Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 146: 20 sets of qualifying consecutive victories...

?? Ling Lingfa and Ling Lingtian were crying.

Usually playing ranked, those folk players were tortured to death by the two of them, and the game was meaningless.

It is rare that some university students came to observe today, and they all finished their clothes...

The ideal picture should be like this: dressed in white, with a cold sword at the waist, standing on the edge of the wind howling cliff with hands behind his back, looking down at the two shouting enemies below, smiling calmly, turning his head to the disciples behind him Said: You are optimistic, I will show you what is called swordsmanship as a teacher...

The reality is that when the master jumped, a dog eating shit suddenly fell between the light of the sword and the shadow of the blade, and the scene suddenly changed to the master in white being beaten up by the two shouting enemies. The stunned disciples stood on the cliff...

This shitty world wants to punish you, what else can you do? ?


The previous two heads, the current three heads, and the female police have a total of five heads.

When Shen looked at Nami and Draven who were also in the spring very bitterly, he probably felt in the mood to ALT+TAB to fight the landlord.

Baifeng, these two are very powerful, not ordinary players. Said the youth training team member who was watching from a distance.

Well, I can see it. Bai Feng nodded.

What's their ID name, I'll check their records. Huang Kong, a member of the youth training team next to him, said.

Thresh is called F-hawk, and the female police officer is called Qian Meng. Ling Lingfa said.

Seeing that the situation had changed, the students all began to discuss in a low voice.

Vice President, aren't you also in the Ionian High Score, have you not seen these two IDs? a girl asked.

Vice President Ke Shaoying shook his head.

Are they the trumpets of some team??

Oh, it must be, I didn't see how powerful they are.

They have seen the strength of Ling Lingfa and Ling Lingtian before,

No matter how abnormal their performance is, it is impossible to collapse like this.

Eh, that's not right... When everyone was discussing, Huang Kong questioned.

What's wrong? Bai Feng asked.

Boss Bai, come and see...they're not in duo! Huang Kong pointed at his computer.

At this time, the computer is displaying the records and battles of the two players in boxes.

Bai Feng leaned over to look, and was surprised to find that Thresh and the female policeman were in the opponent's game in the last game!

Not a duo??? Linglingfa and Linglingtian's eyes were about to pop out!

I'm going to go, is there anything cāo worse than this! !

After it was obviously abused by others, someone added, I'm sorry, it was my cousin who beat me just now!

Bot lane combination passers-by and long-term bottom lane partners are definitely two concepts. Some analysts have combined the strength and support of two different teams to make them fight against players who are not as strong as one level but have long-term cooperation in the bottom lane. As a result, the former failed miserably...

This can prove how important the tacit understanding and running-in of the bottom lane are!

Ling Lingfa and Ling Lingtian have been working together for a long time...

They now all agree that the opponent must be the trumpet of a certain first-line team, who knows that the two of them are not in duo, that is to say, this time they were really abused by two passers-by who had never cooperated before! !

At this moment, the expression on Bai Feng's face finally became a little serious.

Damn it!! This shallow dream bunker!!! Suddenly, Huang Kong, who was checking the record, yelled.

This sentence echoed in the hall for a long time, and those students couldn't help running over there.

What's the matter, what's the matter? Ling Lingfa and Ling Lingtian simply stopped typing and went to Huang Kong's computer to look.

See for yourself!

Huang Kong opened the box, and the box showed all the rankings that the player Qianmeng had played recently.

Generally, those who have reached 2000 points, most of the qualifying rounds are thousands of games, and those who have only played a few hundred games can be regarded as small players, with a relatively high winning rate.

However, for this shallow dream player, she only played 20 games in the rankings!

20 sets... all wins! !

There are only two pages of rankings in total, and both pages are all green, which means that they have never been defeated! ! !

Everyone in the room was shocked! !

This...how is it possible!!

2000 ranking points in 20 sets???

Could it be a cheat??

Nervous, how can there be a cheat!

Huang Kong, Ling Lingfa, and Ling Lingtian carefully stared at the screen for a long time, looking at the two green pages, they didn't know what to say anymore!

A 20-game ranking streak in solo queue is almost impossible for Ionia at this stage.

Because even a professional master can’t change the fact that teammates are cheated, hung up, and entertained in this kind of passerby game, and each division of Ionia is full of many power leveling, master trumpets, and professional team players solo queue. The water is very deep, and winning streak requires not only crushing strength, but also luck!

Baifeng... Ling Lingfa, Ling Lingtian, and Huang Kong all looked at Baifeng.

The students also looked at him, because they wanted to know, is it really possible to reach a high score ranking of 2000 by playing 20 games?

Bai Feng was silent and thinking for a long time, and seeing everyone staring at him, he said slowly: A new account that has never played in ranking, every game will add about 40 points, and there are winning streak points. , Although I haven’t tried it myself, I have heard some people say that 20 consecutive victories can indeed reach 2000 points, to be precise, it should be 2100 points.”

Bai Feng's words exploded in the hall!

20 sets can reach 2100 points! !

What an amazing news! !

After playing thousands of games, even thousands of games, how many fans want to reach 2000 points, the Tianzhe.

But how many people know that as long as 20 games, you can reach more than 2000 points! !


What heroes does he fight? Bai Feng asked.

There are also assists, and female policemen fight the most. Huang Kong came back to his senses and said.

Bai Feng once again fell into deep thought.

It is impossible for Baifeng not to have heard of a player with such strength...

Qianmeng...Qianmeng... Bai Feng muttered to himself, suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and a look of astonishment gradually appeared on his face!

!! So it's her! Bai Feng said.

The literal translation of Qianmeng into English is exactly the word that Baifeng spelled out!

?? Seeing the expression on Bai Feng's face, everyone looked at each other, obviously they had never heard of this ID.

Baifeng, who is this? Could it be a player from a well-known international team? Ke Shaoying asked hastily.

The students were also full of curiosity and anticipation at this time, because judging from Bai Feng's expression, Qian Meng was really an extraordinary player!

I didn't expect it... I didn't expect it to be a Chinese player. I always thought it was an American. Bai Feng seemed to have discovered some big secret!

Boss Baifeng, is this shallow dream really true?? Ling Lingfa felt a sense of relief in addition to being astonished.

If it is abused by this player, it is not a shame.

It is said that in the US server, many first- and second-tier professional players have been abused by this mysterious player!

What they didn't expect was that this person turned out to be Chinese, and suddenly appeared in Ionia, the first area of ​​China Telecom!

If the players and analysts of the big domestic teams knew about this, they would definitely be blown away!

Not a professional player... Bai Feng said with twinkling eyes.

I have heard of this person's name for a long time. Since he is Chinese, one day Baifeng can compete with him! ! !

For some reason, after guessing that this person is him, Bai Feng felt his blood veins expand a bit! !

You must know that he can count on his fingers all the people in the whole country who can make him so excited!

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