Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 152: The team has a name

?? Lin Dong didn't prepare a lot of rhetoric. If he needs to use all kinds of rhetoric to persuade him to join in the face of his former teammates, then with Ronaldo's strength, many club managers should have done this.

Lin Dong made his intentions clear, and Yu Luocheng saw someone, so he chose to leave without staying in Da Luo's room.


The door closed slowly, but Da Luo still stared at the screen and didn't stand up to see them off.

On the computer screen, Darius, the hand of Noxus, was walking towards someone else's defense tower, and the curses of those people sounded in the chat window...

After a while, Da Luo realized that he had forgotten to control, and hurriedly typed an apology.

Finally, Da Luo stood up and walked to the window.

You can just see the streets and alleys from here, and Da Luo looked at Yu Luocheng's back, his expression constantly changing.

The cell phone by the table kept ringing, and it took Da Luo a while to react, and he hurried over to answer it.

How is it, have you surpassed it? A voice came from the other end.

Not yet, luck is not very good. Da Luo said.

Unlucky? Why don't you say that your skills are not good? Others won 25 consecutive victories in one shot. Tell me about you. It's been half a month, how many numbers have you re-practiced, and the most you can achieve is 19 consecutive victories. , How do I explain this to the club? The voice on the other side seemed a little impatient.

I'm already doing my best. Da Luo said in a calm voice.

Then hurry up, I'll give you a few more days, and if you don't break this record, you won't get your share of the money. Said the other side in a very irritated tone.

Da Luo hung up the phone with a sullen face.

The person who called himself was the head of a club, and he set up a Taobao store by himself to sell accounts.

There are 30-level numbers in each district, numbers with continuous scores in each district, and various numbers with high winning percentage and high record, and even the strongest number with a winning streak.

The strongest streak account is the treasure of his Taobao store, because in many other power leveling competitions, having such a unique streak account means that his store is stronger than others,

While attracting many customers for him, it can also attract more high-end thugs.

Da Luo works during the day and helps others practice at night, and the orders he receives are all from this person.

Da Luo hates this guy very much, because he always has an order and a superior tone, but only this one gives the most money...

Especially for the winning streak, as long as the record is maintained, Da Luo can get an extra 600 yuan from this person every month.

Om~~~~~Om~~~~~~~~ Not long after, the phone on the desk rang again.

Da Luo glanced at the phone expressionlessly, and when he saw the caller ID, a smile gradually appeared on that face...

Da Luo... came a delicate voice.

Well, well, I'm here. Da Luo grinned foolishly.

I want to go shopping, can you accompany me? said the delicate voice.

This... In normal times, Da Luo would definitely be very willing, but these few days he must record a winning streak, otherwise his income will be reduced, and even the person in charge of the orders he will receive in the future will not give so much. s price.

What's the matter, you don't want to accompany me? Other people's boyfriends take them on a trip during the National Day, go to other provinces to play, and you won't even let me go shopping with me! The opposite party was a little unhappy.

No... no, then... then where are you, I'll look for you. Da Luo asked.

You come to Zhongshan Road.

Oh, oh, yes, I'll be right there.



Zhongshan Road, which is full of flowers and full of beautiful things, can better reflect the cultural atmosphere of Greater Shanghai.

However, it seems that every well-known city now has such a street as Zhongshan Road for foreign tourists to shop.

After Yu Luosheng, Yang Qianqian, and Lin Dong left Da Luo's house, the three went to Zhongshan Road.

Yang Qianqian had already met her old friend with her, so she had to go shopping with her no matter what.

By the way, Da Luo has a girlfriend. Lin Dong remembered something and said.

Well, have you seen it? Yu Luocheng asked.

I've seen it once, how should I put it, I don't think it is very suitable for Da Luo. Lin Dong said.

Yang Qianqian on the side was a little curious, and asked, Why don't you say it's not suitable?

I can't tell you exactly, I think you will say that when you meet... Lin Dong didn't make too many comments, he glanced at Yang Qianqian and Yu Luocheng, and said with a grin on his face, But I feel that you are very Suitable.

Hearing this sentence, Yang Qianqian hurriedly turned to the side, avoiding Lin Dong and Yu Luocheng's malicious smiles, and muttered: Where is he suitable for me, hehe!

What Lin Dong said is that we are very suitable to be friends, what do you think is that? Yu Luocheng laughed.

Lin Dong nodded and said, Well, I'm also talking about friends.

... Yang Qianqian really wanted to toss her bag and ignore these two unscrupulous guys again.

In order to express her anger, Yang Qianqian walked in front by herself and picked out the things she liked.

Yu Luocheng and Lin Dong were a little behind. After they had joked just now, they resumed their frowning expressions.

Da Luo is probably just mad at you. I asked him before. Although he didn't say it clearly, he still wants to join the professional league, and his current salary is really not enough for expenses. Lin Dong said.

Yes, I can tell. Yu Luocheng nodded.

Yu Luosheng doesn't want to join himself, but he doesn't want Team Wings to be disbanded because of his departure. The rise of Team Wings is an opportunity for Team Wings to reorganize. Xiaobei has also shown amazing talent in this area. The team is formed.

How about this, you join the team first, as an analyst or coach... You have a reputation in this team, and Da Luo will probably join. Lin Dong asked tentatively.

This... Yu Luocheng was a little embarrassed.

As a coach or an analyst, it is actually the same as entering the e-sports professional system.

Father Yu Jing's intention was to completely cut himself off from e-sports, and Yu Luocheng himself was afraid that if he didn't control himself well, he would accidentally embark on this path that would drive his father to death.

You just have a name. Anyway, the university is relatively loose. If you don't have anything, you can still come to supervise our training, practice with us and so on. We can do regular games by ourselves. Moreover, if you haven't practiced systematically, even if you want to come to play I won't let it go in regular games, Lin Dong said.

Professional teams need to go through a long period of contact and running-in. For example, a professional top laner may often be beaten by a certain player when he is in solo queue, and he is too pressured to go out.

But when he plays in his own team, the value of the team will far exceed this person who can blow him up.

If Yu Luosheng hadn't worked with his teammates, no matter how strong his personal strength is, he might not be able to perform well in real professional competitions. After all, the team Lin Dong is forming now aims to go to the LPL, not some Internet cafe league!

(This chapter is late, sorry.)

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