Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 1285 Fighting out of the sheath!

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On the white team uniforms, the flames seemed to burn brighter with the fighting spirit in the players' hearts.

The blue and black team uniform of the US team looks like a ghost hanging over the clouds, sneering, looking down at this group of Chinese e-sports players who have no chance of winning

The two sides are seated, and the two sides officially welcome this tsunami duel!


Put who and Zhengfeng in front of you, and link to the game tool beast.

It was like a warrior who touched his beloved sword and resolutely pulled it out of the scabbard. The cold light was like the radiance of a full moon, reflecting on this pitch-black and blood-stained battlefield, illuminating every blue-and-black sword in front of Yu Luocheng. The enemy of clothes.

With a light touch of a finger, the fingerprint sensor system is instantly activated, and the sleeping sword seems to have untied its thousand-year seal, telling its master in a trembling that it is ready to drink blood at any time!

No matter how difficult and dangerous the front is, no matter how vast the enemy is, with this sword, there will be no worries or uneasiness!

Opening the text, Yu Luocheng flicked and pressed his fingers on the indigo key body of Who and the Fighting Front.

This time, Yu Luocheng no longer completely used the original practice method.

His fingers touched very slowly at first, like a musician, trying out the timbre of the piano, trying one key at a time, closing his eyes and feeling it.

With his finger down, he could see a dull luster on the distinct keys of Who and Zhengfeng.

When I was in the museum before, someone questioned, can a cold device really sense the owner's call?

In fact, who can compete with others!

The special identification system makes this unique device in the world only recognize one owner. This recognition of the owner by dripping blood in the magical series of stories is actually also reflected in Who and Zhengfeng, otherwise Who and Zhengfeng who has been sleeping for so many years in the museum Why after Yu Luocheng touched it with his fingers, every key seemed to be revived, and fluorescent marks appeared on it!

The keys pressed by the fingers wake up and activate one by one!

The adaptive switch of the indicator light in the upper right corner is constantly changing with the rhythm of Yu Luocheng's fingers.

The luthier needs to tune the tune first when playing a piece of music. Similarly, before the battle, Yu Luocheng also needs to tune who and Zhengfeng. It is a long and deep tone, which is passionate and passionate!

All the keys are revived under the touch of Yu Luocheng's finger prints. There is a design of finger memory, which makes Yu Luocheng feel that his fingers and thoughts have been connected and integrated with the special recovery imprint on Who and Zhengfeng. !

This feeling is completely different from Tian Ge.

After all, Tian Ge has a slight difference that Yu Luocheng can't fully understand, and Yu Luocheng's fingers will appear a little bit of confusion and hesitation in the quickness of his spirit.

Whoever competes with Zhengfeng is superior to Tiange in terms of weight and touch, and it has an unrestrained, domineering aura that only Yu Luosheng can control!

What Tian Ge lacked was this arrogance!

With your fingers down, each key position will emit the most familiar and touching rhythm.

The melody changed from slow and soft at the beginning to gradually becoming compact...

Yu Luosheng was speeding up his fingers, from the initial state of tuning, it has become a warm-up and overall coordination of the opponent.


Yu Luocheng's fingers were suddenly fast!

Like a violent storm, more like a melody suddenly falling from a slow beat to a climax of a rainstorm, passionate and wild! !

Faster, still faster!

You have to know how many cameras are pointing at Yu Luosheng now, and this scene of Yu Luosheng's pre-match practice has fallen into everyone's eyes,

They watched this young man's fingers flying on the keyboard in shock...

too fast! !

Even the fastest performance of a world-class pianist is no more than that!

The peak finger speed and the rhythmic beat made them firmly believe that this young man is definitely not pressing keys randomly, but making every key position more adaptable!

Many people don't understand e-sports, but they must be dumbfounded when they see this scene.

What kind of familiarity with the keyboard is required to accurately find the one you want with the interval between ten fingers less than one-tenth of a second? ?


The storm ceased.

Zhao Tinghua was also a little dazed watching from the sidelines.

He hastily checked the time.

Wow, this guy typed a full page of TXT files a full 10 seconds faster than usual!

Zhao Tinghua also practiced this set of fingerings himself, and his speed when using Zijindiao was almost on par with Yu Luosheng.

However, this time, Yu Luocheng was 10 seconds faster than his previous record, which is almost something that only non-humans can do! !

Sure enough, Yu Luocheng is the strongest Yu Luocheng who has whoever is fighting for the front. This finger speed has already surpassed the world record of Adams, definitely surpassed it!

On the other side, Qian Meng was also watching Yu Luosheng's practice.

I remember Zhang Aijing once said that her personal operation score is higher than Yu Luosheng's.

Qianmeng did beat Yu Luocheng once in a personal duel, and that was in the 26-game winning streak.

However, Qianmeng knew very well that the equipment Yu Luocheng used at that time was definitely the worst in professional e-sports.

Who is fighting for the top? Yu Luosheng's personal operation score may directly explode to a perfect 10 points. How could a man who can stand out on the e-sports throne not be so domineering?


After debugging, we are ready to enter the competition room. The chief referee Oshika said solemnly.

Wait! At this moment, Yu Luocheng suddenly raised his hand to signal.

The chief referee, Oshika, looked at Yu Luosheng, and then at Zhengfeng.

The founder of the e-sports throne looked at Yu Luosheng and felt a lot of emotion in his heart. He has indeed witnessed the growth of this young man step by step.

What's the problem with the contestant? Oshika came back to his senses and asked seriously.

The game mode, I hope to adjust it to a blind selection. Yu Luosheng said to Oshika.

Blind selection?? Oshika was a little surprised.

The rules of Olympic e-sports are basically set by him, including the 45-minute time limit for the new rules.

In fact, in terms of the mode, Oshika has also made a change, that is, if both players agree, the recruitment mode can be changed to a blind selection mode!

What is blind mode?

In usual games, the opponent chooses one or two heroes, and then our side chooses, and we can see what heroes the opponent has chosen.

But the blind selection mode is completely different.

Both sides can choose any hero, there is no ban, and there is no robbery, you can't see what hero the other party has chosen, and the other party can't see what hero you have chosen...

This is blind mode!

Since the Olympic finals, no country has ever used the blind selection mode, and almost no one cares about this mode that is also listed as a regular competition!

Player Yu Luosheng, as the captain, you have the right to choose the mode. I need to confirm again. Are you sure this game will be changed to a blind selection? Oshika asked seriously.

So bold, so bold.

Oshika never expected that Yu Luosheng would take an unusual path in this last match, choosing something that no country had ever chosen—a battle of blind selection!

(From 0:00 yesterday to now, this should be Chapter 10 of the update, right?)

(I'm afraid you will never have a chance to see Uncle Luan fight like this in your life!)

(Are you enjoying it??)

(Hahaha, for the last 3 hours, fight to the end!! Hold on to the first place, we will have another chapter at 12 o'clock!) R1148

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