prince's speed dropped.

Adept at slashing and chasing output, several consecutive critical strikes beat the prince to pieces!

Hey! Quickly drawing the gun, the cd was refreshed quickly, the attack speed increased, and the male gun's attack became more terrifying, even if the prince was dressed in flesh, it didn't help!


With the gun in hand raised high,

Three lead bullets flew out, and while still flying, Yu Luocheng's male gun had already turned around gracefully!

Don't look, you must die!

legendray! ! !

With a high-pitched proclamation, the unrepentant prince could only watch the super-god male spear stepping on the blind man's corpse and walking towards his other teammates while swinging his chic windbreaker.

Both of them failed to kill the male gun with all their strength, and they were doomed to lose this wave.

At this time, the male gun is like a harvest. The originally extremely anxious confrontation and fighting are buried with the male gun's foot, and the battle situation immediately becomes one-sided!



Yang Qianqian on the side blushed and cried out excitedly.

A crazy gun, a leather trench coat, messy hair, vicissitudes of beard, an outlaw lunatic - the male gun in Yu Luocheng's hands showed the awe-inspiring arrogance of a real lunatic, unstoppable!

Ding, ding, ding...

Teammates frantically hit the baron's signal.

There are still three alive on our side, and the battle is happening near the Dalong Canyon, so we can go directly to Dalong!

Yu Luocheng didn't have a big dragon, so he quickly walked towards the middle, and then typed: Just a wave.

Take away the base in one wave? ?

The teammates immediately became suspicious.

Not enough time, said the Clockwork Demon.

Enough, trust me. Yu Luocheng said.

In the usual rounds, your teammates are cheated, and your grades are mediocre. It is impossible for you to gain the trust of your teammates. Everyone has their own ideas and judgments. Only when your strength completely convinces them , they will obey unconditionally!

Yu Luocheng saw the gods and killed the gods, and the male gun who saw the demons and demons had already convinced his teammates in this battle!

Okay, one wave! The clockwork demon and Xin Zhao, who was still alive, followed Yu Luocheng directly into the enemy's hinterland...

There is a wave of soldiers, and they are heading towards the high ground!

With the male gun's current attack speed and the effect of quickly drawing the gun, the high ground tower is only a matter of a few seconds.


Break through the highland tower, directly crystal!


The crystal shattered, and the soldiers went straight forward, walking towards the enemy's double 2 towers.

The three heroes Clockwork, Xin Zhao, and Nan Qiang all demolished the towers very fast, and the last two towers will be pulled down soon!

They...they're going to be resurrected... Yang Qianqian, who was on the side, was so excited when she saw it.

Everyone must have this feeling when playing, that is, when there is a wave of headwinds, they will pay special attention to the time when the enemy will resurrect.

Because once the opponent's base is not demolished, the enemy's homeland guards rush out, and they will be able to kill the person who demolished the tower immediately, and then they may be taken away by a wave!

The teammates have been paying attention to the enemy's resurrection time, but Yu Luosheng didn't even press the tab button, and kept outputting defensive towers.

The teammate chat window is counting down.

7 seconds!

6 seconds!

No, it can't be dismantled, there's still time to go!

Deng!! Deng!! Deng!!

The teammates frantically pressed the retreat signal, and the sound of the retreat signal made Yang Qianqian even more impatient.

Is it going to be like the last Lecheng final?

Yu Luocheng assisted Lacus in five kills to eliminate all the enemies, but in the end, because of the super soldiers, he smashed the last base and lost the possibility of a final comeback.

But this time, Yu Luocheng is on the attacking side, and the enemy will be revived in the last few seconds, will he fail?

This... is so tense that the heart almost stops, and there seems to be something stuck in the throat.

Yu Luocheng's expression didn't change at all, and he completely ignored the retreat signal from his teammates. Even though Clockwork Demon and Xin Zhao had obviously hesitated, he was still madly attacking the opponent's base.


