Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 133: The proxy hit is seen through

?? There was a mouse pad as a gift in the exhibition hall. Jiang Jiu and Qiu Jingtai, the two guys who sneaked in, also shamelessly went to get the gift and asked Qiu Shengping to sign it.

Qiu Shengping, who was surrounded by a group of people asking for his autograph, had a smile on his face and inadvertently forgot a very important thing.

After getting Maoyan Qiu Shengping's signature, Qiu Jingtai and Jiang Jiu shamelessly went to Qiqiao's commentator.

Qiqiao is beautiful and generous, with a soft voice like a girl next door. Both Qiu Jingtai and Jiang Jiu knew that there must be a group of fans in the profession. If they want to get the autograph or group photo of the beauty commentator before they get the chance, they will definitely let the group [* *] The fans are envious.

When the two were about to get close to Qiqiao, Qiqiao seemed to be called by someone, and hurriedly walked towards the backstage.

Looking at the back of Qiqiao's sexy professional group, Qiu Jingtai and Jiang Jiu showed helplessness on their faces.


Mr. Wang, what's the matter for calling me over in such a hurry? Qiqiao straightened her hair and said, looking at the middle-aged man in front of her.

Qiqiao maintained a good smile, because this Mr. Wang in front of him is the chief publicity planner of Coca-Cola Company, and this time Coca-Cola Company's strong sponsorship comes from this man.

The man surnamed Wang has a square face, and his face is a bit dark. It doesn't look like a gold collar, but like an officer. One glance shows that this person is unsmiling and serious.

Ask one of your GTV programmers to check the computer used by Maoyan Qiu Shengping. Planner Wang said in a calm voice.

What happened? Qiqiao asked a little puzzled.

Just go. Planning Wang didn't say much.

Qiqiao didn't dare to say more, returned to the exhibition hall, and asked a programmer to check the computer Qiu Shengping used just now.

At this time, the signing in the exhibition hall was almost over, and the audience began to leave the arena, and people did not notice the programmer who checked the machine.

Not long after, the programmer returned to Qiqiao with an ugly expression, whispered a few words into Qiqiao's ear, and handed Qiqiao the micro-USB disk checked out from Qiu Shengping's computer .

Qiqiao's face revealed a bit of disbelief after hearing this, but more of it was anger at this behavior!

Seeing the expression on Qiqiao's face, Wang Jian knew what was going on.

He didn't say much, turned around and walked towards the meeting room of the small convention and exhibition center.


The meeting room is luxurious and extravagant, with a western classical atmosphere, murals, chandeliers, carpets, and stoves.

A false fire danced in the fireplace, and its light shone on a woman sitting in a chair nearby.

The woman has black waterfall hair, wearing a plain dress, and her snow-white jade arms are gently placed beside the chair.

Next to the woman is a woman in professional attire, holding an expensive computer in her arm, and the screen is facing the long-haired woman sitting on the chair.

Miss, how did you know that Qiu Shengping was acting as a substitute? Wang Jihua said seriously.

The signal source is wrong. It should be that someone installed a certain software when debugging the machine to accept external control signals. The woman with black hair said.

This cat's eye is really brave, and he actually channeled hackers to fight on his behalf. Planning Wang also said a little angrily, This e-sports has not formed a complete system at all, and such a bad atmosphere has already appeared...

Be eager to attack. The black-haired woman said calmly.

Then how to deal with this matter? Wang planned to ask.

There is no need to announce the reason for the disqualification of the Shanghai Sunshine Team.

Not to announce?

The black-haired woman didn't answer, but the professional girl next to her holding the notebook pressed the keyboard with one hand, opened Qiu Shengping's information, and read:

If the reason is announced, Qiu Shengping will never be accepted by the e-sports club. According to the information, Qiu Shengping spends 12 hours a day practicing for as long as a year. There is no need to kill his interest in e-sports just because of one mistake. all of your heart, don't you, ma'am?

