Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 16: Animals Worse than Animals

??  …

The subsequent battles were completely crushing.

The third class lost, very thoroughly!

They all wilted like eggplants used by women.

There was a burst of cheers from Class Eight.

Last week, the eighth class fought against the third class, and they lost so badly that they couldn't hold their heads up. But today, they won a complete victory and tortured the other side even more miserably. At this moment, they finally spit out the breath they had held for a week, and sprayed it all back on the faces of the arrogant and domineering people in the third class!

You lost! Wang Qin couldn't close his mouth with a smile.

What could be more pleasant than seeing Lin Xu's stinking black face?

Lin Xu stood up from his seat, took out his wallet with a gloomy face, threw a thousand dollars on the table and said, Hmph, one thousand dollars, it's just my weekly snack money.

Wang Qin knew that Lin Xu was rich, but he also knew that Lin Xu wanted face. When the situation of the game on Monday spread to the year group, when everyone talked about it after class, Lin Xu was definitely the most uncomfortable time.

Of course, the most important thing is that Wang Qin successfully strangled the rich dog's intention to get close to their goddess Yang Qianqian!

Wang Qin quickly accepted the money, and his eyes quickly fell on Yang Qianqian.

Money is not the most important thing at all, the important thing is that if you win this game, you will have the opportunity to get close to this goddess of beautiful legs!

Everyone knows the principle of being close to the water and getting the moon first. Since Yang Qianqian likes to play League of Legends so much, who can not guarantee a little spark of ambiguity in the process of hand in hand?

Wang Qin was in a good mood, waiting for the goddess to stare like a hero worshipper.

Calm down, you must be calm at this time, show your most magnificent side, smile, yes smile! Wang Qin rehearsed countless times in his mind how to face Yang Qianqian's gaze.

Hey, what's the situation?

Wang Qin couldn't help taking a peek at Yang Qianqian, but found that the beauty wasn't looking at him, the hero, at all.


Who is she looking at? Is there anyone more handsome than me here!

Wang Qin chased after him with his eyes, only to find that Yang Qianqian's eyes were looking at Yu Luocheng with a little twinkle.

In fact, everyone is now surrounding Yu Luosheng, either adoring and praising people wantonly, or despising the people in class three.

This guy, I asked him to come here before, but he didn't even die. I thought he was a rookie. Who knew that when he appeared, the whole audience would be stormed!

If Sun Yang hadn't been screwed back by his mother today, Wang Qin would never have known that Yu Luosheng, his tablemate, played so well!

The most important thing is that he also pretended to be a good B, and opened a level 13 account to deceive people!


Nima, let the wolf into the house! !

He was actually robbed of the limelight by this birdman! !

For a moment, Wang Qin felt that Yu Luosheng was far more dangerous than Lin Xu.

Animals that are not as good as animals! ! !


Come on, do you want to have supper together and celebrate!! Fang Xiaomei was the first to shout.

Yes, yes, yes!!

If you want your sister, I'm going to make a fuss. Who said we couldn't beat the third class before. I didn't see you cheering up before, and you yelled when you ate something!

Hahaha, I made a thousand yuan for nothing, go eat supper!!

Eat supper!! The deputy squad leader, Huang Yu, was as excited as if he had taken medicine.

A group of people rushed out of Longsheng Internet Cafe, talking about the fierce battle just now.

Needless to say, every scene everyone talked about had Yu Luocheng's magic hook, and everyone's admiration for Yu Luocheng was so out of control for a while!

After everyone from Class 8 walked out of the Internet cafe, those from Class 3 also dispersed one by one.

After losing so badly, how could Lin Xu have the heart to ask for supper.

Even if he invites, everyone probably won't be able to eat it.

After everyone left, Lin Xu stood on the computer, thinking of the ridicule and humiliation just now, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he slammed his fist on the keyboard!

Boom!!! The keyboard was knocked over and fell to the ground.

Boy, why are you so angry! At this moment, a young man with dyed hair and a plaid shirt came over.

Lin Xu was stunned for a moment, then quickly put away his temper, and said flatteringly, Brother Mi.

I heard you guys screaming strangely just now, what's going on? asked the young man named Brother Mi.

I lost. I fought against the group of Class 8... Lin Xu said dejectedly.

Brother Mi frowned and said, How could you lose? I usually teach you how to fight. With your strength, it's more than enough to torture those students.

I don't know why, a guy named Yu Luosheng suddenly ran out from Class 8. He was very good at beating robots and knocked us down. Lin Xu said.

Feng Xiaoqing, the running dog beside Lin Xu, nodded hurriedly and said: Yes, yes, that robot is very powerful, we were all scared of being beaten, you don't know his hook...

Are you good at beating robots? Brother Mi laughed, a little maniacally, You haven't seen the number one robot in Lecheng, Blitzcrank, I'll show you one day, that's amazing, it must be you rookies The positioning is too bad, and I was hooked by others casually. If I hit a robot, I will hook you, one by one.

What Brother Mi said is true, but I can't swallow this breath. Lin Xu said.

How about this, someday you invite them to fight again, I will fight, and I will definitely help you defeat them, no matter how powerful that robot is, I will tell him to drink urine! Mi Ge said.

We all play from class to class, so we can't ask for foreign aid.

Stupid, you also allow them to ask for foreign aid. Mi Ge said.

Lin Xu nodded, thinking that this method is good. The two sides agreed to invite foreign aid and let them play another game!

Lin Xu knew that it would be difficult to get close to Yang Qianqian this time, but he must say this!

But what if they also hired very powerful people? Feng Xiaoqing said.

Brother Mi squinted at Feng Xiaoqing, and said with a sneer, Let them invite them. If they can find someone who is better than Brother Mi in Lecheng, I will take his surname.

Lin Xu glared at Feng Xiaoqing, who couldn't speak, and said, Don't you know that Brother Mi is the captain of the runner-up team of the Lecheng League of Legends Internet Café League!

Oh, oh, then Brother Mi can definitely torture them to death! Feng Xiaoqing said hastily.

Brother Mi glanced at the ignorant Feng Xiaoqing and smiled disdainfully.

A group of students, how many can play League of Legends, Mi Ge really didn't take the opponent seriously.

When the time comes, let these students see what a real master is, and let them know what a gap is.

In case a rotten robot defeats them, it will be called powerful, hehe, they have never seen a truly powerful person, so let them see and see them if they have nothing to do!

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