Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 1273: Liver Donor

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Damn, why can't I get through the phone?

Hey, Li Yun, is that Xiaosheng who texted me... is it really him?? I received it, but I was watching Yuyu's game at that time, and my phone was turned off... God, don't you at this time I am so confused, you can call that number and try, but I can't get through, it says that the phone has been turned off...

How? How?? You can't get through either... Well, I know, I'm on the way, damn, this annoying driver speaks a bird language, but he doesn't speak human language, he doesn't speak Mandarin What are you doing as a driver in the capital of Paris?

After tossing for a long time, Yu Jing finally let the driver understand the location with the address in the text message, and he dared to go there.

At this time, it was completely dark.

Hey, hey, car money!

Here you are, no need to look for it!

Chinaman, you haven't given enough money!

What kind of bird are you talking about? Oh, forget it, I'll give you another one.

Yu Jing has never even done a taxi before, and never thought that he would have the experience of taking a taxi and saying don't look for it in a chic way.

Forget it, it's important to find that kid.

I wish he was still there, if I had asked him to wait there before, this kid would stay there obediently, he was very obedient, and I don't know why he became more and more disobedient when he grew up.

Recently in Shanghai and abroad, Yu has gradually accepted some new educational ideas. In fact, it is impossible to manage children purely by supervision. Once children grow up and have their own ideas, if they still blindly Holding the rein tightly, the result is that the rebound is stronger and the hand is strangled.

Only after experiencing it can one understand these things, and Yu Jing actually found that he understood it a little too late.

What he wants to do now is just to make amends. As Li Yun said, is his dignity and old face as a father important, or a living son?

I have supervised and instilled since I was a child, asking him to excel in learning and being meticulous. Before the age of fourteen, the child did grow in the way he wanted, but after the age of fourteen, this stupid way of education has slowly manifested. , the generation gap is getting worse, my temper is getting worse,

The child became more and more rebellious, his anger ruined his body, and he also ruined a child who could have been better. All this was caused by himself.

It's time for me to put aside those hopelessly stupid thoughts and have a good talk with him.

In fact, Yu Jing had thought about this issue when he was lying in the hospital resigned to his fate after experiencing liver necrosis.

However, after he woke up, Yu Luocheng's sudden actions caught Yu Jing by surprise, and he was unable to talk about it properly.

Now, he is finally willing to talk to himself. I have been waiting for this day for a long time, but I still don't know how to take this step. I can only learn about the Internet in private, secretly study the really cumbersome e-sports, and carry Li Yun, Yu Yu and others have been following every game of Yu Luosheng.

Yu Jing also hates himself, hates himself for being such a person who is not good at expressing himself, he forgave him early on, and wanted to have such a conversation long ago, but he never did it, expressed it, and finally... The child took this step towards himself first, is his bad temper and bad face really more important than a real son?

Damn, he's not here!

Damn, he's gone.

I am still late! !

After searching for a whole circle along the river, and then back again, Yu didn't see Yu Luocheng.

With a huge crowd, strange skin color, and strange figure, it shouldn't be too difficult to find black hair and yellow skin. Could it be that I went to the wrong place?

But I asked the girl from China just now, and she said that there is nothing wrong with this place.

Did he go back anyway? ?

Does he think that I'm still jealous of him, that's why I didn't come.

This is the end of the game, and it was bad enough, and suddenly it became worse.

What should I do? ? ?

By the way, go directly to the e-sports apartment to find him.

I can't do that anymore, I have to take this step on my own initiative.

Just do what he said, Yu Jing just got into the car and went to the Olympic Village.

When I arrive at the Olympic Village, someone will always tell me how to get to the e-sports apartment.

I hope he will not be too jealous and can have a good talk.



Gaming Apartment

Everyone was still sitting on the sofa talking about their captain.

This gold medal, are we hopeless?

No, if Yu Luocheng can untie his knot...at least I don't think the current Yu Luocheng will be worse than Zeus.

Then what do you think we should do to untangle Yu Luocheng's heart? The person who tied the bell has to be untied. After all, Zeus needs Yu Luocheng to deal with it. If we can't deal with Zeus, we won't be able to win the championship... Zhang Aijing spoke first.

Everyone was silent.

How to untie Yu Luosheng's knot, this is probably the most difficult problem in the world.