Yeah. The black-haired woman nodded slightly.

Do you want to catch that hacker?

No need, I know who it is.

Do you want to find out whoever is the substitute?


A trace of charm and playfulness flashed in the eyes of the professional girl. These little guys are actually playing tricks under the noses of her and the young lady. You have to know how many hackers in China will be out of their wits when they hear their names!

Of course, these people can only be blamed for their bad luck. They happened to come here to wait for someone and encountered an e-sports match played by hackers.



After taking off the earphones, Yu Luocheng smiled.

Today's performance is not bad, at least he didn't get instantly killed as soon as he rushed into the enemy group like the previous few times when he played high-end ranking.

Vayne does have the ability to cut the back row, but the enemy's lineup must also be considered.

This time the opponent's top laner and jungler are both short-handed, and AP is a non-directional skill, so the success rate of this fight is quite high.

These friends of yours are all good. When they still have a civil war, call me by the way. Yu Luocheng said to Xiao Bei.

Fatty He Jin and Liu Zhangming nodded hastily when they heard this, and said repeatedly: Definitely, definitely!

Such a fierce Wei En, Fatty He Jin and Liu Zhangming wanted him to help them play the finals no matter what. You know that is a full 200,000, how many years does it take for an average person to get so much money! !

And the sponsors after the 200,000 will follow, and these are all the inexhaustible wealth brought by the first place!

Yu Luocheng was a little puzzled, and looked at Fatty He Jin and Liu Zhangming suspiciously.

Crazy, I'm talking to Xiaobei, why are you two so diligent as you promised? ?

Brother Dong, what's the matter? Xiao Bei glanced at the worried Lin Dong and asked.

Lin Dong shook his head and said, Xiao Bei, you take the boss outside to wait for me first, I'll be down in a while.


Yu Luocheng glanced at the mysterious Lin Dong, knowing that this guy was a hacker, so he ignored him.

Fatty He Jin and Liu Zhangming had already left, so they naturally returned to the team to celebrate.

Zhang Aijing handed Yu Luosheng and Xiaobei a business card, told them with a smile that they would keep in touch in the future, and then left with Fatty He Jin and Liu Zhangming.


Let's go too. Yu Luocheng said to Xiaobei.

Xiaobei nodded, talking excitedly about the moment when Yu Luocheng used the big dragon to kill Clockwork, his eyes were full of admiration.

Yu Luocheng ignored Xiao Bei's nagging, and walked towards the elevator.

At this time, two very kind-hearted women walked up to them, which made Yu Luocheng's eyes light up!

White shirt with black collar, professional short skirt, orange-red curly hair, slender legs, and full breasts.

The other was dressed in a very simple and elegant manner, which seemed out of place in the environment of the employees and superiors in the exhibition hall full of professional atmosphere. She flew over slowly like a fluttering butterfly, with a bit of agility, elegance, and beauty!

The two women seemed to be passing by here, but their eyes were watching Yu Luocheng intentionally or unconsciously.

Yu Luocheng noticed this kind of gaze, and felt a little bit puzzled in his heart, but more of it was a little provocative: how can he stop the keen intuition and eyes of beauties when he is handsome?

Passing by each other, Yu Luocheng and Xiaobei got on the elevator.

The elevator door closed slowly, and Yu Luocheng was still remembering the backs of the two beauties.

But the two beauties stopped and looked at the closed elevator.

Miss, do you know him? the professional girl asked

It looks familiar, I forgot where I saw it before.


(What's the situation, if you meet Wei En in matchmaking or ranking game, or Wei En who cut the back row and sent to death, this can also be blamed on your chaotic uncle!! Also, I warn all the children again, this book All the actions described are extremely dangerous, don’t imitate!!! Even if you imitate, you control your own mouth, what Uncle Luan taught you, I haven’t seen you so active in the front of the propaganda novel, if something goes wrong, it will be Uncle Luan’s head! )

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