Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 1297 Cat and mouse game!

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In fact, Xia Yingxing not only said these words to the people who were watching the game across the country, but also wanted to say these words to the players who were in the game.

Unfortunately, they were in the soundproof room, so it was impossible for them to hear these words.

Xia Yingxing herself is not in charge of e-sports, her position in the education department is actually very high.

When the tide of e-sports surged around the world, the domestic government did not pay as much attention to e-sports as abroad. When asking who would be in charge of the e-sports project at the conference, none of the hundreds of people in the conference was willing to stand up. come out.

Xia Yingxing pays attention to e-sports only because her younger sister Xia Yuli is playing.

Xia Yingxing wanted to have more common language with Xia Yuli who was less talkative, so when Xia Yuli first chose this, Xia Yingxing was with her.

But later, Xia Yingxing gradually discovered that the charm of e-sports far surpassed his unsightly determination in this society.

The more you understand, the easier it is to discover that it is sublime, full of passion, and full of dreams.

Xia Yingxing herself didn't know why she temporarily put aside her education work and came to the sports competition when no one stood up.

Perhaps, it was Yu Luosheng's resolute counterattack in the face of the South Korean team's deceit that completely shook Xia Yingxing's heart.

Perhaps, it was also at that moment that Xia Yingxing realized that a true e-sports player's inner tenacity surpassed many, many real e-sports players.

Xia Yingxing just wants to push this event to the Olympics, so that people can more correctly understand the spirit of e-sports.

Her original intention is completely different from the amazing breakthrough ability of the players. Xia Yingxing did not expect that e-sports will attract as much attention as it is today...

However, just like when I believed that this group of young and passionate youths could achieve brilliance, Xia Yingxing still believes that they will overcome all difficulties in such a difficult game, even if the game is not as optimistic as the last time they met the US team , achieving true legendary glory

Thank you to Team Leader Xia for your encouragement. I believe that our protagonists today will be able to achieve a victory that makes us scream in the second half. Taking advantage of the moment when the players enter the waiting room, we invited the electronic Competition masters and experts will explain to us how e-sports uses the mouse and keyboard to achieve the thrilling confrontation in the screen, said the host with a Chinese face.

The game entered the halftime break.

Unsurprisingly, the headcount score is only one difference, and the economy can't see which side has an absolute advantage.

With the skyrocketing viewership ratings, and more people who don't understand e-sports at all follow the scene, follow the commentary, and follow the host nervously, the live broadcast room has to invite experts to tell those people in the most concise language. Grandpas, grandmas, uncles, and aunts, how does this Summoner's Canyon determine good and bad, winning and losing?

Very good, you have done a very good job. With Zeus and Qinglong here, it is really extraordinary. Last time we fought against this group of ferocious Chinese, we had an obvious disadvantage. I didn't expect that this time, we didn't lose a single bit of money. If we don't have an advantage in the first minute, then in the next minute, as long as we stick to it, we will definitely win. Coach Michael said to his players overjoyed.

Coach Michael also knows that both teams are the strongest lineups in the world.

Online solo kill? impossible

Make up the knife completely suppressed? impossible

Go strategically wrong? Less likely

You have amazing god-level operations, and I also have amazing counterattacks.

Even though every part of a normal game hides an inner contest that may fall to the bottom in an instant, every player has experienced tens of thousands of battles, has superb skills, and has a thousand miles of consciousness. Survive with your own strength and experience

Even though your Chinese team now has an unparalleled and powerful lineup, we can't do anything about it. We have the American Angel Army with Zeus and Qinglong in charge

Keep it like this, the final victory will belong to them America

You are wrong. Zeus said calmly.

How do you say that? Michael asked puzzled.

Nearly half of the time has passed. In this case, the Chinese side has not gained any advantage, which means that their hearts are actually on the verge of collapse. Their mentality and our mentality are no longer on the same level. , which means that more and more pressure, anxiety, unwillingness, and desire will force them to the edge of radicality, recklessness, and irrationality...

Zeus is like a cat, he squints his eyes halfway, and there is plenty of cheese and milk beside him, even if he can't get into the mouse hole and catch the mouse directly, but he can stay here all the time.

The mouse seems to be very safe in the hole, which is comparable to the cat's battle of wits and courage, but the mouse has no food and water. As time goes by, the mouse will become anxious, lose patience, and eventually venture out of the hole to steal things. At that time , is the best time for him, Zeus, an old cat, to write.

Therefore, in Zeus's view, this game cannot be a draw, and it must be him, Zeus, who wins the final victory

It's like a 5 game, three out of five games. The players on both sides may have the same strength, but if they lose the first game, the side that loses the first game may lose the game completely, because the first game The defeat means that their mentality cannot be compared with that of the winning side, Adams said.

This theory was put forward by Li Tuchuan.

Three wins in five rounds, the strength is equal, the side that wins the first round, its own chance of winning becomes uu then coupled with the tilt of the mentality of both sides, this winning rate will probably become 75%

They are invincible, their mentality is positive, and their opponents are facing tremendous pressure, and their mentality is gradually collapsing, so the final result of this round will not be a draw, they will definitely win

Sit down and rest.

Zeus looked through the transparent soundproof wall, and stared at Yu Luocheng on the other side with awe-inspiring eyes.

Bet all Yu Luocheng, you are doomed to be a loser, you are doomed to be trampled under my feet, this competition has pushed you to the top of the whole world, but at the same time, it is also the time when you fall from the highest place and you are crushed to pieces. funeral

Goodbye, Fighting Eagle.

Goodbye, Yu Luosheng

I am still standing on the altar, with a smile on my face, welcoming the admiration that not only the nobles should have, but also the admiration of athletes all over the world.

And you, who fell fiercely in front of me, still fell into the abyss with that face of unwillingness, despair, and pain, and in the end there was not even scum left.

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