I think we should start with his father. When everyone didn't know what to do, Yi Qin, who came to prepare the player's information, spoke up.

Yiqin came later. Before the game, she would check the information with the players. She is also a member of the e-sports circle. It is difficult for the players to express a lot of information, but they need to use Yiqin's commentary to show a A more complete player.

Everyone's eyes fell on Yiqin, including Qianmeng, who also stared at this beautiful woman who could kill men no matter where she looked with her bright eyes.

He actually cares about his father's opinion very much. You should also know the circumstances under which he returned to e-sports. The breakup between him and his father is the biggest knot in his heart. If it can be resolved, maybe Yu Luosheng will not Just 29 points. Yiqin said seriously.

At this level, playing the game is the state of mind.

The entire national team needs to rely on Yu Luosheng, because in their view, Yu Luosheng can lead them out of any desperate situation. Yu Luosheng can be said to be everyone's spiritual pillar.

But if Yu Luocheng himself encountered a huge obstacle, what could Yu Luocheng rely on?

He has fulfilled Xiaobei's last wish.

So what about his own hidden deepest expectations? ?

What is the source of his determination not to give up?

He wants this gold medal more than anyone else. He doesn't care about the eyes of the world, but he needs this gold medal to prove to the world. With this pressure on his shoulders, Yu Luocheng may not be able to match Zeus, who has no desires and desires, at all. Mentality goes hand in hand.

If he could unload Yu Luocheng's inner burden first, and go to a showdown with Zeus under the condition that the father-son relationship has been unraveled, maybe everything will be different, at least he won't be wandering around like a wandering soul like now less than people.

I'm afraid we can't do anything about his father, and he has to resolve it himself. Could it be that we ran to his father directly and told him that he was able to live until now because of Xiaobei's sacrifice of his own. Liver, is Xiaobei doing this so that Yu Luocheng won't bear the infamy of his pissed daddy and never dare to set foot in e-sports? Lin Dong said.

This...isn't appropriate, Yu Luocheng certainly doesn't want us to do this either.



When everyone was discussing this matter, they didn't know that a callused hand hovered over the doorbell outside the door.

This hand trembled, unable to press down for a long time...


Hello, Doctor Lan?

Let me ask you something... My liver, is the donor a child named Xiaobei?

Doctor Lan over there was silent for a while and sighed.

Doctors are not allowed to disclose any information about the donor, and Dr. Lan can't give a positive answer, nor can he give a negative answer.

However, as a flesh-and-blood person who sees the whole story in his eyes, Dr. Lan still opened his mouth and answered in his own way:

The other day, I saw a young man whose father was in the recovery room and had just been reborn. But he locked himself in a room, crying like a child, and the whole corridor could be heard.

This sentence, to express things could not be more obvious.

Yu actually felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

You have a good son who has cultivated blessings for several lifetimes. At the same time, he must be a very, very remarkable person. Otherwise, how could any friend be willing to make such a sacrifice for him?

Yes, you are right, I have a good son who has been blessed for several lifetimes...but I...but I only know now.

Leaning against the door, before putting down the phone, this old man over half a century old was crying.

Except for crying so much in the exam room that he missed, Yu Jing has never been like this in his life...




Sorry for the broken update a while ago.

I really want to write this plot well, because the whole book almost runs through this father-son relationship. I have also paved the way for a long, long time.

So I was bored in the room for a few days, thinking hard about how to write well, but the final result was a splitting headache and a low-grade fever. There must be a broken update below.

Faced with this plot today, I finally wrote it completely. I hope this will be the best answer between father and son.

I can clearly tell everyone that the battle for the front has indeed come to an end, and everyone must have smelled the omen of a desperate battle from the recent chapters.

This April will also be the last month of Zhengfeng...

I will make up all the 3 chapters of the sick update for everyone and possibly more updates, so as to make my last effort and struggle for Zhengfeng... At the same time, I hope that everyone will use the last enthusiasm to tell me: How much do you have? Liked the book League of Legends: Who and Fight

This chapter in the last few days of April will usher in the climax of the entire struggle. I hope to finish writing it in one go, and I hope everyone will give you all support:

monthly pass!

Recommended ticket!



Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow chapter preview: Return, who will fight for the front

I... chaotic, will never let everyone down! ! R1148

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