An enemy driving the Home Guard rushed over madly.

Clockwork and Xin Zhao couldn't escape, so they decisively played the last few times before dying.




Every time a bullet is fired, Yu Luocheng is moving, using the enemy's huge crystal as an obstacle to buy a little more time! !


The blind monk is back! !

The blind monk has a big move, if he kicks Yu Luocheng's spear away...


one shot.


Another shot.

The two enemies are resurrected!

Quickly draw the gun!

Poof! Poof!

The attack speed increased rapidly, and Yu Luocheng's male gun was stepping on the clockwork and Xin Zhao's body to output output!

Last shot!

However, the blind monk is already in front of the male gun!

Charge up and kick!

Yan Ku!!!!!!

The blind monk yelled, and angrily kicked Yu Luocheng's male gun away, trying to block his last shot.


A bullet flew out of the male gun's muzzle, and at the same time, the male gun's body was kicked and flew backwards.

The bullet was flying towards the opponent's base in the air, but the male gun's body was flying out in the opposite direction. This scene felt infinitely slowed down, slowed down...

Suddenly, the movements of all the characters froze, and only the male gun with the last trace of health flew out backwards!

The base crystal let out a long cry, and after a wave of energy swept out, it shattered from the inside out!

The crystal fragments were scattered all over the place...


! ! ! ! !

victory! ! !

Thrilling victory! !


Clockwork and Xin Zhao shouldn't have hesitated... But, luckily they won!

Yu Luocheng's tense heart, tensed face, and tensed body finally relaxed at this moment.

Win!! Win!!!!

Yang Qianqian, who was extremely nervous, was so excited that she gave Yu Luosheng a joyful hug from behind.

Yu Luocheng was a little stunned by happiness, and it took him a while to turn around and look at Mei Yang who was so excited and flushed with excitement...

Yang Qianqian's delicate pink cheeks are very close, and the aroma and heat exhaled from her sensitive mouth are simply fascinating.

Borrowing the courage brought by victory, Yu Luocheng leaned forward and snatched Yang Qianqian's first kiss when she was unprepared.

Wet, slippery, soft...

It tastes good, but I haven't fully tasted it yet. Give it another kiss.

Yang Qianqian's ears were red, how could this scoundrel steal relatives... At least wait for them to close their eyes.


Outside the corridor of the house, Lin Dong, who was smoking a smoky cigarette, was still melancholy.

Suddenly, Yang Qianqian's excited and nice voice came from the room.

What did you hear?

It seems that he won... Xiao Bei said.

The two were stunned at the same time.

Could it be, could it be that...

This kind of game, Yu Luocheng has turned the tables? ? ? ?

Xiaobei came to his senses first, and said, I'll just say, brother Cheng will definitely be able to do it!!

Lin Dong snuffed out the cigarette butt, and rushed into the house with Xiaobei.

Lin Dong and Xiaobei ran back to the apartment door from the end of the apartment corridor, and pushed open the apartment door...

Just when they wanted to see that surprise picture, another scene rushed into their eyes.

Yu Luocheng sat back on the chair, Yang Qianqian was hugging his neck, their faces were almost touching each other, they were kissing with some ecstasy, and the kissing looked a little clumsy...

The whole house seems to be full of fragrance and beauty, and there is a sweet smell.

And behind this couple who ignored others and kissed, a blue frame was displayed on the computer screen, with an extremely eye-catching Victory! written on it.

It seems that this is not only a declaration of victory in the 25th round, but also a banner of victory to win the first kiss of the goddess behind Yu Luocheng's nerd!



After a while, the two were willing to separate, the sweetness was still unfinished.

However, when they found two people with wide-eyed eyes standing outside the door, Yang Qianqian's cheeks became even redder, and even her neck was dyed with a beautiful cloud.

Uh... there's sand in her eyes, I'll blow it out for her. Yu Luocheng was also extremely embarrassed.

