Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 1294: The battle between the dragon and the tiger!

Vayne...Vayne can still play like this??

The precipice is not the same game, I'm still going to fight my landlord.

The scene was stunned.

Many people have seen many Piaoshan's unique skills, the prince's Piaoshan, and Shen's taunting Piaoshan, but they never thought that the night hunter Vayne could also be the demon Piaoshan.

The principle of Vayne's P Flash-Demon Glitter is somewhat similar to that of the blind monk's P Flash-Instant Kick Whirlwind. The repelling judgment of the devil's repelling arrow is based on the position of the night hunter Vayne after releasing the skill. , that is to say, release this arrow first, and use the flash before the arrow hits the target, then the enemy will immediately retreat in the direction of the night hunter Vayne.

This kind of operation is like a hunter who has been forced to a dead end, and suddenly releases an arrow towards you. Normally, you will be pushed directly to the outside of the alley, but because of the use of flash in the next second, this The judgment of an arrow will be to push you towards the wall of the dead end

It is similar to the blind monk's instant kick and whirling flash, the perfect angle selection, and it is extremely gorgeous to directly nail the target that was not attached to the wall to the wall.

Even though flashing first and then using it can also nail the target to the wall, but the choice of angle is far less perfect and defenseless than Demon Glittering

The angle of Vayne nailing the wall itself is very difficult. Your movement and the movement of the target will make the chance of nailing the wall fleeting. Even if you flash and adjust the position before nailing, there is a high possibility of mistakes, but Demon Glitter can do it. More accurate, but also more unexpected wall nailing operations, so that the enemy has no chance to react

The night hunter's attack speed is too slow, the person with the flash in his hand can easily dodge, and even a smarter player will use your knockback button to help him escape, as long as the flash is in a good position...

Zeus is an extremely shrewd guy, he knows very well that once he flashes to a position where he can nail Yu Luocheng to the wall, with Yu Luocheng's reaction speed, he can flash and make adjustments immediately.

Therefore, in order to nail a player like Yu Luocheng to the wall, one must be nailed to the wall by Piao Shan.

Now, people can't help but worry about Yu Luosheng, and Zeus's operation is not something that ordinary players can do...

What's more, this kind of floating nail wall is just like the blind monk's P flash, once released, it is impossible to dodge

Yu Luocheng's black eyes did not move in a panic.

Yu Luocheng can be said to be the person who knows Zeus's opponent best. At the moment Zeus inexplicably used knockback, Yu Luocheng had already smelled the opponent's danger.

This is a guy who eats people without spitting out his bones. If he ignores a little bit of his actions, he may die without leaving any scum.

In times of crisis, the fingers and the keyboard seem to be connected by an invisible blood, and the memory pattern effect allows Yu Luosheng to accurately press the key and the D flash key without even thinking about it.

If anyone saw these two keys, they would definitely find that Yu Luocheng pressed them at the same time.

The League of Legends game is not like Street Fighter. Pressing the AH keys together is a decisive battle.

If it was Tiange, Yu Luocheng would not dare to do such an operation, and the result might be that the sequence of skills was wrong.

But who is holding the hand and fighting.

Even if they are pressed at the same time, relying on an extreme subconscious feeling, Yu Luocheng can also complete the operation of dropping the key first, and then completing the flashing of D, even if it seems to be pressed at the same time.

Fighting for the Front gave Yu Luosheng enough confidence


a sound.

This is exactly the sound effect of successfully nailing the wall.

Obviously, Yu Luocheng was dizzy.

Facts have proved that the nail wall fluttering can not dodge.

However, Yu Luocheng's flash was still pressed... just a few tenths of a second before he was dizzy.

Not only is the flash pressed out, but his demon arrows are also fired at the same time

Yu Luocheng was dizzy, but he was not dizzy on the wall.

There is some delay in the game's stun judgment for Night Hunter Vayne, just like Ezreal can throw his ultimate move when he is nailed to the wall. If the reaction is a little faster, he can flash away as if he is nailed to the wall , but there will still be a dizzy effect after flashing.

At the moment Zeus used Fluttering Flash, Yu Luocheng also used Fluttering Flash on the Wall

Night Hunter Vayne's Wall Glitter moves very elegantly and smoothly. When two Vaynes use Wall Glitter on each other at the same time, it is even more exciting.

Two Wei Ens are flashing at the same time, so what is the judgment?

I am afraid that the players simply cannot not know how to calculate, only the system knows the result.

In fact, the result was that even though Yu Luocheng was already stunned, he still completed the same nail-to-wall operation before being stunned.

Yu Luocheng also chose a very reverse angle, forcibly changing the knockback judgment of the knockback arrow, and pinning Zeus to a position slightly protruding from the wall with the most extreme distance.

Yu Luocheng fell into a daze, and Zeus was also dazed.

The operations of these two Waynes are so dazzling that most people can't understand them at all, and they don't know why the two Waynes were suddenly repelled, how the two Waynes flashed, and why the two Waynes Suddenly dizzy.

Just like two Huashan swordsmen, after several rounds of fighting each other with the most shocking swordsmanship, they both separated, their arms were numb, and they both waited for the time when their hands could lift their swords again.

Dazed for 5 seconds, two Vayne stared at each other across a small grass

Yu Luocheng bet everything on himself, no one is more eager than him to kill this guy in front of him.

However, this opponent is really not easy, even now Yu Luocheng has not gained the slightest advantage.

On the other side, Zeus looked wild and tyrannical, and Yu Luocheng used the same trick to defuse his own nail wall fluttering, which made Zeus look a little annoyed.

There is no one in this world who can make Zeus angry. Facing any opponent, even Adams, even Li Yuexin, Zeus still looks down.

But in the face of this e-sports player who climbed out of nowhere, Zeus himself felt a little difficult to control

The one who can bring e-sports to its peak should be someone like me who has no worries about food and clothing, is purely obsessed with e-sports, and uses e-sports as an art.

Just like it is easier for an artist to come from a famous family, because only a famous family can pursue the highest art without any ideological burden.

How can a person who is burdened with poverty, vulgarity, social pressure, and all kinds of messy things create art that is at the same level as himself?

absolutely impossible

So, you guys, obediently surrender to me, don't try to surpass my art of Zeus

(Guess, is there a third chapter?)

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