He actually forgot that these two guys were still outside.

Really, if you come in later, you will die, and you haven't had time to go to the high ground!

Yang Qianqian felt ashamed to face people, and ran into the house in a panic like a deer.

The first time I kissed a boy, I was actually seen, ah, quickly find a place to get in...

How about we go out and smoke a few more cigarettes? Lin Dong said with a smile.

I was hit by you. Yu Luocheng sighed, and said, No need, I'm about to start the next game, and my hands feel very hot.

The fragrance of Yang Qianqian's small mouth still lingers on her lips, this is the magic power of love, now Yu Luocheng feels full of energy, the next game will be the last game of a 26-game winning streak, and he will win 26 games in one go! !

Lin Dong nodded heavily.

The boss is the boss, how many victories did he lead their wing team to win in the eyes of everyone?

In the 26th game, I will definitely win, I will definitely do it!

There is only one person in this world who can stop the victory of Eagle Fighting, and that person is in the UK, in China, there will be no one, even in the field!


The bottom line is ranked, let's start!

Do you want to rest first? Lin Dong asked nervously.

No need. Yu Luocheng said firmly.

The waiting time for high-end game rankings will be longer. After about 5 minutes, the rankings will finally enter the ban selection rhythm.

It seems that there are people who know each other in the team, and they greeted friendly people when they were banned.

Yu Luocheng was on the 4th floor this time, and he took the seat decisively.

1l on the opposite side was very confident and directly chose the night hunter Vayne.

Come on, show off Wei En in front of our Cheng brother! Xiao Bei immediately grinned when he saw that the opposite side 11 had chosen Wei En.

Lin Dong also nodded. They have all seen Yu Luosheng's strength and Wei En's strength. The more they are familiar with a hero, the more they know his weaknesses.

The lineups of both sides are very reasonable, with some control, group control, early stage and late stage, basically the national team.

There are not too many advantages and disadvantages in the lineup, so this round depends entirely on the speed, consciousness and cooperation between the two sides!

The last 30 seconds to read, will soon enter the 26th inning.

I don't know why, but thinking that this is the most crucial game, Xiaobei and Lin Dong became nervous for no reason when the screen was loaded.

If this game is lost, all the joy before will be wiped out...

Seriously, it's impossible not to panic in this situation.


The screen jumps to read.

The illustrations of the ten heroes are printed on the screen, with the player ID of the hero at the bottom.

Xiao Beizai looked at the opponent's id carefully, wanting to see if there were any well-known Ionia masters on the opposite side.

At a glance, these names are somewhat familiar, but I can't tell who they are.

But the other party's ID on the first floor seemed relatively unfamiliar.

Lin Dong, have you seen this 'Qianmeng'? Xiaobei asked casually.

Lin Dong didn't answer, and Yu Luocheng didn't speak at the same time.

Suddenly, the house was quiet.

Xiaobei was puzzled for a while, did he say something wrong? ?


Lin Dong looked at Yu Luocheng seriously...

Yu Luocheng also nodded, knowing what Lin Dong wanted to ask, he said, It's him.

At this time, Yang Qianqian adjusted her mentality in the room and slowly walked out of the room.

She also noticed that the atmosphere was a bit strange, and asked, What's the matter?

The first floor opposite is Qianmeng. Yu Luocheng said in a calm voice.

Qianmeng? Who is Qianmeng? Yang Qianqian asked.

He is the recorder of twenty-five consecutive victories. Lin Dong's voice also became very heavy.

Yang Qianqian opened her mouth in surprise.

Besides, he called up at once, unlike us who called several times in a row. Yu Luocheng added in a low voice.

Brother Cheng, he should be lucky, 25 consecutive victories still depends on some luck. There are so many people playing, there will always be some people who are particularly lucky, maybe he is not very good himself. Xiaobei said.

Yes, the records don't explain anything, so you don't have to be so nervous. Yang Qianqian said in relief.

Yu Luocheng shook his head, but he didn't look relaxed at all.

He said: I met him before. The first game was in the opponent's game. He broke our family's bottom lane. At that time, I was playing top laner, and I lost that game a bit.

In the second game, I lined up with him to cooperate with the bottom lane. I can see his whole operation and consciousness clearly...

Speaking of this, Yu Luocheng's voice paused, and continued after a while, He is really strong, the strongest I have ever seen!

The room suddenly became much, much quieter.

Lin Dong is Yu Luosheng's teammate, only he has the deepest understanding of Yu Luosheng.

In the field of e-sports, there are really very few people who make Yu Luocheng feel as if he is facing an enemy, so that he can speak inexplicably in a low voice...

There was only one real failure for him, but that time was incomparably fatal.

There are only a few people he fears and fears, the only one in China is King Yan Luo of the underworld team, and the others are all abroad.

Even though Yu Luocheng is not a professional player, his heart of e-sports king who can dominate the world will never be easily shaken by others!

Just how strong is this shallow dream, and why does it make Yu Luocheng so awed and fearful?


Take a deep breath.

Before, Yu Luosheng was very eager to meet Qianmeng again, hoping to cooperate perfectly with him again, or to be an opponent in an online duel and decide the outcome of the entire game.

However, Yu Luocheng did not expect to meet him in such a crucial 26th game.

This feeling is like an arrangement in the sky...


The screen enters Summoner's Rift.

Yu Luocheng bought equipment, walked towards the wild area, and quickly typed a line.

Qianmeng, I met you again. I was Thresh from that day, f-hawk, remember?

Oh... The other party responded lightly.

After about ten seconds, Qian Meng typed out another line.

However, this line of words made Yu Luocheng tremble!


Why don't you use the ID of Fighting Eagle? However, I'm still very happy to compete with you again, even though it's not.


f-hawk, this is the id that Yu Luosheng once used, the English translation is Fighting Eagle, and f stands for yes!

Yu Luosheng only used this id in world competitions, because world competitions must use English.

What Yu Luocheng never expected was that this Qianmeng recognized him!

who is it! !

Who is this shallow dream! !

How could he know that he was a fighting eagle! !

Yu Luocheng's pupils are dilated, and he has been staring at this line of words on the screen...

Why does this line of words give people a familiar feeling, he must be someone I once knew, and he is one of the few people I fear the most!

However, the only person who can speak Chinese is King Yama of Team Hell!

Could it be Yama, the strongest team in the underworld? ? ?

No, the underworld team is Qin Guangwang...


Boss, she...she actually knows you. Lin Dong was also stunned.

Yu Luocheng's heart sank even deeper.

The last time I met Qianmeng, this time I met Qianmeng again.

He knew that he was a fighting eagle, and he was sure that he was one of the few people he feared most in his e-sports peak period!

The last game of the 26th inning happened to be in the opponent's game again!

This feeling really seems to be destined in the dark.

However, Qian Meng used the night hunter Vayne, while the hero Yu Luocheng chose was the explorer Ezreal.

These two heroes once led the era, and were once fateful enemies in the League of Legends.


Battle of rivals? Yu Luocheng asked himself in his heart.


How long has it been since you felt this way?

Nervousness, excitement, uncontrollable warlike heart, and awe from the depths of the soul, all of these combined together made Yu Luocheng's hands tremble slightly, and his blood vessels expanded inexplicably!

This is the feeling only on the world stage! Some nostalgia, but also some sadness.


Ask for a fight?

Very good, wish for it! !


(Tomorrow, November 1st, it will be on the shelves. Are you ready for your monthly pass???? I will post another chapter at midnight, and that chapter should be there. Everyone, remember to subscribe. The first subscription is very important, it is a measure The first standard of the quality of a book, I sincerely hope that everyone can support Uncle Luan.)

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